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==Part Three: Dying==
{{anchor|Chapter 29}}
===Chapter 29: Errorgance===
[[File:Shallan's Chapters.svg|115px|center]]
{{epigraph|The ones of ash and fire, who killed like a swarm, relentless before the Heralds}}
Shallan is talking to her brothers and [[Nan Balat]]'s betrothed [[Eylita]] over spannreed, in her quarters, discussing how to get to [[Jasnah]]'s [[Soulcaster]]. She considers how difficult it will be for her not to fall in love with the freedom and the studying, when Nan Balat informs her, after having sent his brothers out, that [[Luesh]] has died. He also tells her that some “friends” of their fathers came by some weeks later “suggesting” Balat should return the Soulcaster. In Balats Opinion they are the owners of the Soulcaster and are very dangerous. Balat has Eylita draw a picture of three diamonds of which they found a pendent worn by Luesh, he also mentions that one of the “friends” had the same pattern on his thumb tattooed. After the end of the conversation Shallan burns it in the sitting room's fireplace before heading back to her studies.
{{anchor|Chapter 30}}
===Chapter 30: Darkness Unseen===
[[File:Kaladin's Chapters.svg|165px|center]]
{{epigraph|They were suddenly dangerous. Like a calm day that became a tempest}}
Kaladin leaves the barracks with the first light of the day in rather good spirits, as he is followed by all twenty nine members of [[Bridge Four]]. He thinks that the last holdout [[Bisig]] might have been bullied by [[Teft]] and [[Rock]] but chooses to ignore it. Kaladin has the bridgemen do exercises from his military days, stretches and jumping motion for warm up. Several carpenters and soldiers are watching and laughing at them. Kaladin notices [[Gaz]] before deciding there to be still some time before breakfast to haul the bridge.
Gaz is contemplating on the loss of his eye and what the ensuing darkness could be hiding, when [[Lamaril]] calls him over, to pay his bribe. Gaz only has half of it, one Topazmark, but Lamaril is more interested in Kaladin, noting him as a problem for Gaz. Gaz is unsettled by Bridge Four's training and wonders if Kaladin really did train in the military. Gaz and Lamaril discuss the use of Bridgemen and that Kaladin could become more dangerous. Gaz offers to Kill him, but worries about the loss of Kaladin's bribes. Lamaril tells him not to, as to not make the young Bridgeleader into a martyr. He wants Kaladin to fall on a run. Before leaving he threatens Gaz with making him a bridgeman himself. Gaz worries that if Kaladin does get killed, he, Gaz might still end up a bridgeman for not being able to pay Lamaril's bribes.
Kaladin and Bridge Four are practicing a set down and Kaladin is wondering what it would take for them to practice on a real chasm. He is surprised how good they are considering they have only been training for two weeks. As he sends his team for a break he considers that the last two weeks were in part lucky since they had only two runs and on one they were late. On the other one the “only” lost two men [[Amark]] and [[Koolf]] and only had two wounded [[Narm]] and [[Peet]], but he worries the they only have twenty fife members who can carry since fife are wounded in all. [[Syl]] joins him telling him that she saw Gaz and Lamaril talking and didn't like the look of them, though she didn't hear what was being said. Considering his men's protection Kaladin is studying a half finished bridge thinking about using it as a shield. He tells Teft, Rock, [[Skar]] and [[Moash]] about using a “side carry” to utilize different muscles. Before leaving Moash wants to know why Kaladin made him a Squad leader and after getting his answer tells Kaladin that he doesn't trust or like him but is curious.
Gaz is stunned as he sees Bridge Four do the “side carry” weaving Kaladin over he demands an explanation and Kaladin gives him the excuse about utilize different muscles. Gaz realizes that this might get Kaladin killed on an actual assault and suggests that they should try it on an run.
{{anchor|Chapter 31}}
===Chapter 31: Beneath the Skin===
[[File:Kaladin's Chapters.svg|165px|center]]
;Six years and seven months ago:
A drunken [[Lirin]] tells Kal not to come back to [[Hearthstone]] after his studies at [[Kharbranth]]. Kal wonders if the reason that the people mistrust Lirin was the he looked under peoples skin as a profession. He is angry that at a word from [[Roshone]] people stopped giving donations to their family. Kal suggests they should spend the spheres, but his father is against it. He and [[Hesina]] even tried to get Kal accepted for an early admission, but the surgeons at Kharbranth refused. Lirin and Kal talk about the difference between Roshone and [[Wistiow]]. After that Kal gets back to his studies. While considering a stone from [[Tien]], he thinks about becoming a Carpenter's apprentice because he can't stand the sight of blood. As his thoughts wander to becoming a spearman, he is interrupted by banging on the door. It turns out to be a mob of villagers including [[Luten]], [[Horl]] and [[Balsas]], wanting the spheres that Lirin has. Lirin confronts them, daring them to rob and attack him. The villagers than melt away into the darkness outside.
{{anchor|Chapter 32}}
===Chapter 32: Side Carry===
[[File:Kaladin's Chapters.svg|165px|center]]
{{epigraph|They lived high atop a place no man could reach, but all could visit. The tower city itself, crafted by the hands of no man.}}
[[Lopen]] joins [[Bridge Four]]. Lopen and [[Dabbid]] bring a water cart for the first time. Near the final assault [[Kaladin]] sees that the [[Parshendi]] are already set up. He realizes that if they lose a couple more men, the bridge could topple and crush the entire crew. Kaladin orders Bridge Four to do the side-carry technique to prevent them from being killed.
{{anchor|Chapter 34}}
===Chapter 34: Stormwall===
[[File:Kaladin's Chapters.svg|165px|center]]
{{epigraph|I walked from Abamabar to Urithiru.}}
Kaladin gains consciousness to find himself tied upside down by his ankles outside on the barrack. Syl tells him that Lamaril was executed and Gaz was left in his position. And, that Kaladin was to be judged by the highstorm, so as by Jezrien himself. Since the highstorm has not come yet, Syl goes to the brigdemen and comes back with Rock, Teft and Moash. They tell Kaladin about the disaster caused by the side carry of Bridge Four. And they say that Bridge Four will remember Kaladin for what he had done, and that they will not go back to how they were before. Kaladin, just a bit light in the head after being beaten and hung up upside down, tells them, he will survive. Though there is a very little chance of surviving a highstorm outside, they want to believe him. Finally Teft gives him an infused sphere as a kind of lucky charm before the three retreat to the barracks. Then the stormwall approaches.
Eventually he gets hit, his vision flashing and suddenly there is darkness, no rain, no storm, no lighting, no noises. He stumbles to his feet. In the darkness an enormous face appears just in front of his. Kaladin feels a deep chill running through his body, his sphere glows brightly. The face is gone. The storm comes back and Kaladin falls to unconsciousness.
After the highstorm Rock leaves the barracks, followed by Teft. Though they had wanted to believe that Kaladin could survive the highstorm they don't expect it. They find Kaladin, his body in terrible shape. His eyes snapp open. The bridgemen gasp. It takes a few moments until they realize that Kaladin lives and they help him down. Teft sees Kaladin dropping the sphere. It is dun.
{{anchor|Chapter 36}}
===Chapter 36: The Lesson===
[[File:Shallan's Chapters.svg|115px|center]]
{{epigraph|Taking the Dawnshard, known to bind any creature voidish or mortal, he crawled up the steps crafted for Heralds, ten strides tall apiece, toward the grand temple above.}}
Shallan almost steals Jasnah's Soulcaster while serving as her bathing attendant, but can't do it. Jasnah decides to teach Shallan philosophy hands-on by taking a walk at night in a dangerous part of town. When attacked by murderers, Jasnah Soulcasts one of the men to fire. As the frightened attackers leave, Jasnah Soulcasts another to crystal and uses Stormlight lightning to kill the last two. After returning to their rooms, a shaken Shallan decides that Jasnah doesn't deserve to use a holy thing like the Soulcaster and swaps it out with her broken Soulcaster.
{{anchor|Chapter 37}}
===Chapter 37: Sides===
[[File:Kaladin's Chapters.svg|165px|center]]
;Five and a half years ago:
Though his mother tries to engage Kal in helping her with cooking he sneaks out and catches up with his father who has an appointment with citylord Roshone. Lirin is surprised because Kal shouldn't have known about it but lets him join. This meeting is about the spheres that Lirin got from the former citylord Wistiow. Lirin and Kal dine with Roshone but eventually Kal is sent to the kitchen to leave his father and Roshone alone. There he meets Laral and Roshone's son Rillir who tried to treat Kal like a servant but Kal refuses.
{{anchor|Chapter 38}}
===Chapter 38: Envisager===
[[File:Kaladin's Chapters.svg|165px|center]]
{{epigraph|Born from the darkness, they bear its taint still, marked upon their bodies much as the fire marks their souls.}}
Kaladin lies in Bridge Four's barrack, suffering fever from the wounds he got being strung up in the highstorm. Most of the time he's unconscious. In his rare lucid moments he sees deathspren, and Syl, a little-bitty figure of pure white light holding a sword made of light. She fights the deathspren with her sword and her light warded them off. But they grow more and more. Eventually Teft comes to look after Kaladin, having a strange idea in mind given from his education: He has three diamond spheres which he puts in Kaladins hand, putting his fingers around them. Then Teft waits. When he nearly thinks that he wasn't right Kaladin gasped, using up the stormlight of these spheres and Teft sees Stormlight rising from Kaladin's body, knitting some of the wounds. It's not long and the Stormlight is depleted, and Kaladin seems more relaxed than before, some color has returned to his skin.
{{anchor|Chapter 39}}
===Chapter 39: Burned Into Her===
[[File:Shallan's Chapters.svg|115px|center]]
{{epigraph|Within a heartbeat, Alezarv was there, crossing a distance that would have taken more than four months to travel by foot.}}
[[Shallan]] is sitting in her room restlessly drawing the deaths of the four robbers from three nights ago, even though she didn't deliberately take the memories. Doing that she goes over the different concepts of logic and philosophy and considering [[Jasnah]]'s actions and reasons in the light of the different schools. She also worries about her own actions in stealing the [[Soulcaster]] in the same way. Her thoughts running over her theft, the killings she is surprised when another scene pops into her mind. Intending to leave her rooms she runs into a servant who informs her that one of her [[spanreed]]s is flashing and hands it over to her. Going into the main room she is glad to find her brother [[Nan Balat]] talking to her. She tells him that she has managed to steal the Soulcaster, but hasn't left yet so as not to draw suspicion on to herself. She explains why she hasn't left and why she has to wait. Shortly before the end of the conversation Nan Balat informs her that the “friends” of their fathers visited again. Shallan frets even more about the theft and when a chambermaid comes to their quarters, she starts worrying about the Soulcasters safety and decides to put it into her save-pouch and leaves the room with a basked full of bread and [[Bluebar jam]].
{{anchor|Chapter 40}}
===Chapter 40: Eyes of Red and Blue===
[[File:Kaladin's Chapters.svg|165px|center]]
{{epigraph|Death upon the lips. Sound upon the air. Char upon the skin.}}
Yet weak on his feet but growing stronger with each step Kaladin leaves the barrack for the first time after his judgment in the highstorm. The members of Bridge Four, doing daily bridge training, nearly stumble about one another when they see him. Moash tells him that it's only been ten days and Rock says Kaladin must have bones like granite. When the horns blow for a bridge run and Bridge Four -- on duty -- gathers, Kaladin joins them helping Lopen and Dabbid with the water. Later he watches the battle, thinking about what he did with the side carry and comes to understand what's the purpose of bridgemen: to be bait for the Parshendi because bridgemen are cheaper and don't need training and equipment.
{{anchor|Chapter 41}}
===Chapter 41: Of Alds and Milp===
[[File:Kaladin's Chapters.svg|165px|center]]
;Five and a half years ago:
Brightlord Roshone and his son Rillir were attacked by whitespine while on a hunt for them. They are both wounded, Rillir fatally so. Lirin tries to save Rillir, but realizes it is hopeless, and so turns his attention to Roshone, who tells him to go back to helping his son. Lirin refuses, explaining the guidelines of a surgeon with two patients: If the wounds are equal, treat the youngest first. If the wounds are not equally threatening, treat the worst wound first. A surgeon must know when someone is beyond their ability to help.
{{anchor|Chapter 42}}
===Chapter 42: Beggars and Barmaids===
[[File:Shallan's Chapters.svg|115px|center]]
{{epigraph|Like a highstorm, regular in their coming, yet always unexpected.}}
[[Shallan]] tells [[Jasnah]] what she thinks about Jasnah's actions and intentions on the night two weeks ago when she killed the four robbers. They proceed to talk about the decision Shallan has reached, though Shallan worries why Jasnah hasn't reacted to the theft of her [[Soulcaster]]. After this Jasnah gives Shallan the rest of the day off, to do with as she pleases. Back in her chambers she thinks about her failed attempts to use the Soulcaster and after having found a reference that humming might help she tries it for half an hour. During this time she considers if Jashnah might have duped her with a fake. While taking a pause from trying to make the Soulcaster work, she suddenly hears a voice asking “What are you?” in the room. When she finds a palace maid in the main room she considers if she heard her voice, but convinces herself that she must have heard some noise the woman had made while cleaning. She notices that the woman was in Jasnah's room and after telling her to go see Jasnah, since she has forbidden anyone in her rooms, Shallan hurries in in the hopes to find notes on soulcasting. But of the three notebooks she finds one focused on [[Natanatan]], the [[Unclaimed Hills]], and the [[Shattered Plains]] the next is titled “Notes on [[Urithiru]]” and after reading part of the final one she finds that it deals with the [[Voidbringers]]. Shallan wonders why a nonbeliever like Jasnah would concern herself with what she herself considers fables. A knock on the door gets her fast out of Jasnahs room before realizing that Jasnah wouldn't knock. Instead she finds [[Kabsal]], who having heard that she has free time, brought some bread and jam for a picnic.
{{anchor|Chapter 43}}
===Chapter 43: The Wretch===
[[File:Kaladin's Chapters.svg|165px|center]]
{{epigraph|They lived out in the wilds, always awaiting the Desolation—or sometimes, a foolish child who took no head of the night's darkness.}}
Kaladin wakes up feeling dread and despair, as he realizes that all of the Bridgemen are bait. He finds the rest of the men from [[Bridge Four]] standing outside lined up and waiting for him to lead them in practice. Before he can tell them how it had no meaning he sees [[Lamaril]]'s replacement Brightlord [[Matal]] and his wife [[Hashal]].
{{anchor|Chapter 44}}
===Chapter 44: The Weeping===
[[File:Kaladin's Chapters.svg|165px|center]]
;Five years ago:
Tien is conscripted into Amaram's army by Roshone's petty vengeance. Kaladin volunteers to join as well to try to protect Tien.
{{anchor|Chapter 45}}
===Chapter 45: Shadesmar===
[[File:Shallan's Chapters.svg|115px|center]]
{{epigraph|Yelig-nar, called Blightwind, was one that could speak like a man, though often his voice was accompanied by the wails of those he consumed.}}
Shallan continues her study of Gavilar's meetings with the Parshendi before his death. She notices a discrepancy about Gavilar's uncharacteristic scholarly interest in the Parshendi. She plans to leave for Jah Keved the next day to take the stolen Soulcaster to her family. Under the pretense of looking for another book, she researches a little of her own about the [[Voidbringers]], as she perceives that's Jasnah's true research interest. On the way, she meet up with Kabsal and after a theological discussion about the Voidbringers, she tells him of her plans to leave. He requests a likeness of him from her, and after paying her for it, asks for another one with himself and her in the picture. As she's drawing, she draws two creatures in the background, with symbols for a head. Frightened, she runs to her room while being pursued by the creatures , which continue to show up in her sketchings. Trapped in her room, she begins to summon her Shardblade and one of the creatures asks her what she is. While touching a glass goblet filled with diamond spheres, her response of "I'm terrified" transports her to [[Shadesmar]] where she Soulcasts the goblet to blood. Scared of Jasnah discovering her soulcasting, she cuts herself to explain the presence of the blood.
{{anchor|Chapter 46}}
===Chapter 46: Child of Tanavast===
[[File:Kaladin's Chapters.svg|165px|center]]
{{epigraph|Though I was due for dinner in Veden City that night, I insisted upon visiting Kholinar to speak with Tivbet. The tariffs through Urithiru were growing quite unreasonable. By then, the so-called Radiants had already begun to show their true nature.}}
Kaladin rides the highstorm as he sweeps across Roshar. In the dream Kaladin views many places and people, a large portion of which he had never seen or heard of before. Blowing southwest and then westwards Kaladin sees flashes of lights, almost appearing to be physical things he could touch. Approaching them he sees that they came from a building amidst a city built of a triangular pattern. He bursts in there, and watching a man with large Shin eyes, a shardblade, wearing white, (likely [[Szeth]]) just after he had committed an assassination. It feels to Kaladin as though the assassin could see him. Nearing the western ocean, Kaladin separates from the storm after hearing a booming voice that shook the stormwall. This voice calls Kaladin a child of [[Tanavast]] and of [[Honor]], tells him that [[Odium]] comes, and when asked why there is so much war, states that Odium reigns. Kaladin then awoke inside his barracks, confused and scrambling to defend himself because the other members of Bridge Four had to hold him down for not running out in the highstorm while dreaming.
{{anchor|Chapter 47}}
===Chapter 47: Stormblessings===
[[File:Kaladin's Chapters.svg|165px|center]]
;One year ago
One year ago
Kaladin inspects a stone and thinking of his reenlistment and how he will stay because he couldn’t face his parents because he couldn't protect [[Tien]], while the army of Highmarshal [[Amaram]] is preparing for a Battle. [[Gare]] arrives with with two of his sergeants. Wanting to know what Kaladin wants from him just before the battle. After a short thread and a bribe Gare transfers [[Cenn]] to Kaladin's Squad. When watching the other army Kaladin wanders about the conflicts why they were fighting other Alethi but when the Vaden or Reshi invaded they would stand next to each other. He walks by the surgeons to hand over another bribe so his men will recive quick aid on the battlefield, however a Windspren makes the pouch stick to his belt. After getting it of he tosses it to [[Ven]] the chief surgeon. After that he jogs to his Squad feeling apart because of his reputation and odd that people would accept so much of his behavior now. Intending to tell [[Dallet]] about the new recruit he finds that Cenn is already there. When seeing him he is reminded of Tien. After scanning the Battleground and conferring with Dallet, Kaladin's Squad charges forward at the horn call.
{{anchor|Chapter 48}}
===Chapter 48: Strawberry===
[[File:Shallan's Chapters.svg|115px|center]]
{{epigraph|They take away the light, wherever they lurk. Skin that is burned.}}
Shallan is sketching, while in a hospital and on suicide watch. She is growing accustomed to the creatures with the symbolheads, who have been lurking in her drawings. She has her safepouch now buttoned in her hospital robe and notes that it wasn't searched. She notes how similar her current situation is to her time back home on her fathers estate, having every need seen to but being unable to leave. Thinking how she doesn't want to go back to that, but won't be able to go back to studying with [[Jasnah]], since she can't pass up the opportunity of her fake suicide, to leave, she considers to use the time on her trip home to learn how to use the [[Soulcaster]]. She finishes her picture of the place she went to when she soulcast and considers that the Symbolheads have something to do with Soulcasting.
{{anchor|Chapter 49}}
===Chapter 49: To Care===
[[File:Kaladin's Chapters.svg|165px|center]]
{{epigraph|Radiant / or birthplace / the announcer comes / to come announce / the birthplace of Radiants.}}
Kaladin and the rest of Bridge four are walking through the chasms. Kaladin thinking about where the water goes and if it might be possible to escape to the east if his dreams were real is pulled out of his thought by [[Teft]] who questions him about his health, if his feels surges of strength and maybe light, lightheaded that is. Thinking about it Kaladin notes how fast he healed and wonders if he might be cursed like someone who sought out the old Magic. He considers if maybe [[Syl]] is not the only [[spren]] following him, but maybe an evil one as well. They find themselves at a crossroads and Kaladin decides to use this spot for their training. Giving them a short speech about how it it supposed to go and why they are different he picks up a spear without a head. Noting this he is relieved, thinking that every time he picks up a weapon he fears of becoming hopeful and turn into Kaladin Stormblessed. He continues telling them that they don't have the normal six weeks for training. His first lesson is that it is alright to care. Confused they ask him what he means and he explains how one needs to care, how their passion makes them human. He drops the spear and tells them that the second lesson is to learn to stand before holding a spear. He tells [[Skar]] to push him over. When Skar can't manage it Kaladin tells [[Drehy]] and [[Moash]] to help him. When they can't do it he tells them and the others to pair up and start to practice. He gives Teft the order to sort them out and to oversee the training and Teft responds like a Soldier giving away his past training. When he looks at Kaladin he can see that Kaladin also noticed it. Kaladin goes a little apart with [[Rock]] who explains why he can't fight. Kaladin sends him along with [[Lopen]], [[Dabbid]] and [[Shen]] to collect salvage. When Rock notes that they can't do the work of a whole Bridge crew Kaladin has Sly make herself visible to the rest so that she can help them search. They have a short talk about the danger from the [[chasmfiend]] but they agree to do it. Kaladin points out to Lopen that he will still receive training but that it is more important now not to be discovered. He also mentions to Rock that he still hopes to find a different way out. He than turns and starts helping Teft with the training. After a few hours he is amazed to see that the Bridgemen are already starting to get things it should have taken them days to learn. Kaladin realizes how amazing the Bridgemen have been prepared.
{{anchor|Chapter 50}}
===Chapter 50: Backbreaker Powder===
[[File:Shallan's Chapters.svg|115px|center]]
{{epigraph|Flame and char. Skin so terrible. Eyes like pits of blackness.}}
Shallan, awakening in a private hospital room, notes a woman rushing out, apparently to inform someone of Shallans waking. She has some trouble remembering what happened, so when she sees a guard looking in on her she asks what happened to her. Though he doesn't answer she suddenly remembers being poisoned, and also [[Kabsal]]. Asking if he is alright the guard only turns back, but when she tries to get up he glares at her, causing her to stay in bed. She than realizes that she returned the stolen [[Soulcaster]] to [[Jasnah]]. Half an hour later Jasnah comes in. Shallan wishes to hide when see notes the eyes of her former Lady. Jasnah proceeds with questioning Shallan on who’s orders she stole the Soulcaster. Shallan tells her that her father has died and the situation of her family, only leaving out that her father had possessed a Sopulcaster himself. Jasnah remarks how stupid the plan was and informs Shallan that she has arrange passage for her back to Jah Keved. She then continues to inform her that Kabsal is dead and how he always poisoned the bread when he brought some, in order to kill Jasnah. When Shallan protests that she always ate lots of the bread Jasnah tells her that there was antidote in the jam and how Kabsal used her to get to Jasnah. Jasnah tells Shallan how disappointed she is in her, and that she now understands that it was the guild of the theft that drove Shallan to attempt suicide. Informing her how she has thrown away a bright future and that no women will take her as a ward now, Jasnah leaves the room. Shallan despairs over the loss of Jasnah's trust, her family’s safety and even Kabsal, and she finds that no one cares.
{{anchor|Chapter 51}}
===Chapter 51: Sas Nahn===
[[File:Kaladin's Chapters.svg|165px|center]]
;One year ago
Kaladin is waiting in one of [[Amaram]]s waiting rooms, thinking about how only four of his twenty-six men survived and how he hat actually begun to believe those that called him lucky. Numbly he thinks how he can now be considered among those who have killed a Shardbearer like [[Lanacin the Surefooted]], or [[Evod Markmaker]], but he just doesn't care. Considering how it was probaly the most stupid thing any one has ever done, giving up the Shards, he finds that he still couldn't have taken them. He wonders why the life of Amaram is more worth that the life’s of his men, when Amaram along with a [[Stormwarden]] enters the room. They talk about why [[Thaidakar]] and the [[Ghostbloods]] would risk sending a Sharbearer and who that Shardbearer was. Behind them a group of lighteyed officers enters followed by the four surviving members of Kaladin’s squad: [[Hab]], [[Reesh]], [[Alabet]], and [[Coreb]]. Amaram questions Kaladin about why he charged the Shardbearer and why he rejected the Shards. Considering how he doesn't want to be come a lighteyes and how he would never be able not to see the faces of his men he lost to the [[Shardblade]], he doesn't know how to answer. When he states that he just wants them to go to Coreb, Amaram gives his men a nod and within a few seconds the remaining men from Kaladin's squad are killed by the lighteye in the room, while several of them hold Kaladin down, who watches them die. Cursing Amaram Kaladin has to listen to the man as he justifies his actions to him. How it were for the good of the army and his men. How he has been trained with the sword. When Kaladin tells him that he would have given him the Shards, Amaram says that he could risk Kaladin changing his mind. He tells him how he struggled with this for hours but that [[Restares]] was right and that this was the best way. Amaram than informs him that because Kaladin saved his life he will spear his and has his Stormwarden brand Kaladin a slave. While Kaladin is being branded Amaram leaves the room the guild still in his eyes.