Diferencia entre revisiones de «Batalla de la Explanada Thayleña»

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Several thousand [[Singer]]s arrived at the shores of [[Thaylen City]] under the protection of an [[Everstorm]] spawned by [[Odium]] in order to mask their invasion.{{book ref|sa3|115}} Due to the perception that sailing during a storm is impossible, the human defenders of the city are caught unaware. Furthermore, because of the timely manipulation of [[Taravangian]]{{book ref|sa3|111}}, the Thaylen people and a portion of Sadeas' Alethi army, under [[Meridas Amaram]], are the only fighting forces left in the city. The Everstorm covering the advance of the enemy stalls over the city instead of continuing on{{book ref|sa3|115}}, something never seen before.
The souls of approximately 100010,000 enemy spren gather outside the [[Thaylen City]] [[Oathgate]] in [[Shadesmar]].{{book ref|sa3|112}} Due to the stalled Everstorm, the Voidbringer souls are able to pass into the [[Physical Realm]]; among them were [[Fused]], ancients who didn't have bodies. This allowed some of them to inhabit the stone in the ground, ripping themselves free to become [[Thunderclast]]s. In addition, clad in a body made of golden carapace and clutching a regal scepter, Odium himself stepped onto the shore to personally lead the battle{{book ref|sa3|115}}.
Even with such might backing them, some of the [[Fused]] expressed doubt over their chances of victory. The Thunderclasts were a powerful weapon, but the army of recently freed Parshmen had little training, had never experienced true battle before, and many did not want to fight at all{{book ref|sa3|115}}. Amaram's forces had taken up the defense of the city and the seasoned veterans of the [[Shattered Plains]] demonstrated their combat readiness with their maneuvering. Although faced with horrors the battle was believed to be winnable or even favorable to the humans. The Ancient Singers did not believe their barely trained forces could stand against the battle-hardened humans and that their army would ultimately break. Odium, however, explained that he had not brought the Singers to fight, but to watch his true army fight.
In the form of blood red mist, occasionally manifesting into images of combat, the [[unmade]] [[Nergaoul]] took to the battlefield and filled Sadeas' troops with the [[Thrill]], imbuing them with bloodlust and the urge to fight above all else. It was then that the voidspren that had come through the Oathgate into the physical realm seized new hosts. Odium had figured out a way in which he could bond voidspren to humans, something that had never happened in previous desolations. The Alethi army, 10,000 men strong, turned glowing red eyes upon their own forces. Lead by Amaram, who had cut a deal with Odium, the Alethi army began to assault Thaylen City.{{book ref|sa3|115}} A massive Thunderclast breached the wall and broke apart the Thaylen gem reserve. It scattered the riches of Thaylen City in the form of donedun gemstones throughout the city and onto the plain of battle. Among these gems was a large ruby called the "[[King's Drop]]"{{book ref|sa3|i|13}} {{book ref|sa3|116}}, which was of particular interest to the enemy.
Taking his copy of [[The Way of Kings]] under his arm and unwilling to bow before the enemy, [[Dalinar]] went alone to meet the enemy.{{book ref|sa3|116}} Despite the departure of the [[Azish]], [[Lift]] had snuck back to the city, unwilling to abandon Dalinar. She asks him how she can help. Though Dalinar was unsure of the particular importance of the King's Drop, he had seen how eagerly the enemy protected it. So, Dalinar orders Lift to pursue and retrieve the gem.{{book ref|sa3|117}} [[Szeth]], who hovers above the city along with [[Nale]] chooses to swear the Third Ideal of the [[Skybreaker]]s opting to put his faith in a man who will do what is right: Dalinar. Szeth descends upon the battlefield with [[Nightblood]] unsheathed and brings fury to the enemy in order to aid Lift in accomplishing her task. {{book ref|sa3|117}}{{book ref|sa3|118}}