Diferencia entre revisiones de «Resumen:Brazales de Duelo (libro)»

=== Chapter 20 ===
Telsin is thirsty for revenge against her captivescaptors. Wax grabs her and Pushes to the top of the ship, which is sheltered almost like a fort. Then he meets back up with Wayne. There's a lot of shooting going on, and Wayne throws up a speed bubble so they can plan. They see MeLaan peeking out a door and Telsin climbing down the ship. Wax sends Wayne for Telsin while he gets the other two. Wayne gets caught by gunfire, and they keep shooting him as he tries to heal and get away. Wax goes on an Allomantic frenzy, getting hit by an aluminum bullet, but manages to rescue him. They are safe in the ship for now, but they are besieged by the heavy gunfire outside. Three Allomancers in fancy suits show up, and Wax dispatches one of them with the Thug-killer shotgun. Wax is in serious trouble, but luckily Marasi throws up a speed bubble on one guy, allowing Wax to avoid getting shot. He steps to the side, waits for the bubble to drop, then shoots him.
Marasi watches as Wax now makes use of the cube, and she gives supporting fire. The masked man keeps pointing at the ship, indicating they should go there, but Wax tells them to take cover back in the hallway. Marasi is shot in the side. She's in shock -- the masked man takes the initiative and they head toward the ship.
