Diferencia entre revisiones de «Resumen:El camino de los reyes»

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Shallan wakes up in a private hospital room, feeling oddly healthy. A woman seesees her awake and rushes out. Shallan has some trouble remembering what happened, so when she sees a guard looking in on her she asks what happened to her. Though he doesn't answer, she suddenly remembers being poisoned, and also Kabsal. Asking if he is alright, the guard only turns back, but when she tries to get up he glares at her, causing her to stay in bed. She remembers that she returned the stolen Soulcaster to Jasnah. Half an hour later Jasnah comes in and demands to know who ordered her to steal the Soulcaster. Shallan tells her that she stole it of her own volition to try to save her family from financial ruin. Jasnah tells her that Kabsal was trying to poison her all along with the bread. The jam contained the antidote so Shallan would survive. Jasnah tells Shallan how disappointed she is in her, and that she now understands that it was the guilt of the theft that drove Shallan to attempt suicide. No one will take her in as a ward now; she has thrown away a promising career. Jasnah leaves, leaving Shallan alone.
{{anchor|Chapter 51}}