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(added chapters 49,50 and 51 also added icon lines for the future (joe will add the icons later))
<div style="float:right; padding-left:1em">__TOC__</div>
== Prelude to the Stormlight Archive ==
[[Kalak]], one of the ten [[Herald|Heralds]], wanders through a torn landsacpe littered with dead humans, thunderclasts, and other beasts. He is traveling to the Heralds' preordained meeting place (a rocky spire) for those who survived the [[Desolation]].
Kalak, one of the ten [[Herald|Heralds]], wanders through a torn landsacpe littered with dead humans, thunderclasts, and other beasts. He is traveling to the Heralds' preordained meeting place (a rocky spire) for those who survived the [[Desolation]].
Upon arrival, he finds only their leader, [[Jezrien]], waiting for him. At first, Kalak assumes that the other eight must have died, for the battle was "furious". However, he notices that seven [[Honorblade|Honorblades]] had been driven point-first into the ground at the base of spire. Jezrien then informs Kalak that the other Heralds have departed, abandoing the [[Oathpact]]. Kalak then admits to Jezrien that he can't return to "the place of nightmares", the waiting place of the Heralds between Desolations. Jezrein then tells Kalak to relinquish his blade as well, for "...it is time for the Oathpact to end." This effectively leaves [[Talenel]] (Taln), the only Herald who was killed in the battle, alone to uphold the Oathpact and the sole sufferer of the pain and torture in the waiting realm.
== Prologue: To Kill ==
{{epigraph|The love of men is a frigid thing, a mountain stream only three steps from the ice. We are his. Oh Stormfather...we are his. It is but a thousand days, and the Everstorm comes.}}
The prologue begins 4500 years later with [[Szeth]], a [[Truthless]] [[Shin]] assassin, waiting quietly in a large room, watching the [[Alethi]] celebrate the signing of a peace treaty with the [[Parshendi]]. He leaves the room, noting that his Parshendi masters will soon withdraw. Szeth wears white under the orders of the Parshendi to follow their traditions so that King [[Gavilar]] could see him coming.
The prologue begins 4500 years later with Szeth, a [[Truthless]] [[Shin]] assassin, waiting quietly in a large room, watching the [[Alethi]] celebrate the signing of a peace treaty with the [[Parshendi]]. He leaves the room, noting that his Parshendi masters will soon withdraw. Szeth wears white under the orders of the Parshendi to follow their traditions so that King [[Gavilar]] could see him coming.
When he reaches the area just outside the King's quarters, Szeth uses his abilities as a [[Surgebinder]] to fight his way past the guards. As he reaches the king's quarters, he is confronted by a [[Shardbearer]] as the King flees.
Because as a [[Shin]], Szeth considers a dying wish to be sacred, he leaves a note for Dalinar written in Gavilar's blood. He takes the sphere and flees.
== Part One: Above Silence ==
{{anchor|Chapter 1}}
=== Chapter 1: Stormblessed ===
{{epigraph|You've killed me. Bastards, you've killed me! While the sun is still hot, I die!}}
;Five Years Later
Five Years Later
[[Cenn]], a new recruit in Brightlord [[Amaram]]'s army, is terrified. He is about to face his first battle and has no real idea of what to expect. Cenn is pulled into a new squad, that of [[Kaladin|Kaladin Stormblessed]], at the last minute for reasons he doesn't understand.
Cenn, a new recruit in Brightlord [[Amaram]]'s army, is terrified. He is about to face his first battle and has no real idea of what to expect. Cenn is pulled into a new squad, that of [[Kaladin|Kaladin Stormblessed]], at the last minute for reasons he doesn't understand.
[[Dallet]], a sergeant, picks Cenn up and returns him to the squad. They are soon joined by Kaladin, who asks Dallet to take care of Cenn during the battle as he won't know the group's signals. They then fall to discussing tactics.
{{anchor|Chapter 2}}
===Chapter 2: Honor is Dead===
{{epigraph|Ten orders. We were loved, once. Why have you forsaken us, Almighty! Shard of my soul, where have you gone?}}
;Eight Months Later
Eight Months Later
Kaladin is now a slave in a caravan, waiting to be sold, and struggling to retain his ability to not think like a slave.
{{anchor|Chapter 3}}
===Chapter 3: City of Bells===
{{epigraph|A man stood on a cliffside and watched his homeland fall into dust. The waters surged beneath, so far beneath. And he heard a child crying. They were his own tears.}}
[[Shallan Davar]] has just arrived in [[Kharbranth]], the City of Bells. She experiences a culture-shock of sorts, amazed at the number and variety of people in the city.
Shallan Davar has just arrived in [[Kharbranth]], the City of Bells. She experiences a culture-shock of sorts, amazed at the number and variety of people in the city.
After a short conversation with Captain [[Tozbek]] of the [[Wind's Pleasure]] the boat she received passage on, she gets word that [[Jasnah Kholin]], the woman she has been chasing for several months, is still in the city.
{{anchor|Chapter 4}}
===Chapter 4: The Shattered Plains===
{{epigraph|I'm dying, aren't I? Healer, why do you take my blood? Who is that beside you, with his head of lines? I can see a distant sun, dark and cold, shining in a black sky.}}
Kaladin is sitting in the slave wagon, waiting for the caravan to stop for lunch, noting that it's well after the time the caravan usually stops. After a few minutes, he realizes that it is because Tvlakv is lost. Tvlakv remembers that Kaladin was once an Alethi soldier, and might have knowledge of the lands. When he asks Kaladin to help them find the way out, Kaladin tears his map to pieces and tells Tvlakv that he doesn't know the way out.
{{anchor|Chapter 5}}
===Chapter 5: Heretic===
{{epigraph|I have seen the end, and have heard it named. The Night of Sorrows, the True Desolation. The Everstorm.}}
As Shallan meets Jasnah Kholin for the first time, she admires Jasnah as the ideal beauty – tall, Alethi tan skin, long dark hair. She is talking to a man who Shallan later identifies as [[Taravangian|King Taravangian]] of [[Kharbranth]].
{{anchor|Chapter 6}}
===Chapter 6: Bridge Four===
{{epigraph|I'm cold. Mother, I'm cold. Mother? Why can I still hear the rain? Will it stop?}}
Kaladin and the rest of the slave caravan have arrived at the Shattered Plains, specifically at the warcamp of [[Sadeas|Highprince Sadeas]]. They are taken to a woman who is to decide whether she can use any of the slaves or not. When Kaladin tries to convince her to let him fight, Tvlakv tells her that Kaladin is a deserter, dashing his hopes.
{{anchor|Chapter 7}}
===Chapter 7: Anything Reasonable===
{{epigraph|They are aflame. They burn. They bring the darkness when they come, and so all you can see is that their skin is aflame. Burn, burn, burn...}}
Shallan is en route to the Palanaeum, hoping to convince Jasnah that she is worthy to be her ward. She believes that it is critical that she find a way to do so, as without her father, her family can no longer Soulcast its way into wealth or manipulate others into doing as they want.
{{anchor|Chapter 8}}
===Chapter 8: Nearer the Flame===
{{epigraph|Victory! We stand atop the mount! We scatter them before us! Their homes become our dens, their lands are now our farms! And they shall burn, as we once did, in a place that is hollow and forlorn.}}
Jasnah scolds Shallan, telling her that she had already made her decision. Shallan is embarrassed that she disturbed Jasnah again and leaves. After only a few moments, however, Jasnah calls her back and apologizes to her and gives her Shallan's money pouch that she left behind.
{{anchor|Chapter 9}}
===Chapter 9: Damnation===
{{epigraph|Ten people, with Shardblades alight, standing before a wall of black and white and red.}}
Kaladin has now been a member of the bridge crews for somewhere between two to four weeks. Of the twenty five who survived his first bridge run, only one other man is still alive.
{{anchor|Chapter 10}}
===Chapter 10: Stories of Surgeons===
;Nine Years Earlier
Nine Years Earlier
Kaladin helps his father treat a young woman, [[Sani]]. Kaladin reflects over the course of the surgery on how his family is treated so differently because of his father's career.
{{anchor|Chapter 11}}
===Chapter 11: Droplets===
{{epigraph|Three of sixteen ruled, but now the Broken One reigns.}}
Kaladin is outside just after a Highstorm, going to the [[Honor Chasm]] to commit suicide. Gaz stops him, accusing him of trying to steal spheres left out in the Highstorm from others, but Kaladin simply ignores him and goes.
{{Anchor|Interlude 1}}
{{Anchor|Interlude I-1}}
{{icon|Shield |center}}
===Interlude I-1: Ishikk===
[[Ishikk]], a fisherman in the [[Purelake]], is just returning home after a long day of fishing. After pausing to talk to [[Thaspic]] he meets with [[Maib]], a local woman who has been attempting to get him to marry her for years by trying to keep him in her debt, mostly by giving him food. Ishikk avoids this by bringing her fish that cure her aches in her joints.
Ishikk, a fisherman in the [[Purelake]], is just returning home after a long day of fishing. After pausing to talk to [[Thaspic]] he meets with [[Maib]], a local woman who has been attempting to get him to marry her for years by trying to keep him in her debt, mostly by giving him food. Ishikk avoids this by bringing her fish that cure her aches in her joints.
Following a brief conversation with Maib, Ishikk goes to meet with a group of foreigners. They ask him about whether he has any new information for them, and Ishikk tells them that he has been to many villages in the area and none of them know anything about the man the foreigners are looking for, revealed to be [[Hoid]]. The foreigners argue amongst themselves for a while, then leave Ishikk to his thoughts.
{{Anchor|Interlude 2}}
{{Anchor|Interlude I-2}}
===Interlude I-2: Nan Balat===
[[Nan Balat]], Shallan's brother, is torturing various small animals in the gardens of their family's estate. He reflects on how Shallan is doing most of the work to save their family, and tries to convince himself that he isn't a coward for remaining at home to manage the estate. He admits to some resentment of Shallan because of all of their siblings, she was the only one their father never truly got angry at, but is shortly interrupted in his thoughts by [[Tet Wikim]], another brother, coming to find him with the announcement that they have a big problem.
'''[[Nan Balat]]'''
Nan Balat, Shallan's brother, is torturing various small animals in the gardens of their family's estate. He reflects on how Shallan is doing most of the work to save their family, and tries to convince himself that he isn't a coward for remaining at home to manage the estate. He admits to some resentment of Shallan because of all of their siblings, she was the only one their father never truly got angry at, but is shortly interrupted in his thoughts by [[Tet Wikim]], another brother, coming to find him with the announcement that they have a big problem.
{{Anchor|Interlude 3}}
{{Anchor|Interlude I-3}}
===Interlude I-3: The Glory of Ignorance===
Szeth is now serving a man named Took, who uses him to gain the admiration of mine workers in the small towns they pass through. As a demonstration of Szeth's total obedience, he has him do various things, such as jump up and down and cut his own arm. When he orders Szeth to kill himself, Szeth informs him that he cannot be ordered to kill himself, and returns to his own thoughts. The others are shocked at how refined his speech is, and are slightly discomfited, associating him with the lighteyes. Szeth reflects that his speech and mannerisms may well be part of the reason that his masters never keep him for long, since his masters know that he is capable of so much more than they are using him for, and that in many ways, he is much more refined and intelligent than they are. Szeth revels in his common labor, though, as it means that he is not being used to spill more blood.
As the night passes on and it becomes apparent that the townsfolk are no longer really listening to Took's stories, Took and Szeth leave. However, on the way out of town, Took is killed by a group of thugs, who consider selling Szeth to the slavers. Then one of them picks up Szeth's [[Oathstone]], and he informs them of his obligation to serve them as long as they hold it. When asked for clarification, Szeth tells him that he must obey any order except to kill himself, and thinks to himself that he can't be asked to give up his Shardblade either, but the man need not know that. The man muses for a moment on the possibilities he has with such a servant.
==Part Two: The Illuminating Storms==
{{Anchor|Chapter 12|}}
=== Chapter 12: Unity ===
{{#if:Old friend, I hope this missive finds you well. Though, as you are now essentially immortal, I would guess that wellness on your part is something of a given.|{{Anchor|Epigraph 12|}}{{Epigraph|Old friend, I hope this missive finds you well. Though, as you are now essentially immortal, I would guess that wellness on your part is something of a given.|}}|}}
[[Adolin]] is on a [[chasmfiend]] hunt with Dalinar, [[Renarin]], [[Elhokar]], and [[Sadeas]]. He is troubled by Dalinar's increasingly strange behavior, especially his fits during the highstorms, and worries that his father is going mad. Sadeas also continually taunts Dalinar over his lack of recent success in capturing [[gemheart]]s, which frustrates Adolin.
[[Adolin]] is on a [[chasmfiend]] hunt with [[Dalinar]], [[Renarin]], [[Elhokar]], and [[Sadeas]]. He is troubled by Dalinar's increasingly strange behavior, especially his fits during the highstorms, and worries that his father is going mad. Sadeas also continually taunts Dalinar over his lack of recent success in capturing [[gemheart]]s, which frustrates Adolin.
Meanwhile, Dalinar, riding up by Elhokar and Sadeas, tells Elhokar that if they had a proper vantage point, they could observe the progress of the soldiers crossing the chasms. Elhokar charges off to a nearby rock formation, betting Dalinar five broams that he can beat him there. Dalinar races after him, at first thinking only of Elhokar's safety, but eventually getting into the thrill of the contest. Just as Dalinar is about to win, he remembers the strange voice in his dreams, who he presumes to be the Almighty, telling him to “unite them.” He hesitates, and Elhokar beats him to the top. When he sees how thrilled Elhokar is to have beaten him, Dalinar is glad to have waited. They watch the soldiers cross for a few minutes, then begin to return to the others. Adolin watches their return, all the while giving orders for his men to circle around to various plateaus, securing the area.
{{Anchor|Chapter 13|}}
=== Chapter 13: Ten Heartbeats ===
{{#if:I realize that you are probably still angry. That is pleasant to know. Much as your perpetual health, I have come to rely upon your dissatisfaction with me. It is one of the cosmere's great constants, I should think.|{{Anchor|Epigraph 13|}}{{Epigraph|I realize that you are probably still angry. That is pleasant to know. Much as your perpetual health, I have come to rely upon your dissatisfaction with me. It is one of the cosmere's great constants, I should think.|}}|}}
Dalinar, Adolin, and Elhokar all immediately begin to race for the chasmfiend, hoping to kill it before it can harm any bystanders. Sadeas uses his [[grandbow]], weakening it from a distance while Dalinar and Adolin go for its many legs and Elhokar distracts it. While doing so, however, the strap on Elhokar's saddle breaks, causing him to be thrown to the ground. Just as he is about to be crushed by the chasmfiend, Dalinar hurls himself beneath the descending claw and, with Shardplate-enhanced strength, catches it, giving Elhokar time to escape. Adolin continues to cut off its legs, and the chasmfiend is eventually unable to support its own weight. Elhokar summons his Shardblade once again and uses it to kill the felled chasmfiend, then harvest its [[gemheart]].
{{Anchor|Chapter 14|}}
=== Chapter 14: Payday ===
{{#if:Let me first assure you that the element is quite safe. I have found a good home for it. I protect its safety like I protect my own skin, you might say.|{{Anchor|Epigraph 14|}}{{Epigraph|Let me first assure you that the element is quite safe. I have found a good home for it. I protect its safety like I protect my own skin, you might say.|}}|}}
Kaladin gets up before any of the other bridgemen, resolved that he will fight for a better existence, even in his terrible circumstances. He attempts to rouse the rest of Bridge Four, but none come. After Kaladin physically carries [[Moash]] out of the barrack, however, the rest of the bridgemen reluctantly get up. Kaladin then informs the men of bridge four that instead of sleeping in each morning, they will be training, and that he intends to do everything he can to ensure that Bridge Four never loses another man.
{{Anchor|Chapter 15|}}
=== Chapter 15: The Decoy ===
{{#if:You do not agree with my quest. I understand that, so much as it is possible to understand someone with whom I disagree so completely.|{{Anchor|Epigraph 15|}}{{Epigraph|You do not agree with my quest. I understand that, so much as it is possible to understand someone with whom I disagree so completely.|}}|}}
Adolin is overseeing the cleanup four hours after the chasmfiend attack while the group waits for a bridge crew to come, replacing the bridge the chasmfiend had destroyed in its rampage. He reflects that many of the other lighteyes are treating Dalinar slightly more respectfully and carefully after his earlier rescue of Elhokar, and thinks to himself that it can't last. Having finished his rounds, he approaches Elhokar's pavilion to give his final casualty report.
{{Anchor|Chapter 16|}}
=== Chapter 16: Cocoons ===
{{#if:|{{Anchor|Epigraph 16|}}{{Epigraph|{{{epigraph}}}|}}|}}
Seven and a half years ago:
Kaladin is talking to his friend [[Laral]] about his fathers plans for him to be a surgeon. Laral encourages him to become a soldier and win Shardplate and blade for himself. Tien interrupts their conversation and gives Kaladin a rock, intended to make him feel better. Tien and Kaladin then go hunting for [[lurg]]s, a type of small, slimy, creature.
{{Anchor|Chapter 17|}}
=== Chapter 17: A Bloody Red Sunset ===
{{#if:Might I be quite frank? Before, you asked why I was so concerned. It is for the following reason:|{{Anchor|Epigraph 17|}}{{Epigraph|Might I be quite frank? Before, you asked why I was so concerned. It is for the following reason:|}}|}}
Kaladin visits an apothecary, hoping to get some antiseptic. He leaves when he finds out the apothecary is charging considerably more than he can afford.
{{Anchor|Chapter 18|}}
=== Chapter 18: Highprince of War ===
{{#if:Ati was once a kind and generous man, and you saw what became of him. Rayse, on the other hand, was among the most loathsome, crafty, and dangerous individuals I had ever met.|{{Anchor|Epigraph 18|}}{{Epigraph|Ati was once a kind and generous man, and you saw what became of him. Rayse, on the other hand, was among the most loathsome, crafty, and dangerous individuals I had ever met.|}}|}}
Adolin is out walking with Janala, the woman he has been courting. He visits the leatherworkers who were inspecting the strap from Elhokar's saddle, and they tell him that the strap was almost certainly cut, but it's possible it was a buckle from the saddle itself that sliced it. A horn is sounded, signalling that a chasmfiend has been spotted close enough for Dalinar's men to attempt to reach it first. Adolin is disappointed when Dalinar elects not to seek it.
Dalinar, meanwhile, is working with several of his scribes in attempting to manipulate the other highprinces into following Elhokar in truth. [[Teshav]], the wife of one of his officers, questions the number of troops Dalinar has set patrolling, and Dalinar instructs her to set more patrolling anyway. Renarin comes to talk to Dalinar, and Dalinar promises him that if he captures a new suit of Shardplate and a Shardblade, they will go to Renarin, to help compensate for his blood weakness and allow him to fight like any other man.
Adolin seeks out Kadash, an ardent, to ask his opinion on Dalinar's dreams during highstorms. Janala leaves him, growing frustrated with his lack of attention. Kadash expresses the opinion that Dalinar is either going insane, or the visions are just particularly vivid products of his own mind.
Dalinar visits Elhokar, making his reports for the day. While there, he asks Elhokar how long he intends to continue the war, and suggests that Elhokar consider withdrawing. Elhokar is shocked that Dalinar would even consider an end to the Vengeance Pact. Dalinar eventually backs down, instead saying they need a new approach, a way to win the war instead of simply trying to outlast the Parshendi. Dalinar suggests that Elhokar appoint him Highprince of War, and Elhokar tells him he'll consider it.
{{Anchor|Chapter 19|}}
=== Chapter 19: Starfalls ===
{{#if:He holds the most frightening and terrible of all the Shards. Ponder on that for a time, you old reptile, and tell me if your insistence on nonintervention holds firm. Because I assure you, Rayse will not be similarly inhibited.|{{Anchor|Epigraph 19|}}{{Epigraph|He holds the most frightening and terrible of all the Shards. Ponder on that for a time, you old reptile, and tell me if your insistence on nonintervention holds firm. Because I assure you, Rayse will not be similarly inhibited.|}}|}}
The moment the storm hits, Dalinar finds that he is no longer in the barracks, but in an unfamiliar barn in the middle of a clear, cool night with only a small girl for company. The girl is terrified of something, and thinks that Dalinar is her father. After a few moments of hushed conversation, a strange creature bursts through one of the walls of the barn and attacks. Dalinar is able to avoid the creature long enough to grab the girl and escape to a nearby house where a woman who thinks he is her husband is waiting for him.
{{Anchor|Chapter 20|}}
=== Chapter 20: Scarlet ===
{{#if:|{{Anchor|Epigraph 20|}}{{Epigraph|{{{epigraph}}}|}}|}}
Seven Years Ago:
Kaladin is performing an unexpected surgery on a girl from his village. He had fortunately been nearby when the girl was injured. He begins working to stop her bleeding. After a short time, he succeeds in stopping the bleeding, but realizes that his success was not due to his treatment but rather because the girl has died.
{{Anchor|Chapter 21|}}
=== Chapter 21: Why Men Lie ===
{{#if:One need only look at the aftermath of his brief visit to Sel to see proof of what I say.|{{Anchor|Epigraph 21|}}{{Epigraph|One need only look at the aftermath of his brief visit to Sel to see proof of what I say.|}}|}}
Kaladin lies in bed, debating whether or not to get up. Eventually, he forces himself up and realizes that the other bridgemen had all been watching to see if he would get up and continue his training routine from the previous day. Kaladin goes to check on the wounded from the previous day's bridge run. Two of them are, for the most part fine, but one of them badly needs antiseptic.
{{Anchor|Chapter 22|}}
=== Chapter 22: Eyes, Hands, or Spheres ===
{{#if:In case you have turned a blind eye to that disaster, know that Aona and Skai are both dead, and that which they held has been Splintered. Presumably to prevent anyone from rising up to challenge Rayse.|{{Anchor|Epigraph 22|}}{{Epigraph|In case you have turned a blind eye to that disaster, know that Aona and Skai are both dead, and that which they held has been Splintered. Presumably to prevent anyone from rising up to challenge Rayse.|}}|}}
Dalinar goes with his sons to the king’s feast. Adolin reports that according to the leatherworkers he consulted, the strap was cut, though it could’ve been an accident. They discuss the king’s paranoia and Dalinar refuses to talk about his episode in the highstorm, saying that perhaps it was good for the men in the barracks to witness it, as the rumors about his condition were perhaps worse than the truth.
{{Anchor|Chapter 23|}}
=== Chapter 23: Many Uses ===
{{#if:You have accused me of arrogance in my quest. You have accused me of perpetuating my grudge against Rayse and Bavadin. Both accusations are true.|{{Anchor|Epigraph 23|}}{{Epigraph|You have accused me of arrogance in my quest. You have accused me of perpetuating my grudge against Rayse and Bavadin. Both accusations are true.|}}|}}
Bridge Four is on rock duty, finding stones to soulcast into food. Kaladin has Rock and Teft searching for [[knobweed]] to extract the antiseptic sap from. Rock, who can inexplicably see Syl, finds knobweed quickly guided by her. Kaladin ties bundles of the reed to the bottom of the cart to conceal them. Syl comes to him excitedly, telling him that she led Rock to a pile of dung as a joke. He makes small talk with the bridgecrew, trying to soften their attitude towards him, with little success. Kaladin realizes that even though he has saved lives in Bridge 4, no one will follow his leadership unless he finds a way to make their lives worth living.
{{Anchor|Chapter 24}}
=== Chapter 24: The Gallery of Maps ===
{{epigraph|Neither point makes the things I have written to you untrue.}}
Dalinar stands in the king’s [[Gallery of Maps]], waiting for Highprince Roion to come and meet him. Dalinar’s ultimate goal is to follow his visions by uniting the highprinces, and he thinks he can start by working with another prince on a joint plateau assault. Since Roion has won the fewest gemhearts of all the princes, Dalinar tries to convince him that working together would be more effective. Roion is suspicious of this, because he is afraid Dalinar will take any gemhearts and shards for himself. Dalinar compromises, saying that they will split gemhearts and that the first set of plate can go to Roion. Roion rebuffs this offer, instead insinuating that Dalinar is growing weak and deluded by his lapses from sanity during highstorms. Roion says he’ll think about a joint assault and leaves.
{{anchor|Chapter 25}}
=== Chapter 25: The Butcher ===
Seven years ago:
Kal overhears some villagers speaking poorly of his father's work, accusing him of stealing the spheres and suspicious of how Lirin can write. Kal meets with his mother, Hesina, who tells him not to hate the villagers for repeating what they have heard. They respect Lirin but are intimidated by his status as second nahn. Kal realizes his parents had hoped to marry him off to Laral. He can't decide if he wants to be a soldier or a surgeon.
{{anchor|Chapter 26}}
=== Chapter 26: Stillness ===
{{epigraph|I am being chased. Your friends of the Seventeenth Shard, I suspect. I believe they're still lost, following a false trail I left for them. They'll be happier that way. I doubt they have any inkling what to do with me should they actually catch me.}}
Brightness Litima reads the ''[[Way of Kings]]'' to [[Dalinar]]. [[Renarin]] is with him. Listening usually comforts Dalinar, but not this time. It reminds him of [[Adolin]]'s arguments. Dalinar thinks about the nature of his visions. It disturbs him. Dalinar tells Renarin that Highprince [[Aladar]] refused his offer of an alliance, just as [[Roion]] did. Horns sounds outside. Dalinar enters the war room and gives [[Teleb]] an order to march. Dalinar gives Teleb a permission to recruit and train a single bridge crew. [[Sadeas]] comes to interview Dalinar's solders. Dalinar and his army leaves, Sadeas and his attendants follows behind. Dalinar and Sadeas talks about the [[Thrill]]. Usually men dodn't speak about it.
Brightness [[Litima]] reads the ''[[Way of Kings]]'' to [[Dalinar]]. [[Renarin]] is with him. Listening usually comforts Dalinar, but not this time. It reminds him of [[Adolin]]'s arguments. Dalinar thinks about the nature of his visions. It disturbs him. Dalinar tells Renarin that Highprince [[Aladar]] refused his offer of an alliance, just as [[Roion]] did. Horns sounds outside. Dalinar enters the war room and gives [[Teleb]] an order to march. Dalinar gives Teleb a permission to recruit and train a single bridge crew. [[Sadeas]] comes to interview Dalinar's solders. Dalinar and his army leaves, Sadeas and his attendants follows behind. Dalinar and Sadeas talks about the [[Thrill]]. Usually men dodn't speak about it.
Dalinar summons [[Oathbringer]] and together with Adolin they attack [[Parshendi]]. The Thrill gives him strength, focus and power until he feels a sudden stab of powerful revulsion. He forces himself fighting again but feels sick. Dalinar hears a voice saying ''Life beofre death'' but nobody is near enough. He starts to fight for his men.
{{anchor|Chapter 27}}
=== Chapter 27: Chasm Duty ===
{{epigraph|If anything I have said makes a glimmer of sense to you, I trust that you'll call them off. Or maybe you could astound me and ask them to do something productive for once.}}
Coming back from the apothecary where Kaladin sold the self-made knobweed sap, he discovers that Gaz had changed Bridge Four's work duty for this day to chasm duty.
{{anchor|Chapter 28}}
=== Chapter 28: Decision ===
{{epigraph|For I have never been dedicated to a more important purpose, and the very pillars of the sky will shake with the results of our war here. I ask again. Support me. Do not stand aside and let disaster consume more lives. I've never begged you for something before, old friend.<br />I do so now.}}
{{Anchor|Interlude 4}}
{{Anchor|Interlude I-4}}
===Interlude I-4: Rysn===
[[Rysn]] and her babsk [[Vstim]] visit [[Shinovar]] to trade soulcast metal with [[Thresh]] for chickens. She learns that Shin farmers are highest in the social order and warriors are the lowest. Thresh had traded [[Szeth]] to Vstim 7-years ago.
Rysn and her babsk [[Vstim]] visit [[Shinovar]] to trade soulcast metal with [[Thresh]] for chickens. She learns that Shin farmers are highest in the social order and warriors are the lowest. Thresh had traded [[Szeth]] to Vstim 7-years ago.
{{Anchor|Interlude 5}}
{{Anchor|Interlude I-5}}
===Interlude I-5: Axies the Collector===
[[Axies the Collector]] wakes up in [[Kasitor]].
'''[[Axies the Collector]]'''
Axies the Collector wakes up in [[Kasitor]].
He had gotten drunk to see if he could spot [[Alespren]].
He sees [[Cusicesh the Protector]]
{{Anchor|Interlude 6}}
{{Anchor|Interlude I-6}}
===Interlude I-6: A Work of Art===
[[Szeth]] works for [[Makkek]] and then gets employed by a new master (who had Makkek beheaded). Szeth is given a list of high ranking noble men to assassinate.
Szeth works for [[Makkek]] and then gets employed by a new master (who had Makkek beheaded). Szeth is given a list of high ranking noble men to assassinate.
==Part Three: Dying==
{{anchor|Chapter 29}}
===Chapter 29: Errorgance===
{{epigraph|The ones of ash and fire, who killed like a swarm, relentless before the Heralds}}
{{anchor|Chapter 30}}
Two hours later [[Taravangian]] comes to their balcony joining them at lunch. After Jasnah breaks the silence with a question about his granddaughter, he asks about Jasnah's Soulcaster though Jasnah avoids the question. He then asks Shallan if he could do a drawing of him, which he intends as a gift for his granddaughter. While Shallan is drawing Taravangian and Jasnah discuss the [[Almighty]], Jasnah's lack of faith and the concept of right and wrong. When inspecting her finished picture Shallan realizes that she has drawn some creatures with symbols as heads ([[Cryptic]]'s). Crumpling the page she claims to have made a mistake and offers to do a new one for the King by the end of the day. After the King has left Jasnah and Shallan have a talk about him, during which Jasnah claims not to be closed to the possibility that she might join a [[Devotary]] at some point. The two continue the discussion about faith for a short while before Jasnah tells Shallan to get on with her sketch for the King.
{{anchor|Chapter 30}}
===Chapter 30: Darkness Unseen===
{{epigraph|They were suddenly dangerous. Like a calm day that became a tempest}}
{{anchor|Chapter 31}}
Gaz is stunned as he sees Bridge Four do the “side carry” weaving Kaladin over he demands an explanation and Kaladin gives him the excuse about utilize different muscles. Gaz realizes that this might get Kaladin killed on an actual assault and suggests that they should try it on an run.
{{anchor|Chapter 31}}
===Chapter 31: Beneath the Skin===
{{anchor|Chapter 32}}
Six years and seven months ago:
A drunken [[Lirin]] tells Kal not to come back to [[Hearthstone]] after his studies at [[Kharbranth]]. Kal wonders if the reason that the people mistrust Lirin was the he looked under peoples skin as a profession. He is angry that at a word from [[Roshone]] people stopped giving donations to their family. Kal suggests they should spend the spheres, but his father is against it. He and [[Hesina]] even tried to get Kal accepted for an early admission, but the surgeons at Kharbranth refused. Lirin and Kal talk about the difference between Roshone and [[Wistiow]]. After that Kal gets back to his studies. While considering a stone from [[Tien]], he thinks about becoming a Carpenter's apprentice because he can't stand the sight of blood. As his thoughts wander to becoming a spearman, he is interrupted by banging on the door. It turns out to be a mob of villagers including [[Luten]], [[Horl]] and [[Balsas]], wanting the spheres that Lirin has. Lirin confronts them, daring them to rob and attack him. The villagers than melt away into the darkness outside.
{{anchor|Chapter 32}}
===Chapter 32: Side Carry===
{{epigraph|They lived high atop a place no man could reach, but all could visit. The tower city itself, crafted by the hands of no man.}}
[[Lopen]] joins [[Bridge Four]]. Lopen and [[Dabbid]] bring a water cart for the first time. Near the final assault [[Kaladin]] sees that the [[Parshendi]] are already set up. He realizes that if they lose a couple more men, the bridge could topple and crush the entire crew. Kaladin orders Bridge Four to do the side-carry technique to prevent them from being killed.
{{anchor|Chapter 33}}
===Chapter 33: Cymatics===
{{epigraph| They changed, even as we fought them. Like shadows they were, that can transform as the flame dances. Never underestimate them becaues of what you first see.}}
{{anchor|Chapter 34}}
When Shallan returns to the alcove, she finds that Jasnah has not yet returned, but to her surprise [[Kabsal]] is present. Apparently he wants to show something to Jasnah, but has some bread and [[simberry jam]] to share with Shallan. After a discussion about the meaning of jam and Shallan's personality, they move on to Shallan's appearance and what she thinks of herself, before they come after a few more topics to Jasnah's heresy. Shallan considers Kabsal in a romantic light for a short time before dismissing it. Kabsal tries to get Shallan to switch Devotary's though apparently it is frowned upon to recruit. Kabsal intended to show Jasnah proof of the [[Almighty]], which Shallan wants to see. Getting out a book where he shows her four patterns of the cities Kholinar, Vedenar, Thaylen City and Akinah. Using a metal-plate with sand and a bow he recreates the patterns in the sand through the resonance telling her that this is called Cymatics. Telling her of more examples he considers proof he guides the conversation to saving her soul. When Jasnah appears she is not surprised to see Kabsal but not pleased either. She reveals that she knows about Cymatics but doesn't seem impressed by it. After Kabsal is gone Jasnah warns Shallan that Kabsal is only interested in Shallan to get to Jasnah and her soulcaster.
{{anchor|Chapter 34}}
===Chapter 34: Stormwall===
{{epigraph|I walked from Abamabar to Urithiru.}}
Kaladin gains consciousness to find himself tied upside down by his ankles outside on the barrack. Syl tells him that Lamaril was executed and Gaz was left in his position. And, that Kaladin was to be judged by the highstorm, so as by Jezrien himself. Since the highstorm has not come yet, Syl goes to the brigdemen and comes back with Rock, Teft and Moash. They tell Kaladin about the disaster caused by the side carry of Bridge Four. And they say that Bridge Four will remember Kaladin for what he had done, and that they will not go back to how they were before. Kaladin, just a bit light in the head after being beaten and hung up upside down, tells them, he will survive. Though there is a very little chance of surviving a highstorm outside, they want to believe him. Finally Teft gives him an infused sphere as a kind of lucky charm before the three retreat to the barracks. Then the stormwall approaches.
{{anchor|Chapter 35}}
{{anchor|Chapter 35}}
===Chapter 35: A Light By Which to See===
{{epigraph|Though many wished Urithiru to be built in Alethela, it was obvious that it could not be. And so it was that we asked for it to be placed westward, in the place nearest to Honor.}}
The stormwall hits Kaladin, flings him around, presses him against the side of the barrack. He screams, that is a mistake as it allows the coldness of the storm course into his mouth. He clutches the sphere as if his life depends on it.
Eventually he gets hit, his vision flashing and suddenly there is darkness, no rain, no storm, no lighting, no noises. He stumbles to his feet. In the darkness an enormous face appears just in front of his. Kaladin feels a deep chill running through his body, his sphere glows brightly. The face is gone. The storm comes back and Kaladin falls to unconsciousness.
After the highstorm Rock leaves the barracks, followed by Teft. Though they had wanted to believe that Kaladin could survive the highstorm they don't expect it. They find Kaladin, his body in terrible shape. His eyes snapp open. The bridgemen gasp. It takes a few moments until they realize that Kaladin lives and they help him down. Teft sees Kaladin dropping the sphere. It is dun.
{{anchor|Chapter 36}}
===Chapter 36: The Lesson===
{{epigraph|Taking the Dawnshard, known to bind any creature voidish or mortal, he crawled up the steps crafted for Heralds, ten strides tall apiece, toward the grand temple above.}}
Shallan almost steals Jasnah's Soulcaster while serving as her bathing attendant, but can't do it. Jasnah decides to teach Shallan philosophy hands-on by taking a walk at night in a dangerous part of town. When attacked by murderers, Jasnah Soulcasts one of the men to fire. As the frightened attackers leave, Jasnah Soulcasts another to crystal and uses Stormlight lightning to kill the last two. After returning to their rooms, a shaken Shallan decides that Jasnah doesn't deserve to use a holy thing like the Soulcaster and swaps it out with her broken Soulcaster.
{{anchor|Chapter 37}}
{{anchor|Chapter 37}}
===Chapter 37: Sides===
Five and a half years ago:
{{anchor|Chapter 38}}
Though his mother tries to engage Kal in helping her with cooking he sneaks out and catches up with his father who has an appointment with citylord Roshone. Lirin is surprised because Kal shouldn't have known about it but lets him join. This meeting is about the spheres that Lirin got from the former citylord Wistiow. Lirin and Kal dine with Roshone but eventually Kal is sent to the kitchen to leave his father and Roshone alone. There he meets Laral and Roshone's son Rillir who tried to treat Kal like a servant but Kal refuses.
While on the way home Lirin tells Kal that he made Roshone believe that he probably will bend on the topic of these spheres, and during this conversation Kal realizes that Wistiow never did give the spheres to Lirin. Kal's foundations are shaking but he understands his father and makes the decision to go to Kharbranth and become a real surgeon. Kal makes another decision that night: he starts going with his full name "Kaladin" for it is a man's name.
{{anchor|Chapter 38}}
===Chapter 38: Envisager===
{{epigraph|Born from the darkness, they bear its taint still, marked upon their bodies much as the fire marks their souls.}}
{{anchor|Chapter 39}}
Kaladin lies in Bridge Four's barrack, suffering fever from the wounds he got being strung up in the highstorm. Most of the time he's unconscious. In his rare lucid moments he sees deathspren, and Syl, a little-bitty figure of pure white light holding a sword made of light. She fights the deathspren with her sword and her light warded them off. But they grow more and more. Eventually Teft comes to look after Kaladin, having a strange idea in mind given from his education: He has three diamond spheres which he puts in Kaladins hand, putting his fingers around them. Then Teft waits. When he nearly thinks that he wasn't right Kaladin gasped, using up the stormlight of these spheres and Teft sees Stormlight rising from Kaladin's body, knitting some of the wounds. It's not long and the Stormlight is depleted, and Kaladin seems more relaxed than before, some color has returned to his skin.
While Teft wavers about his actions in his past and why this happens now and around him, he decides to give more Stormlight to Kaladin, well dosed, so that nobody will see what he does.
{{anchor|Chapter 39}}
===Chapter 39: Burned Into Her===
{{epigraph|Within a heartbeat, Alezarv was there, crossing a distance that would have taken more than four months to travel by foot.}}
{{anchor|Chapter 40}}
Two hours later sitting in the palace gardens, Shallan has calmed down and is drawing some snails and plants. She notes the symbiotic relationship between a snails she is drawing and the [[shalebark]] it is on, writing it down next to her drawing. After making sure she is alone she get the Soulcaster out in order to figure out how to use it as [[Luesh]] can no longer show them how. However she has no luck and tries to think of other ways to get it to work or save her family.
{{anchor|Chapter 40}}
===Chapter 40: Eyes of Red and Blue===
{{epigraph|Death upon the lips. Sound upon the air. Char upon the skin.}}
{{anchor|Chapter 41}}
Yet weak on his feet but growing stronger with each step Kaladin leaves the barrack for the first time after his judgment in the highstorm. The members of Bridge Four, doing daily bridge training, nearly stumble about one another when they see him. Moash tells him that it's only been ten days and Rock says Kaladin must have bones like granite. When the horns blow for a bridge run and Bridge Four -- on duty -- gathers, Kaladin joins them helping Lopen and Dabbid with the water. Later he watches the battle, thinking about what he did with the side carry and comes to understand what's the purpose of bridgemen: to be bait for the Parshendi because bridgemen are cheaper and don't need training and equipment.
On that evening Bridge Four give Rock a razor as a gift for him working on the stew every evening. He is very surprised and runs in the barrack, letting the others behind wavering if this gift was a good idea. Dunny takes it to serve the stew to the others. Only Sigzil doesn't join and Kaladin seeks him for a conversation, and then tells Kaladin about Marabethia and the way of judgment there. Eventually Rock comes back, shaved, happy and grateful and tells Bridge Four that he will shave everybody who wants it.
{{anchor|Chapter 41}}
===Chapter 41: Of Alds and Milp===
Five and a half years ago:
Brightlord Roshone and his son Rillir were attacked by whitespine while on a hunt for them. They are both wounded, Rillir fatally so. Lirin tries to save Rillir, but realizes it is hopeless, and so turns his attention to Roshone, who tells him to go back to helping his son. Lirin refuses, explaining the guidelines of a surgeon with two patients: If the wounds are equal, treat the youngest first. If the wounds are not equally threatening, treat the worst wound first. A surgeon must know when someone is beyond their ability to help.
While stitching up part of Roshone's wound, Lirin's knife is dangerously close to a major artery. He hesitates and his hand shakes, but he continues and saves Roshone's life. Kaladin asks Lirin later why he didn't cut the artery and let Roshone die, as it would've solved all of their problems. Lirin says it would've been murder, and he is not a killer. Kaladin realizes that, given the option, he would've let Roshone die. He decides that just as some body parts are beyond repair in a surgery, some people need to be removed.
{{anchor|Chapter 42}}
{{anchor|Chapter 42}}
===Chapter 42: Beggars and Barmaids===
{{epigraph|Like a highstorm, regular in their coming, yet always unexpected.}}
{{anchor|Chapter 43}}
Kabsal explains the stories behind the [[Truthberry|Truthberry jam]]. The topic moves on to Shallan fitness as a scholar, since she prefers the outdoors. After that Kabsal starts complimenting and flirting with her. Shallan tries to think that this couldn't work but continues to encourage him. He soon comes to a point where she tells him to stop teasing and he replies that he is not. He implies that he might leave the ardentia for her. Trying to get out of this conversation Shallan tells him of Jasnah's suspicions that he only gets close to her because he intends to ask her to steal the Soulcaster. He surprises her when he tells her that initially he did intend to ask her, but that his superiors told him not to. They were afraid that [[Elhokar]] might star a war with [[Kharbranth]] if they did steal the Soulcaster. While telling her this he also tells her how important Soulcasters really are since they replace hundreds of wagons for all the supplies. Moving the topic Shallan tries to get Kabsal to reveal how Soulcasters are used but finds that he thinks you only have to tap a gem and touch the object you wish to change, thus being of no help to her. Coming back to the point he tells her, after she notes that she killed the moment between them, that he is glad she did. He wonders about how bad he is at being an ardent. Begging time to think Kabsal says goodbye but when rising sees the King [[Taravangian]] and another ardent walking by. Kabsal who is supposed to be on cataloging duty, confesses that some ardents think he shows too much interest in Shallan. Making plans for the next day he leaves remarking again how he might leave the ardentia for her. Shallan even more confused and worrying about Jasnah and her family thinks she should use the experience in the ally as an excuse to leave, but she finds that she ''loves'' learning and studying. Back in Jasnah’s suite there's a letter form Captain [[Tozbek]] informing her that he will arrive in one weeks time. Finding she only has this one week left, she decides to go back to the alcove to do more studying. Jasnah, surprised by her appearance, is very please with her decision to study.
{{anchor|Chapter 43}}
===Chapter 43: The Wretch===
{{epigraph|They lived out in the wilds, always awaiting the Desolation—or sometimes, a foolish child who took no head of the night's darkness.}}
{{anchor|Chapter 44}}
Calling him an Idiot Teft wants to know why Kaladin is abandoning them now. Kaladin tells him that he can't find any possible way for them to survive. Teft points out that that might not be the point. Kaladin wants to know what the point is if not surviving and Teft says they shouldn't give up, that they should fight till the arrow gets them. That he quotes “''Journey before destination''” When Kaladin asks what that means [[Sigzil]] tells him that it is part of the Creed of the [[Knights Radiant|Lost Raidiants]] than tells them the rest “''Life before death. Strength before weakness. Journey before destination.''” An argument ensues about the Lost Radiants and the [[Voidbringers]]. Syl mentions that she like “''Journey before destination''” than she tells Kaladin that Teft is right and he can't just give up. While the others keep arguing about the Radiants and Moash tells them that Kaladin is right and that there is no hope, Kaladin remembers how this happened before. He stumbles away into the dark where Syl finds him and he tells her in a whisper that he can't save them. Sly and he have a short conversation about it and he renumbers Sigzil's words “''Life before death. Strength before weakness. Journey before destination.''” thinking about the meaning he finds it in the dark chasms. He remembers his brother [[Tien]] and how he had helped him with his through his despair. Than he finds the one idea that always seemed too dangerous. He goes back to the others and tells them that he will teach them the Speer and they will fight their way out. Except Rock, who promises to cook for them all, all agree to learn to fight.
{{anchor|Chapter 44}}
===Chapter 44: The Weeping===
Five years ago:
Tien is conscripted into Amaram's army by Roshone's petty vengeance. Kaladin volunteers to join as well to try to protect Tien.
{{anchor|Chapter 45}}
===Chapter 45: Shadesmar===
{{epigraph|Yelig-nar, called Blightwind, was one that could speak like a man, though often his voice was accompanied by the wails of those he consumed.}}
[[Shallan]] continues her study of Gavilar's meetings with the Parshendi before his death. She notices a discrepancy about Gavilar's uncharacteristic scholarly interest in the Parshendi. She plans to leave for Jah Keved the next day to take the stolen Soulcaster to her family. Under the pretense of looking for another book, she researches a little of her own about the [[Voidbringers]], as she perceives that's Jasnah's true research interest. On the way, she meet up with Kabsal and after a theological discussion about the Voidbringers, she tells him of her plans to leave. He requests a likeness of him from her, and after paying her for it, asks for another one with himself and her in the picture. As she's drawing, she draws two creatures in the background, with symbols for a head. Frightened, she runs to her room while being pursued by the creatures , which continue to show up in her sketchings. Trapped in her room, she begins to summon her Shardblade and one of the creatures asks her what she is. While touching a glass goblet filled with diamond spheres, her response of "I'm terrified" transports her to [[Shadesmar]] where she Soulcasts the goblet to blood. Scared of Jasnah discovering her soulcasting, she cuts herself to explain the presence of the blood.
{{anchor|Chapter 46}}
Shallan continues her study of Gavilar's meetings with the Parshendi before his death. She notices a discrepancy about Gavilar's uncharacteristic scholarly interest in the Parshendi. She plans to leave for Jah Keved the next day to take the stolen Soulcaster to her family. Under the pretense of looking for another book, she researches a little of her own about the [[Voidbringers]], as she perceives that's Jasnah's true research interest. On the way, she meet up with Kabsal and after a theological discussion about the Voidbringers, she tells him of her plans to leave. He requests a likeness of him from her, and after paying her for it, asks for another one with himself and her in the picture. As she's drawing, she draws two creatures in the background, with symbols for a head. Frightened, she runs to her room while being pursued by the creatures , which continue to show up in her sketchings. Trapped in her room, she begins to summon her Shardblade and one of the creatures asks her what she is. While touching a glass goblet filled with diamond spheres, her response of "I'm terrified" transports her to [[Shadesmar]] where she Soulcasts the goblet to blood. Scared of Jasnah discovering her soulcasting, she cuts herself to explain the presence of the blood.
{{anchor|Chapter 46}}
===Chapter 46: Child of Tanavast===
{{epigraph|Though I was due for dinner in Veden City that night, I insisted upon visiting Kholinar to speak with Tivbet. The tariffs through Urithiru were growing quite unreasonable. By then, the so-called Radiants had already begun to show their true nature.}}
Kaladin rides the highstorm as he sweeps across Roshar. In the dream Kaladin views many places and people, a large portion of which he had never seen or heard of before. Blowing southwest and then westwards Kaladin sees flashes of lights, almost appearing to be physical things he could touch. Approaching them he sees that they came from a building amidst a city built of a triangular pattern. He bursts in there, and watching a man with large Shin eyes, a shardblade, wearing white, (likely [[Szeth]]) just after he had committed an assassination. It feels to Kaladin as though the assassin could see him. Nearing the western ocean, Kaladin separates from the storm after hearing a booming voice that shook the stormwall. This voice calls Kaladin a child of [[Tanavast]] and of [[Honor]], tells him that [[Odium]] comes, and when asked why there is so much war, states that Odium reigns. Kaladin then awoke inside his barracks, confused and scrambling to defend himself because the other members of Bridge Four had to hold him down for not running out in the highstorm while dreaming.
{{anchor|Chapter 47}}
===Chapter 47: Stormblessings===
{{anchor|Chapter 48}}
===Chapter 48: Strawberry===
{{epigraph|They take away the light, wherever they lurk. Skin that is burned.}}
{{anchor|Chapter 49}}
Just than King [[Taravangian]] enters and makes his rounds including her. They have a short chat about the hospital and Shallan's accident and how she wants to leave for home. Shallan asks if she can have visitors and the Kings agrees to talk to the ardents. Right there after Jasnah enters. Jasnah tries to apologize and the two have a short discussion how Jasnah is not very good at it because she has so little practice. Jasnah than gifts Shallan with “Book of Endless Pages” and explains the metaphor behind it. They continue to talk about faith, truth, good men and fools, when [[Kabsal]] enters with a basket with bread and jam. After diffusing a jibe from Jasnah, Shallan id offered Strawberry jam, which she has never heard of. Jasnah takes a finger to sniff it and notes that it comes form [[Shinovar]]. When Kabsal remarks how he was under the impression that she disliked jam she says that she was just interested in the smell. Shallan than insists that Jasnah should try some bread with them and get her way after a moment. After eating the bread Kabsal becomes very insistent that Shallan should try the jam. When it turns out to have gone bad he still takes a big glob of it and tries to get Shallan to eat some to when she continues refuses he tries to run away but collapses halfway out of the room. When Shallan rushes toward him she also collapses. Jasnah shouts that Shallan has been poisoned and that she needs a garnet. She informs Shallan that she will have to soulcast Shallans blood, realizing that Jasnah can't soulcast without the real Soulcaster Shallan upends her safepouch revealing the real one. She feels a flash of heat through her insides before all goes black.
{{anchor|Chapter 49}}
===Chapter 49: To Care===
{{epigraph|Radiant / or birthplace / the announcer comes / to come announce / the birthplace of Radiants.}}
{{anchor|Chapter 50}}
Kaladin and the rest of Bridge four are walking through the chasms. Kaladin thinking about where the water goes and if it might be possible to escape to the east if his dreams were real is pulled out of his thought by [[Teft]] who questions him about his health, if his feels surges of strength and maybe light, lightheaded that is. Thinking about it Kaladin notes how fast he healed and wonders if he might be cursed like someone who sought out the old Magic. He considers if maybe [[Syl]] is not the only [[spren]] following him, but maybe an evil one as well. They find themselves at a crossroads and Kaladin decides to use this spot for their training. Giving them a short speech about how it it supposed to go and why they are different he picks up a spear without a head. Noting this he is relieved, thinking that every time he picks up a weapon he fears of becoming hopeful and turn into Kaladin Stormblessed. He continues telling them that they don't have the normal six weeks for training. His first lesson is that it is alright to care. Confused they ask him what he means and he explains how one needs to care, how their passion makes them human. He drops the spear and tells them that the second lesson is to learn to stand before holding a spear. He tells [[Skar]] to push him over. When Skar can't manage it Kaladin tells [[Drehy]] and [[Moash]] to help him. When they can't do it he tells them and the others to pair up and start to practice. He gives Teft the order to sort them out and to oversee the training and Teft responds like a Soldier giving away his past training. When he looks at Kaladin he can see that Kaladin also noticed it. Kaladin goes a little apart with [[Rock]] who explains why he can't fight. Kaladin sends him along with [[Lopen]], [[Dabbid]] and [[Shen]] to collect salvage. When Rock notes that they can't do the work of a whole Bridge crew Kaladin has Sly make herself visible to the rest so that she can help them search. They have a short talk about the danger from the [[chasmfiend]] but they agree to do it. Kaladin points out to Lopen that he will still receive training but that it is more important now not to be discovered. He also mentions to Rock that he still hopes to find a different way out. He than turns and starts helping Teft with the training. After a few hours he is amazed to see that the Bridgemen are already starting to get things it should have taken them days to learn. Kaladin realizes how amazing the Bridgemen have been prepared.
{{anchor|Chapter 50}}
===Chapter 50: Backbreaker Powder===
{{epigraph|Flame and char. Skin so terrible. Eyes like pits of blackness.}}
{{anchor|Chapter 51}}
Shallan, awakening in a private hospital room, notes a woman rushing out, apparently to inform someone of Shallans waking. She has some trouble remembering what happened, so when she sees a guard looking in on her she asks what happened to her. Though he doesn't answer she suddenly remembers being poisoned, and also [[Kabsal]]. Asking if he is alright the guard only turns back, but when she tries to get up he glares at her, causing her to stay in bed. She than realizes that she returned the stolen [[Soulcaster]] to [[Jasnah]]. Half an hour later Jasnah comes in. Shallan wishes to hide when see notes the eyes of her former Lady. Jasnah proceeds with questioning Shallan on who’s orders she stole the Soulcaster. Shallan tells her that her father has died and the situation of her family, only leaving out that her father had possessed a Sopulcaster himself. Jasnah remarks how stupid the plan was and informs Shallan that she has arrange passage for her back to Jah Keved. She then continues to inform her that Kabsal is dead and how he always poisoned the bread when he brought some, in order to kill Jasnah. When Shallan protests that she always ate lots of the bread Jasnah tells her that there was antidote in the jam and how Kabsal used her to get to Jasnah. Jasnah tells Shallan how disappointed she is in her, and that she now understands that it was the guild of the theft that drove Shallan to attempt suicide. Informing her how she has thrown away a bright future and that no women will take her as a ward now, Jasnah leaves the room. Shallan despairs over the loss of Jasnah's trust, her family’s safety and even Kabsal, and she finds that no one cares.
{{anchor|Chapter 51}}
===Chapter 51: Sas Nahn===
One year ago:
Kaladin is waiting in one of [[Amaram]]s waiting rooms, thinking about how only four of his twenty-six men survived and how he hat actually begun to believe those that called him lucky. Numbly he thinks how he can now be considered among those who have killed a Shardbearer like [[Lanacin|Lanacin the Surefooted]], or [[Evod Markmaker]], but he just doesn't care. Considering how it was probaly the most stupid thing any one has ever done, giving up the Shards, he finds that he still couldn't have taken them. He wonders why the life of Amaram is more worth that the life’s of his men, when Amaram along with a [[Stormwarden]] enters the room. They talk about why [[Thaidakar]] and the [[Ghostbloods]] would risk sending a Sharbearer and who that Shardbearer was. Behind them a group of lighteyed officers enters followed by the four surviving members of Kaladin’s squad: [[Hab]], [[Reesh]], [[Alabet]], and [[Coreb]]. Amaram questions Kaladin about why he charged the Shardbearer and why he rejected the Shards. Considering how he doesn't want to be come a lighteyes and how he would never be able not to see the faces of his men he lost to the [[Shardblade]], he doesn't know how to answer. When he states that he just wants them to go to Coreb, Amaram gives his men a nod and within a few seconds the remaining men from Kaladin's squad are killed by the lighteye in the room, while several of them hold Kaladin down, who watches them die. Cursing Amaram Kaladin has to listen to the man as he justifies his actions to him. How it were for the good of the army and his men. How he has been trained with the sword. When Kaladin tells him that he would have given him the Shards, Amaram says that he could risk Kaladin changing his mind. He tells him how he struggled with this for hours but that [[Restares]] was right and that this was the best way. Amaram than informs him that because Kaladin saved his life he will spear his and has his Stormwarden brand Kaladin a slave. While Kaladin is being branded Amaram leaves the room the guild still in his eyes.
{{Anchor|Interlude 7}}
{{Anchor|Interlude I-7}}
===Interlude I-7: Baxil===
[[Baxil]] and his cousin are trashing art.
{{Anchor|Interlude 8}}
{{Anchor|Interlude I-8}}
===Interlude I-8: Geranid===
[[Geranid]] and [[Ashir]] are researching [[spren]].
{{Anchor|Interlude 9}}
{{Anchor|Interlude I-9}}
===Interlude I-9: Death Wears White===
[[Szeth]] is to kill the king of Jah Keved, Hanavanar. Though it turns out that Hanavanar has a Shardblade and two other guarding men with Shardblades Szeth killed him.
==Part Four: Storm's Illumination==
{{anchor|Chapter 52}}
===Chapter 52: A Highway to the Sun===
{{epigraph|I'm standing over the body of a brother. I'm weeping. Is that his blood or mine? What have we done?}}
{{anchor|Chapter 53}}
===Chapter 53: Dunny===
{{epigraph|He must pick it up, the fallen title! The tower, the crown, and the spear!}}
{{anchor|Chapter 54}}
===Chapter 54: Gibletish===
{{epigraph|The burdens of nine become mine. Why must I carry the madness of them all? Oh, Almighty, release me.}}
{{anchor|Chapter 55}}
===Chapter 55: An Emerald Broam===
{{epigraph|A woman sits and scratches out her own eyes. Daughter of kings and winds, the vandal.}}
{{anchor|Chapter 56}}
{{anchor|Chapter 56}}
===Chapter 56: That Storming Book===
{{epigraph|Light grows so distant. The storm never stops. I am broken, and all around me have died. I weep for the end of all things. He has won. Oh, he has beaten us.}}
{{anchor|Chapter 57}}
{{anchor|Chapter 57}}
===Chapter 57: Wandersail===
{{epigraph|I hold the suckling child in my hands, a knife at his throat, and know that all who live wish me to let the blade slip. Spill its blood upon the ground, over my hands, and with it gain us further breath to draw.}}
Kaladin meets [[Hoid]] in the plains.
Hoid tells him of [[Derethil]] and the ''[[Wandersail]]''.
{{anchor|Chapter 58}}
{{anchor|Chapter 58}}
===Chapter 58: The Journey===
{{epigraph|Re-Sephir, the Midnight Mother, giving birth to abominations with her essence so dark, so terrible, so consuming. She is here! She watches me die!}}
{{anchor|Chapter 59}}
{{anchor|Chapter 59}}
===Chapter 59: An Honor===
{{epigraph|Above the final void I hang, friends behind, friends before. The feast I must drink clings to their faces, and the words I must speak spark in my mind. The old oaths will be spoken anew.}}
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===Chapter 60: That Which We Cannot Have===
{{epigraph|The death is my life, the strength becomes my weakness, the journey has ended.}}
Just before the end of the vision, Dalinar repeats Nohadon's statement. He comes back to the present time and believes he did little about discovering any facts about proving his visions true or false. Navani cuts him off, asking him to repeat the last thing he said. She then tells him she believes he has been speaking in the Dawnchant, a dead language, and the phrase he just gave her may be the key needed to translate the language. She tells Dalinar and his sons that this is the proof they were looking for and that the visions are real.
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===Chapter 61: Right for Wrong===
{{epigraph|In the storm I awaken, falling, spinning, grieving.}}
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Some hours after his last vision Dalinar sits with Navani and Renarin, while Adolin went for the highstorm damage report. Navani asks Dalinar why he thinks the man in his vision was Nohadon. Dalinar can't give evidence but he's sure about that. Prodded on her knowledge about the Desolations, Navani tells what she knows but insists that Jasnah is the historian. They continue to debate, thinking about the Old Magic but discard that option.
Eventually Dalinar begs Renarin and Navani for leaving, though Renarin does, Navani stays. She tells Dalinar why really she came back to the Shattered Plains. As much as Dalinar himself she's in a state, she's near to him and he kisses her. Afterwards she tells him that something is wrong on Roshar, something bigger than the War of Reckoning they are fighting. She shares her knowledge about the assassination of the King of Jah Keved by a Shin Shardbearer wearing white.
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===Chapter 62: Three Glyphs===
{{epigraph|The darkness becomes a palace. Let it rule! Let it rule!}}
Bridge Four is embarrassed and suggest to expand this idea. Even Sadeas is surprised and promotes Matal who takes responsibility for this maneuver. While Sadeas’s forces cross the bridges and start fighting, Dalinar follow.
Kaladin himself suffers from a shock after using that much Stormlight. As always the members of Bridge Four look for wounded from other bridge crews and care for them. Suddenly Lopen calls out, as he spots a group of Parshendi archers coming back to the chasm and aiming at Bridge Four. While the men try to escape out of range they surprisingly see Dalinar dashing into the Parshendi force and striking them down. When done, Dalinar raises his blade in a salute at Bridge Four.
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===Chapter 63: Fear===
{{epigraph|I wish to sleep. I know now why you do what you do, and I hate you for it. I will not speak of the truths I see.}}
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===Chapter 64: A Man of Extremes===
{{epigraph|They come from the pit, two dead men, a heart in their hands, and I know that I have seen true glory.}}
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===Chapter 65: The Tower===
{{epigraph|I see them. They are the rocks. They are the vengeful spirits. Eyes of red.}}
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===Chapter 66: Codes===
{{epigraph|That chanting, that singing, those rasping voices.}}
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===Chapter 67: Words===
{{epigraph|Let me no longer hurt! Let me no longer weep! Dai-gonarthis! The Black Fisher holds my sorrow and consumes it!}}
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===Chapter 68: Eshonai===
{{epigraph|They named it the Final Desolation, but they lied. Our gods lied. Oh, how they lied. The Everstorm comes. I hear its whispers, see its stormwall, know its heart.}}
{{anchor|Chapter 69}}
Adolin cuts through the Parshendi lines leading the remaining Kholin forces down the slop of the 'Tower' towards the bridge at the western side of the plateau. The maneuver is reckless but his troupes are well trained and they make their mad dash for freedom.
Kaladin and bridge for fight to hold their bridgehead for what seems like hours to Kaladin. During this time Kaladin finds himself gaining respect for the Parshendi's battlefield ethics. He seems to find in the Parshendi what he had hopped to find the warcamps of Alethi. The Kolin army finally broke through the Parshendi lines and take control of the bridge, defending both sides of the chasm. Kaladin stops to take a report from his men only to find that Malop, Earless Jaks and Narm are dead. He orders his men back across the bridge to the staging chasm. With Moash, Kaladin looks to the lead of the retreat. Unable to find suitable officer, Kaladin promotes a very young lighteyed soldier and gets him to organized the retreat.
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===Chapter 69: Justice===
{{epigraph|All is withdrawn for me. I stand against the one who saved my life. I protect the one who killed my promises. I raise my hand. The storm responds.}}
Dalinar finds Elhokar in the sitting room of the palace wearing his Shardplate. Dalinar initiates a quick brawl in which he easily subdues Elhokar by breaking the breast plate of his Shardplate. Dalinar then demands to know if Elhokar himself cut the girth on his own saddle. Reluctantly, Elhokar admits to cutting the girth. An exasperated Dalinar then explains the consequences of this including Sadeas' betrayal. Additionally, Dalinar demonstrates how easily he could kill Elhokar stating that he could have done it a hundred times over and that he is not Elhokar's enemy. Releasing his nephew, he tells Elhokar that tomorrow he will appoint Dalinar as Highprince of War. Determined to finally see the war won and Alethkar united, he decides to stop trying to be Nohadon the peacemaker and return to being the Blackthorn the warlord. Elhokar is reluctant fearing rebellion but Dalinar leaves confident that he will make the appointment and content knowing the challenges that are before him.
==Part Five: The Silence Above==
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===Chapter 70: A Sea of Glass===
Shallan lay in her hospital bed lementing her actions and surprisingly Kabsal death. But as she recalls events things do not completely add up. She wonders why the antidote did not work for Kabsal and why Jasnah was not poisoned since she too had eaten the poisoned bread. She finds her sketchpad and draws an imperfect drawing of Jasnah examining the strawberry jam. Remembering that she was not repulsed by the smell. Then she draws Jasnah eating the bread. In her drawing it looks like it is melting. Relizing something, she leaves the hospital and walks in the darkness to the Conclave wearing only her hospital robe. Finding Jasnah she Confronts her by telling her that she knows that Jasnah uses a fake Soulcaster. Showing her the picture Shallan had drawn of Shadesmar to a shocked Jasnah she concludes that Jasnah never had a working Soulcaster. Jasnah disregards Shallan's statements as fatigue induced delusions. To prove her statements Shallan attempts to return to Shadesmar. Holding her partially done garnet sphere she speaks with the twisted symbol headed spren. They request a truth, preferably a secret truth, to form a bond. To from the bond, Shallan admits to killing her father and she falls into the sea of beads. She begins to drown in that sea but is rescued by Jasnah who reprimands her for going to Shardesmar with only a single dim sphere.
Back in the alcove, Shallan ask to be part of Jasnah work in truth. To be train to use her Soulcasting ability. At first Jasnah objects but Shallan apologizes and explains that she could be someone that can share Jasnah's secrets. Jasnah relents and makes Shallan promise never to lie or steal again and gives Shallan her notes on the Voidbringers.
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===Chapter 71: Recorded In Blood===
Szeth, working as a porter, walks the streets of Kharbranth towards the King's palace. Having assassinated the other names on the list given him by his unseen master, he was in Kharbranth to finish his work and kill King Taravangian. Using his shard blade he cuts a whole in the servants privy to access the king's portion of the palace. Szeth easily subdues Taravangian's guards and enters the kings study. Following his instructions, Szeth informs the king that he has killed the others and is there to finish the job. But the king reveals himself to be Szeth unknown master having put his name of the list to deflect suspicion should Szeth had failed. They discuss Szeth's actions. The king claims the assassinations are necessary to build a stronger Roshar for the coming years. Szeth accuses the king of using him to do his dirty work and as a response the king takes him to his secret hospital. The hospital is filled with dying people who are having their blood slowly drained. Here the King shows Szeth that his hands are not clean, having drained the blood of many. The King explains that the dying see something important as they die and here they record their words. The King believes their words may contain the key to everyone's salvation. The King then adds a name to Szeth's list that he had hoped to avoid but recent events had made necessary, Dalinar Kholin.
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===Chapter 72: Veristitalian===
Before reading Jasnah's notes on the Voidbringers, Shallan asks Jasnah how she soulcasted her blood multiple times if she was so unskilled in organics material, Jasnah had previously soulcasted Strawberry Jam into something uneatable. Jasnah replies that blood is one of the Essences and is therefore easy to soulcast. Shallan has a great many additional questions about soulcasting but Jasnah returns the conversation back to the Voidbringers. Shallan ask how Jasnah could believe in these myths when so many trusted scholars considered the Voidbringers a fabrication. Jasnah replies that she in general seek to find natural meanings to supernatural events. Believing something caused the legends of the Voidbringers. Reading from her notes, Jasnah help Shallan see that the Humans on Roshar did not destroy or banish the Voidbringers. They instead enslaved them as the Parshmen.
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===Chapter 73: Trust===
Kaladin waits at the Dalinar's warcamp's staging ground as requested by Dalinar himself. As he waits he wonders with Syl whether he can trust Dalinar. Syl seems to feel that Dalinar is indeed honorable. Kaladin feels conflicted about his actions that day. He wonders again whether he could truely protect by killing and whether the three lives lost from his bridge crew were worth the thousands of soldiers and lighteys that they saved.
Kaladin returns to bridge four's barrack to find his men engaging in their nightly tradition of eating Rock's stew. They talk to him about his extraordinary abilities and they want him to teach to do it too. Kaladin is unsure if its teachable but agrees to try. They decide to create experiments to test his abilities and Kaladin demands an oath of silence about his abilities. He then relaxes knowing that he finally succeed in saving someone.
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===Chapter 74: Ghostblood===
Shallan finishs reading Jasnah's notes concerning the Voidbringers and comes to the same concusion as Jasnah, that the parshmen are the Voidbringers. They discuss the frightening ramifications of this conclusion and they make plans to travel to the Shattered Plains to continue exploring King Gavilar's death and the Parshendi transformation into warriors. They also discuss the Ghostbloods, a secret organization seeking answers about the Voidbringers. Jasnah names Kabsal a member of the Ghostbloods and after seeing their secret symbol, Shallan relizes that her father was also likely a member.
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===Chapter 75: In the Top Room===
During the next highstorm after Sadeas's betrayal, in one of Dalinar's visions, he finds himself in a white rocky landscape with smokey figures rising around him. The voice again tells Dalinar to "... unite them". Dalinar then demands to know why the voice lied to him with regards to trusting Sadeas. But instead of answering, the voice appears in human form and continues exhorting Dalinar to prepare for the Everstorm, showing him a wall of darkness approaching a ruined Kholinar. Dalinar continues to ask questions and demand answers but soon realizes that the voice can not hear him and never could.
The voice then ends by proclaming that he was God and that he is now dead after being killed by Odium.
==Epilogue: Of Most Worth==