Diferencia entre revisiones de «Citónica (habilidad)»

Expanding, style fixing, sourcing
(Expanding, style fixing, sourcing)
{{Magicmagic system
|prereq=Being descended from someone with the ability
|universe=[[Skyward Universe]]
|books=[[Skyward]], [[Defending Elysium]]{{wob ref|12403}}
|Technology is limited. Only the mind is infinite.
|[[Varvax]] proverb{{book ref|elysium}}
'''Cytonics''', issometimes called cytonic abilities, a defect or a deviation, are a set of psionic abilities used by numerous sapient beings, among others,them [[Jason Write]], and [[Spensa Nightshade]], and [[Edmund (Cytonic)|Edmund]].{{book ref|Elysium}}{{book ref|Skywardskyward|54}}. TheseIn abilitieshumans, inthose humansabilities have lasted centuries and have continued to pass genetically since (at least) the time of the [[Phone Company]] until the occupation of [[Detritus]] by the descendants of the ''[[Defiant]]''.{{wob ref|11990}} AliensAll withalien races that have contacted mankind possess cytonics, and have, existedin longerfact, thandeveloped humansthem before prior to discovering advanced technology.{{book ref|elysium}}
Cytonics, or cytonic abilities (sometimes called the defect or the deviation) refers to several abilities powered by the living mind. Some of these abilities have been shown to be augmented by electronics, and shared to populations that don't possess them. Cytonic abilities include Sense, faster-than-light communication, mind blades, and faster-than-light travel. All alien races that have contacted mankind possess cytonic abilities, and have, in fact, developed them before they developed advanced technology.{{book ref|elysium}}
== History ==
The precursor for cytonics was originally developed as an attempt to create cybernetic-based telepathic linking, named cyto. While the original attempts did not work as intended, they were sufficient to attract the attention of the alien [[Tenasi]]. More advanced cytonics are studied and developed by the few in the PCPhone Company over the years.{{book ref|elysium}}
At some point in the following centuries, during the war between humans and aliens, human cytonics users came under threat from the [[eyes]], strange, extra-dimensional entities that exist in the nowhere space accessible to humans.{{book ref|skyward|54}} For this reason, the use of cytonic technology was significantly reduced to avoiding attracting the eyes' attention.{{book ref|skyward|31}} By the time of ''[[Defiant]]'' crashing on [[Detritus]], only engine crews, which required cytonics to move the ship at faster-than-light speeds, utilized it.{{book ref|skyward|45}} In the century since, the cytonic ability came to be known as the "defect", as it was poorly understood and exposed the cytonics users to threat from both the [[Krell]] and the eyes.{{book ref|skyward|i|1}}{{book ref|skyward|55}}
== UsesMechanics ==
Cytonics encompass a number of abilities powered by the living mind. Some of them can be augmented by electronics, and through this shared to populations that don't possess them.{{book ref|elysium}} In humans, use of cytonics is signified by increased activity in the section of the brain called the '''writellum'''.{{book ref|skyward|i|2}} Only a small percentage of the total human populace possesses the capacity for cytonics, although this number is far higher among alien races. Some, like [[Varvax]] and [[Tenasi]], are implied to all have the ability.{{book ref|elysium}}
In order to utilize cytonics, the user needs to meditate, focusing on the impression of moving upwards and letting the world around them fade away.{{book ref|skyward|1}} While an beginner needs several moments to enter the appropriate mental state, an experienced user of cytonics can do so instantly, allowing them to actively use the ability in combat.{{book ref|elysium}} The focus allows the cytonics to utilize the nowhere space, a timeless emptiness outside of normal reality. The nowhere space figures heavily in several cytonic abilities, most notably teleportation and FTL communication.{{book ref|skyward|55}} It's also home of the [[eyes]], making using it dangerous for humans.{{book ref|skyward|54}}
== Cytonic Abilities ==
; Sense
The ability to "see" the world with supernatural senses. [[Jason Write]] uses it to perceive the light as vibrations, black being calm, white light being a roar in his mind. This allows him to get a clear picture of the world despite his blindness, though it takes a certain level of conscious effort.{{book ref|elysium}}
; FTL Communication
The original reason cytonics was developed was its ability to connect minds of cytonics users and share verbal information. During the days of the [[Phone Company]], the advanced FTL communication network that connects all mankind is powered by a single operative with developed cytonic abilities, and is mediated by cybernetic equipment.{{book ref|elysium}}
The original reason cytonics was developed, the advanced FTL communication network that connects all mankind is powered by a single Phone Company operative with developed cytonic abilities, and is mediated by cybernetic equipment. cytonic users can communicate without help of the electronic equipment, but the range that they can communicate without technological support is unknown. Spensa observed that language makes no distinction in FTL communication, as she and her father used their ability to sense Krell cytonic communication.{{book ref|Skyward}} It is proven that certain technology or matter can block or interfere with it.{{book ref|Skyward}}
Cytonic users can communicate without help of the electronic equipment.{{book ref|skyward|55}} The range that they can communicate without technological support is unknown, althugh the communication can be overheard over several hundred kilometers.{{book ref|skyward|1}} Difference in language or species makes no distinction in FTL communication; however, it seems impossible to encrypt or secure it against cytonics-using eavesdroppers.{{book ref|skyward|55}} It is proven that certain technology or matter can block or interfere with it.{{book ref|skyward|55}}
; MindBlades
; Mind Speed Acceleration
Cytonic users are able to react at incredible speed, thinking faster than humanly possible, although this doesn't not allow for increase in physical speed. This mind acceleration allows the cytonic users to excel in tasks that require quick reaction times, such as flight, making them excellent pilots, as well as use their abilities with little advanced warning, allowing them to compete with bullets.{{book ref|skyward|epilogue}}{{book ref|elysium}}
; Mindblades
|As fast as the bullets were, however, Jason’s mind was faster. He whipped out, a dozen invisible mindblades slashing through the air. The force of his attack slapped the bullets backward as well as sliced each one in two.
Mindblades are pure force, formed by the mind of the user. They can be used to cut through any solid objects, but with practice, it can be Sensed and blocked by other mindblades. Notably,They byare usingcapable mindblades,of Jasonaffecting waseven ablematerials tothat reduceare resistant to dustadvanced aconventional buildingweaponry, madesuch ofas [[Telanium]],.{{book an extremely tough material that advanced weaponry could scarcely harm.ref|elysium}}
; FTL Transport
|Jason focused on himself. He didn’t raise any mindblades. Instead, he Sensed inward. He felt his own vibration in his Sense, a cool black-clothed creature. So different than the boy he had once been(. The boy had been stupefied, made immobile, by his horror. Jason was no longer that boy.) With a scream, he felt the mindblades descend around him, and he threw himself willingly into the darkness.
| Defending Elysium{{book ref|elysium}}
It is anAn ability possessed by all advanced alien races, and developed but kept secret by PCthe Phone Company operatives. It involves Sensing inwards on yourself and removing yourself from normal space, moving through an timeless emptiness to reappear at a different point in normal space possibly light-years away in seconds. When reappearing, the performer pushes aside matters at the place to create the space for themselves.{{book ref|elysium}} [[M-Bot]] has a cytonic hyperdrive that requires a human to power it.{{book ref|skyward|54}}
; Mind Swap
Using advanced cytonics, it is possible for a mind to swap bodies, asincluding performedcross-species. inAmong Defendingothers, Elysium[[Varvax]] dissidents can utilize this to take human bodies, akin to possession.{{book ref|elysium}}
; Cytonic Suppression
There isexist a type of cytonic devicedevices that allows suppression of cytonic abilities, for the purposes of keeping prisoners. Somethingor aboutprotecting thean planetarea detritusfrom (presumablycytonic havinginfluence. Varvax use cytonic suppression to dokeep withvarious civillizations in check, while the [[Detritus]] debris field)shield limitsmutes cytonicaccess communicationto cytonics to an extent.{{book ref|elysium}}{{book ref|skyward|54}}
; Advanced Processing
Some advanced processors also use cytonic technology to work much faster than normally possible.{{book ref|skyward|31}} This is most important to artificial intelligences such as [[M-Bot]], iswhich anrequire examplecytonics ofto thisfunction at a sapient level.{{clarifybook ref|skyward|55}}
; Cytonic Mind Hologram
People with cytonic abilities are susceptible to having their vision overwritten by some process, technology or ability, replacing their normal sight with artificial images conjured up by the hologram creators. This is what causedcauses [[Chaser]] to turn on his allies during the [[Battle of Alta]].{{book ref|Skyward|55}}{{book ref|Skyward|39}}
== KnownNotable cytonics Usersusers ==
; Mind Speed Acceleration
=== Confirmed ===
This ability is not directly mentioned in the books, but cytonic users are able to react at incredible speed, thinking faster than bullets. Note that this does not allow for increase in physical speed.
== Known cytonics Users ==
* [[Jason Write]]
* [[Spensa Nightshade]]
* [[Tenasi|The Tenasi]]
* [[Edmund (Cytonic)|Edmund]]
=== Speculated cytonics Users ===
* [[Becca Nightshade]]
* [[Doomslug]]{{disputed}}
== Notes ==
Editors, Keepers
