Diferencia entre revisiones de «Resumen:Palabras radiantes»

an enormous amount of minor tweaks, standardizing things and fixing errors. The only "new" standard I didn't apply was ordering the characters by appearance.
m (missed a couple)
(an enormous amount of minor tweaks, standardizing things and fixing errors. The only "new" standard I didn't apply was ordering the characters by appearance.)
*[[Jasnah Kholin]] (point of view)
*[[Meridas Amaram]]
*[[Shalash|Ash]] (mentioned only)
*[[Aesudan Kholin]]
*Nale's unknown companion
*[[Torol Sadeas]]
*[[Shalash|Ash]] (mentioned only)
She hurries on to the meeting, where she tells the assassin [[Liss]] that she only wants her brother's wife, [[Aesudan Kholin|Aesudan]], watched for now. Jasnah reminds Liss of their first agreement, according to which Jasnah will match payment of any offer made against a member of her family, in exchange for the name of whoever tried to have them assassinated.
As she leaves Jasnah hears the Parshendi's drums cease. As she walks she encounters Nale and an unidentified man discussing an individual named Ash as well as what Jasnah believes is a shardbladeShardblade. Continuing on, Jasnah hears screams and starts running, following a trail of destruction that leads to her father's rooms. She watches as [[Szeth]] collapses the balcony beneath himself and [[Gavilar]]. She begins to cry as he stands over her father and wonders what he is doing. When he walks away she sees that her father is dead, his blade having appeared next to him, and despairs over failing in her efforts to protect her family.
Members of the Parshendi ruling council, including [[Klade]], [[Gangnah]], and [[Varnali]], approach Jasnah and apologize. They confess to hiring Szeth to assassinate Gavilar, claiming he was about to do something very dangerous.
*[[Balat Davar]], his brothers, and his betrothed (mentioned only)
*[[Eylita]] (mentioned only)
*[[Adolin Kholin]] (mentioned only)
*[[Dalinar Kholin]] (mentioned only)
*[[Kaladin]] (point of Viewview)
*An unnamed tattooist
*[[Meridas Amaram]] (mentioned only)
*[[Dalinar Kholin]] (mentioned only)
Kaladin rides out the first [[highstorm]] since being freed in a small room attached to his mens' new barracks within Dalinar's war camp. Upon exiting the room he is greeted with cheers by his men who have been shaving their beards during the storm with Rock's razor. Kaladin contemplates the betrayals of both Sadeas and Amaram while speaking with Skar, Teft, and Moash about how to proceed training the newly freed bridgemen. There are some 1,000 men situated in 20 now empty buildings in Dalinar's camp; buildings recently emptied after the betrayal of Sadeas and the subsequent loss of soldiers. Kaladin decides they will find the most eager [[bridgemen]] and train them personally, sending them back to pass on their training to larger groups of bridgemen, all of whom have been given permission to leave as free men although the majority of them have not done so. Kaladin says his worst case scenario plan is to have all 1,000 men trained and able to leave the war camp as a cohesive band of mercenaries if it comes to that. Having been named Captain by Dalinar, the highest rank Dalinar dared appoint a darkeyes, Kaladin plans to name Sigzil, Rock, Teft, Moash, and Skar lieutenants. Rock will be quartermaster with Lopen as his second, Teft will be in charge of training, Sigzil will be the clerk, and Moash, Skar, and Kaladin will be mainly in charge of guarding Dalinar, who they have mutually agreed after some discussion, is their best hope for remaining free men.
Later, the men previously of [[Bridge Four]] visit a tattooist. The tattooist sets about covering the slave brands with tattoos of freedom, including some details of who freed them and when. First Hobber decides he wants a Bridge Four glyph added and after this decision, the rest demand the same. Not to indicate freedom from Bridge Four, but to embrace the unity they found there. Even those members of Bridge Four who were without slave brands opt to get the tattoo including Shen, most on their foreheads though Moash chooses to get it on his arm. Finally Kaladin sits for his tattoo but the ink will not take - his stormlightStormlight expelling it - even after banishing his stormlightStormlight until the tattoo is set, the ink immediately melts away when he again sucks in stormlightStormlight.
After leaving, Kaladin and his men walk through the war camp noting the general mood. Kaladin decides the camp has an air of dread to it following Sadeas' betrayal. The men receive Bridge Four salutes from a few people they pass, Kaladin wondering where they even learned the salute. The men visit the head quartermaster, Rind, to discuss uniforms for the bridgemen. Rind hands out what's left of the old [[Cobalt Guard]] uniforms and the men try them on, eventually coming to admire how they look in them. After some discussion with Kaladin, explaining to him that they all identify as Bridge Four despite being free, Kaladin requests that Rind commission new Bridge Four glyph patches for the uniforms.
*[[Navani Kholin]]
*An unnamed [[Knight Radiant]]
*[[Caeb]] (mentioned only)
*[[Elhokar Kholin]] (mentioned only)
*An unnamed member of the [[King's Guard]]
*[[Aladar]] (mentioned only)
*[[Meridas Amaram]] (mentioned only)
;Plot summary
:''Tanatakan 1173''
Kaladin and the members of [[Bridge Four]] listen to a crier read Dalinar's proclamation. The proclamation states that all [[Gemheart|gemhearts]] won in battle will now belong to the king, and shares of that wealth will be apportioned at the Crown's discretion. The men are concerned that this will sow even more discontent among the highprinces, making their job as bodyguards to Dalinar more difficult. Kaladin orders [[Rock]] to start training cooks for the other bridgeman barracks, hoping it will make them less despondent, then heads to the [[Pinnacle]] to relieve [[Skar|Skar's]] team. On the way, [[Syl]] worries that Kaladin no longer laughs.
Once at the king's palace, Kaladin is allowed to stay for a meeting consisting of [[Dalinar]], [[Elhokar|King Elhokar]], [[Adolin]], [[Navani]], [[Renarin]], [[General Khal]], and his wife [[Teshav]]. Teshav reports that the highprinces are irate. They had hoped that Dalinar would reconsider, and sending the proclamation out to the public has provoked them. Elhokar says that it is a disaster, and fears that they'll be dead before the week is out. Dalinar says he'll unite the kingdom or destroy it trying. The proclamation was made in order to re-focus the highprinces' attention on the war, and Dalinar did this knowing that it would enrage them. He wants the highprinces angry, to remind them of why they came to the Shattered Plains in the first place. He then announces his intention to "disarm" the highprinces by having Adolin begin dueling for the [[Shardblade|Shardblades]] and [[Shardplate]] in their armies. Lastly, when prompted on his endgame, Dalinar states his intention to refound the Radiants. He isn't sure why exactly he needs to do this, but he knows he has to.
Meanwhile, Torol Sadeas sits in front of an elaborate stone table with [[Oathbringer (Shardblade)|Oathbringer]] stuck through it. He thinks about how often he had lusted after the weapon, but now possessing it feels hollow. His wife [[Ialai Sadeas|Ialai]] enters the room, and mentions that she has used Dalinar's heavy recruitment drive to place more spies in his war camp. They talk about how the other highprinces hate the proclamation, and plan to fan the flames of discontent. Torol wants conquest. He plans to let Dalinar alienate the other highprinces and fracture the kingdom, at which point he will "forge a new Alethkar from flame and tears".
*An unnamed new crew member of the [[Wind's Pleasure]]
*[[Alai]] (mentioned only)
*[[Dalinar Kholin]] (mentioned only)
*[[Shallan Davar]] (point of view)
*[[TozbekGavilar]] and his sailors (mentioned only)
*[[Tozbek]] (mentioned only)
*The unnamed new crew member
*Two companions of the new crew member
:''Tanatakach 1173''
Shallan wakes up in a panicked state, and rushes out of her cabin into the passageway. She sees three men holding torches with their backs to her, and one of them throws Jasnah's body to the deck, then stabs her through the heart. She screams, recognizing one of the men as a new sailor, and returns to her cabin, locking the door. The men break down the door, but fail to see Shallan as she manages to draw in stormlightStormlight then create an illusion of shadow to hide in, and another visible moving image for them to chase to another part of the ship. She sends Pattern to spy and he tells her the regular sailors are being killed on the main deck. She makes her way to Jasnah's cabin, surprised to not trip over her mentor's body in the dark. She finds Jasnah's chest and opens it to access her spheres, and hears as the sailors are being murdered. Shallan tells Pattern she wants to soulcast the bottom of the ship to sink it and use the confusion to help the sailors, and Pattern intercedes, giving her passage to Shadesmar. Pattern is there also, appearing like a symbol-head. He tells her to find the bead representing the Wind's Pleasure and persuades it to change and sink so that it can possibly save some of the sailors that it serves. Shallan returns to the physical plane and the sinking ship, and starts going under as she cannot find the way out, then something grabs her, dragging her down.
{{anchor|Chapter 8}}
*[[Elhokar Kholin]]
*[[Navani Kholin]]
*[[Jasnah Kholin]] (mentioned only)
*[[General Khal]] (mentioned only)
*[[Gavilar Kholin]] (mentioned only)
;Plot summary
Kaladin leads the way down into the chasms, accompanied by Rock, Teft, Sigzil, Sylphrena, and the forty bridgemen from the reorganized crews who were chosen to practice spears under Teft's guidance and become future sergeants. Kaladin and Syl stroll off, debating the laws of physics and Syl jokes about her ability to defy gravity. They discuss Dalinar's plan to refound the Knights Radiant, which Syl likes, and the mysterious countdown. Syl mentions dangerous red spren that she sees on occasion. Kaladin asks if there are other surgebindersSurgebinders and Syl says yes, and there are other spren of different types doing what she is, but that she is the only honorspren and that she defied the Stormfather to do so. Syl tells Kaladin to be what Dalinar is looking for, and he says that he will try, despite his painful past. Rock interrupts them, praising Syl and offering to build a shrine dedicated to her. Rock says that Teft moved their training to a different spot, and says the bridgemen are becoming less reticent. Kaladin agrees to allow Sigzil to do his testing now to determine the extent of Kaladin's abilities.
{{anchor|Chapter 10}}
*[[Lin Davar]]
*[[Pattern]] (mentioned only)
*[[Shallan's mother]] (mentioned only)
*Another man (mentioned only)
*[[Torol Sadeas]] (mentioned only)
Shallan awakes on a rock surrounded by ocean water, just offshore. She sees the santhid that saved her swim off toward the horizon. Pattern says that the ship sank and doesn't know if any of the sailors survived. Shallan forces herself to accept that Jasnah is dead. She manages to tread water and reach the shore. She waits on the beach for a while looking for signs of survivors but sees none. Pattern says that he found someone and urges Shallan to follow him, and leads her to Jasnah's trunk, which contains her books and notes intact in a waterproof enclosure.
Shallan is unable to build a fire, so she decides to try to soulcast one. Pattern eases her into Shadesmar, and she sees large, fuzzy-looking, bird-like spren that hover overhead, which are exhaustionspren that are drawn to her. She takes a bead that represents a piece of wood and tries to persuade it that it could be fire, but it prefers to be a [[stick]] instead. Her sphere is drained of stormlightStormlight and she flees from Shadesmar, having failed to make a fire start. She gets up and starts walking, though her feet are cut up and bleeding, and ends up encountering a group of strangers around a fire, and due to her state of exhaustion, lays down next to the fire and goes to sleep.
Shallan wakes up as someone with a Thaylen accent addresses her as Brightness, but he isn't one of the sailors as she initially thinks. She realizes that they are slavers, led by a man named [[Tvlakv]], and asserts herself as she imagines that Jasnah would, introducing herself and ordering them to retrieve Jasnah's trunk and escort her to the Shattered Plains, overcoming Tvlakv's objections by sheer force of will and gaining his reluctant compliance.
*[[Kaladin]] (point of view)
*[[Meridas Amaram]]
*[[Drehy]] (mentioned only)
*[[Dalinar Kholin]]
*[[Torol Sadeas]] (mentioned only)
*[[Drehy]] (mentioned only)
*[[Dalinar Kholin]] (mentioned only)
*[[Dalinar Kholin]] (mentioned only)
[[Eshonai]] leads the Parshendi as they return to their home plateau after successfully harvesting a gemheart that was brought back by [[Devi]], who is allowed to carry it as a reward for spotting the chrysalis. She wonders where Dalinar is, and feels a need to speak with him, but she can't join battles since her leg is still injured from when Kaladin stabbed her during the [[Battle of the Tower]]. She wanders through the ancient ruins on the plateau they named [[Narak]], or Exile, where her people came to escape their gods. She enters the [[Hall of Art]] to observe the heretofore futile efforts to rediscover a new form for making art, as an incremental step towards discovering other more useful forms, but [[Varanis]], one of her lieutenants, is unsuccessful in trying to attract creationspren to his novice attempts at painting. She contemplates the six current known forms, and laments the loss of the hundreds that their old songs mention, thinking her people may die off if they don't become more versatile.
She leaves the Hall, and encounters three mateforms who are playing idly in a pool, and berates them for being unproductive. She reflects back on how she and the rest of the Parshendi leaders conspired to assassinate Gavilar, to prevent the Parshendi gods from returning, at the cost of the slow annihilation of her people. She returns to her home, and finds her sister, [[Venli]], and tells her of the plateau run and that Dalinar was not present on the Alethi side. Eshnonai says that she wants to talk to Dalinar and sue for peace but Venli thinks that he wouldn't accept, and says that she discovered stormform. Eshonai exclaims that this could cause their gods to return, but Venli says that is a moot point since the Alethi now have surgebindersSurgebinders, though Eshonai isn't sure about this. [[Demid]], Venli's former mate, agrees that they should risk using stormform to protect their people from being wiped out. Venli says she wants to raise the issue with the Five, and Eshonai says she will consider supporting it.
*[[Ym]] (point of view)
*An unnamed boy
They talk briefly about the shoes, and that Ym finds himself needing more shoes for children lately. The spren shakes suddenly, and warns "He Comes." Anxious, Ym stands up looking for "the watcher," a man in a military coat, but finds only a child peering through the door.
Ym invites the urchin in, who's feet are dirty and scraped. The boy is [[Iriali]], with their characteristic golden skin and hair, and walks with a limp. Ym offers him a pair of shoes in exchange for his story. As the boy speaks, Ym cleans his feet to fit the shoes. One of the feet has a nasty cut on the bottom, infected and crawling with rotspren. Ym cleans it and puts on antiseptic, then subtly uses some stormlightStormlight to heal the cut. They speak of Ym's religious beliefs, and the boy leaves after receiving the shoes.
The spren whispers "He's still here," and Ym spins as he hears a rustling behind him. A [[Nale|dark-skinned man]] with a crescent scar on his cheek steps out of the shadows in the back of the shop. The man accuses Ym of commiting a murder in his youth. Ym tells the man that it wasn't intentional, but the man says he is guilty nonetheless, then summons a [[Shardblade]]. Ym runs, but he is old and quickly tires. He stops, trying to pull out a sphere for some Stormlight, but the dark-skinned man slams him against a wall and stabs him in the chest with the Shardblade.
*A Reshi healer
When they stop at midday for a meal, Shallan asks Tvlakv to set up one of the empty slave wagons as a carriage for her. Wooden sides, typically used as protection for the slaves during [[highstorm|highstorms]], are hooked onto the sides of the cage to provide her some privacy. She also gets the cage's key from Tvlakv, though he seems hesitant to give it to her.
She crawls across the newly enclosed wagon - her feet are injured and standing on them is painful enough to make [[Spren#Painspren|painspren]] appear - and opens the lid to Jasnah's trunk. Pattern, who had been instructed to stay hidden, waits inside. Shallan tells him that the notes need to reach the Shattered Plains, and that she intends to finish Jasnah's work of finding [[Urithiru]] and convincing the [[Alethi]] that the return of the [[Voidbringers]] is imminent. Pattern confirms that the threat from the Voidbringers is real and that they are the reason he was sent to her. As she continues to go through the contents of the trunk, Shallan finds a sketch she had done of Jasnah and is overcome with grief over her mentor's death, as well as the loss of the rest of her sketches. She also laments the loss of the broken [[Soulcasting#Soulcasting_by_the_use_of_a_fabrial|soulcasterSoulcaster]], which is at the bottom of the ocean, and speculates that the attackers could have been from the same group as [[Kabsal]] and [[Lin Davar|her father]] ([[Ghostbloods|The Ghostbloods]]).
{{Anchor|Chapter 14|}}
:''Tanatatah 1173''
Adolin mentally prepares for his first duel under Dalinar's plan by speaking inspirationally to his shardbladeShardblade. He leaves the preparation room and walks to a staging room, where Renarin and Navani are waiting to equip his shardplateShardplate. Navani burns a prayer glyph for safety and glory. Adolin inquires about Jasnah, and Navani replies that her daughter has likely gone missing due to a change of plans, and would reappear at a later time. Renarin verifies that Adolin finished his lucky pre-duel rituals, and Navani scoffs at their superstitions. Adolin tells Renarin that he has suspicions about Kaladin.
Adolin enters the arena to duel Salinor. A large crowd attends as this is the first formal duel at the Shattered Plains for more than a year. Adolin begins in Windstance, but thinks of his father's words and switches to Ironstance and aggressively battles his opponent into submission, winning despite protests from the highjudge BrightLady Istow that Adolin did not follow proper duel protocols. Salinor protests that Adolin cheated and Adolin threatens to choke him until he surrenders his blade, which Salinor then does, and Istow proclaims Adolin as the official victor. Renarin praises Adolin's victory, and Adolin gifts his new weapon to Renarin, who reluctantly accepts it with a frown. Navani praises Adolin for winning without putting his full ability on display in order to deceive future opponents into underestimating him and accepting duels.
:''Tanatatah 1173''
Shallan comments about Tvlakv wearing different shoes than on the first day they met, but Tvlakv lies and says he only owns one pair. Shallan asks Pattern to spy on a conversation between Tvlakv and Tag, and Pattern records and replays the chat for Shallan in secret, revealing that Tvlakv intends to protect Shallan, but also to profit from her rescue to try to escape a debt. Shallan uses this information to keep Tvlakv off-balance and to gain the upper hand in their dealings, warning the trader not to play games after Tvlakv expresses doubt over Shallan's story about her betrothal and pending wealth. As she gets up to leave, Tvlakv flinches away from her, and she notices that she is glowing faintly with stormlightStormlight and has a majestic appearance, which she hopes that Tvlakv misinterprets as a trick of the darkness and campfire light. She returns to her wagon and notices that the pain in her infected feet has lessened.
Bluth returns to the camp in a panic, putting out their campfire. Bluth tells them that he spotted a likely caravan of army deserters who may have turned to banditry nearby. They quickly pack up the wagons and travel east to try to escape notice. Bluth explains to Shallan that they probably would not be able to bribe their way past the bandits, since desertion makes them very desperate people.
*The lead ardent
*[[Meridas Amaram]] (mentioned only)
*[[Dalinar Kholin]] (mentioned only)
:''Tanatishes 1173''
Kaladin leads a bodyguard patrol, along with Moash and Drehy, through the lighteyes training ground as they scout the area while waiting for Adolin and Renarin. Kaladin converses with an ardent who explains the Alethi tradition of allowing lighteyes to train with royal shardbladesShardblades so they are ready if needed in battle.
Moash asks about Kaladin's feelings toward Amaram, and says that the two of them will get their revenge on the lighteyes who have wronged them in the past.
Syl asks Kaladin to tell her what is troubling him, and Kaladin says that Dalinar is tainted by his association with Amaram. After Syl warns Kaladin not to lie, he admits that he thinks Dalinar is honorable and has been deceived by Amaram. Syl advises Kaladin to tell Dalinar how Amaram really got his shardbladeShardblade, but Kaladin demurs, thinking that he would not be believed.
On the arrival of Renarin and Adolin, Kaladin reports to them that the area is relatively secure. Adolin confronts Kaladin over his insolence and mentions his suspicions as well, but Kaladin retorts that his place is only to protect Adolin.
Syl tells Kaladin she does not like either Adolin or Renarin, and it is implied this is because they carry shardbladesShardblades, though Syl says the blades did not used to be the abominations she now considers them to be.
Kaladin surveys the area and sees someone who appears to be suspicious and goes to investigate. Kaladin speaks with Zahel, an ex-soldier ardent, who is observing Adolin and Renarin train, and who tells Kaladin that he isn't going to harm either of the brothers. Zahel says the two Kholins need to be chosen by a master, and as he speaks, he is summoned by Adolin to join the other gathered ardents. Kaladin asks if Zahel seems odd to Syl, and she replies that all humans seem odd to her except for Rock.
*[[Shallan Davar]] (point of view)
*[[Jasnah Kholin]] (mentioned only)
*[[Jasnah Kholin]] (mentioned only)
found. She also draws some sketches of a leaf, the santhid, and Bluth in one of Jasnah's old notebooks, to try to recreate her lost sketch collection. The caravan stops, and Shallan sees smoke on the horizon, which indicates that the deserters are following them and not worried about being seen. Tvlakv says the deserters will give up the chase eventually as long as they keep moving with few stops.
To distract herself further, Shallan chats with the two parshmen but they are unforthcoming. Shallans sketches more plants, then notices a column of smoke along their current path. Tvlakv says that indicates another caravan if they are lucky. They discuss whether to go toward the new group or take a detour east while hoping the deserters run into the second group. Shallan orders Tvlakv to try to intercept the new group and he complies. As she rides along, she draws more sketches, including various sketches of women with Shallan's face. She then moves into the covered wagon to use knobweed sap on her feet and notices they have healed significantly. She asks Pattern if it healed her but it seems ignorant of how to cause or heal injuries to humans. Shallan and Pattern converse about Lightweaving and the Knights Radiant. Shallan asks how to use stormlightStormlight but Pattern doesn't know, so she figures it out on her own and breathes it in, though she is unable to make it do anything. She notices that her wounds heal noticeably however. Pattern reveals that it is a scholar and is excited to learn about humans before it is killed by Shallan, as it believes will eventually happen due to the Knights Radiant somehow killing their spren. Shallan denies that she is a Knight Radiant, but Pattern refutes this by saying that she spoke oaths and is on a possible path to joining one of the Orders.
She leaves the wagon and notices a lot of smoke ahead, and realizes that it is from burning wagons.
:''Tanatishes 1173''
Kaladin and Lopen guard Adolin and Renarin as they take instruction from Zahel. Lopen leaves to carry out some orders and Kaladin patrols the grounds and stops to observe Zahel and Renarin. Zahel tells Renarin to jump off the roof of the arena to practice being comfortable with his shardplateShardplate. Kaladin criticizes Renarin's clumsiness but Zahel dismisses this and praises Renarin's attitude. Zahel offers to train Kaladin but Kaladin declines. Zahel tests Kaladin's abilities with a blunted shardbladeShardblade to make sure he is ready to protect Adolin and Renarin. Zahel defeats Kaladin in a mock duel, though Kaladin did enough simulated damage to slow down the weapons master, and believes he would have given enough protection for Renarin to escape. Adolin makes an insulting comment which enrages Kaladin, and he attacks Adolin. Adolin smashes Kaladin with a plate enhanced punch, and Kaladin is stunned and severely injured as Zahel berates the prince for his carelessness. Kaladin surreptitiously heals himself with stormlightStormlight and tries to attack Adolin again but runs out of strength and collapses. Zahel compliments Kaladin on his tenacity and quick-thinking but says it won't be enough against shardbearers, and says he won't force Kaladin to train. Kaladin asks Syl why he lost strength suddenly and Syl observes that Kaladin was not protecting anyone when it happened.
{{Anchor|Chapter 19|}}
*[[Shallan Davar]] (point of view)
*[[Balat Davar]] (mentioned only)
*[[Helaran Davar]]
*[[Lin Davar]]
*Two unnamed[[Balat Davar]] (mentioned maidsonly)
*[[Tag]] (mentioned only)
*[[Tag]] (mentioned only)
*Two other unnamed deserters
:''Tanatishes 1173''
Shallan's caravan arrives at the source of the smoke and they find burned wagons and the aftermath of a battle with corpses and some survivors. As Shallan and Tvlakv debate whether to approach the burning wagons or flee, a woman from those wagons confronts them, and notes the deserters chasing Shallan. Shallan offers the woman her protection but she laughs and says Shallan can join her caravan to die as they now face two possible enemy groups. Shallan sends Tvlakv to the woman's caravan while she has Bluth drive her with a wagon toward the deserters to confront them. Using stormlightStormlight to weave a disguise to make her appear noble, she speaks to the deserters, asking them for help against the other bandit group and offering amnesty and a fresh start. Vathah, the leader of the deserters, scoffs at her offer but many of his followers are enticed and charge toward the battle to fight the bandits. Shallan then convinces Vathah and the rest to help out. Shallan used all her stormlightStormlight so she stays out of the fighting. Pattern compliments Shallan on her ability to use words to transform people without using soulcasting. Shallan draws a prayer glyph for hope and awaits the outcome of the battle.
{{Anchor|Chapter 21|}}
*[[Shallan Davar]] (point of view)
*[[Bluth]] (mentioned only)
*[[Bluth]] (mentioned only)
*[[Yix]] (mentioned only)
*One unnamed slave
After the storm ends, Dalinar and Navani exit the side-room and Dalinar reports that no mysterious numbers have appeared on the wall. Dalinar talks to Renarin about his visions but stops when he notices Kaladin listening. Dalinar asks Adolin about his progress in setting up more duels and Adolin says that he is only getting refusals now. Dalinar speaks of the situation with Sadeas, and of trying to convince Amaram to secede from Sadeas' princedom, and of Amaram trying to make peace between Kholin and Sadeas. Kaladin states that the shardbearers may be boycotting Adolin's requests to duel and Dalinar agrees and says they have to focus on undermining Sadeas.
Kaladin speaks to Dalinar in private about Amaram's betrayal of Kaladin and about how he actually got his shardbladeShardblade. Dalinar asks for proof of the serious accusations and Kaladin mentions witnesses present at the scene. Dalinar tells Kaladin to not speak of the incident and pledges to investigate it, and dresses down Kaladin over his insubordination.
Kaladin and Syl discuss the conversation with Dalinar, and Kaladin states that Dalinar will not do anything and he will take matters into his own hands. Syl replies that Kaladin isn't a Skybreaker and that she worries about him.
*An unnamed member of the King's Guard
*[[Natam]] (mentioned only)
*[[Torol Sadeas]] (mentioned only)
:''Tanatishes 1173''
Kaladin returns to the king's quarters to find that everyone is ok and that there is no pending danger. Kaladin and Moash go out to the balcony and find one of the railings torn loose where Elhokar had leaned on it and almost fallen to his death, barely being rescued by a guard. Kaladin finds a joint that had been cut clean through and discusses his findings privately with Dalinar. Kaladin says this was an incompetent or cowardly attempt on the king's life, and that the cut was made by a shardbladeShardblade which helps them narrow down the possible suspects. Dalinar says it must be an inside job, and puts Kaladin in charge of guarding Elhokar effective immediately. Kaladin hears Elhokar's complaints about not being protected adequately and thinks the king does not display proper composure, then decides that he should focus on guarding the king and not on judging him.
{{Anchor|Chapter 24|}}
*[[Vamah]] (mentioned only)
*[[Vamah]] (mentioned only)
Shallan listens to Gaz' and Red's stories of how they were recruited into the Alethi army and how they ended up deserting due to the lack of progress on the Vengeance Pact because of the greed of the Highprinces and because of their service oaths binding them to virtual slavery. Vathah derides Gaz for being overly solicitous of Shallan, but Shallan defends Gaz and argues that the deserters have redeemed themselves and insults Vathah to the point that he leaves. Shallan asks about Gaz' debt but he refuses to discuss it and leaves.
Shallan studies Jasnah's notes about the Shattered Plains and Urithiru. Shallan complains to Pattern about how the historians weren't as factual and objective as she would like but Pattern says that truth is subjective. Shallan and Pattern discuss spren and voidbringersVoidbringers, which disturbs Pattern, and Pattern describes what spren are, mentioning three shards: Honor, Cultivation and Odium, speaking in a high-pitched tone when mentioning the latter name.
One of Shallan's slaves delivers a summons to visit Tyn, and the two get together to eat dinner. Tyn asks about Shallan's identity and says that she has sent inquiries about Shallan Davar and deduced that her story is so improbable that Shallan is really a con artist and impersonator trying to pull off a scam. Tyn offers to help Shallan with her con and Shallan plays along, implying that she has dangerous secrets about Dalinar.
:''Tanatishah 1173''
Dalinar orders Kaladin and Bridge Four to learn how to ride horses so they can travel more quickly around the camp. Moash advises against trusting Dalinar but agrees eagerly to learn to ride for the battlefield advantage that horses give. Jenet, the stablemaster, is displeased but lectures Bridge Four on horsemanship. Adolin appears but is chased off as Jenet tries to hit him with some rocks. After the lecture, Kaladin and the others practice riding the horses, which is difficult for Kaladin at first though he gains a small amount of proficiency. Kaladin questions one of the bridgemen, Natam, about the night that Elhokar almost fell off the balcony. Kaladin realizes the sabotage must have happened after the highstorm. Adolin taunts Kaladin into abandoning his training horse to ride an untamed horse, though Kaladin gives a different reason to Syl, saying it is to get over his fear. Kaladin mounts the new horse, Dreamstorm, using stormlightStormlight to adhere himself to the saddle. The horse tires itself out trying to buck Kaladin from the saddle, and eventually succeeds when the stormlightStormlight runs out. Dalinar orders Kaladin to start patrolingpatrolling outside the camps using the horses. Kaladin further questions Natam who says that he saw Moash go onto the balcony after the storm but Kaladin dismisses him as a suspect. Kaladin seethes with anger as he sees Dalinar have a friendly chat with Amaram.
{{Anchor|Chapter 26|}}
*[[Adolin Kholin]] (point of view)
*[[Inkima]] (mentioned only)
*[[Dalinar Kholin]] (mentioned only)
*[[Renarin Kholin]]
*[[Teft]] (Probably)
*[[Dalinar Kholin]] (mentioned only)
*[[Inkima]] (mentioned only)
Adolin and Jakamav lead an Alethi charge against the Parshendi to capture a gemheart on a pyramid shaped plateau. Jakamav mentions that Adolin isn't supposed to be there and observes that Dalinar is trying to increase cooperation between the highprinces. Adolin and Jakamav reach the crysalischrysalis but they are too late as Eshonai already retrieved the gemheart and gave it to other parshendi who escaped with it. Eshonai tells Adolin that she wants to parlay with Dalinar. Adolin agrees to tell Dalinar and Eshonai says that a messenger will be sent.
Adolin checks on Renarin and finds out from a guard that Renarin intended to join battle at one of the bridges but had one of his fits after he summoned his shardbladeShardblade.
Jakamav comments that Adolin will eventually lose a duel but Adolin complains that he is having difficulty getting anyone to accept a duel. Jakamav reveals that Sadeas has been bribing people to refuse duels but says that Adolin should try challenging Eranniv. Adolin asks to talk about his relationship problems at a winehouse that evening but Jakamav declines, stating that it is not popular to be seen around Adolin due to Dalinar's proclamations.
contemplating how it grows less sweet as he dwells on the pointlessness of the fights for gemhearts and the lack of progress toward his ultimate goals of conquest. Amaram tells Sadeas that his ploy of carelessness in going on the raid out of turn failed since the correct armies showed up before he left with the gemheart, but Sadeas replies that he doesn't care. Amaram expresses disapproval of Sadeas and says he wants peace with Elhokar and Dalinar, but Sadeas says that he knows how ruthless Amaram really is. Amaram acknowledges this, but says that there is a bigger picture to be concerned with. Amaram asks if Sadeas ever worries about the costs of war, and Sadeas replies that a realistic viewpoint is necessary to achieve anything in life. Hatham confronts Sadeas, who concedes the gemheart and proclaims that he was bored, and then leaves to return to the warcamp.
Sadeas sits at the dueling arena, contemplating that his fashionable clothes are very uncomfortable and wishing that he could wear a simple uniform like Dalinar's if that didn't send the wrong message. Sadeas thinks about aging and desire to achieve a form of immortality through conquest. Ialai shows up and praises Sadeas' stratagem of giving away the gemheart to undermine Dalinar's accusations of greed. Sadeas says he is not pleased that Eranniv accepted the duel despite his efforts to block Adolin from having any dueling opponents, and that he wants Dalinar's plan to fail so that he can rebuild their kingdom to his own specifications. As Adolin duels with Eranniv, Ialai described the failed assassination attempt on Elhokar, and they debate the ramifications of it, as Sadeas ponders that Elhokar must die and Dalinar must be dealt with so that he can wipe the slate clean. Sadeas and Ialai decide to expose Dalinar as a hypocrite since he didn't involve Sadeas in the assassination investigation which would be only proper as Sadeas is the Highprince of Information. Sadeas says he will renounce his post in protest when it will cause the most harm to Dalinar's strategy. Sadeas realizes that Adolin is toying with his opponent and that he is very skilled and clever to win while appearing to be losing. Sadeas tells Ialai to stop from interfering with Adolin's dueling aspirations to try to take advantage of Adolin's hotheadedness, and to invite Ruthar on his next gemhunthunt.
{{Anchor|Chapter 30|}}
When Voidbringers entered our songs.
We broughbrought them home to stay
And then those homes became their own,
*[[Shallan Davar]] (point of view)
*[[Glurv]] (mentioned only)
*[[Adolin Kholin]] (mentinoned only)
*[[Adolin Kholin]] (mentinoned only)
*[[Glurv]] (mentioned only)
*An unnamed caravan worker
*[[Abrial]] (mentioned only)
*[[Evinor]] (mentioned only)
:''Ishanah 1173''
Kaladin, along with forty bridgemen from Bridge Seventeen, returns to Bridge Four's barracks for evening stew. Pitt, one of those bridgemen, apologizes to Kaladin for being glad when Bridge Four went on gemhuntshunts instead of Seventeen, and says he will do his best to motivate his crew. Rock chases off a man trying to draw sketches of the bridgemen. Kaladin eats his dinner quickly in anticipation of going to protect Dalinar during the upcoming highstorm.
Tyn watches Shallan practice sleight-of-hand tricks and inquires about her practice with accents and lectures her on how she needs to overcome her prudishness. Their caravan reaches the outskirts of the war camps and they decide to stop for the day. Tyn tells Shallan the Veden king is dead, along with six highprinces, all killed by Szeth, and that she expected to learn more via spanreed later that evening. Macob agrees with the decision to stop the caravan due to the upcoming highstorm that night.
*The [[Stormfather]]
Pattern whimpers during the highstorm and ignores Shallan as the highstorm passes over.
Syl tells Kaladin something is wrong and that the One who Hates is coming, and that something bad is going to happen. Heeding Syl's warning, he goes into Dalinar's and Navani's small room to tell them they need to take the king and leave the palace and head into the warcamp. Kaladin explains that his instincts sense danger and Dalinar agrees to trust his senses and leave the palace despite Elhokar's dissent. Kaladin sends Beld and Hobber to scout their way out and leaves Moash and Ralinor to guard their rear while Mart and Eth stay with the king. As they flee through the palace, they find a dark hallway where the spheres were drained of light and a hole cut into the palace through the rock wall. Szeth appears, stormlightStormlight leaking from his body.
Dalinar orders Renarin to take the king and flee. Dalinar, Adolin and Kaladin stay to fight Szeth, Dalinar and Kaladin armed with spears and Adolin with his shardbladeShardblade. The three rush Szeth but he eludes them using a lashingLashing, then binds Adolin to the ceiling. Kaladin and Dalinar both stab Szeth with their spears, but he chops the weapons in half with his blade and smacks down Dalinar as he heals using stormlightStormlight. Adolin falls to the ground when the lashingLashing runs out, and he stays down. Kaladin uses his spear like a quarterstaff and with Syl flying around him attacks Szeth, hitting him a few times and forcing him to draw in more stormlightStormlight. Szeth is able to dodge a strike and stab Kaladin through his arm with the shardbladeShardblade, causing it to go numb and lifeless, and Kaladin then is kicked into a wall, and slumps in frustration as Szeth goes to chase down his prey.
Syl tells Kaladin that Szeth is not a radiant but something worse and pleads for Kaladin to get up. Dalinar confronts Szeth and says he won't let the king die but Szeth says he is there to kill Dalinar instead. Dalinar catches the shardbladeShardblade as Szeth swings it at him for a killing blow, and Kaladin arrives and knocks both himself and Szeth through the hole in the wall into open air.
{{Anchor|Chapter 33|}}
:''Ishanah 1173''
As Szeth and Kaladin plunge toward the ground, Szeth starts glowing more brightly and Kaladin uses Szeth's gemstones to draw in some stormlightStormlight before he loses his grip on the assassin. Kaladin lands hard but the stormlightStormlight quickly heals him, though his right arm is still grey and lifeless although he has some slight sense of feeling in his arm. Szeth is shocked at Kaladin's survival and thinks that he accidentally lashed Kaladin to slow his fall. As Szeth pauses in confusion, Kaladin uses his stormlightStormlight to bring his right arm back to life, and Szeth cries out in surprise. Szeth jumps back in shock and asks what Kaladin is and Kaladin replies that he is a windrunner, the same as Szeth. But Szeth denies this, angrily shouting that he was named Truthless, and asks if the Radiants are all back. Kaladin says yes and Szeth flees. Kaladin collapses in exhaustion.
Kaladin wakes up with Syl hovering nearby and expresses surprise at his ability to heal the shardbladeShardblade wound, which Syl did not expect either. Syl tells him there are dead at the battle scene and goes with Kaladin back inside the palace. Kaladin tracks down the king's entourage. Dalinar is shocked at Kaladin's survival and Kaladin says that he held onto Szeth as they fell and somehow lived due to Szeth's abilities, which the others believe. Kaladin wants to tell Dalinar about his abilities but not Adolin or Elhokar so he says nothing. Kaladin says that Szeth escaped and that he saw a light in the darkness which earns a glance from Syl though it wasn't a complete lie. Elhokar says that Szeth came for him and no one corrects him on his mistake. Kaladin leaves to do something and tells the others to stay there.
Adolin ponders the strangeness of Kaladin apparently healing from a shardbladeShardblade wound and surviving a great fall but dismisses his suspicions as paranoia. Elhokar goes to get more wine and they find a series of glyphs carved into the wood and Renarin says that in thirty-eight days, it will be the end of all nations.
Kaladin finds Beld's corpse and laments that he failed the bridgeman, but Syl says that he died protecting and that was Beld's choice. Kaladin asks about how skilled the assassin was and if Kaladin has more words to speak, but Syl says that though there are more words, he is not ready yet to speak them. Kaladin asks how the assassin could have found a spren to bond and yet still slaughter without honor and compares that to his killing of Parshendi, and Syl says the two situations are totally different since Kaladin is protecting, and that Szeth's shardbladeShardblade is somehow different and that he uses the wrong amount of stormlightStormlight.
Kaladin finds Hobber still alive, but with both legs disabled, and says he will stay with Bridge Four as a cook, and brings him back to get medical attention.
*[[Shallan Davar]] (point of view)
*[[Dalinar Kholin]] (mentioned only)
*[[Jasnah Kholin]] (mentioned only)
*[[Red (Roshar)|Red]]
*[[Torol Sadeas]] (mentioned only)
*[[Valam]] (mentioned only)
*[[Dalinar Kholin]] (mentioned only)
*[[Jasnah Kholin]] (mentioned only)
*[[Torol Sadeas]] (mentioned only)
*[[Valam]] (mentioned only)
Shallan reads a dispatch on Tyn's spanreed about the political situation in Jah Keved and dwells on the consequences for her family if there is a succession war. Tyn asks if Shallan personally knows any of the important players for the Veden throne but Shallan says she wasn't important enough. Tyn says they might want to go to Jah Keved to take advantage of the chaos once they are done in the Shattered Plains. The spanreed report continues with information about the deserters and reward bounties from their former leader, Sadeas. Shallan is angered that Tyn wants to turn them in and says that she promised them amnesty but Tyn scoffs at this and says that a con artist can't afford to believe their own lies and that Shallan has no chance to get Sadeas to forgive the deserters. Shallan is upset at this and worries that she will soon get caught up between the truth and Tyn's misguided notions over who Shallan really is. Tyn continues reading the spanreed and gleefully announces that there is good news and Shallan reads the printout about Jasnah being dead and the Wind's Pleasure being lost with all hands. Tyn confirms that this was her job to the south.
The spanreed also mentions about Jasnah taking a new ward, a girl named Shallan. Tyn reacts immediately, slamming Shallan to the ground and asking if Jasnah somehow survived. Shallan says no. Pattern distracts Tyn briefly but it is not enough for Shallan to break free. Tyn draws her sword to kill Shallan, but Shallan uses stormlightStormlight to create an illusion to distract Tyn long enough for her to summon her shardbladeShardblade and kill her.
Vathah, Gaz and the other deserters appear at the tent, saying they heard a voice telling them to help Shallan, then heard Shallan's screams and fought their way through Tyn's soldiers to help Shallan. Vathah sees the shardbladeShardblade and says that Shallan could have killed all the bandits on her own. Shallan tells them the voice they heard was her spren, Tyn was an assassin, and they are to search Tyn's tent for any documents for Shallan to read. Shallan watches as the spanreed continues to write that Tyn's employers, who happen to be the Ghostbloods, want to hire her for another job and inquires if she would like to have a meeting arranged in the warcamps. Shallan realizes that the city the Ghostbloods are investigating is Urithiru, and replies yes.
*[[Eshonai]] (point of view)
*The [[Stormfather]]
;Plot summary
Bordin speaks to Elhokar and Dalinar of his journey with Wit to transport a seeming madman to the Shattered Plains, as the madman listens on and thinks of various torments that he has undergone. The madman identifies himself as Talenel'Elin, Herald of War, and speaks of the desolations wiping out past knowledge and of the other Heralds helping to prepare the world for the Time of the Return and Desolation, though his audience can barely understand him since he is speaking inaudibly with a northern Alethi accent. Bordin says the madman just dropped his shardbladeShardblade and that his eyes were always dark. Bordin suggests sending the madman to the ardents to take care of him. The madman comments that the coming days will be difficult but humanity will survive, and that he must be brought to their leaders. Dalinar says he has a use for the shardbladeShardblade and needs Bordin's assistance as well. The madman comments that he thinks he is late this time and asks himself how long had it been.
{{Anchor|Interlude 8}}
{{Anchor|Interlude I-8}}
*[[Eshonai]] (point of view)
*[[Stormfather]] (mentioned only)
*The [[Stormfather]] (mentioned only)
*[[Adolin]] (point of Viewview)
*[[Navani]] (point of Viewview)
*[[Dalinar]] (mentioned only)
*[[Elhokar]] (mentioned only)
*[[Jasnah]] (mentioned only)
*[[Kaladin]] (mentioned only)
*[[Szeth]] (mentioned only)
*[[Zahel]] (mentioned only)
:''Ishaches 1173''
Adolin paces about on a plateau, wearing his shardplateShardplate, dwelling on the assassination attempt the prior evening. Adolin tries to practice throwing his shardbladeShardblade but loses focus often since he did not get any sleep because he was guarding his fathersfather's quarters throughout the night. Adolin thinks that his three bridgemen guards are useless, but reflects that Kaladin was unusually effective in protecting Dalinar, though he is also very unlikable and strange. Adolin succeeds in throwing his shardbladeShardblade, and returns to the warcamp with his bodyguards, and notices a procession of soulcastersSoulcasters that usually aren't seen during daytime. Adolin converses with the main ardent soulcasterSoulcaster Kadash and learns that their services are in high demand and that they have to increase their training and work shifts. Adolin watches as a group of soulcastersSoulcasters working behind a silk screen for concealment use their fabrials in concert to create a stone windbreak. Adolin questions Kadash about the old Radiants and Kadash answers noncomittally at first until Adolin expresses that he needs information urgently due to the fact that the assassin had Radiant-like abilities and Kadash then agrees to do research for Adolin.
Navani stands on an observation platform in the engineering grounds and supervises an experiment to use a fabrial to cause a platform to be raised into the air. After extensive preparations and careful implementation, their attempt to cause a round wooden parapet to float in the air without support succeeds. Adolin joins Navani and they talk in private, with Navani explaining in technical terms how she arranged fabrials in tandem to act like levers to produce the desired results. Adolin realizes the military application for this, but Navani says there are more practical applications than raising archers in a battlefield. Adolin confronts Navani over her relationship with Dalinar and the awkward position that his father is in regarding violating social customs that he lectures other highprinces about following, but she scoffs at those traditions, and tells Adolin that he is free of his betrothal for the time being due to Jasnah's disappearance. Adolin and Navani leave for a meeting with Dalinar and Elhokar.
{{epigraph|And when they were spoken of by the common folk, the Releasers claimed to be misjudged because of the dreadful nature of their power; and when they dealt with others, always were they firm in their claim that other epithets, notably "Dustbringers," often heard in the common speech, were unacceptable substitutions, in particular for their similarity to the word "Voidbringers." They did also exercise anger in great prejudice regarding it, though to many who speak, there was little difference between these two assemblies.}}
;Plot Summary
:''Ishaches 1173''
*[[Shallan]] (point of Viewview)
*[[Adolin]] (mentioned Only)
*[[Aladar]] (mentioned Only)
*[[Dalinar]] (mentioned Only)
*[[Elhokar]] (mentioned Only)
*[[Helaran]] (mentioned Only)
*[[Jasnah]] (mentioned Only)
*[[Kabsal]] (mentioned Only)
*[[Navani]] (mentioned Only)
*[[Ruthar]] (Mentioned Only)
*[[Thanadal]] (Mentioned Only)
*[[Tyn]] (Mentioned Only)
;Plot Summary
:''Ishaches 1173''
Pattern opens a lock on one of Tyn's trunks for Shallan and she examines the contents, finding clothing and spheres among other useful items.
[[File:Adolin Chapters.svg|165px|center]]
{{epigraph|Now, as each order was thus matched to the nature and temperament of the Herald it named patron, there was none more archetypal of this than the Stonewards, who followed after Talenelat'Elin, Stonesinew, Herald of War: they thought it a point of virtue to exemplify resolve, strength, and dependability. Alas, they took less care for imprudent practice of their stubbornness, even in the face of proven error.}}
;Plot Summary
:''Ishaches 1173''
*[[Adolin]] (point of Viewview)
*[[Abrobadar]] (mentioned only)
*[[Elit Ruthar]]
*[[Relis Ruthar]]
*[[Torol Sadeas]]
*[[Talenel]] (mentioned only)
*[[Abrobadar]] (mentioned only)
*[[Epinar]] (mentioned only)
*[[Eranniv]] (mentioned only)
*[[Jakamav]] (mentioned only)
*[[Khal]] (mentioned only)
*[[Nalan]] (mentioned only)
*[[Perethom]] (mentioned only)
*[[Relis Ruthar]]
*[[Resi]] (mentioned only)
*[[Ruthar]] (mentioned only)
*[[Torol Sadeas]]
*[[Szeth]] (mentioned only)
;Plot Summary
:''Ishaches 1173''
During a break two hours after the meeting started, Adolin ponders on the lack of consensus on how to deal with the threat that Szeth poses to the kingdom and how dangerous he is even with the number of shardbearers that are available to protect Elhokar and Dalinar, based on the reports of Szeth's other attacks. Adolin drinks some wine and taunts Relis over his boasts about wanting to duel Szeth to try to bait him into a duel. Adolin then directly challenges Relis but Relis says that Adolin has to rise in the rankings according to protocol before he can fight him. Relis declines despite Adolin offering to wager five shards against one, but Elit accepts a duel for the same proceeds. Relis is upset that Elit accepted the duel and tries to taunt Adolin to a violent comeback and possible voiding of the duel agreement but Adolin restrains himself. Sadeas taunts Adolin more effectively, causing Adolin to come near to punching him before he is restrained by Amaram who counsels him to ignore Sadeas. Adolin tells Amaram to abandon Sadeas for Dalinar but he refuses and says that he is able to keep the kingdom from falling apart further by bridging the gap between Sadeas and Dalinar. Adolin's mind wanders as Amaram speaks about how Sadeas' and Dalinar's goals are the same despite the different means they use, and he sees Shallan and is drawn to her immediately. Amaram comments on his flightiness and need to settle down and comments that the girl is probably from Jah Keved, and Adolin realizes who she is and goes over to meet her, as she speaks with Dalinar and Navani about Jasnah being lost at sea.
*[[Shallan]] (point of Viewview)
*[[Ialai Sadeas]]
*[[Jayla Ruthar]]
*[[Jasnah]] (mentioned only)
*[[Lin Davar]] (mentioned only)
*[[Tyn]] (mentioned only)
*[[Avena]] (mentioned only)
*[[Jasnah]] (mentioned only)
*[[Lin Davar]] (mentioned only)
*[[Tyn]] (mentioned only)
*[[Szeth]] (mentioned only)
;Plot Summary
:''Ishaches 1173''
Shallan offers her condolences on Jasnah's loss to Dalinar and Navani, reflecting on her own grief but using her sketch to project strength and suppress her emotions, and Dalinar thanks her. Shallan mentions that she also brought some of Jasnah's belongings and has information on Jasnah's research, which Navani scoffs at. Shallan notices Adolin looking at her and feels some attraction toward him. Shallan gives a detailed account of the attack on the Wind's Pleasure at Navani's demand, and Navani berates Shallan for saying she set the ship on fire despite Jasnah's apparently already fatal wound but Dalinar defends Shallan's action and Navani apologizes and leaves. Shallan tells Dalinar an abbreviated version of her journey via caravan from the Frostlands to the warcamps and about being rescued by deserters to whom she pledged clemency in reward for their service, and Dalinar promises pardons from the king for them. Shallan then brings up the betrothal and Adolin joins them, smiling. Shallan and Adolin flirt awkwardly and Adolin offers to maintain the betrothal, but Dalinar asks Adolin to get some wine so he can talk privately with Shallan. Dalinar inquires about Shallan's family and her interest in Adolin, and she explains the situation as Jasnah described it to her. Dalinar allows the betrothal to stand temporarily based on Jasnah's implied endorsement of Shallan pending further developments, and offers her a position as a clerk. Their discussion is abruptly interrupted by Highprince Sebarial who gets Dalinar to return to the conference table to resume the meeting.
Shallan mentally notes the attendees of the meeting, realizing that there are three primary factions with Elhokar and Dalinar opposing Sadeas, Ruthar and Aladar, and Hatham leading a group of mediators, and Sebarial as an outsider excluded from the factions. Shallan dissects the meaning behind the arguments until she is drawn into the discussion. Shallan says that she has little knowledge about the events in Jah Keved since she wasn't there at the time of the assassination and that she is there as Jasnah's ward and has personal business, and Aladar realizes she is Adolin's betrothed. Several highprinces want to get her own testimony about events in her home country but she doesn't want to be used, so she lies and says that she took a job to work for her supposed distant relative Sebarial and he plays along with her ploy. Shallan speaks privately with Sebarial, saying that their arrangement will be mutually beneficial. Dalinar disrupts the discussion and says that the war is failing and that they will change their strategy to either make peace with the Parshendi or march in full force and wipe them out. Hatham expresses disdain and Sadeas insults Dalinar, which upsets and provokes Adolin momentarily. Dalinar mentions the Parshendi envoy who offered an olive branch right before the assassination attempt and wonders at the coincidence and if the Parshendi are still controlling Szeth as they claimed to have when Gavilar was killed. Dalinar outlines his plans to scout the plains and outfit a major expedition to the center of the plains and choose and train new shardbearersShardbearers to use the armor and weapons that he thinks Adolin will win through duels, then brings the meeting to a close.
Sebarial leaves and Shallan says she will meet him, and goes to speak to Elhokar personally about his sister. She then brings a writ of pardon to Vathah, which amazes him, and tells him that they all have a place to stay.
*[[Shallan]] (point of Viewview)
*[[Adolin]] (mentioned only)
*[[Dalinar]] (mentioned only)
*[[Jasnah]] (mentioned only)
*[[Navani]] (mentioned only)
*[[Ruthar]] (mentioned only)
;Plot Summary
:''Ishaches 1173''
Sebarial and Shallan return to his warcamp after the meeting. Sebarial explains that he profits from manufacturing and farming and selling his goods to the other highprinces, greatly offsetting his fines for not participating in gemhunts. They arrive at Sebarial's manor and Shallan is introduced to Palona, his mistress. Palona helps Shallan settle into her living quarters.
Sebarial and Shallan return to his warcamp after the meeting. Sebarial explains that he profits from manufacturing and farming and selling his goods to the other highprinces, greatly offsetting his fines for not participating in hunts. They arrive at Sebarial's manor and Shallan is introduced to Palona, his mistress. Palona helps Shallan settle into her living quarters.
{{anchor|Chapter 41}}
*[[Kaladin]] (point of Viewview)
*[[Adolin]] (mentioned only)
*[[Amaram]] (mentioned only)
*[[Dalinar]] (mentioned only)
*[[Elhokar]] (mentioned only)
*[[Gavilar]] (mentioned only)
*[[Gaz]] (mentioned only)
*[[Hoid]] (mentioned only)
*King of Herdaz (mentioned only)
*[[Nightwatcher]] (mentioned only)
*[[Roshone]] (mentioned only)
*[[Torol Sadeas]] (mentioned only)
*[[Szeth]] (mentioned only)
*[[Adolin]] (mentioned only)
*[[Amaram]] (mentioned only)
*[[Dalinar]] (mentioned only)
*[[Elhokar]] (mentioned only)
*[[Gavilar]] (mentioned only)
*[[Gaz]] (mentioned only)
*[[Hoid]] (mentioned only)
*The [[Nightwatcher]] (mentioned only)
*[[Roshone]] (mentioned only)
*[[Torol Sadeas]] (mentioned only)
*[[Szeth]] (mentioned only)
*[[Tien]] (mentioned only)
prepared to battle Szeth but neither is able to give any information. Sigzil, Rock and Lopen discuss the attempt to make Elhokar fall off his balcony but Kaladin ignores them and suddenly has an insight and a vision of another world that allows him to walk on the wall of the chasm.
Kaladin tells Syl that he protects Dalinar so that he can know if Dalinar lives up this reputation as being honorable, and Syl says that honor lives in people and spren like her. Kaladin says that if he trusts Dalinar that he will share the knowledge of his abilities with him. Kaladin says that he will kill Amaram for his betrayal. Kaladin falls from the chasm wall and lands in the chasm with stormlightStormlight aided strength. Kaladin explains his theory about the shardbearer slicing the balcony after the highstorm. Kaladin notices gouges from where a chasmfiend passed and is concerned that it will be dangerous to train here.
Kaladin and the others return to their barracks and find a tense dinner gathering. Renarin asks to join bridge four to become a warrior like Dalinar and Adolin and to be glorified in the Tranquiline Halls. Renarin eventually persuades Kaladin to allow him to provisionally join bridge four as a new recruit, and shows a good attitude even when given menial tasks to do. Moash expresses doubt but Kaladin says that Renarin is different from most lighteyes and could fit in with them. Kaladin ponders how to confront Moash over suspicion of him helping to assassinate Elhokar. Moash advises Kaladin to try to get a duel against Amaram to deliver his own justice. Moash and a few bridgemen leave to go drinking and invite Kaladin but he declines and stays to eat dinner.
*[[Shallan]] (point of Viewview)
*[[Ishar]] (mentioned only)
*[[Bluth]] (mentioned only)
*[[Jasnah]] (mentioned only)
*[[Palona]] (mentioned only)
*[[Sebarial]] (mentioned only)
*[[Si]] (mentioned only)
*[[Shallan]] (point of Viewview)
*[[Nalan]] (mentioned only)
*[[Adolin]] (mentioned only)
*[[Amaram]] (mentioned only
*[[Hoid]] (mentioned only)
*[[Jasnah]] (mentioned only)
*[[Kabsal]] (mmentionedmentioned only)
*[[Luesh]] (mentioned only)
*[[Torol Sadeas]] (mentioned only)
*[[Sebarial]] (mentioned only)
Shallan walks to the meeting using her map as a guide. Shallan tells Pattern to follow her and try to see if anyone tries to trail her and Pattern reports that no one is tailing her. She reaches the destination which is a tenement building and is admitted by a Horneater guard. The guard points her to a staircase leading down and she finds another room with a trapdoor and takes a ladder down further and ends up in a carpeted trophy room with several people. One of the people reminds her of Hoid. The man points a blow gun past her and shoots a dart at a target behind her. The man questions Tyn's story and Shallan revises it, saying that Tyn wants to work through an intermediary for now. The man praises Shallan's boldness and tries to bribe Shallan into revealing where Tyn is hiding, but Shallan declines, and calls his bluff of torturing her successfully. The man says he revised his plan to kill Shallan and track down Tyn, and that he is satisfied at Tyn's partial success but unhappy that Tyn didn't show up in person. Five other people including a masked woman are present. Shallan takes a moment to examine the shelves of mementos. The man, who identifies himself as Mraize, says his next target is Amaram. Mraize says that Tyn is to learn Amaram's secrets from his manor and bring information the following week. Shallan aka Veil accepts the assignment and doesn't haggle over the payment and is dismissed.
After Shallan leaves the building, Pattern warns her that the masked woman is tailing her. She draws a sketch and creates an illusionary wall to hide from her pursuer. Shallan's disguise vanishes as her stormlightStormlight runs out and she ditches her coat and hat and returns to the manor, feeling excited over her adventure. Shallan makes plans to investigate Amaram and interact with Adolin.
*[[Kaladin]] (point of Viewview)
*[[Madasa]] (mentioned only)
*[[Amaram]] (mentioned only)
*[[Dalinar]] (mentioned only)
*[[Gavilar]] (mentioned only)
*[[Helaran]] (mentioned only)
*[[Lanacin]] (mentioned only)
*[[Lirin]] (mentioned only)
*[[Mart]] (mentioned only)
*Moash's grandparents (mentioned only)
*[[Nale]] (mentioned only)
*[[Raninor]] (mentioned only)
*[[Roshone]] (mentioned only)
*[[Torol Sadeas]] (entionedmentioned only)
*[[Sebarial]] (mentioned only)'
*[[Szeth]] (mentioned only)
;Plot Summary
Kaladin arrives at the lighteyes training grounds and asks Zahel to train him and Moash, Teft and Yake. Zahel plays a game where he throws rocks into a circle and tells Kaladin to do laps around the grounds, but then tells him to stay as it was only a test. Zahel gives instruction to Renarin, then brings one of the king's shardbladesShardblades for the bridgemen to practice with. Zahel tells them he got permission from Dalinar and Elhokar for them to learn sword stances to better counter Szeth's attacks. Zahel says there is nothing holy about the sword and that he is not a very good ardent. Moash, Teft and Yake practice with the shardbladeShardblade but Kaladin declines since he has bad memories of friends being killed by them. Kaladin tells Zahel to swing the blade at him without a guard so that he can have practice facing one. Syl thanks Kaladin for not using the blade. As Kaladin is dodging Zahel's swings, he meets Adolin who gives him a nod of respect. Ivis takes Zahel's place and trains the bridgemen on the ten Shardblade stances. After the practice, Kaladin gets some water and glances around the training grounds, and spots Shallan. Yake says she is good looking but Kaladin retorts that she is lighteyed. Teft says they should keep an eye on Shallan as a possible assassin and Kaladin agrees. Kaladin goes to talk to Shallan and Adolin joins him, saying she is probably there to ogle him and that she can't stay as it would set a bad precedent. Shallan goes to speak to Nall and doesn't even notice Adolin. Shallan asks permission to sketch the Shardplate and Shardblades for the royal record and receives it from Nall. Adolin says he thinks Shallan is there to watch him, but Shallan says that Adolin is egotistic for thinking that, and she tells Kaladin she returned his boots slightly modified, and that she still wants to take a walk with Adolin. Shallan abruptly leaves them to watch Renarin and Zahel, and Adolin grins and says that Shallan is insufferable for ignoring him and he then walks away. Kaladin rejoins Moash and the others but watches Adolin, Renarin and Shallan. Moash says that Elhokar had his family executed and explains how it happened and that another lighteyes was also involved. Kaladin asks if Moash cut the balcony railing and Moash says they can't speak there since it is too open. Moash doesn't deny it and Kaladin grows agitated and threatens to turn Moash in but is convinced not to as long as Moash stops trying to kill the king. Moash says others are involved and asks Kaladin to meet them and he agrees to. Syl says they should go to Dalinar and that she senses danger but Kaladin says that he wants to find out more first.
Kaladin practices with the Shardblade and ignores laughter and frowns from some lighteyes, thinking he was actually worthy for defeating that shardbearer, and on how Alethi society is hypocritical on its treatment of darkeyes. Kaladin asks Syl for advice on who is right to kill and who isn't and Syl says it depends if he is killing to protect or not. Kaladin asks to learn the lastclap maneuver from Zahel but he says it won't be useful to learn, and the swordmaster is happy that Kaladin accepts his explanation.
*[[Kaladin]] (point of view)
*[[Adolin]] (mentioned only)
*[[Bethab]] (mentioned only)
*[[Dalinar]] (mentioned only)
*[[Elhokar]] (mentioned only)
*[[Elhokar]]'s son (mentioned only)
*[[Leyten]] (mentioned only)
*[[Natam]] (mentioned only)
*[[Ruthar]] (mentioned only)
*[[Torol Sadeas]] (mentioned only)
*[[Simol]] (mentioned only)
*[[Adolin]] (mentioned only)
*[[Bethab]] (mentioned only)
*[[Dalinar]] (mentioned only)
*[[Elhokar]] (mentioned only)
*[[Gavinor|Elhokar's son]] (mentioned only)
*[[Leyten]] (mentioned only)
*[[Natam]] (mentioned only)
*[[Ruthar]] (mentioned only)
*[[Torol Sadeas]] (mentioned only)
*[[Teft]] (mentioned only)
*[[Teft]]'s wife (mentioned only)
*[[Vet (bridgeman)|Vet]]
*[[Wit]] (mentioned only)
:''Ishachah 1173''
Kaladin reviews bridge seventeen and tells Pitt how impressed he is, which is a lie but spoken to motivate. He then checks on bridge eighteen where there are problems with cohesion. Kaladin gives them a motivational speech and decides to split them up if their morale doesn't improve. As Kaladin goes to check on bridge nineteen, Sylphrena chides him on working instead of eating dinner. She tells Kaladin that she sees red spren sometimes and Kaladin thinks there is a connection to the countdown which points to the Weeping. Kaladin relents and goes to his barracks for dinner stew. Kaladin scoffs in disbelief that more of Lopen's cousin's joined bridge four. Kaladin finds Shen and gives him a spear and tells him that he will be permitted to train and Shen praises Kaladin, and starts to tell him something else but is interrupted by Moash, who tells Kaladin to join them going out. As they walk through the warcamp, they hear rumors of war in Jah Keved and a new emperor in Azir, and Sigzil pays the crier for more information. Moash picks a tavern called the Ornery Chull for them to visit, and Peet concurs. The bridgemen order drinks and Rock speaks of his homeland and how the Horneaters ended up living in the mountains with the help of the gods. Rock says the hot springs are not just regular water, but rather a connection to the gods and a place to view the place of the gods. Rock tells the bridgemen that there are certain details that he cannot divulge since they are complicated, such as the reason why he can see spren, and also tells them to stop making incorrect assumptions about the story. Rock says he met a god named Lunu'anaki from the hot springs who cannot hurt people, and Sigzil is startled by his physical description. The conversation turns to how Sadeas has not been obeying the gemhunthunt rotations, causing people to talk in the warcamps. Kaladin fantasizes about bringing Sadeas down using his abilities.
Moash tells Kaladin that the people he wants Kal to meet have arrived, and the two leave to see them in a private dining room with four people inside and a couple of guards. A man named Graves greets Kaladin heartily, and Kaladin recognizes Danlan also. Kaladin calls the so-called patriots out on their plans to kill Elhokar, and Graves defends their goal as protecting the kingdom from a terrible ruler and getting a replacement in Dalinar. Kaladin argues against their plans, but eventually says he will consider helping them, and leaves with Moash. Kaladin tells Moash he wants nothing to do with the plot and that Moash is just pursuing his grudge and not acting out of patriotism, and that Moash is not to meet with them anymore.
*[[Shallan]] (point of view)
*[[Adolin]] (mentioned only)
*[[Ali]] (mentioned only)
*[[Amaram]] (mentioned only)
*[[Jasnah]] (mentioned only)
*[[Navani]] (mentioned only)
*[[Nohadon]] (mentioned only)
*[[Adolin]] (mentioned only)
*[[Ali]] (mentioned only)
*[[Amaram]] (mentioned only)
*[[Jasnah]] (mentioned only)
*[[Navani]] (mentioned only)
*[[Nohadon]] (mentioned only)
;Plot Summary
*[[Shallan]] (point of view)
*[[Amaram]] (mentioned only)
*[[Dalinar]] (mentioned only)
*[[Mraize]] (mentioned only)
*[[Navani]] (mentioned only)
*[[Torol Sadeas]] (mentioned only)
*[[Sebarial]] (mentioned only)
*[[Tyn]] (mentioned only)
*[[Wit]] (mentioned only)
Shallan arrives at a open-air winehouse to meet Adolin for lunch. Shallan tries to focus on her purpose of allying with House Kholin but is distracted by romantic considerations. Shallan and Adolin make small talk until Shallan is alarmed when Adolin says that a highstorm is expected soon and she considers how exposed their lunch table is. Adolin explains that there is a new trend to stay outside during the approach of highstorms and wait until the last minute to seek shelter. Shallan asks Adolin to talk about his experiences with plateau runs to show interest in him but ends up derailing the conversation by asking an inappropriate question which ends up impressing Adolin and making him more open.
Shallan then asks about the chasmfiends and draws some sketches of crysalises from memory as Adolin answers and points to one of the drawings to indicate what chasmfiends look like. Shallan theorizes that the gemhunts are culling the chasmfiend population and that a study should be made to verify this, and that she would like to be involved in that, and that she wants to go on a gemhunt to gather firsthand information. Adolin tells Shallan about the upcoming summit with the Parshendi and the political situation in the warcamps and Dalinar's visions and plans. In turn, Shallan confides in Adolin about Jasnah's research and about how the parshmen are related to the voidbringers and asks if the parshmen could be removed from the warcamps but Adolin doesn't think that is possible. As the highstorm arrives, the winehouse area is vacated for the shelters, but Shallan stays transfixed as she watches the storm approach, despite
Shallan then asks about the chasmfiends and draws some sketches of chrysalises from memory as Adolin answers and points to one of the drawings to indicate what chasmfiends look like. Shallan theorizes that the hunts are culling the chasmfiend population and that a study should be made to verify this, and that she would like to be involved in that, and that she wants to go on a hunt to gather first-hand information. Adolin tells Shallan about the upcoming summit with the Parshendi and the political situation in the warcamps and Dalinar's visions and plans. In turn, Shallan confides in Adolin about Jasnah's research and about how the parshmen are related to the Voidbringers and asks if the parshmen could be removed from the warcamps but Adolin doesn't think that is possible. As the highstorm arrives, the winehouse area is vacated for the shelters, but Shallan stays transfixed as she watches the storm approach, despite Adolin's attempts to get her to go indoors. She has a sudden desire to sketch, but Adolin drags her inside before the doors are closed. Adolin says that he will try to get her permission to go on a gemhunthunt before they split up into separate rooms divided by gender. Shallan feels satisfied at her progress despite her unorthodox methods and ignores jealous looks from women as she plans how to sneak into Amaram's house.
{{anchor|Chapter 50}}
*[[Elit Ruthar]]
*Highprince [[Ruthar]] (mentioned only)
*[[Relis Ruthar]] (mentioned only)
*[[Torol Sadeas]]
*[[Invia]] (mentioned only)
*Highprince [[Ruthar]] (mentioned only)
*[[Relis Ruthar]] (mentioned only)
*[[Shallan]] (mentioned only)
*[[Shen]] (mentioned only)
:''Isheves 1173''
Adolin sits in the storm shelter listening to the highstorm. Adolin chats with Elit who vows to win their upcoming Shard duel. Sadeas sits next to Adolin and makes him uncomfortable. Sadeas flaunts some emeralds that he obtained from an unauthorized gemhunthunt, and taunts Adolin about the bridgemen and his renouncing of his title of [[Highprince of Information]]. Sadeas says he is trying to save their kingdom from Elhokar and Dalinar and that Adolin will make a good Highprince and Adolin replies in anger, threatening Sadeas, who then walks away.
After the highstorm ends, Adolin along with two bridgemen guards leaves the market, putting Sadeas out of his mind to think about how much he likes Shallan. Adolin spends some time shopping for jewelry for Shallan before returning to his complex. Adolin finds some bridgemen outside Dalinar's sitting room, and glyphs on the wall that say thirty-two days, seek the center. Adolin calls for the area to be restricted and for Navani to be summoned.
*[[Adolin]] (point of view)
*[[Eranniv]] (mentioned only)
*[[Gavilar]] (mentioned only)
*Brightness [[Inadara]]
*[[General Khal]]
*[[Eranniv]] (mentioned only)
*[[Gavilar]] (mentioned only)
*[[Torol Sadeas]] (mentioned only)
*[[Teleb]] (mentioned only)
*[[Adolin]] (mentioned only)
*[[AmaramHav]]'s cook
*[[Corberon]] (mentioned only)
*[[Dalinar]] (mentioned only)
*[[Helaran]] (mentioned only)
*[[Moash]] (mentioned only)
*[[Rock]] (mentioned only)
*[[Torol Sadeas]] (mentioned only)
*[[Sebarial]] (mentioned only)
*[[Stine]] (mentioned only)
*[[Szeth]] (mentioned only)
*[[Tien]] (mentioned only)
*[[Tukks]] (mentioned only)
*[[Zahel]] (mentioned only)
;Plot Summary
Kaladin becomes more comfortable in jumping between the ground and walls and tells Sylphrena that everything about himself changed to allow this.
Kaladin runs along the walls and leaps chasms and plateaus, draining all his gems and glowing with stormlightStormlight. Sylphrena follows him along with dozens of windspren.
Kaladin lashes himself over the plateaus and hovers in place, noticing a pattern in the plains beneath him. As he stays in the same place, the windspren leave him. Kaladin asks if Sylphrena was with him as a child and she says yes and no. Kaladin says that all his skill was due to her, but she says that it was due to both of them, which Kaladin accepts. Sylphrena says that Szeth's weapon is special and was made to give abilities to men in the same way their bond does. Kaladin asks if a new unstained blade can be forged and Syl says yes but doesn't say how. Syl confronts Kaladin on informing Dalinar about Moash's patriot friends and Kal replies that he wants to consider it some more first. He walks toward Sadeas' camp and contemplates killing Amaram for his role in Tien's death, but Syl gets him to reconsider in light of his accomplishments that evening. Returning to his barracks, he finds Shen there, who says that he has to leave immediately, and Kaladin permits it, saying he is a free man. Shen says his real name is Rlain, and that he thinks Kaladin is a good man.
Shallan walks through Sadeas' warcamp disguised as a messenger boy. Shallan enters Amaram's manor after passing a checkpoint guarded by Hav.
Shallan asks Pattern to act as lookout while she peruses the maps and predictions for highstorms. She takes memories of the maps which focus on the Shattered Plains and are more detailed than any she had seen before. She also deciphers the handwritten stormwarden glyphs though she is puzzled by them as they aren't meant to form sentences, and realizes that Amaram intends to find out from the Parshendi how to return the Voidbringers, and to reach the center of the Shattered Plains before Dalinar's army. She theorizes that Jasnah, the Ghostbloods and Amaram all are interested in the same things. She also realizes that she has to avoid alerting Amaram that his private room was infiltrated.
Shallan returns to the kitchen disguised as Amaram using Pattern to imitate the brightlord's voice. She tells the cook that Telesh was on a secret mission for Amaram and that the cook is to pretend that she knows nothing of where Telesh was that evening and to not mention this conversation to Amaram at any point. Shallan then leaves the manor and changes her guise back to that of the messenger boy and returns to the front of the building as Hav and Amaram walk up. She says she has a message from Shallan Davar to request a time to sketch his shardbladeShardblade to which Amaram acquiesces. Amaram summons his shardbladeShardblade and Shallan realizes that it used to belong to her brother, Helaran.
Shallan requests the background of the shardbladeShardblade and Amaram lies and says he got it from a young Veden man who tried to assassinate him, and she thinks that Amaram killed Helaran. She then takes her leave, realizing that Helaran was caught up in the conspiracy.
{{anchor|Chapter 53}}
*[[Adolin]] (point of view)
*[[Dalinar]] (mentioned only)
*[[Elit Ruthar]]
*[[Gavilar]] (mentioned only)
*[[Relis Ruthar]]
*Highprince [[Ruthar]]
*[[Torol Sadeas]]
*[[Dalinar]] (mentioned only)
*[[Gavilar]] (mentioned only)
*Highprince [[Ruthar]]
*[[Yenev]] (mentioned only)
*[[Shallan]] (point of view)
*[[Adolin]] (mentioned only)
*[[Amaram]] (mentioned only)
*[[Helaran]] (mentioned only)
*[[Jasnah]] (mentioned only)
*[[Palona]] (mentioned only)
*[[Restares]] (mentioned only)
*[[Thaidakar]] (mentioned only)
*[[Tyn]] (mentioned only)
*[[Kaladin]] (point of view)
*[[Aladar]] (mentioned only)
*[[Aladar]] (mentioned only)
*[[Elhokar]] (mentioned only)
*[[Gavilar]] (mentioned only)
*[[Torol Sadeas]] (mentioned only)
*[[Sebarial]] (mentioned only)
*[[Sigzil]] (mentioned only)
*[[Teft]] (mentioned only)
*[[Yenev]] (mentioned only)
*[[Zahel]] (mentioned only)
;Plot Summary
:''Ishevev 1173''
Kaladin guards Adolin as they get a carriage to bring them to Sebarial's warcamp to meet Shallan. Kaladin recognizes Wit as the carriage driver and is surprised. Wit berates Kaladin for abandoning his flute and mocks his lack of eloquent retorts to Wit's insults. Wit implies that he knows of Kaladin's abilities and asks Kaladin to tell him a story as they ride. When they stop to pick up Shallan, Adolin realizes Wit is the driver and exclaims as such. Shallan also exclaims upon seeing Wit and hugs him, which surprises Adolin. Kaladin joins the two betrothed in the carriage to better watch Shallan, and Adolin and Shallan flirt. They decide to go to see a menagerie. Shallan reads an account of a highprince named Yenev who was killed in a duel by Sadeas by the Right of Challenge and King's Boon because Yenev opposed Gavilar's unification campaign. Shallan says that Adolin can try to invoke this boon to challenge Sadeas, if he wins his upcoming duel spectacularly. Kaladin surmises that this boon could help him deal with Amaram. Kaladin decides that Shallan is not a danger to Adolin and that Adolin is falling for her.
*[[Kaladin]] (point of view)
*[[Adolin]]'s mother (mentioned only)
*[[Elit Ruthar]]
*[[Eth]] (mentioned only)
*[[Graves]] (mentioned only)
*[[Skar]] (mentioned only)
*[[Szeth]] (mentioned only)
*[[Adolin's mother]] (mentioned only)
*[[Eth]] (mentioned only)
*[[Graves]] (mentioned only)
*[[Skar]] (mentioned only)
*[[Szeth]] (mentioned only)
;Plot Summary
:''Ishevah 1173''
Kaladin and Sigzil discuss Amaram's lack of surgebinding ability as they arrive at the dueling arena. With the entire Kholin household in attendance, Kaladin brings every guard that he could. Kaladin feels anger that Amaram is honored by his appointment by Dalinar after what Kaladin told Dalinar about Amaram, and decides that he has to do something about it if Dalinar won't. Sigzil suggests that Kaladin reveal his powers and join Dalinar's Knights but Kaladin ignores this and sends Sigzil to pass his orders to the guards. Kaladin orders Moash to lead a patrol duty the next day so that he is away when Graves is dealt with.
Adolin speaks with his shardbladeShardblade to prepare for his duel. He burns a glyphward painted by Shallan and tells Navani to give her a chance. They discuss the plan regarding the boon and some changes to the terms of the duel. They review Adolin's preparations and Adolin gets anxious when he realizes he doesn't have his mother's bracelet as a good luck charm. Adolin enters the dueling arena and waves to Shallan and checks to see if Sadeas is there. His opponents enter the arena and he is shocked that there are four instead of two like he expected.
Dalinar questions Sadeas about what is happening and Sadeas proclaims ignorance, until Elhokar questions him. Sadeas replies that since Adolin wasn't specific enough when naming the terms of the duel that he would be subject to a full disadvantaged duel. Dalinar tells Elhokar that Adolin would have to forfeit but Elhokar dissuades him, and the duel begins.
Adolin curses himself as he realizes his mistake in the way he issued and accepted the duel challenge. He realizes the four opponents include Relis, Elit, Abrobadar and Jakamav. Adolin puts his back to a wall so he doesn't get surrounded, and Zahel shouts advice to him to try to fight them one at a time. Adolin takes an offensive approach and does well until Jakamav is able to surprise him with a hammer blow. Adolin tries to yield but in the chaos of the duel is ignored, and he realizes that he might be severely injured.
Dalinar realizes that Adolin can have two fellow duelists under the terms of the challenge and asks for Elhokar's shardbladeShardblade but the king refuses, since that would endanger Dalinar. Sadeas taunts Dalinar for not going into the arena to help Adolin. Dalinar watches alarmed as Renarin without shard plate goes to help his brother.
Adolin battles on and tries to get some breathing room so that he can signal the judge to yield, but Relis threatens to have Renarin severely injured or killed if Adolin doesn't keep fighting and accept punishment for what he did to Elit. Adolin reluctantly agrees, but berates his supposed friend Jakamav.
*[[Dalinar]] (mentioned only)
*[[Elit Ruthar]]
*[[Malchin]] (mentioned only)
*[[Dalinar]] (mentioned only)
*[[Zahel]] (mentioned only)
Shallan wonders why Adolin doesn't surrender since he is outmatched, and berates herself for not seeing the loophole and failing her betrothed. She briefly considers jumping into the arena but discards that idea. She tells Pattern to try to distract Abrobadar to help out Renarin. She watches as Kaladin joins the fight.
Kaladin tells Sylphrena that this better end differently than when he saved Amaram, and Sylphrena says that it will. Relis ignores Kaladin and pays the price as he gets stabbed in a crack in his armor. Kaladin guards Adolin's back and says that Adolin will need to break their foes' shardplateShardplate for him. Adolin says for Kaladin to distract one foe and to watch out for Renarin while he fights the other two and Kaladin agrees. Kaladin draws Relis' attention while Adolin fights Elit and Jakamav. Relis fights Kaladin for a short time but then goes back to fight Adolin who is skillfully dueling his two foes, so Kaladin uses a lashingLashing-enhanced kick to knock Relis down, breaking his own legs in process though he is able to heal them. Kaladin sees that he cracked some of Relis' shards. Adolin's own armor is mostly cracked but he gets a strong blow at Elit and cracks his chestplate, slowing Elit greatly. Kaladin sees Abrobadar waving his blade at the ground and Sylphrena exclaims about something mysterious and flies over toward Renarin. Kaladin uses his broken spear to strike Elit in his exposed armor and forces him to yield. The remaining three opponents gather to battle Adolin, leaving Renarin alone to sit in the sand. Kaladin asks for Elit's helm and is given it and puts it on his hand as an armored glove, and arms himself with a knife to help Adolin. Kaladin tricks Relis into backing away then he goes to help Adolin. Relis and Jakamav both try to attack Kaladin with Sylphrena circling around him, and he dodges their shardbladesShardblades or blocks them with the helm until he runs out of stormlightStormlight, realizing the helm drained it from him. Kaladin is backed against a wall, but Adolin appears and grapples Jakamav to the ground. Kaladin sees that Abrobadar was just defeated. Relis who is the last man standing rushes toward Renarin and Kaladin follows, yelling at Renarin to yield but he only dismisses his blade and does nothing. Relis raises his blade toward Renarin but ends up swinging it at Kaladin, and Kaladin catches it then hears a scream that sounds like Sylphrena. Relis hears the scream and drops the blade and vacates the arena, forfeiting the duel. Jakamav yells at Adolin to fight him as he is held down and Kaladin walks up to him with his knife and places it by a crack in his armor and tells him to yield or else. Jakamav yields and Adolin is declared victor. Adolin laughs joyously at the spoils he won and asks Kaladin to help him remove his drained armor.
Elhokar announces how impressed he is by Adolin and offers him a boon. Kaladin notices Sadeas trying to leave the arena, but before he does, Adolin demands the right to duel Sadeas there and then. Kaladin also demands a boon to challenge Amaram there and then for the crimes of murder and obstruction of justice, causing Amaram to cower, Adolin to groan
*[[Kaladin]] (point of view)
*[[Torol Sadeas]] (point of view)
*[[Adolin]] (mentioned only)
*[[Ialai Sadeas]]
*[[Renarin]] (mentioned only)
*[[Melishi]] (mentioned only)
*[[Adolin]] (mentioned only)
*[[Renarin]] (mentioned only)
*[[Lift]] (point of view)
*[[Ashno]] of Sages (mentioned only)
*[[Nightwatcher]] (mentioned only)
*[[Szeth]] (mentioned only)
*[[Ashno]] of Sages (mentioned only)
*The [[Nightwatcher]] (mentioned only)
*[[Szeth]] (mentioned only)
Lift and six other thieves climb over a wall of the [[Bronze Palace]] as they intend to rob it while a new [[Prime Aqasix]] is being chosen by the vizierate. Lift sees Nale in the distance and frets that he is still pursuing her somehow. The thieves climb up the palace wall and Lift chats with her spren Wyndle, who says that he wanted to choose someone else with whom to bond but ended up with Lift since she had visited the Old Magic. Lift and Wyndle bicker as they infiltrate the palace. Huqin says they are there to steal clothes which aren't well guarded but will sell for a lot. Lift disobeys Huqin and wanders the palace with Gawx accompanying her. Lift tells Gawx that she wants to steal the prime's food and she heads towards the Prime's chambers while he goes to the vizier quarters to find spheres. Wyndle helps her further infiltrate the palace while he teaches Lift about spren and her odd ability to convert food into stormlightStormlight. Lift sneaks into the dining area and hides under the table as the vizierate reviews applications for Emperor. Lift listens as they debate what to do since no one wants to be Prime due to the recent assassinations. She steals a dinner roll then hesitates as she notices that Nale is there. She tries to flee but is caught, and Nale has her arrested and tells the vizierate that he has the proper forms. She tries to use her ability to escape but is inhibited by a larkin which drains her Stormlight. The head vizier protests that Lift will be executed for mere thievery, but Nale adds the crimes of trespass and interrupting a holy conclave in session.
steals a dinner roll then hesitates as she notices that Nale is there. She tries to flee but is caught, and Nale has her arrested and tells the vizierate that he has the proper forms. She tries to use her ability to escape but is inhibited by a larkin which drains her stormlight. The head vizier protests that Lift will be executed for mere thievery, but Nale adds the crimes of trespass and interrupting a holy conclave in session.
Lift escapes long enough to get a half-eaten roll which she quickly eats before being captured again. After a short time, Lift gains enough stormlightStormlight to evade her captors, though she sees Nale has abilities also as he chases her carrying a shardbladeShardblade. One of Nale's companions slits Gawx's throat, and Nale recaptures Lift, then berates his ally for killing the boy without filling out the correct paperwork. Lift escapes but then decides to save Gawx because someone has to care, and Wyndle says that her regrowth ability could help if she was more trained. She returns to Gawx' body and breathes stormlightStormlight into his mouth before Nale again captures her and identifies her as an Edgedancer and tells her about their order. Nale says he hunts her because her abilities could bring Desolations back to the world. Nale draws his shardbladeShardblade to kill her but she is suddenly pardoned by the new Prime Aqasix, Gawx, who was elected due to his miracle survival. Nale obeys the pardon to release Lift and praises Yaezir and leaves. Lift congratulates Gawx on his election and asks for food.
{{Anchor|Interlude 10}}
*[[Eshonai]] (point of view)
*[[Bila]] (mentioned only)
*[[Bila]] (mentioned only)
Eshonai tries to shoo away her new bonded spren but fails. She attunes her old rhythms as the new ones that she was listening to which had voices that gave advice tended to make other people nervous. She meets the others of the ruling council, with her sister Venli having taken stormform as well. Eshonai tells them that they need to transform more of their people to be ready for the Alethi push toward Narak, so they can summon a highstorm to use as a weapon. Eshonai tunes out the voice within that is screaming and attunes joy and tells how awesome she feels. Zuln dissents from Eshonai's proposal, saying it is not right. The meeting breaks up and Venli and Eshonai discuss their options for getting consensus on their plan and Venli says that she knew what the stormform would do to Eshonai, angering her sister. Eshonai asks how Venli knew but she doesn't answer. Eshonai addresses a crowd and tells them that the Five want to forbid the new form but that she will allow anyone who wishes to join her in a highstorm to transform, then she generates a miniature storm for them to see as a demonstration of her new ability, impressing the onlookers. She then asks for volunteers from her soldiers for the new form and is happy that almost no one refuses her. She then tells the soldiers that she wants to transform all the civilians also, and has them go through the city get volunteers and segregate anyone who refuses the transformation. Venli says that those unwilling to transform must be killed and Eshonai says that will happen after her soldiers all take stormform. Abronai refuses the transformation and is grouped with the dissenters, along with Zuln. Thude confronts Eshonai on her changes in behavior and attitude but she defends her actions as necessary to their people's survival. Eshonai sends Thude to guard the dissenters, which include her own mother. As she prepares to speak to her entire people, Varanis tells her that the dissenters escaped, helped by Thude, but
Eshonai says not to pursue them since they will not survive the next highstorm anyway. Venli confronts Eshonai, who threatens to kill her sister but doesn't since she needs Venli for the [[stormspren]]. Eshonai lets Venli go and addresses the Parshendi as she planned.
==Part Four: The Approach==
*[[Kaladin]] (point of view)
*[[Dalinar]] (mentioned only)
*[[Elhokar]] (mentioned only)
*[[Sigzil]] (mentioned only)
;Plot Summary
:''Ishahach 1173''
Kaladin feels claustrophobic in his prison cell. Kaladin asks Sylphrena if she would help him break out if he wanted to and she says yes, but then inquires why he would break out since he entered there willingly. He hears a disturbance but isn't able to find out what causes it. He says he won't be executed and that he doesn't trust Dalinar anymore because Dalinar allowed his imprisonment and that he is the same as the other lighteyes. Sylphrena asks him to repeat that and he is unable since he can't easily lie to his spren. Kaladin speaks out against Elhokar, saying the kingdom would be better off without him, and says that this is no different than when he was a slave, and Sylphrena doesn't contradict him.
*[[Shallan]] (point of view)
*[[Adolin]] (mentioned only)
*[[Amaram]] (mentioned only)
*[[Navani]] (mentioned only)
*[[Palona]] (mentioned only)
*[[Sebarial]] (mentioned only)
*[[Vathah]] (mentioned only)
;Plot Summary
Shallan and Pattern study maps of the Shattered Plains and old Natanatan as well as Amaram's notations while trying to locate Urithiru. Pattern tells Shallan that she must remember what she used to know about him and unlock her repressed memories so that she can gain her abilities. She practices with lightweaving but is unable to create sound using her illusion, though she figures out how to reduce her stormlightStormlight glow. She also figures out that she can invest Pattern with stormlightStormlight so that he can maintain her illusions and even make them move.
{{anchor|Chapter 61}}
*[[Wikim Davar]] (mentioned only)
;Plot Summary
:''One and a half years ago''
*[[Kaladin]] (point of view)
*[[Adolin]] (mentioned only)
*[[Adolin]] (mentioned only)
*[[Elhokar]] (mentioned only)
*[[Gavilar]] (mentioned only)
*[[Roshone]] (mentioned only)
*[[Torol Sadeas]] (mentioned only)
*[[Tien]] (mentioned only)
*[[Wit]] (mentioned only)
*[[Shallan]] (point of view)
*[[Adolin]] (mentioned only)
*[[Adolin]] (mentioned only)
*[[Bordin]] (mentioned only)
*[[Dalinar]] (mentioned only)
*[[Gavilar]] (mentioned only)
*[[Ishar]] (mentioned only)
*[[Jasnah]] (mentioned only)
*[[Mraize]] (mentioned only)
*[[Sebarial]] (mentioned only)
*[[Shoren]] (mentioned only)
*[[Tyn]] (mentioned only)
;Plot Summary
:''Ishashah 1173''
Shallan and Pattern hide in one of her illusions to watch a drop location secretly for anyone to try to leave instructions for her, while she chats with Adolin via spanreed. Shallan decides she must be irresistible to Adolin to keep his interest. She asks Pattern why Mraize didn't send instructions via spanreed and realizes that the Ghostbloods are trying to spy on her. She tells Pattern to find the spy and he locates Iyatil. Adolin sends a message that Shallan can join a scouting trip to the Shattered Plains as she requested, but she says she hopes to find a live chasmfiend for her research. She gives an excuse to Adolin to end their spanreed conversation, then destroys her illusion, and creates a new one of Veil attached to Pattern and tells him to make it seem that Veil is retrieving something from the tree, then to go to an adjacent alleyway. Shallan waits outside Iyatil's room, disguised as Veil, and confronts her when Iyatil enters the hallway, explaining how she was tricked by her "double". Iyatil gives her name and explains that Shallan has an urgent task to investigate a new arrival in Dalinar's camp and that she is to watch while Shallan performs it. Shallan tells Iyatil that she can join her instead of following her secretly.
Shallan and Iyatil ride in a palinquinpalanquin as Shallan reads her instructions to investigate a supposed madman that Dalinar and Elhokar are interested in. Iyatil reveals that Mraize is her student, not her master, and that she wears a mask to reserve herself and allow her to adapt. Shallan removes her disguise without letting Iyatil notice by using the palinquin's curtains for concealment and is immediately recognized and permitted into Dalinar's camp. She has Pattern make a distraction so that she can withdraw into the palinquinpalanquin and resume Veil's appearance without Iyatil noticing. Iyatil tries to guess how Shallan got them past the guards and Shallan flashes an enigmatic smile. The palinquinpalanquin proceeds to their destination, and Shallan deceives an ardent into thinking that her sister needs medical attention for a psychological impairment, and they are admitted to the temple.
While some ardents try to diagnose Iyatil, Shallan sneaks off and creates an illusion of one of the ardents to move freely around the temple. Pattern locates the madman for her and picks the lock so that they can enter his dark cell. The man is whispering about the Return of Desolation and needing to prepare, and calls himself Talenel'Elin. She tells Pattern that she doubts that the man is one of the Heralds. Taln repeats his words and Shallan writes them down, since he doesn't answer her other questions. Shallan tries to recreate her illusion, but Taln sees this and grabs her and holds her against the wall in alarm, and speaks of one of Ishar's knights, then goes back to his bed and lies down and repeats the same whispers. Shallan summons her shardbladeShardblade to defend herself but doesn't need it. Her mind blanks out and she thinks of Mother's soul, then she wakes up and Pattern asks if she is crazy, and she replies yes. She goes to leave the room, but sees Amaram approaching it.
{{anchor|Chapter 64}}
*[[Shallan]] (point of view)
*[[Balat]] (mentioned only)
*[[Gavilar]] (mentioned only)
*[[Helaran]] (mentioned only)
*[[Mraize]] (mentioned only)
*[[Balat]] (mentioned only)
*[[Gavilar]] (mentioned only)
*[[Helaran]] (mentioned only)
*[[Mraize]] (mentioned only)
:''Ishashah 1173''
Kaladin sits in his cell, moping and feeling dejected. He tries to absorb stormlightStormlight from a sphere outside his cell, and has brief difficulty before he is able to soak it into his fingertips. Sylphrena appears and says she is worried about Kaladin growing dark. Feeling slightly better, Kaladin takes his meal as a puzzled guard swaps out the dun sphere.
Shallan panics, but thinks quickly and creates an illusion of darkness to conceal herself within the cell. Amaram and Bordin enter the cell and close the door. Shallan feels muted anger at seeing Helaran's killer though she realizes that her brother may have been killed in self-defense as a possible assassin. Amaram looks at Taln and proclaims that his and Gavilar's plan has succeeded. Bordin tells Amaram that Taln spoke of a cache of shardbladesShardblades once to Bordin and Amaram asks Bordin to take him to the location before someone else finds it, and the two depart. Shallan feels like she is in over her head with the conspiracies, though Pattern doesn't understand her analogy.
Shallan returns to say goodbye to Iyatil after giving her the transcription of Taln's ramblings and a brief description of Amaram's visit. After verifying that Iyatil can escape on her own, Shallan apologizes to the ardents for getting lost in the temple and prepares to leave. Iyatil says how impressed she is, and asks who Shallan really is, and Shallan replies that she is a seeker of truth.
*[[Kaladin]] (point of view)
*[[Adonalsium]] (mentioned only)
*[[Amaram]] (mentioned only)
*[[Elhokar]] (mentioned only)
*[[General Khal]] (mentioned only)
*[[Relis Ruthar]] (mentioned only)
*[[Torol Sadeas]] (mentioned only)
*[[Szeth]] (mentioned only)
*[[Zahel]] (mentioned only)
;Plot Summary
:''Ishabev 1173''
Kaladin mopes in his cell, imagining paranoid fantasies of his incompetence and of bridge four placating him by saying they like to be bodyguards. Kaladin snaps to alertness as a jailer says he is pardoned with no loss of rank and free to go. Kaladin vows that he will never be imprisoned again by anyone as he leaves. He figures he was there for several weeks based on his beard. They pass another cell where Adolin is locked up, and he leaves his cell as well, and the jailer explains that Adolin demanded to be locked up until Kaladin was freed. Adolin says that he did this because it wasn't right for Kaladin to be locked up, since Kaladin saved his life and that of his brother's. The two banter and reconcile, and Adolin holds Elhokar responsible for the failure of their plan. Kaladin confirms that he was telling the truth when he accused Amaram and Adolin believes him despite Dalinar's friendship with Amaram. They enter another room where most of bridge four awaits Kaladin to celebrate his liberation. Adolin calls for quiet and says that after the other shards were distributed, there was a full set remaining which he gives to Kaladin. Kaladin gives them to Moash, and Adolin objects until Kaladin explains his dislike of shardbladesShardblades, and that he is more than capable on the battlefield even without shards as he showed in the arena, for when Szeth returns, and that they would have an additional shard bearer for that confrontation in Moash. Adolin tells Moash to take the shards and that he will now be a lighteyes and can start his own house or join one of Dalinar's. Moash takes up the shardbladeShardblade, amassing gloryspren, and has the armorers put the armor on him. Bridge four then returns to their barracks to eat some stew that has been simmering the entire time that Kaladin was locked up. Teft brings Kaladin up to speed on bridge four's activities and emotions while he was away.
Kaladin talks privately with Moash and says he agrees with the plan to remove Elhokar, and Moash is pleased and that they will possibly deal with Amaram next. Moash decides to go to the sparring grounds to practice, and Kaladin returns to the barracks to feast.
*[[Dalinar]]'s wife (mentioned only)
*[[Torol Sadeas]]
*[[Rayse]] (mentioned only)
*[[Shshshsh|Dalinar's wife]] (mentioned only)
*[[Elhokar]] (mentioned only)
*[[Gavilar]] (mentioned only)
*[[Kaladin]] (mentioned only)
*[[Khal]] (mentioned only)
*[[Odium]] (mentioned only)
*[[Rushu]] (mentioned only)
*Highprince [[Ruthar]] (mentioned only)
*[[Torol Sadeas]]
*[[Shallan]] (mentioned only)
*[[Szeth]] (mentioned only)
*[[Teshav]] (mentioned only)
*[[Thanadal]] (mentioned only)
*[[Vedel]] (mentioned only)
:''Ishakan 1173''
Dalinar and Navani watch two armies return from a gemhunthunt, and one of their guards leaves to get a status report. Dalinar thinks how disciplined bridge four is, and how Kaladin fit the ideal of the type of officer that Dalinar looked for. Navani talks about possible usages for fabrials and how gemstones weren't always used to bond shardbladesShardblades, a fact which alters their understanding of shardbladesShardblades. As she talks, he thinks about his more urgent preparations for their expedition to the Shattered Plains. She notices his distracted state and comments on it, then expresses her ongoing grief for the loss of Jasnah and Dalinar comforts her. Navani asks how Dalinar coped when shshshsh died, but he doesn't answer, though he thinks how he couldn't remember his wife anymore due to a hole in his memories. Dalinar mentions the secrets hidden by Gavilar and Navani says she will try to find something in her journals about that, though she has already checked many times. Dalinar says their immediate concern is the feast they are attending, and Navani admonishes him to try to be encouraging instead of contemptful of the other highprinces, before they separate to the gender segregated islands of the feast.
Dalinar goes to the king's island, noticing that people seem to be paying more attention to him as he walks by. Dalinar steps up to Vamah and inquires about his gemhunthunt strategy, but Vamah's response is interrupted by several people laughing nearby, and Dalinar leaves to investigate, ending up face to face with Aladar and Sadeas. Dalinar confronts them but they feign ignorance and walk away. Dalinar looks around for someone else to question, then hears Wit welcome Amaram to the feast with insults, though Amaram responds in a friendly manner. Dalinar asks Amaram about some papers being distributed, but is constantly interrupted by Wit's remarks until Dalinar and Amaram walk away from him. Amaram tells Dalinar that the papers have accounts of Dalinar's visions as dictated to Navani. Dalinar tells Amaram to bring Navani to him but she is already heading to him. Dalinar asks Amaram's opinion and he replies that he thinks the visions are authentic and meaningful for their roles as recreators of the Radiants. Dalinar asks about Taln, and Amaram replies that he is still investigating. Amaram also comments on his lack of faith in Kaladin's ability to protect Dalinar and that he would like an apology from him. Navani brings some of the papers, and tells Dalinar that the words and tone were changed to make it seem that Navani was humoring Dalinar by transcribing the visions, and that a mocking commentary was added. Dalinar asks if the visions were changed and Navani replies that they were not, and Dalinar says he will not be bothered by this attempt to embarrass him, and he quotes from The Way of Kings to shield himself from ridicule. Dalinar stands on a table to address the crowd and says that the accounts of the visions are accurate, despite the mocking tone and commentary, and that in the future he will have the accounts of his visions published for scholars to investigate. He vows that he will be vindicated instead of broken and says that he will talk to each of them individually and ask them to speak their minds to his face instead of anonymously.
Dalinar sits down to rest after hours of politicking and talking up his expedition to the Shattered Plains. Wit approaches and compliments Dalinar on his approach to dealing with the insults. Wit implies that Dalinar outshines Elhokar in importance, and Dalinar asks if he is a tyrant, and Wit replies that he is but that he is a benevolent one, which is preferable to a weak ruler, and what the world needs currently. Wit said that what was done to unify the kingdom years ago was good work, but Dalinar complains about how weak the kingdom is because of the means they used in unification, and that more than beneficial tyranny is needed according to Nohadon. Wit cryptically comments that he has to go somewhere but he doesn't know why, and when asked, denies that he is a Radiant or Herald, and that their goals do not completely align and that Wit will watch the world crumble and burn to get what he needs, though not happily, and that Dalinar can't trust Wit. Wit says that he will try to help carefully but must avoid being destroyed by Dalinar's enemy, the father of hatred.
*[[Kaladin]] (point of view)
*[[Bethab]] (mentioned only)
*[[Elhokar]] (mentioned only)
*[[Gaz]] (mentioned only)
*[[Graves]] (mentioned only)
*[[Ka]] (mentioned only)
*[[Relis Ruthar]] (mentioned only)
*[[Roshone]] (mentioned only)
*[[Torol Sadeas]] (mentioned only)
*[[Szeth]] (mentioned only)
*[[Tarah]] (mentioned only)
*[[Thanadal]] (mentioned only)
*[[Zahel]] (mentioned only)
:''Ishakach 1173''
Kaladin is on a scouting expedition to the Shattered Plains and has bad memories of being a bridgeman. He frets that he is unable to absorb stormlightStormlight unless Sylphrena is near him and she admonishes him for being naughty and acts capriciously toward him. He grows angry that Syl doesn't agree with his decision and says he is broken and she replies that all the old knights were, then she flies away. Kaladin decides to ignore Sylphrena and enjoy the company of bridge four as they reach a plateau with a permanent scouting location. He overhears a scout tell Dalinar that a glowing flying man was spotted in the Plains, and Dalinar believes that this was Szeth. Dalinar and Kaladin discuss how Renarin is fitting in with bridge four and if that is affecting him positively or not.
Kaladin has more difficulty absorbing stormlightStormlight, finds Sylphrena later, almost acting like a windspren, and she tells Kaladin to decide what he wants, and he realizes he made two conflicting promises to Moash and Dalinar which violates the code of Honor. He asks for advice and Sylphrena tells him to find the Words, and then she flies away.
Shallan draws a sketch of one of the mechanical bridges being unfolded, and Kaladin also watches, and recognizes one of the carpenters. Moash shows up in his shards and salutes Kaladin though he outranks him, and says he will always be part of bridge four even as a lighteyes. Moash says that the assassination plot is close to fruition and that they only need Kaladin to create an opening, which makes him worry over what Sylphrena told him. Adolin and Kaladin discuss contingencies for a possible attack by Szeth, and Adolin asks for advice about women. Adolin tries to get Kaladin to reveal his abilities but fails. Shallan joins them and starts sketching some moss, and they banter a bit, with Shallan getting upset that Kaladin insulted Adolin and that Kal acts so negatively despite Adolin's positive attitude.
*[[Kaladin]] (point of view)
*[[Shallan]] (point of view)
*The [[Stormfather]]
*[[Rayse]] (mentioned only)
*[[Adolin]] (mentioned only)
*[[Dalinar]] (mentioned only)
*[[Torol Sadeas]] (mentioned only)
*[[Tyn]] (mentioned only)
*[[Velat]] (mentioned only)
:''Ishakach 1173''
Kaladin falls into the chasm and is able to absorb a bit of stormlight through desperate effort though he hears a pained scream from Sylphrena as he does so, and hits the ground, falling unconscious. He awakes in darkness, since all his spheres were drained, and great pain, and hears a voice asking what has he done. Syl's scream haunts him. He is uninjured and gets to his feet, and runs into Shallan, and lies about how he survived, and Shallan explains how the bridge was collapsed. They search the bridge wreckage and find several bodies but don't see Dalinar or Adolin. Kaladin thinks that he somehow saved Shallan. Kaladin says that there was a parshendi attack right before the bridge fell, and that means that Dalinar probably retreated. Kaladin tells Shallan that they may have been rescued by a windspren as in folktales. Kaladin and Shallan discuss how they will survive and what dangers they may face, the worst of which is a highstorm due the following night. They decide to set out immediately for the warcamps.
Kaladin falls into the chasm and is able to absorb a bit of Stormlight through desperate effort though he hears a pained scream from Sylphrena as he does so, and hits the ground, falling unconscious. He awakes in darkness, since all his spheres were drained, and great pain, and hears a voice asking what has he done. Syl's scream haunts him. He is uninjured and gets to his feet, and runs into Shallan, and lies about how he survived, and Shallan explains how the bridge was collapsed. They search the bridge wreckage and find several bodies but don't see Dalinar or Adolin. Kaladin thinks that he somehow saved Shallan. Kaladin says that there was a parshendi attack right before the bridge fell, and that means that Dalinar probably retreated. Kaladin tells Shallan that they may have been rescued by a windspren as in folktales. Kaladin and Shallan discuss how they will survive and what dangers they may face, the worst of which is a highstorm due the following night. They decide to set out immediately for the warcamps.
Shallan is both annoyed and pleased to find Kaladin survived, and thinks that she saved both of them somehow. As they walk, she notices how much plantlife there is in the chasm. Kaladin walks silently and asks if Shallan will constantly chat as they travel and ignores her response, focusing on finding the shortest path back to the warcamps. Shallan tries to get Kaladin to relax but he reveals his prejudice against lighteyes and she says he only uses that as an excuse to be obnoxious. He brings up the incident with the boots, but then reveals that he doesn't have a grudge and that he doesn't actually dislike her as he does other lighteyes. Shallan is insulted and they start an argument that is cut off as they hear a loud scraping noise that seems to be approaching them. They realize the danger they are in, and begin to run.
*[[Kaladin]] (point of view)
*[[Shallan]] (point of view)
*[[Tanavast]] (mentioned only)
*[[Rayse]] (mentioned only)
*[[Adolin]] (mentioned only)
*[[Jasnah]] (mentioned only)
;Plot Summary
:''Ishakach 1173''
Kaladin and Shallan flee as they are chased by a chasmfiend. Shallan chooses a path and orders Kaladin to follow her. They stop and Kaladin covers his stormlight, and he realizes that she lured the chasmfiend back to their original location to the fresh corpses for food. Shallan decides she wants to see the chasmfiend, and get close to take a look at it as it fills the chasm and has small glowing spren around it like the spren that follow skyeels. They leave before the chasmfiend finishes its meal.
Shallan lets Kaladin lead, though she tries to keep track of where she is, and dwells on the chasmfiend. She grows tired now that all her stormlight is drained. Kaladin says they should stop so they don't risk getting lost and going the wrong direction, and wants to wait until daybreak to get their bearings. They banter for a bit, with less antagonism, and Shallan sketches their path through the chasms in the form of a map, which impresses Kaladin.
Kaladin and Shallan flee as they are chased by a chasmfiend. Shallan chooses a path and orders Kaladin to follow her. They stop and Kaladin covers his Stormlight, and he realizes that she lured the chasmfiend back to their original location to the fresh corpses for food. Shallan decides she wants to see the chasmfiend, and get close to take a look at it as it fills the chasm and has small glowing spren around it like the spren that follow skyeels. They leave before the chasmfiend finishes its meal.
Shallan lets Kaladin lead, though she tries to keep track of where she is, and dwells on the chasmfiend. She grows tired now that all her Stormlight is drained. Kaladin says they should stop so they don't risk getting lost and going the wrong direction, and wants to wait until daybreak to get their bearings. They banter for a bit, with less antagonism, and Shallan sketches their path through the chasms in the form of a map, which impresses Kaladin.
Kaladin wakes her up after a short sleep, before daybreak. They set out, and when the sun rises, they think they are going the right direction. They banter further, with Shallan dishing out lighthearted insults while Kaladin resists replying in kind unlike his earlier behavior. Kaladin asks why Shallan came to the Shattered Plains and she becomes serious, replying that she was trying to continue Jasnah's important research, and that Adolin was an added bonus. Kaladin asks if she was there to investigate the strange structures that they saw and she tries to dissemble but he sees through it, and explains his original suspicions of her. She says that she wants the parshmen exiled before they betray the Alethi, and he replies that they might be replaced with regular Alethi slaves and she empathizes with his former plight as a slave. Shallan tries to be lighthearted but Kaladin will have none of it, though he tries to not argue either. Kaladin explains that he thinks she is a typical pampered sheltered lighteyes which Shallan rephrases back as self-contradictory and convoluted, and Kaladin sees the flaws in his argument. Shallan tells Kaladin that she won't harm the Kholins and she is sincere in trying to prevent disaster, and he accepts this. Kaladin then checks their bearings and realize they are going the wrong direction.
*[[Kaladin]] (point of view)
*[[Teft]] (point of view)
*[[Adolin]] (mentioned only)
*[[Elhokar]] (mentioned only)
*[[Hesina]] (mentioned only)
*[[Moash]] (mentioned only)
*[[Torol Sadeas]] (mentioned only)
*[[Adolin]] (mentioned only)
*[[Elhokar]] (mentioned only)
*[[Hesina]] (mentioned only)
*[[Moash]] (mentioned only)
*[[Torol Sadeas]] (mentioned only)
*[[Sylphrena]] (mentioned only)
;Plot Summary
:''Ishakev 1173''
Teft and Sigzil are in the warcamp, sitting vigil for Kaladin, and Teft speaks of his childhood and of what his parents did as [[Envisagers]]. They knew things about the Radiants, and some Envisagers including his parents attempted suicidal stunts to see if they would manifest powers, and Teft ended up turning them into the authorities who had them executed. Dalinar shows up and inquires about their vigil and Teft proclaims that Kaladin definitely survived despite falling into the chasm. Sigzil proclaims his belief in Kaladin's return and Dalinar just tells them to not overextend themselves or stay out during highstorms, though the highprince believes that Kaladin is dead.
Kaladin feels like a fool for leading them in the wrong direction. He calls out for Syl but gets no answer. He also feels like a fool for the way he treats Shallan and for the incorrect assumptions he made about her. He compliments Shallan on her drawing ability as she sketches a more accurate map of the Plains, though it is getting much sooner until the next highstorm. She traces a couple of the plateaus nearby by walking around them, and Kaladin notices her having a mysterious conversation with someone and speculates that she might be a Radiant talking to a spren.
They follow a revised path based on Shallan's map, though they have to periodically check their route, slowing down their escape. Kaladin occasionally shouts up from the chasm to try to get the attention of Alethi scouts, but no one answers. Kaladin grows moody because he feels that he failed them, but Shallan tries to remain optimistic. Kaladin says he wished he could be like Shallan, but then Shallan describes how it is like to be depressed and hopeless and he understands that she wasn't always happy, but she somehow muddles through anyway, which inspires him. They banter again with Shallan trying to improve Kaladin's mood again like she used to do with her brothers, and he goes along with their jokes to an extent.
The chasmfiend shows up again, and they try to flee, hiding in a narrow fissure. The chasmfiend fails to reach them, but it then settles nearby to wait as the highstorm is rapidly approaching, with about two hours left before it reaches them. Kaladin decides to try to distract the chasmfiend to allow Shallan to escape back to the warcamps with her vital information. He prepares to fight to the death, and tells Shallan to apologize to Adolin on his behalf. Shallan says that before he goes to fight to take her shardbladeShardblade.
{{anchor|Chapter 72}}
===Chapter 72: Selfish Reasons===
[[File:Shallan Flashback Chapters Inverted.svg|165px|center]]
{{epigraph|I suspect that he is more a force than an individual now, despite your insistence to the contrary. That force is contained, and an equilibirumequilibrium reached.}}
*[[Kaladin]] (point of view)
*[[Shallan]] (point of view)
*[[Dalinar]] (mentioned only)
*[[Navani]] (mentioned only)
*[[Sylphrena]] (mentioned only)
:''Ishakev 1173''
Kaladin asks how Shallan has a shardblade and she replies that it is unimportant. He brushes against the blade and doesn't hear screams like he did previously in the dueling arena. He reluctantly accepts the blade and Shallan swears him to secrecy, then says she wants to get her satchel. Kaladin distracts the fiend, dodging around it and leading it away from Shallan. He uses the confined space of the chasm to advantage, and cuts the beast a couple of times, but then gets bitten in the leg as he tries to evade an attack. Shallan distracts the beast and he is able to retrieve the shardblade but then collapses from pain. He picks up a sphere and tries to drain its stormlight but only hears distant weeping. He sees an illusion of himself that distracts the beast momentarily before it vanishes in a puff of stormlight which he somehow thinks that he created. He decides he has to go for the beast's head and stabs at it as its jaws reach for him.
Kaladin asks how Shallan has a Shardblade and she replies that it is unimportant. He brushes against the blade and doesn't hear screams like he did previously in the dueling arena. He reluctantly accepts the blade and Shallan swears him to secrecy, then says she wants to get her satchel. Kaladin distracts the fiend, dodging around it and leading it away from Shallan. He uses the confined space of the chasm to advantage, and cuts the beast a couple of times, but then gets bitten in the leg as he tries to evade an attack. Shallan distracts the beast and he is able to retrieve the Shardblade but then collapses from pain. He picks up a sphere and tries to drain its Stormlight but only hears distant weeping. He sees an illusion of himself that distracts the beast momentarily before it vanishes in a puff of Stormlight which he somehow thinks that he created. He decides he has to go for the beast's head and stabs at it as its jaws reach for him.
Shallan sees the beast fall on top of Kaladin, and notices some spren around the chasmfiend seeming to leave it. Kaladin's body protrudes from the creature's mouth and she tries to pull him out, and he says ow. They banter as she uses her blade to try to cut him free, and he explains that he stabbed the chasmfiend in the brain to kill it. Once free, Kal asks her to bind his leg for him which she does. They take a brief rest, and despair that the storm will get them anyway. Kaladin then realizes that Shallan could use the shardbladeShardblade to cut out a cubbyhole above the waterline in the chasm for them to hide in from the storm and flood waters. She climbs up the dead fiend, then changes her blade to be knife-size and carves handholds in the chasm to climb above the waterline to carve a shelter out for them. They banter as Shallan cuts the rock, and it takes about an hour for her to finish. She uses a vine to help Kaladin climb up to the safe spot just before the floods reach them.
{{anchor|Chapter 73}}
Wikim slams the door open, telling them that Eylita is in the feast hall, that their father had summoned her. Balat and Wikim rush to find out what is happening. Shallan follows slowly, overwhelmed with panic, but she feels pulled forward. Somehow she knows that this has been coming, that it was inevitable. She collects the pouch of [[blackbane]] that Wikim had given her years ago, and heads downstairs.
Balat is arguing with their father about Eylita. Lin reveals that he knows about their plan to leave. Shallan enters the room and walks along the walls toward the kitchens. She notices something on the floor, blocking the kitchen doors from closing. Lin tells them that Helaran is dead; he died on a battlefield in Alethkar. Shallan reaches the bundle on floor and realizes it's a body. It is Malise; she'd been killed by several blows to the head. Shallan concludes that he'd discovered the plan, sent for Eylita and waited for her to arrive, and then killed his wife. It was a calculated punishment, not commitedcomitted in a moment of passion. She moves to where servants had left a pitcher of wine with cups.
Balat unsheathes his sword, followed by Lin. They clash brutally, and Lin is able to swat Balat's sword out of his hand. Lin tells them that he's always despised Balat, and of his sons only Helaran wasn't worthless. Shallan hands him a cup of wine, which he gulps down. Balat grabs his sword and tries to stab their father, but hits something metalic through his coat, which stops the blade. Lin tosses his sword aside and gets an iron poker from the fireplace. He slams it into Balat's leg over and over, berating him about being useless.
Lin's hands start shaking and the poker slips to the ground. Lin is surprised, and he stumbles and falls to his knees, then to his side. Shallan, feeling cold, tells Eylita to bind Balat's wounds, then kneels next to her father. Lin is motionless, staring at the ceiling. After her brothers' initial confusion, Shallan tells them that she poisoned their father by placing the blackbane in his wine. Jushu pulls a [[Soulcasting#Soulcasting_by_the_use_of_a_fabrial|soulcasterSoulcaster]] out Lin's pocket, which had apparently been broken while blocking Balat's last strike. Just then, their father starts twitching, and his eyes focus on Shallan. She realizes that the poison has only paralyzed him, and says that they need to finish the job. Everyone else shies away, so she thanks her father for everything he did for her, then wraps her necklace around his neck. She twists the necklace around the handle of a fork for leverage, crying and whispering the lullaby that he'd sung to comfort Shallan in her childhood as he dies.
{{anchor|Chapter 74}}
*[[Kaladin]] (point of view)
*The [[Stormfather]]
*[[Adolin]] (mentioned only)
*[[Amaram]] (mentioned only)
*[[Roshone]] (mentioned only)
*[[Torol Sadeas]] (mentioned only)
*[[Sylphrena]] (mentioned only)
*[[Tien]] (mentioned only)
*[[Tvlakv]] (mentioned only)
:''Ishakev 1173''
Kaladin reaches the sheltered alcove just before the floodwaters arrive. He and Shallan huddle together against the rock as the waters quickly rise, momentarily cresting over the edge of their carved out cubby. Kaladin tells Shallan how he was left to die in a highstorm by Sadeas. Kal looks up and thinks he sees a giant glowing figure followed by another figure walking in the storm. Shallan asks Kal to tell his story as a means of taking her mind off the highstorm, and he starts from when he was made a slave by Amaram, and speaks of his slavery and Tvlakv, his time with bridge four, and the rescue of Dalinar and fighting the Parshendi shardbearer. He hears chanting and sees strange spren flying around. After he finishes his story,
Shallan says she killed her father, and tells about how her mother died, and what her life was like when she was a child, and Kaladin realizes how much he had in comparison with her since his parents weren't abusive. He realizes that her brother was the shardbearer he killed when he saved Amaram, but doesn't reveal that fact to her. She tells of her plan to steal the soulcasterSoulcaster from Jasnah, and instead becoming her ward and Adolin's betrothed. She vanishes, and Kaladin realizes that he is having a vision.
Kaladin sees a giant face and addresses it as Stormfather, and is called Child of Honor in return. Kal asks if Shallan is a Radiant and gets a rumble in return. Kal asks about Sylphrena and the Stormfather says that Kaladin killed her and that she can't be brought back since she is now broken. He also declares that Kal will never ride his winds again, and then says goodbye as the vision ends. Shallan exclaims and says she also saw the face of the vision, which Kal identifies as the Stormfather. After the storm subsides, they fall asleep.
*[[Bordin]] (mentioned only)
*[[Jasnah]] (mentioned only)
*[[Bordin]] (mentioned only)
*[[Jasnah]] (mentioned only)
*[[Roion]] (mentioned only)
*[[Torol Sadeas]] (mentioned only)
*[[Sebarial]] (mentioned only)
*The [[Stormfather]] (mentioned only)
*[[Taln]] (mentioned only)
;Plot Summary
:''Ishakev 1173''
Amaram implores Dalinar to speak with Sadeas and make peace with him before they begin their expedition. Dalinar looks at Navani but doesn't reply. They hear horns which announce the sighting of a chrysalis and its location, and Dalinar says they won't go after it on the way to the Parshendi camp. Amaram says that Sadeas will go after it on his own, and that his disobedience is causing the rifts in the kingdom to grow worse. Amaram says the voidbringers are coming and they need to be united but Dalinar says the time and opportunity to work together with Sadeas has long past. Amaram tries to dissuade Dalinar from his expedition and says that even Dalinar won't listen to him anymore and why should anyone else, and Dalinar replies that he has to go out to seek the answers. Dalinar asks about Amaram's investigation into the madman, and Amaram says the madman was deluded about having a shardblade. A messenger runs up, saying that Stormblessed has returned from the chasms.
Amaram implores Dalinar to speak with Sadeas and make peace with him before they begin their expedition. Dalinar looks at Navani but doesn't reply. They hear horns which announce the sighting of a chrysalis and its location, and Dalinar says they won't go after it on the way to the Parshendi camp. Amaram says that Sadeas will go after it on his own, and that his disobedience is causing the rifts in the kingdom to grow worse. Amaram says the Voidbringers are coming and they need to be united but Dalinar says the time and opportunity to work together with Sadeas has long past. Amaram tries to dissuade Dalinar from his expedition and says that even Dalinar won't listen to him anymore and why should anyone else, and Dalinar replies that he has to go out to seek the answers. Dalinar asks about Amaram's investigation into the madman, and Amaram says the madman was deluded about having a Shardblade. A messenger runs up, saying that Stormblessed has returned from the chasms.
Dalinar runs the entire way to the triage area where Kaladin is receiving medical attention, and Kaladin stands with great effort to salute him despite being told not to. Dalinar asks how he survived, and Kaladin says he is unsure but that spren were involved. Kaladin also indicates that he has brought Shallan safely back, and that he also killed a chasmfiend that had been prowling nearby, and presents its large glowing green gemheart to Dalinar. Shallan contradicts him and says the chasmfiend was already dead and rotting before they harvested it, and Kaladin confirms this story, but Dalinar suspects they are both lying. Navani appears and becomes protective of Shallan after her ordeal. Kaladin implores Dalinar to speak with Shallan of her discoveries before Dalinar leaves for his expedition. Dalinar tells Kaladin that bridge four held a vigil for him, with the confidence that he would return, and he asks if Kaladin has been the person that he was searching for. Kaladin replies that he once was but no longer is, and Dalinar grunts in response, and orders that any demands of Kaladin's are to be met as he is a hero, yet again. Dalinar wonders where Amaram went and decides to speak with Shallan.
Shallan rests in bed, accepting of Navani's unexpected affection. Pattern repeats a conversation that he was sent to spy on between Dalinar and Navani. Notably, Dalinar wants Shallan to go on the expedition but Navani trying to protect Shallan by having her stay behind. Shallan tells Pattern she has to go and asks if she is a Radiant, and he replies most likely not yet since she has more to do first, but he isn't sure since he hasn't always been sentient. Pattern tells of the Recreance, when most spren except the Stormfather and a few others were killed (caused by broken oaths). Pattern thinks that the chance to learn is worth the possible cost of dying again. Pattern says that Shallan spoke the Words, but she lacks truth. Adolin appears and embraces her in a hug and kiss. He says that he was visiting all the highprinces delivering an ultimatum to join Dalinar or be labeled as someone who refused to fulfill the Vengeance Pact. Shallan says she saw a dead chasm fiend that she wants to draw for him. Adolin apologizes for rescuing his father instead of her, and promises to protect her but she says that she doesn't need protecting and that she will never be 'something' to be locked away again, though she doesn't elaborate on when she was previously locked away. Dalinar and Navani enter, and Dalinar has a request, but Shallan
Lhan arrives at the palace the next day to find that Pai has painted the throne room with large glyphs depicting the ten foolish attributes, and how the Queen exemplifies them. Pai is subsequently executed, and the Alethi riot in protest of this.
* Lhan takes Pai through a room called the "[[Circle of Memories]]" - a round room with ten lamps on the walls, one for each Epoch Kingdom, plus an eleventh for "the [[Tranquiline Halls]]" (though it actually represents [[Urithiru]]). Nearby is a "large ceremonial keyhole set into the wall." Looking back after WoR chapter 84, it's clear that this "Circle of Memories" is [[Kholinar]]'s [[Oathgate]].
{{Anchor|Interlude 13}}
*[[Eshonai]] (point of view)
*[[Dalinar]] (mentioned only)
*[[Dalinar]] (mentioned only)
*[[Taravangian]] (point of view)
*[[Boriar]] (mentioned only)
*[[Dalinar]] (mentioned only)
*[[Jasnah]] (mentioned only)
*[[Kaladin]] (mentioned only)
*[[Moelach]] (mentioned only)
*[[Nergaoul]] (mentioned only)
*The [[Nightwatcher]] (mentioned only)
*[[Pailiah]] (mentioned only)
*[[Torol Sadeas]] (mentioned only)
*[[Shallan]] (mentioned only)
Taravangian awakes on a ship with stiff muscles, but noting that he doesn't feel stupid, which he considers a good sign. He notes that his ship has moored on time, when his servants arrive. [[Maben]] brings him his morning meal, but is stopped by [[Mrall]], one of the Kings testers. He wants Taravangian to take the test first since it is an important day and he wants to know what to expect. Taravangian agrees with him and Mrall lets the testers approach. The three [[stormwarden]]s give the King some paper on which some math-problems are put down with figures and [[glyph]]s. Taravangian made these himself on one of his better days and even though he knows he is not a complete idiot, he finds that he is only average on this day. After checking the papers the stomwardens judge: "He is fit to serve," one proclaimed. "He may not change the Diagram, but he may interact outside of supervision, may change policy, and pass judgment." Mrall, after getting Taravangian's acceptance, lets Maban bring him his breakfast. Taravangian considers that, even though it always takes up one hour of every day, the test is the best way for a man who wakes up every morning with a different level of intelligence. He contemplates that life can be tricky especially when the world might depend of him.
Taravangian and his retinue enter the battlefield outside [[Vedenar]], where his countrymen setup healing tents to tend to the wounded, and where they are welcomed and cheered for their mercy and aid, as the Diagram predicted, despite the fact that he was behind the civil war. Taravangian and Adrotagia speculate on the Thrill and Nergaoul. As Taravangian talks to the soldiers to show his compassion, he is confronted by Szeth who says they need to speak. Taravangian panics and makes sure he still has the Oathstone. They talk quietly and Szeth says that there is a problem, that Dalinar has a surgebinderSurgebinder and Taravangian thinks he found out about Jasnah and thinks she faked her own death. Szeth says that he fought a male surgebinderSurgebinder who protected Dalinar, which surprises Taravangian, and makes him wonder how Szeth will deal with the fact that he was right about the Voidbringers returning. Taravangian says that Szeth must have fought someone who had an honorblade, and must return to kill Dalinar and avoid fighting Kaladin.
Taravangian's cabal discuss the possible identity of the surgebinderSurgebinder, and he consults the Diagram, and tells Adro that he asked the Nightwatcher for Capacity to save humankind from the desolations. Taravangian guesses from one of the passages that one of the bridgemen that Dalinar took is the surgebinderSurgebinder, and that they must keep Szeth from him at all costs, to maintain control of their assassin.
Taravangian then goes to see King Valam, who is dying. Valam is upset how coy Taravangian is, and knows that Taravangian is feigning neutrality, but will soon press his valid but hidden claim for the throne of Jah Keved once Valam dies. Valam tells his scribe that he is making Taravangian his heir, and is shocked to learn all the other highprinces are dead. Valam asks his son Redin to stab him in the heart to put him out of his misery, and he does so when prodded, and as he dies, he has a death rattle. Taravangian thinks he succeeded as the Diagram instructed him to become king of Jah Keved, and is unifying the world as Gavilar insisted was necessary based on visions that he had.
*[[Bordin]] (mentioned only)
*[[Elhokar]] (mentioned only)
*[[Gavilar]] (mentioned only)
*[[Ialai Sadeas]]
*[[Isasik Shulin|Isasik]]
*[[Lirin]] (mentioned only)
*[[Moash]] (mentioned only)
*[[Navani]] (mentioned only)
*[[Bordin]] (mentioned only)
*[[Elhokar]] (mentioned only)
*[[Gavilar]] (mentioned only)
*[[Lirin]] (mentioned only)
*[[Moash]] (mentioned only)
*[[Navani]] (mentioned only)
*[[Sylphrena]] (mentioned only)
*[[Taln]] (mentioned only)
;Plot Summary
:''Ishakah 1173''
Kaladin has insomnia and worries that he killed Sylphrena. He leaves his bed and tells Lopen that he wants to watch the army depart. Lopen asks why he doesn't use stormlight to heal and he says he lost his ability and that Syl is gone, and Lopen tries to give him advice to get Syl to return. Kaladin gasps in awe and tells Lopen that the gathered armies appeared as Kaladin had imagined them to be when he was younger. Kal and Lopen go to see bridge four off on the expedition.
Kaladin has insomnia and worries that he killed Sylphrena. He leaves his bed and tells Lopen that he wants to watch the army depart. Lopen asks why he doesn't use Stormlight to heal and he says he lost his ability and that Syl is gone, and Lopen tries to give him advice to get Syl to return. Kaladin gasps in awe and tells Lopen that the gathered armies appeared as Kaladin had imagined them to be when he was younger. Kal and Lopen go to see bridge four off on the expedition.
Dalinar expresses surprise to Roion that Sebarial is bringing his army. Dalinar says as much to Sebarial who replies that he thinks there are opportunities for him out on the Plains and he wants to be thought of as arriving before Highprince Aladar joined them, further surprising Dalinar.
Ialai tells Sadeas they could try seizing power in a coup, as they scout Sebarial's farms west of the warcamps. Sadeas says it won't be necessary and that Dalinar won't survive the expedition. A messenger arrives and delivers unpleasant news.
Dalinar questions why Aladar is joining them since he was always a supporter of Sadeas, and he replies that he won't stand by while two of the least brave highprinces march to war to fulfill the Vengeance Pact. Dalinar demands a vow of loyalty from Aladar, and decides that he will trust him out of necessity though he will make sure that he is not in a position to be betrayed again. Amaram questions Dalinar's decision to trust Sebarial and Aladar, and mentions the glory they could have by leaving them out, and Dalinar says that he hopes they are above that. As they ride, Dalinar sees Kaladin and bridge four, and tells Amaram to come with him to speak to them to put the rumors of what Kaladin said about
Amaram behind them.
Kaladin feels jealous of Adolin over Shallan, but his admiration for Adolin overcomes that and he thinks they belong together. Kaladin thinks that he should talk to Renarin about his condition and find out if anything else is going on. The bridgemen all berate Kaladin for not recuperating from his injuries. Dalinar and Amaram appear, and Kaladin suppresses his hatred after the punishment that he had to endure after his challenge was turned down. Kaladin asks who is watching Elhokar, and Teft says they left their best man, and Kaladin realizes that would be Moash, and silently curses to himself. Dalinar asks Amaram to confirm his story that he never met Kaladin before and that he didn't steal his shards from Kaladin and Amaram concurs with these statements, saying that Kal's claims are preposterous. Dalinar says an apology is in order, and interrupts Kaladin and looks at Amaram who is shocked. Dalinar explains his sting operation with Bordin and Taln to trick Amaram, then summons a shardblade and holds it to Amaram's throat right before Amaram summons his own. Dalinar demands an explanation for Amaram's lies and deceit, and Amaram says that he did it for the greater good since the Voidbringers are returning. Amaram apologizes to Kaladin, who realizes with shock that
Amaram is sincere despite the means that he used to achieve his goals. Dalinar accuses Amaram of murder, but Amaram counters that Dalinar has sent many soldiers to death to win gemhearts. Dalinar tells Amaram to remove his cloak since he is no Radiant, and lets him go for now against Kal's protest, and says that he will face justice at a later time. Kaladin thanks Dalinar for believing him, and Dalinar tells him to get rest. Kaladin says for Dalinar to stay safe, and Dalinar replies that him having a shardblade, though it feels wrong, will help him if Szeth shows up.
Kaladin feels jealous of Adolin over Shallan, but his admiration for Adolin overcomes that and he thinks they belong together. Kaladin thinks that he should talk to Renarin about his condition and find out if anything else is going on. The bridgemen all berate Kaladin for not recuperating from his injuries. Dalinar and Amaram appear, and Kaladin suppresses his hatred after the punishment that he had to endure after his challenge was turned down. Kaladin asks who is watching Elhokar, and Teft says they left their best man, and Kaladin realizes that would be Moash, and silently curses to himself. Dalinar asks Amaram to confirm his story that he never met Kaladin before and that he didn't steal his shards from Kaladin and Amaram concurs with these statements, saying that Kal's claims are preposterous. Dalinar says an apology is in order, and interrupts Kaladin and looks at Amaram who is shocked. Dalinar explains his sting operation with Bordin and Taln to trick Amaram, then summons a Shardblade and holds it to Amaram's throat right before Amaram summons his own. Dalinar demands an explanation for Amaram's lies and deceit, and Amaram says that he did it for the greater good since the Voidbringers are returning. Amaram apologizes to Kaladin, who realizes with shock that Amaram is sincere despite the means that he used to achieve his goals. Dalinar accuses Amaram of murder, but Amaram counters that Dalinar has sent many soldiers to death to win gemhearts. Dalinar tells Amaram to remove his cloak since he is no Radiant, and lets him go for now against Kal's protest, and says that he will face justice at a later time. Kaladin thanks Dalinar for believing him, and Dalinar tells him to get rest. Kaladin says for Dalinar to stay safe, and Dalinar replies that him having a Shardblade, though it feels wrong, will help him if Szeth shows up.
Sadeas is upset that Aladar is joining Dalinar, and makes plans to replace the highprinces that he thinks will die on the expedition.
*[[Shallan]] (point of view)
*[[Amaram]] (mentioned only)
*[[Dabbid]] (mentioned only)
*[[Gavilar]] (mentioned only)
*[[Graves]] (mentioned only)
*[[Hobber]] (mentioned only)
*[[Jasnah]] (mentioned only)
*[[Lopen]] (mentioned only)
*[[Torol Sadeas]] (mentioned only)
*[[Sebarial]] (mentioned only)
*[[Sylphrena]] (mentioned only)
;Plot Summary
:''Ishakah 1173''
Shallan is excited as the armies begin their march across the Plains. Adolin and Shallan banter as they ride. Shallan is briefly distracted by thoughts of Kaladin. Adolin suggests that Shallan ride in Sebarial's carriage and she says that if she could walk through a highstorm then she can ride, but he warns her of saddle soreness which is a hazard of riding. Gaz appears and delivers a copy of Words of Radiance as she requested and she thanks him.
Shallan rides in a private coach, with Pattern, reading her new book, which tells of the orders of the Knights Radiant and their traditions, abilities, and attitudes, though some of it is based on hearsay since it was written two hundred years after the Recreance. Shallan wonders about the different Orders, and if surgebindersSurgebinders would start appearing. Navani joins her in her coach and apologizes for neglecting Shallan and asks to help with her research. The two bond over their shared feelings of inadequacy around Jasnah. Shallan and Navani discuss plans to narrow down where Stormseat is located and how to open the Oathgate. Shallan says that Jasnah expected Urithiru to have information about the Knights Radiant and Voidbringers, and Navani replies that she was, like Dalinar, trying to bring back powers that should be left alone. Shallan reveals that Jasnah actually succeeded and that Jasnah could soulcast on her own without a soulcasterSoulcaster, and that her fabrial was a fake. Navani is alarmed by this since the Radiants are linked to the return of the Voidbringers, and leaves to make preparations.
Kaladin feels gloomy as he is stuck in a sickbed during the dreary Weeping period. Moash visits Kal and explains the plan to kill Elhokar and make Dalinar the new king, and that Kaladin won't need to do anything. Kal tells him that he lost his abilities and that he thinks Syl left him because of the assassination plot. Moash says he visited to deliver a message for Kaladin to visit the drunk king, but will tell Elhokar that Kaladin isn't up for it, and leaves after making sure Kaladin isn't having second thoughts about the planned assassination. Kaladin feels helpless at this point to stop the plot, being wounded and powerless.
*[[Shallan]] (point of view)
*[[Amaram]] (mentioned only)
*[[Eleseth]] (mentioned only)
*[[Jasnah]] (mentioned only)
*[[Kaladin]] (mentioned only)
*[[Navani]] (mentioned only)
*[[Amaram]] (mentioned only)
*[[Eleseth]] (mentioned only)
*[[Jasnah]] (mentioned only)
*[[Kaladin]] (mentioned only)
*[[Navani]] (mentioned only)
*[[Dalinar]] (point of view)
*[[Eshonai]] (mentioned only)
*[[Shallan]] (mentioned only)
*[[Eshonai]] (mentioned only)
*[[Shallan]] (mentioned only)
*[[Kaladin]] (point of view)
*[[Shallan]] (point of view)
*[[General Khal]]
*[[Adolin]] (mentioned only)
*[[Aladar]] (mentioned only)
*[[Dalinar]] (mentioned only)
*[[Elhokar]] (mentioned only)
*[[Gavilar]] (mentioned only)
*[[Gaz]] (mentioned only)
*[[Lopen]] (mentioned only)
*[[Moash]] (mentioned only)
*[[Navani]] (mentioned only)
*[[Palona]] (mentioned only)
*[[Roion]] (mentioned only)
*[[Torol SadeasAladar]]
*[[Sebarial]] (mentioned only)
*[[TakaGaz]] (mentioned only)
*[[VathahNavani]] (mentioned only)
*[[Gavilar]] (mentioned only)
*[[Jasnah]] (mentioned only)
*[[Torol Sadeas]] (mentioned only)
*[[Sylphrena]] (mentioned only)
*[[Teft]] (mentioned only)
*[[Tien]] (mentioned only)
;Plot Summary
:''Ishishach 1173''
Shallan climbs up a rock formation to get a good view of the ruins of an old city. Shallan reluctantly returns to the tents to join a war council among the highprinces. Shallan tells Dalinar they must push onward. Adolin reports that ten thousand Parshendi have been spotted on the nearby plateaus. Dalinar decides they will march toward the city the next day and attack.
Everyone leaves but Dalinar, Navani and Shallan. Shallan tells the two that the oathgateOathgate is real according to Jasnah, and Dalinar thinks they might need it in case of emergency to escape.
Kaladin walks through the near deserted camp to think and try to put his losses behind him. He returns to his barracks and finds Elhokar is waiting for him. Elhokar speaks with Kal privately and asks how Kaladin knows how to be a hero. Elhokar complains that he is incompetent even though the Almighty gave him the throne. Elhokar asks Kal if he is a bad king, and Kal replies yes. Kal thinks he could kill the king then and there and wonders if he should, but then realizes that while it would be good for the people, he doesn't want to fail Dalinar. Kaladin suggests that Elhokar resign, which angers the king. Elhokar then says that when Kaladin came, that the shadows that haunted him vanished and that there is something special about Kaladin. Elhokar apologizes for his previous treatment and imprisonment of Kaladin which was out of jealousy, and admits culpability for their failure to deal with Sadeas, and leaves.
*[[Elhokar]] (mentioned only)
*[[Nacomb Gaval]]
*[[Isasik Shulin]]
*[[Jasnah]] (mentioned only)
*[[Mintez]] (mentioned only)
*[[Varth]] (mentioned only)
*[[Velat]] (mentioned only)
*[[Elhokar]] (mentioned only)
*[[Jasnah]] (mentioned only)
*[[Mintez]] (mentioned only)
*[[Varth]] (mentioned only)
*[[Velat]] (mentioned only)
;Plot Summary
:''Ishishach 1173''
Dalinar goes to the edge of a plateau and looks across a chasm to see a large group of Parshendi with glowing red eyes. Dalinar calms down the other highprinces and gives orders for the army to be prepared for battle. Navani says she can't hide from danger since she has to setup her fabrials. Dalinar gives a motivational speech to nearby soldiers saying that he was sent from the Almighty with knowledge of what they face from visions of the past and to trust that the Voidbringers will be countered by the Radiants as in the past. As they wait to join the battle, the Parshendi start singing. Rlain appears as summoned and says that song is of death and destruction and power. The Parshendi start glowing, and Rlain tells Dalinar that they must stop the song or else. Heeding the countdown that says this is the last day that it was leading to, Dalinar orders that his army attack immediately.
Kaladin walks through the lighteyes training ground, still injured and walking with a crutch. Kal talks with Zahel who says the Purelake reminds him of his home unlike the Shattered Plains. Zahel says they flooded the training grounds to wash the sand with the Weeping rains. Kal says he is looking for Wit but Zahel says he isn't around. Kal explains his dilemma vaguely and Zahel replies to choose the option that lets him sleep best at night. Kal tries to practice his spear forms but has difficulty due to his injury. Kal has a realization that Elhokar is Dalinar's Tien.
Adolin receives his orders to attack and orders his soldiers to be ready to charge against the Parshendi. After receiving the signal, his group charges, but they get hit by a lightning blast which kills Adolin's ryshadium and throws Adolin from the saddle and dazes him briefly. Adolin sees flashes of red lightning taking out his soldiers. He yells at his men to advance as if they were fighting archers. He is struck directly by a bolt of lightning but it only blinds him momentarily. He suspects his shardplate and helm provides some sort of immunity or protection to the Parshendi lightning attacks. He subsequently uses his shardblade to attack and kill some Parshendi, and he sees small red spren leave the corpses and vanish.
Adolin receives his orders to attack and orders his soldiers to be ready to charge against the Parshendi. After receiving the signal, his group charges, but they get hit by a lightning blast which kills [[Sureblood]] and throws Adolin from the saddle, dazing him briefly. Adolin sees flashes of red lightning taking out his soldiers. He yells at his men to advance as if they were fighting archers. He is struck directly by a bolt of lightning but it only blinds him momentarily. He suspects his Shardplate and helm provides some sort of immunity or protection to the Parshendi lightning attacks. He subsequently uses his Shardblade to attack and kill some Parshendi, and he sees small red spren leave the corpses and vanish.
Shallan sketches a map of the nearby plateaus so they can try to locate the Oathgate, as a scout reports on the local terrain and Parshendi locations. Pattern says something is very bad. Inadara implies that Pattern is related to the Voidbringers and Pattern replies that she is more likely to be one, causing her to be annoyed. Renarin studies Pattern closely. Pattern says the red stormspren are a form of voidspren that present a great danger. Another scout arrives and says that Shallan's drawing of the central plateau is wrong and that it is actually round, not thin and long, and this alarms Shallan.
Dalinar orders Renarin to find some soldiers to accompany Shallan, and to lead them. He sees that the fighting is tough but his men are holding against the wind and lightning attacks. Dalinar redeploys his soldiers and orders Navani's fabrials to be used. As he walks, he hears a voice and realizes it is the same one he has heard in his visions.
*[[Dalinar]] (point of view)
*[[Kaladin]] (point of view)
*[[Aladar]] (mentioned only)
*[[Khal]] (mentioned only)
*[[Odium]] (mentioned only)
*[[Moelach]] (mentioned only)
*[[Aladar]] (mentioned only)
*[[General Khal]] (mentioned only)
*[[Honor]] (mentioned only)
*[[Odium]] (mentioned only)
*[[Roion]] (mentioned only)
*[[Shallan]] (mentioned only)
*[[Szeth]] (mentioned only)
*[[Teleb]] (mentioned only)
*[[Tien]] (mentioned only)
*[[Zahel]] (mentioned only)
;Plot Summary
:''Ishishach 1173''
Kaladin returns to the palace to save Elhokar, and notices there are no guards which alarms him. He reaches Elhokar's rooms and sees two unfamiliar men, who work for Graves. They tell Kaladin that everything is taken care of and to return to his barracks. With effort, Kal ambushes and incapacitates them. He enters the room and finds the king lying down on a couch and not moving.
Adolin battles but the Parshendi try to ensnare him using ropes. Perel reports that both forces are currently evenly matched, and that the singing Parshendi are not joining the battle. Adolin decides to go after the singers and has a battalion gathered to go after them while Perel provides a distraction.
Dalinar addresses the voice he hears, but the voice says it is not the Almighty, but rather a sliver of Him left after He was killed by Odium. A messenger reports that Teleb has fallen and Roion routed. Dalinar takes the messenger's horse and goes to the battle front to get a firsthand look at the status. He goes to Navani and tells her to execute her plan immediately. A line of archers under a covered pavilion is exposed to the chasm front, with fabrials draining moisture from the air, and the archers join the battle to attack the Parshendi who are surrounding Roion's forces.
Dalinar addresses the voice he hears, but the voice says it is not the Almighty, but rather a [[sliver]] of Him left after He was killed by Odium. A messenger reports that Teleb has fallen and Roion routed. Dalinar takes the messenger's horse and goes to the battlefront to get a firsthand look at the status. He goes to Navani and tells her to execute her plan immediately. A line of archers under a covered pavilion is exposed to the chasm front, with fabrials draining moisture from the air, and the archers join the battle to attack the Parshendi who are surrounding Roion's forces.
Kaladin relaxes as Elhokar is alive but drunk, and the king sulks. Kaladin warns that assassins are coming and they must seek safety. As they leave, one of Grave's men surprises and stabs Elhokar in the side, before Kal can stab him with his spear. The king is bleeding though not critically injured. Kal tells Elhokar to put pressure on his wound, and the king sees that Kal is also bleeding. Kal tells Elhokar not to give up as they flee. Moash and Graves, both in shardplateShardplate, appear.
{{anchor|Chapter 83}}
*[[Moash]]'s grandparents (mentioned only)
*[[Roshone]] (mentioned only)
*The [[Stormfather]]
*[[Roshone]] (mentioned only)
*[[Sylphrena]] (mentioned only)
*[[Szeth]] (mentioned only)
:''Ishishach 1173''
Shallan and Renarin along with some soldiers and bridgemen enter a deserted circular plateau after skirting along the battle lines. She explains that this must be where the oathgate is because it seems to be the center from which the Shattered Plains was broken. Pattern says the Voidspren are raising a storm, and Renarin says the winds are blowing the wrong way, from west to east, and that is an Everstorm. Shallan tells them to search the area for anything out of the ordinary. They find a large rock mound and Renarin cuts a hole into it at Shallan's request.
Shallan and Renarin along with some soldiers and bridgemen enter a deserted circular plateau after skirting along the battle lines. She explains that this must be where the Oathgate is because it seems to be the center from which the Shattered Plains was broken. Pattern says the Voidspren are raising a storm, and Renarin says the winds are blowing the wrong way, from west to east, and that is an Everstorm. Shallan tells them to search the area for anything out of the ordinary. They find a large rock mound and Renarin cuts a hole into it at Shallan's request.
Adolin and his soldiers enter a chamber in the rock formation behind the Parshendi lines, after Adolin cut a hole in the rock using his shardblade. Adolin tells his force that he will cut a hole in the wall behind their foes and that they are to attack the singing Parshendi who are on the other side of the wall. Adolin's group is able to ambush the singers who are disoriented briefly when they stop singing to fight back. Adolin is disgusted by the ease with which he kills his foes, instead of feeling the 'thrill' as usual. He dismisses his shardblade but is then attacked by Eshonai and he then happily resummons his blade in order to face the worthy foe.
Adolin and his soldiers enter a chamber in the rock formation behind the Parshendi lines, after Adolin cut a hole in the rock using his Shardblade. Adolin tells his force that he will cut a hole in the wall behind their foes and that they are to attack the singing Parshendi who are on the other side of the wall. Adolin's group is able to ambush the singers who are disoriented briefly when they stop singing to fight back. Adolin is disgusted by the ease with which he kills his foes, instead of feeling the 'Thrill' as usual. He dismisses his Shardblade but is then attacked by Eshonai and he then happily resummons his blade in order to face the worthy foe.
Dalinar retreats from the battle to get a spear wound treated by physicians. The survivors of Roion's army follow him. Navani shows up and Dalinar tells her they are losing the battle, though Navani says that Adolin won his plateau. Roion yells in panic that they are losing, and Dalinar hears the voice that says it should not end this way. Dalinar asks who the voice is and realizes the voice is the Stormfather, who calls Dalinar a child of Honor. The Stormfather says he is both spren and god and that the Parshendi are summoning an opposing deadly storm and that all he can do is bring a storm of cleansing to wash away their bodies. Dalinar is angered and denounces the Stormfather for abandoning them. The Stormfather says he has to go since his daughter is disobeying and that Dalinar will see no more visions. Dalinar pleads for him to not leave.
Kaladin stands before Elhokar's unconscious body as Moash approaches. Graves yells at Moash who in turn replies that Kaladin is indeed trustworthy. Kal recognizes that they are in the same hallway as where Szeth previously attacked. Moash tries to get Kal to stand down, saying the king is probably already dead, but Kal refuses and says that Moash is betraying bridge four, and that Kal is trying to repent by doing the right thing now. Moash and Kaladin argue and Kaladin tries to get Moash to pursue justice against Roshone who was responsible for the death of Moash's grandparents, and that Moash's method is not honorable. Kal refuses to back down and Moash readies to fight.
*[[Kaladin]] (point of view)
*[[Shallan]] (point of view)
*[[Dalinar]] (mentioned only)
*[[Navani]] (mentioned only)
*The [[Stormfather]]
*[[Dalinar]] (mentioned only)
*[[Navani]] (mentioned only)
*[[Tien]] (mentioned only)
:''Ishishach 1173''
Shallan and Renarin enter a large circular room covered with majestic images on the wall and floor. She believes that this is where the portal is. There are ten equal divisions in the floor mural and an eleventh narrower one representing Urithiru. Renarin says it is coming. Pattern says the Everstorm has been summoned and that there is another highstorm and that the two will collide nearby, causing a very devastating storm. Shallan tells Renarin to insert his shardblade into a keyhole to try to activate the gate but nothing happens. Shallan tells the bridgemen to get their armies onto this plateau so that they can escape, while the scholars try to figure out how to work the oathgate.
Shallan and Renarin enter a large circular room covered with majestic images on the wall and floor. She believes that this is where the portal is. There are ten equal divisions in the floor mural and an eleventh narrower one representing Urithiru. Renarin says it is coming. Pattern says the Everstorm has been summoned and that there is another highstorm and that the two will collide nearby, causing a very devastating storm. Shallan tells Renarin to insert his Shardblade into a keyhole to try to activate the gate but nothing happens. Shallan tells the bridgemen to get their armies onto this plateau so that they can escape, while the scholars try to figure out how to work the Oathgate.
Adolin and Eshonai duel amidst the storm and battle. Eshonai thinks she is winning, but she gets reckless and Adolin is able to knock her into a chasm by slamming into her chest and knocking her backward. Adolin almost falls but is grabbed by Skar and Drehy and other soldiers who pull Adolin back away from the chasm ledge. Adolin returns to the central plateau to get an update and stops someone who looks like a cloaked messenger but it turns out to be Szeth.
Kaladin tries to attack with his spear, but Moash breaks it then hits him hard with a shard-aided punch, and Kaladin crumbles in pain with broken ribs. Moash and Graves try to setup the scene to implicate Szeth as Elhokar's assassin. Kaladin hears a distant argument between Sylphrena and the Stormfather. Moash and Graves argue over which one of them will kill Elhokar. Kaladin thinks that he will protect even those he hates so long as it's right, his next oath, and explains it to himself why he must do so since that is what is right. Kaladin struggles to stand up and draws his knife and places himself between the assassins and Elhokar. Kaladin stands in defiance and hears Syl claim him and stand down the Stormfather's argument. Graves says that Kaladin must die, and Kaladin drops his knife. Kaladin speaks his third oath as instructed to do by Sylphrena and the Stormfather accepts the words. Syl appears and tells Kaladin to hold his hand out, and she becomes a shardblade in his hand. Kaladin breathes in and drains the stormlight from all the nearby spheres, exploding with light and blinding Moash as he heals himself. Wind blows in through burst shutters and a glyph resembling wings forms in frost on the ground. Kaladin says the Knights Radiant have returned, and Graves yells out that the Diagram spoke of this but that they didn't realize what it referred to until it was too late, saying they were trying to separate Kal from Dalinar but not realizing the implications. Moash and Graves flee. Kaladin puzzles over Graves' words, realizing that Dalinar is in danger, and Syl tells him something is still very wrong.
Kaladin tries to attack with his spear, but Moash breaks it then hits him hard with a shard-aided punch, and Kaladin crumbles in pain with broken ribs. Moash and Graves try to set the scene up to implicate Szeth as Elhokar's assassin. Kaladin hears a distant argument between Sylphrena and the Stormfather. Moash and Graves argue over which one of them will kill Elhokar. Kaladin thinks that he will protect even those he hates so long as it's right, his next oath, and explains it to himself why he must do so since that is what is right. Kaladin struggles to stand up and draws his knife and places himself between the assassins and Elhokar. Kaladin stands in defiance and hears Syl claim him and stand down the Stormfather's argument. Graves says that Kaladin must die, and Kaladin drops his knife. Kaladin speaks his third oath as instructed to do by Sylphrena and the Stormfather accepts the words. Syl appears and tells Kaladin to hold his hand out, and she becomes a Shardblade in his hand. Kaladin breathes in and drains the Stormlight from all the nearby spheres, exploding with light and blinding Moash as he heals himself. Wind blows in through burst shutters and a glyph resembling wings forms in frost on the ground. Kaladin says the Knights Radiant have returned, and Graves yells out that the Diagram spoke of this but that they didn't realize what it referred to until it was too late, saying they were trying to separate Kal from Dalinar but not realizing the implications. Moash and Graves flee. Kaladin puzzles over Graves' words, realizing that Dalinar is in danger, and Syl tells him something is still very wrong.
{{anchor|Chapter 85}}
*[[Dalinar]] (point of view)
*[[Shallan]] (point of view)
*[[Aladar]] (mentioned only)
*[[Gavilar]] (mentioned only)
*[[Khal]] (mentioned only)
*[[Aladar]] (mentioned only)
*[[Gavilar]] (mentioned only)
*[[Khal]] (mentioned only)
:''Ishishach 1173''
Peet reports to Dalinar and Navani that Shallan said there were two storms converging on their location. Cael reports that Aladar won his plateau and that they were defeating the Parshendi. They plan to relocate to where Shallan is to try to flee to safety. Adolin suddenly flies into the tent, battered and missing parts of his shardplate. Szeth arrives nearby as Dalinar looks up.
Peet reports to Dalinar and Navani that Shallan said there were two storms converging on their location. Cael reports that Aladar won his plateau and that they were defeating the Parshendi. They plan to relocate to where Shallan is to try to flee to safety. Adolin suddenly flies into the tent, battered and missing parts of his Shardplate. Szeth arrives nearby as Dalinar looks up.
Shallan tries to figure out the puzzle of opening the Oathgate. Renarin speaks cryptically about seeing the future and that the end has come.
Fearing the end as Szeth approaches, Dalinar speaks to Adolin about being a good leader when Adolin ultimately takes over their princedom. Dalinar tells Adolin that he was taught well and is a good man and that Adolin isn't a tyrant like Dalinar originally was, and to unite the highprinces. Dalinar tells bridge four to back off, and asks Szeth why he killed Gavilar. Szeth replies that he obeys his masters without explanation and that he will get what he is owed. Szeth attacks and is parried by Dalinar, causing Szeth to smile wickedly.
Adolin struggles to his feet, watching Dalinar and Szeth battle and seeing another storm forming. He tells Skar and Drehy to help him remove his battered (non-functioning) shardplate.
Adolin struggles to his feet, watching Dalinar and Szeth battle and seeing another storm forming. He tells Skar and Drehy to help him remove his battered (non-functioning) Shardplate.
Dalinar thinks of his brother as he fights Szeth. Eventually Szeth gets a stormlight aided punch through and breaks Dalinar's ribs, taking him out of the fight. Dalinar comes to the realization that he would not have been able to save his brother's life against Szeth, bringing peace to his soul. Szeth approaches to finish the fight, but is attacked by Roion.
Adolin watches as Szeth slices up Roion's sword and lashes him to the sky, causing him to fly up. Szeth then slays a dozen soldiers easily. Adolin attacks but is easily parried. Roion soon comes crashing down to the earth and is instantly killed from the impact. Adolin is joined by some bridgemen and soldiers, but Szeth manages to knock him back with a forceful swing of his shardblade. Szeth reaches Dalinar and touches him, causing him to fly up into the sky (in the same manner as Roion), then walks away. Adolin follows but stops as Szeth says that he is done. Adolin moves to strike at Szeth but the parrying blow breaks his wrist and Szeth moves in for the kill as Adolin loses his blade. He looks up in surprise to see Dalinar floating back down slowly. Szeth looks up in horror to see Kaladin crash into the ground holding a shardblade, leaving a swordlike glyph where he landed. Kaladin says that he claims the sky and winds, and Szeth's life.
Dalinar thinks of his brother as he fights Szeth. Eventually Szeth gets a Stormlight aided punch through and breaks Dalinar's ribs, taking him out of the fight. Dalinar comes to the realization that he would not have been able to save his brother's life against Szeth, bringing peace to his soul. Szeth approaches to finish the fight, but is attacked by Roion.
Adolin watches as Szeth slices up Roion's sword and lashes him to the sky, causing him to fly up. Szeth then slays a dozen soldiers easily. Adolin attacks but is easily parried. Roion soon comes crashing down to the earth and is instantly killed from the impact. Adolin is joined by some bridgemen and soldiers, but Szeth manages to knock him back with a forceful swing of his Shardblade. Szeth reaches Dalinar and touches him, causing him to fly up into the sky (in the same manner as Roion), then walks away. Adolin follows but stops as Szeth says that he is done. Adolin moves to strike at Szeth but the parrying blow breaks his wrist and Szeth moves in for the kill as Adolin loses his blade. He looks up in surprise to see Dalinar floating back down slowly. Szeth looks up in horror to see Kaladin crash into the ground holding a Shardblade, leaving a swordlike glyph where he landed. Kaladin says that he claims the sky and winds, and Szeth's life.
{{anchor|Chapter 86}}
*[[Khal]] (mentioned only)
*[[Mart]] (mentioned only)
*[[Pedin]] (mentioned only)
*[[Rust Elthal]]
*[[Stormfather]] (mentioned only)
*[[Khal]] (mentioned only)
*[[Mart]] (mentioned only)
*[[Pedin]] (mentioned only)
*The [[Stormfather]] (mentioned only)
*[[Zahel]] (mentioned only)
;Plot Summary
:''Ishishach 1173''
Kaladin watches as Szeth reacts in horror to his arrival and Dalinar's safe landing. Kal tells Dalinar to seek shelter as he flew over a storm while traveling. Kaladin says he will deal with Szeth and says 'yes' when Dalinar asks if Kal is what Dalinar has been looking for. Teft and bridge four members throw down lanterns with infused gems for Kaladin to drain for investiture. Kaladin attacks Szeth, angered and ready to avenge the fallen bridgemen.
Shallan asks to have Renarin quieted while she tries to figure out the pattern to opening the Oathgate and realizes that the lock is a fabrial.
Dalinar asks for a status report on their retreat as he watches Kaladin fight Szeth. He helps Adolin to his feet and confirms that Kaladin is a Radiant, making Adolin smile in realization. Adolin heads toward where Shallan is, along with some bridgemen. Dalinar finds his horse, then goes toward Shallan's plateau, finding Roion's army heading that way. Dalinar encounters Sebarial, who is in repose with Palona, and who says that he helped organize the retreat, and gives an update on the armies. Aladar reports on his victory and proclaims the Vengeance Pact fulfilled due to the overwhelming number of Parshendi slain, as the soldiers gather on one plateau. Dalinar explains that victory feels like exhaustion and pain and suffering, and that they need to fit everyone close together on the plateau to be ready to get through the portal.
Kaladin flies through the air chasing Szeth as Syl flies around him, saying that she was only as dead as his oaths. Kaladin asks about the out of season highstorm, and Syl says the Stormfather caused it to try to end it all and wash everyone away and hide from the future. Kaladin flies high enough to break the storm ceiling into sunlight and finds Szeth. Szeth claims that Kaladin stole an honorblade but he denies this. Szeth attacks and Syl changes into a spear so that Kaladin can more easily parry. Szeth observes this but clings to his denial of Kaladin being a Radiant.
Shallan infuses spheres in the chamber with stormlight, not bothering to conceal her abilities. She runs out of stormlight and cries for more gemstones. She sees Adolin leading the soldiers and goes to him briefly. Adolin sees her glowing and says, 'you too?' and she replies 'yes, sorry' then yells for them to hurry.
Shallan infuses spheres in the chamber with Stormlight, not bothering to conceal her abilities. She runs out of Stormlight and cries for more gemstones. She sees Adolin leading the soldiers and goes to him briefly. Adolin sees her glowing and says, 'you too?' and she replies 'yes, sorry' then yells for them to hurry.
Kaladin and Szeth battle, using lashings to maneuver back and forth as the two storms crash into each other below. Szeth says the Knights can't be back but Kal retorts that they are and will kill him. Szeth manages to stab Kaladin but he is able to heal his wound though it consumes a lot of stormlight. Szeth boasts that he will win due to his experience but Kal says that the sky is and was always his. Kal starts fighting instinctually and manages to strike Szeth as Syl changes weapon forms (e.g., sword to spear to hammer to spear, etc.) while they fight, though Szeth dodges a killing blow. Kaladin sees the top of the plateau crest through the clouds, spinning slowly. Szeth lands on the surface, chased by Kaladin. Szeth again yells that the Voidbringers can't be back, and heads back toward where Dalinar is in order to complete his assigned assassination.
Shallan gets the last spheres lit as time is running out, and the floor begins to glow. Shallan tells Adolin to put his shardblade into the keyhole but nothing happens. She realizes what the problem is, and summons Pattern in blade form, and puts him in the key hole, causing a reaction as she senses something unlock deep inside the plateau. Shallan and Adolin push against Pattern (in the form of an inserted blade/lever) along a ridge in the circular wall to where the picture of Urithiru is, and she then pulls Pattern out. The lamps then fade out.
Kaladin and Szeth battle, using Lashings to maneuver back and forth as the two storms crash into each other below. Szeth says the Knights can't be back but Kal retorts that they are and will kill him. Szeth manages to stab Kaladin but he is able to heal his wound though it consumes a lot of Stormlight. Szeth boasts that he will win due to his experience but Kal says that the sky is and was always his. Kal starts fighting instinctually and manages to strike Szeth as Syl changes weapon forms (e.g., sword to spear to hammer to spear, etc.) while they fight, though Szeth dodges a killing blow. Kaladin sees the top of the plateau crest through the clouds, spinning slowly. Szeth lands on the surface, chased by Kaladin. Szeth again yells that the Voidbringers can't be back, and heads back toward where Dalinar is in order to complete his assigned assassination.
Kal follows Szeth into the storm as Syl admonishes caution because the Stormfather hates him and this is his domain and that another worse storm brews as well. Kaladin and Szeth both reinvest their stormlight from the storm. Szeth reaches the plateau before Kaladin but it is mysteriously empty.
Shallan gets the last spheres lit as time is running out, and the floor begins to glow. Shallan tells Adolin to put his Shardblade into the keyhole but nothing happens. She realizes what the problem is, and summons Pattern in blade form, and puts him in the key hole, causing a reaction as she senses something unlock deep inside the plateau. Shallan and Adolin push against Pattern (in the form of an inserted blade/lever) along a ridge in the circular wall to where the picture of Urithiru is, and she then pulls Pattern out. The lamps then fade out.
Kal follows Szeth into the storm as Syl admonishes caution because the Stormfather hates him and this is his domain and that another worse storm brews as well. Kaladin and Szeth both reinvest their Stormlight from the storm. Szeth reaches the plateau before Kaladin but it is mysteriously empty.
Adolin cuts a hole in the stone, revealing sunlight. They look outside and find the gathered armies on the plateau, but it has relocated to the mountain range that also houses Urithiru.
Szeth screams at Kaladin as red spren zip around in the tempest. Szeth realizes that Dalinar and the armies went to Urithiru, and flies off toward the west, chased by Kal. Kaladin chases with difficulty and they both reach the stormfront and break through it, and Kaladin stabs Szeth in his foot. Kaladin manages to smash Szeth in his shoulder as they fight just ahead of the highstorm. As they fight, Szeth finally acknowledges the truth and says that he was right all along and never Truthless, and that he could have stopped murdering at any time. Szeth stops fighting, and Kaladin is about to make a killing strike, but instead slices his wrist, sending the Honorblade tumbling down. Syl urges Kaladin to grab the sword, and Kaladin dives after it as Szeth falls to the ground, no longer lashed and pummeled by the storm.{{bws ref|three-stories-in-new-formats|Three Stories in New Formats|date=Mar 6th, 2015}}{{ref|text=In the original release of ''Words of Radiance'', Kaladin severed Szeth's spine with his Shardblade, killing Szeth. Brandon decided to change this in subsequent releases.}} Kaladin stays hovering surrounded by windspren, and Syl says she may keep Kaladin around. Syl demands compliments and a smile.
===Chapter 87: The Riddens===
[[File:Stormlight Decal Swords.svg|165px|center]]
{{epigraph|Chaos in Alethkar is, of course, inevitable. Watch carefully, and do not let power in the kingdom solidify. The Blackthorn could become an ally or our greatest foe, depending on whether he takes the path of the warlord or not. If he seems likely to sue for peace, assasinateassassinate him expeditiously. The risk of competition is too great.}}
*[[Moash]] (point of view)
*[[Shallan]] (point of view)
*[[Adolin]] (mentioned only)
*[[Aladar]] (mentioned only)
*[[Chilinko]] (mentioned only)
*[[Gavilar]] (mentioned only)
*[[Honor]] (mentioned only)
*[[Jasnah]] (mentioned only)
*[[Lopen's mother]]
*[[Mart]] (mentioned only)
*[[Nohadon]] (mentioned only)
*[[Odium]] (mentioned only)
*[[Pedin]] (mentioned only)
*[[Adolin]] (mentioned only)
*[[Aladar]] (mentioned only)
*[[Chilinko]] (mentioned only)
*[[Gavilar]] (mentioned only)
*[[Honor]] (mentioned only)
*[[Jasnah]] (mentioned only)
*[[Mart]] (mentioned only)
*[[Nohadon]] (mentioned only)
*[[Odium]] (mentioned only)
*[[Pedin]] (mentioned only)
*[[Rod]] (mentioned only)
*[[Roion]] (mentioned only)
*[[Torol Sadeas]] (mentioned only)
*[[Sebarial]] (mentioned only)
*[[Szeth]] (mentioned only)
;Plot summary
Sylphrena says that the other storm which is blowing from west to east is of Him, not us, but that she doesn't know what will happen. Kaladin wonders where the army vanished to as he stands on the empty plateau where the army had been. Syl verifies that shardblades are dead spren, but they gain a little life when summoned, and that forces, unlike people, can be broken without being completely destroyed. Kaladin asks why Szeth's blade doesn't scream and Syl says it is not a spren but something different and dangerous. She says she thinks it is an Honorblade of the Heralds, and that its grants its holder the powers of a Windrunner, and that the Honorblades were given by Honor to men and that spren are based on those blades, and that it is valuable. She explains that the blade gives the abilities without the checks a spren requires but that it requires dangerous amounts of stormlight. Kaladin encounters some men from bridge four, including Rock and Teft. Kaladin says the new blade was Szeth's and he is now dead. Bisig says that Radiant girl showed them how to bring the plateau back, and Kaladin realizes that must be Shallan and that she is either a Radiant or has an Honorblade. Kaladin gets a status report, and wonders what he should say about Moash, and realizes he can't keep his abilities a secret. Teft says some of the bridgemen began to glow and that the bridgemen might be part of the Radiants' hierarchy as well. Teft tells Kaladin that his eyes turned light and Kaladin silently curses. Kal summons Syl to operate the lock fabrial to transport them.
Shallan stands by the gates of Urithiru, watching as people begin exploring the city. Pattern says that Shallan is almost a Radiant and will be so once she speaks truths. Shallan guesses that their location is in the mountains near Tu Bayla or perhaps Emul. Shallan checks in with Dalinar as scribes send messages via spanreed warning of the storm blowing in the wrong direction. Dalinar reports that Elhokar vanished and that Kholinar is in riot. Shallan sees a flash that marks the return of Kaladin and bridge four. Kaladin floats over, carrying a shardblade, and reports that Szeth is dead and that Elhokar was wounded but relocated to a safe house that no one would think of.
Sylphrena says that the other storm which is blowing from west to east is of Him, not us, but that she doesn't know what will happen. Kaladin wonders where the army vanished to as he stands on the empty plateau where the army had been. Syl verifies that Shardblades are dead spren, but they gain a little life when summoned, and that forces, unlike people, can be broken without being completely destroyed. Kaladin asks why Szeth's blade doesn't scream and Syl says it is not a spren but something different and dangerous. She says she thinks it is an Honorblade of the Heralds, and that its grants its holder the powers of a Windrunner, and that the Honorblades were given by Honor to men and that spren are based on those blades, and that it is valuable. She explains that the blade gives the abilities without the checks a spren requires but that it requires dangerous amounts of Stormlight. Kaladin encounters some men from bridge four, including Rock and Teft. Kaladin says the new blade was Szeth's and he is now dead. Bisig says that Radiant girl showed them how to bring the plateau back, and Kaladin realizes that must be Shallan and that she is either a Radiant or has an Honorblade. Kaladin gets a status report, and wonders what he should say about Moash, and realizes he can't keep his abilities a secret. Teft says some of the bridgemen began to glow and that the bridgemen might be part of the Radiants' hierarchy as well. Teft tells Kaladin that his eyes turned light and Kaladin silently curses. Kal summons Syl to operate the lock fabrial to transport them.
Lopen experiments with an infused gemstone as his mother implores Elhokar to eat his chouta. Chilinko tells Lopen they may need to move from their house in Sebarial's warcamp as there is word that something was found on the Plains. Lopen manages to drain some stormlight briefly and sees new flesh growing where his arm is missing, and he then demands more spheres from his family, proclaiming in triumph.
Shallan stands by the gates of Urithiru, watching as people begin exploring the city. Pattern says that Shallan is almost a Radiant and will be so once she speaks truths. Shallan guesses that their location is in the mountains near Tu Bayla or perhaps Emul. Shallan checks in with Dalinar as scribes send messages via spanreed warning of the storm blowing in the wrong direction. Dalinar reports that Elhokar vanished and that Kholinar is in riot. Shallan sees a flash that marks the return of Kaladin and bridge four. Kaladin floats over, carrying a Shardblade, and reports that Szeth is dead and that Elhokar was wounded but relocated to a safe house that no one would think of.
Lopen experiments with an infused gemstone as his mother implores Elhokar to eat his chouta. Chilinko tells Lopen they may need to move from their house in Sebarial's warcamp as there is word that something was found on the Plains. Lopen manages to drain some Stormlight briefly and sees new flesh growing where his arm is missing, and he then demands more spheres from his family, proclaiming in triumph.
Moash rides on a cart heading out of the warcamps, with his armor packed away. Graves joins him and points out some scavengers going through the warcamps to loot them. He says they will get what is coming to them when the Everstorm arrives. Moash thinks to himself in disbelief that he was a traitor and that he tried to kill Kaladin and failed to kill Elhokar. Graves explains what he knows from the Diagram though it is vague, and curses that Jasnah was right about the Voidbringers being the Parshmen. Moash asks who Graves really is, and he replies that he is a patriot who interpreted the Diagram incorrectly. Graves tells Moash that he will bring him into the Diagram and that they have important work ahead in saving the world. Moash thinks he was played but still goes along.
*[[Szeth]] (point of view)
*[[Bordin]] (mentioned only)
*[[Dalinar]] (mentioned only)
*[[Gavilar]] (mentioned only)
*[[Helaran]] (mentioned only)
*[[Jasnah]] (mentioned only)
*[[Kaladin]] (mentioned only)
*[[Lin Davar]] (mentioned only)
*[[Bordin]] (mentioned only)
*[[Dalinar]] (mentioned only)
*[[Gavilar]] (mentioned only)
*[[Helaran]] (mentioned only)
*[[Jasnah]] (mentioned only)
*[[Kaladin]] (mentioned only)
*[[Lin Davar]] (mentioned only)
*[[Restares]] (mentioned only)
*[[Shallan's mother]] (mentioned only)
*[[Sylphrena]] (mentioned only)
;Plot Summary
Shallan explores the main tower of Urithiru, though she is tired. As she wanders, she finds a folded piece of paper marked with the Ghostblood symbol and her real name, which alarms her. She enters a nearby room where Mraize awaits her, and readies to draw Pattern just in case, acknowledging to herself that Pattern is not a typical blade. Mraize says that she gave herself away by using her abilities while saving the army, and suggests that Veil is her true identity, not Shallan. Mraize speculates on how people will see Shallan, and says that the Ghostbloods take care of their own including her. She angrily declares that the Ghostbloods killed Jasnah, but Mraize calmly replies that Jasnah had assassinated some of their members also, and that he should have guessed Shallan's identity sooner due to her family's history. Shallan says she won't help Mraize but he replies that he has her brothers. He also says that he is owed for the broken soulcaster and that she happens to be one. Shallan threatens to kill Mraize but he says that her brothers will be safe, and then he says that there are answers that she needs to learn about the Ghostbloods' purpose and what her brother and father were up to. He says that she can be both a Radiant and a Ghostblood in her different identities and that she can take time to consider if she wants to join the Ghostbloods.
She finds Adolin and they hug and banter for a bit. Adolin leaves after saying that Pattern chose her quarters for her. She looks at the wall which resembles the room at her father's home and Pattern says it is time for her to be a Radiant. She sees an illusion of a room with a white carpet and two corpses on the floor, and a painting outlined with a glow with something hidden behind it. Behind the painting, a strongbox is hidden and she opens it and takes out a shardblade that was originally Pattern. Shallan looks at the corpses of her mother and her mother's friend and talks about how her mother tried to kill Shallan when she learned what Shallan could do. Shallan speaks of how her father took the blame for Shallan killing her own mother in self-defense and how it destroyed their family and that Pattern says that Shallan will get revenge and kill Pattern. Shallan says she doesn't want revenge, she wants her family.
Shallan explores the main tower of Urithiru, though she is tired. As she wanders, she finds a folded piece of paper marked with the Ghostblood symbol and her real name, which alarms her. She enters a nearby room where Mraize awaits her, and readies to draw Pattern just in case, acknowledging to herself that Pattern is not a typical blade. Mraize says that she gave herself away by using her abilities while saving the army, and suggests that Veil is her true identity, not Shallan. Mraize speculates on how people will see Shallan, and says that the Ghostbloods take care of their own including her. She angrily declares that the Ghostbloods killed Jasnah, but Mraize calmly replies that Jasnah had assassinated some of their members also, and that he should have guessed Shallan's identity sooner due to her family's history. Shallan says she won't help Mraize but he replies that he has her brothers. He also says that he is owed for the broken Soulcaster and that she happens to be one. Shallan threatens to kill Mraize but he says that her brothers will be safe, and then he says that there are answers that she needs to learn about the Ghostbloods' purpose and what her brother and father were up to. He says that she can be both a Radiant and a Ghostblood in her different identities and that she can take time to consider if she wants to join the Ghostbloods.
She finds Adolin and they hug and banter for a bit. Adolin leaves after saying that Pattern chose her quarters for her. She looks at the wall which resembles the room at her father's home and Pattern says it is time for her to be a Radiant. She sees an illusion of a room with a white carpet and two corpses on the floor, and a painting outlined with a glow with something hidden behind it. Behind the painting, a strongbox is hidden and she opens it and takes out a Shardblade that was originally Pattern. Shallan looks at the corpses of her mother and her mother's friend and talks about how her mother tried to kill Shallan when she learned what Shallan could do. Shallan speaks of how her father took the blame for Shallan killing her own mother in self-defense and how it destroyed their family and that Pattern says that Shallan will get revenge and kill Pattern. Shallan says she doesn't want revenge, she wants her family.
Amaram writes a note to Restares reporting that Voidbringers were spotted and that a new storm was unleashed, and that the world had to be put in crisis for the Heralds and Church to return to dominance. He gives the note to Pama to be sent to Restares. As he walks through Dalinar's temple complex he reflects that the Sons of Honor achieved their goal and that Gavilar would be proud. Amaram stealthily cuts his way into the room where Taln is being held, thinking of regrets for his loss of friendship with Dalinar over Kaladin's accusations of murder. As Amaram leads Taln from the room, Taln catches a poison dart in midair that would have hit Amaram, and he sees a masked person shoot another dart at him that is also caught before the would-be assassin runs away. Amaram then leads Taln to his coach.
Szeth wakes up wondering why he did not die from the shardblade wound. Nale is standing there and Szeth recognizes him. Nale explains how he was brought back to life, and says he is one of Szeth's gods, though Szeth replies that his gods are the stones, sun and stars, not men. Szeth recognizes him as Nalan, Herald of Justice. Szeth asks why he was saved since he can't take his torment anymore and Nale replies those words are foolish and unbecoming of his apprentice to be. Szeth says he wants to die, but then changes his mind and says that he was right and his people wrong. Nale says he will teach him to ignore feelings and bring justice to his former leaders. Szeth says he is not worthy but Nale disagrees saying that he stuck to his personal code at great cost and is worthy to be a Skybreaker. Nale says that Szeth is reborn and is to begin training immediately and that he brought a shardblade for Szeth and throws it to the ground. Szeth picks up the odd sheathed black shardblade with a trail of smoke, and hears a voice say "Hello, would you like to destroy some evil today?"
Szeth wakes up wondering why he did not die from the Shardblade wound. Nale is standing there and Szeth recognizes him. Nale explains how he was brought back to life, and says he is one of Szeth's gods, though Szeth replies that his gods are the stones, sun and stars, not men. Szeth recognizes him as Nalan, Herald of Justice. Szeth asks why he was saved since he can't take his torment anymore and Nale replies those words are foolish and unbecoming of his apprentice to be. Szeth says he wants to die, but then changes his mind and says that he was right and his people wrong. Nale says he will teach him to ignore feelings and bring justice to his former leaders. Szeth says he is not worthy but Nale disagrees saying that he stuck to his personal code at great cost and is worthy to be a Skybreaker. Nale says that Szeth is reborn and is to begin training immediately and that he brought a Shardblade for Szeth and throws it to the ground. Szeth picks up the odd sheathed black Shardblade with a trail of smoke, and hears a voice say "Hello, would you like to destroy some evil today?"
{{anchor|Chapter 89}}
*[[Adolin]] (point of view)
*[[Dalinar]] (point of view)
*[[Ialai Sadeas]]
*[[Torol Sadeas]]
*The [[Stormfather]]
*[[Aladar]] (mentioned only)
*[[Elhokar]] (mentioned only)
*[[Glys]] (mentioned only)
*[[Hatham]] (mentioned only)
*[[Ialai Sadeas]]
*[[Lopen]] (mentioned only)
*[[Navani]] (mentioned only)
*[[Odium]] (mentioned only)
*[[Rlain]] (mentioned only)
*[[Torol Sadeas]]
*[[Szeth]] (mentioned only)
*[[Taravangian]] (mentioned only)
;Plot Summary
Dalinar dreams of his youthful home, and a distant source of warmth, then wakes up in Urithiru. He thinks the dream was a vision but there was no highstorm which generally accompanies the visions he has.
Adolin walks through the city, exploring, wondering at how the tables have turned in his relationship to Shallan with her newfound importance as a Radiant. Adolin runs into Sadeas scouting the city, and tries to get Sadeas to admit that Dalinar was right, but Sadeas claims it was all a deal worked out with the Parshendi as evidenced by Rlain being a bridgeman. Adolin asks why Sadeas wants to knowingly spread lies, and Sadeas says that either him or Dalinar can succeed but not both. Sadeas says that he suffered a temporary setback but will take everything away from Dalinar, and this aggravates Adolin into attacking Sadeas. They grapple, and eventually Adolin stabs Sadeas in the skull, killing him. He throws away Sadeas' shardblade and covers up his tracks and leaves.
Adolin walks through the city, exploring, wondering at how the tables have turned in his relationship to Shallan with her newfound importance as a Radiant. Adolin runs into Sadeas scouting the city, and tries to get Sadeas to admit that Dalinar was right, but Sadeas claims it was all a deal worked out with the Parshendi as evidenced by Rlain being a bridgeman. Adolin asks why Sadeas wants to knowingly spread lies, and Sadeas says that either him or Dalinar can succeed but not both. Sadeas says that he suffered a temporary setback but will take everything away from Dalinar, and this aggravates Adolin into attacking Sadeas. They grapple, and eventually Adolin stabs Sadeas in the skull, killing him. He throws away Sadeas' Shardblade and covers up his tracks and leaves.
Dalinar reaches the roof of the central tower. He looks down upon the city, seeing the circular rings that comprise the tower, and pillars that match one in the capital of Alethkar where the palace and temple were built. Dalinar then looks up and questions the actions of the Stormfather that almost led to their destruction. The Stormfather explains his purpose and that he is like a spren to the Almighty. Dalinar recites the first oath of the Knights Radiant and the Oath of Bondsmiths, and the Stormfather reluctantly bonds him, telling him to get rid of his shardblade. The Stormfather says that he sent no vision that morning and for Dalinar to go lead his people to failure as opposing Odium would be futile. Dalinar leaves the tower top and goes to another room near the top where Shallan and Kaladin await. Dalinar takes out a sphere and draws stormlight into himself in response to Kaladin's inquiry, and feels his injuries heal.
Dalinar explains that he is a bondsmith and Shallan says there are three knights but is corrected by Renarin, who walks in and reveals himself to be a Truthwatcher. Dalinar explains that the Parshmen are all being changed by the Everstorm and that they must prepare. Kaladin says he has to go home to warn his parents. Dalinar and Shallan speak of the tasks facing them to save as many people as possible, reciting their oaths again.
Dalinar reaches the roof of the central tower. He looks down upon the city, seeing the circular rings that comprise the tower, and pillars that match one in the capital of Alethkar where the palace and temple were built. Dalinar then looks up and questions the actions of the Stormfather that almost led to their destruction. The Stormfather explains his purpose and that he is like a spren to the Almighty. Dalinar recites the first oath of the Knights Radiant and the Oath of Bondsmiths, and the Stormfather reluctantly bonds him, telling him to get rid of his Shardblade. The Stormfather says that he sent no vision that morning and for Dalinar to go lead his people to failure as opposing Odium would be futile. Dalinar leaves the tower top and goes to another room near the top where Shallan and Kaladin await. Dalinar takes out a sphere and draws Stormlight into himself in response to Kaladin's inquiry, and feels his injuries heal.
Dalinar explains that he is a Bondsmith and Shallan says there are three knights but is corrected by Renarin, who walks in and reveals himself to be a Truthwatcher. Dalinar explains that the Parshmen are all being changed by the Everstorm and that they must prepare. Kaladin says he has to go home to warn his parents. Dalinar and Shallan speak of the tasks facing them to save as many people as possible, reciting their oaths again.
== {{anchor|Epilogue}}Epilogue: Art and Expectation ==
*[[Wit]] (point of view)
*[[Almighty]] (mentioned only)
*[[Almighty]] (mentioned only)
*[[Shallan]] (mentioned only)
*[[Tanavast]] (mentioned only)
