Diferencia entre revisiones de «Sombra cognitiva»

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Though possible, this is too speculative for the Coppermind. Do post it on the forums though!
(Added a reference from ROW to the possible mechanics of the return of Kelsier.)
(Though possible, this is too speculative for the Coppermind. Do post it on the forums though!)
Etiqueta: Deshacer
After his death, Kelsier found the [[Well of Ascension]] in the Cognitive Realm and, with [[Leras]]' help, merged with it. As a result, he became infused with [[Preservation]]'s power and became a Cognitive Shadow, though, since the Well was created as a prison, he was unable to leave.{{msh ref|1|1}} After [[Vin]] released [[Ruin]] from the Well he was able to travel the Scadrian Cognitive Realm and influence the [[Physical Realm]], though he was unable to actually leave the Cognitve Realm because his "ties to the Physical Realm [had] been severed" by his death.{{msh ref|2|1}} With the help of a device made by the [[Ire]], he was able to hold the [[Shard]] of Preservation after Leras died, though, according to Ruin, he was made for a weaker [[Vessel]] than a normal person.{{msh ref|6|4}} Some time after the [[Catacendre]], Kelsier found a way to recreate his physical body and return to the Physical Realm.{{book ref|mb6|epilogue}}
At the end of Rythm of War, [[Ishar]] the [[Herald]] of the [[Order of Bondsmiths]] was found with physical manifestations of different [[Spren]]. These Spren had organic bodies, but they were not viable. The mechanism used by Kelsier to return to the physical realm may have been something similar, most likely by the manipulation of connection, maybe through [[Hemalurgy]], but the exact methods are unknown.
Most likely more similar to how [[Herald]]s manifest a physical body after returning from [[Braize]].
;The mist spirit