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(→‎Weaknesses: changed an instance of "there" to "their")
== Creation ==
To create an Inquisitor, metal spikes are inserted at various points in the subject's body by hammering the metal spike through the heart of a [[misting]] or [[Feruchemist]] into the new Inquisitor, this reduces the loss of power through the Hemalurgic process, asdue muchto asthe possiblespike spending a minimal amount of time outside of a body. These spikes, now hemelurgiclyhemalurgicaly charged spike, tear into and forcablyforcibly graftsplice information onfrom the victim to the subjectssubject's [[spiritweb]]. This process moves vital origons out of the wayorgans, allowing the pikesspikes to gobe mostinserted anywerepractically anywhere without permanatlyfatally harmingwounding the subject. This Processprocess is not painless for either the person havinginvolved, partas ofboth theirviolent spiritwebchanges removedto orthe spiritweb and having ametal spikespikes inserteddriven into one's body causes pain. The [[Steel]] spikes inserted into eye sockets allow the Inquisitor to navigate via the blue AllomancyAllomantic lines from the traces of metals in everything. The Spikesspikes create a chain in an inquisitor's body, and there is a central spike or Linchpin spike that acts as a Connector to the lower and upper spikes. If this spike is removed, the inquisitor dies.
Creating an Inquisitor bestows many of allomantic and some feruchemical abilities onto the subject, on top of their any of their own natural allomantic powers, meaning any abilityabilities the subject had prior to the transformation wereare almostaugmented doubledby the spikes. As such, Mistborn and seekers were the preferred subjects, as their increased Seeking ability would allow them to pierce copper clouds.
== Weaknesses ==