Diferencia entre revisiones de «Resumen:El camino de los reyes»

Szeth, working as a porter, walks the streets of Kharbranth towards the King's palace. Having assassinated the other names on the list given him by his unseen master, he was in Kharbranth to finish his work and kill King Taravangian. Using his shard blade he cuts a wholehole in the servants privy to access the king's portion of the palace. Szeth easily subdues Taravangian's guards and enters the kings study. Following his instructions, Szeth informs the king that he has killed the others and is there to finish the job. But the king reveals himself to be Szeth unknown master having put his name of the list to deflect suspicion should Szeth had failed. They discuss Szeth's actions. The king claims the assassinations are necessary to build a stronger Roshar for the coming years. Szeth accuses the king of using him to do his dirty work and as a response the king takes him to his secret hospital. The hospital is filled with dying people who are having their blood slowly drained. Here the King shows Szeth that his hands are not clean, having drained the blood of many. The King explains that the dying see something important as they die and here they record their words. The King believes their words may contain the key to everyone's salvation. The King then adds a name to Szeth's list that he had hoped to avoid but recent events had made necessary, Dalinar Kholin.
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