Diferencia entre revisiones de «La Multiguerra»

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m (Don't want to lose this)
The process of [[Awakening]] [[Lifeless]] had already been developed before the Manywar. However, the [[Command]]s that had been known previously required fifty [[Breath]]s to create a single Lifeless. This arrested the ability for large amounts of Lifeless troops to be used in combat, it was simply too costly.
However, one of the [[Five Scholars]], [[Shashara]], onewas ofspurred theby [[FiveYesteel|Yesteel's]] Scholarsdevelopment of [[ichor alcohol]], madeinto making a new discovery. She developedinvented a [[Command]] that allowed for the creation of a Lifeless with a single Breath. This allowed rulers to effectively double the size of their armies; along with the fact that the new troops did not eat, take pay, or feel pain and fear. Larger standing armies could be created.
New Commands were also being discovered rapidly, a golden age of Awakening took place, due in part to the Five Scholars. These new discoveries helped further learning and knowledge, but they also provided dangerous weapons. The House of Idris, ruling family of Hanald, were particularly interested in Awakening, and gained powerful Awakeners and Lifeless.
=== Vasher's Prophecy ===
At that point, [[Talaxin]], another of the Five Scholars who was also known as Strifelover, had a vision.
=== VasherThe Returned's Prophecy ===
At that point, one of the Returned had a vision of war
== Early Events ==
=== Seizure of HallendranHanald ===
After his fellow Returned had a vision of war, Vasher, then known as [[Talaxin]], used his knowledge of BioChroma and Awakening to raise up a vast army. He used this army to seize control of Hanald from the House of Idris, which promptly fled. Vasher also began developing a knew type of Lifeless, later known as [[Kalad's Phantoms]], made from bone encased in stone. These troops were among the most powerful of Lifeless and formed the core of his army.
=== Creation of Nightblood ===
Working together, Vasher and Shashara successfully managed to develop [[Nightblood]]
== Late Events ==
=== The Battle of Twilight Falls ===
The battle of Twilight Falls was the final engagement of the Manywar. It was the only battle of the Manywar where Nightblood was used in the battle. The sheer number of casualities caused by Shashara wielding Nightblood was devastating. Over the course of the battle the leader of the [[Pahn Unity]], the coalition of nations against HallantHanald, was killed.
=== Death of Shashara ===
[[Kalad's Phantoms]]...
=== Peacegiver'sFall Treasureof Kuth and Huth ===
== Legacy ==
While the war itself was over, the tensions between the nations never fully vanished. Tedradel's hatred of Hallendran, in particular, would never completely fade.
=== DestructionPeacegiver's of HallantTreasure ===
=== Shattering of Hallant ===
==== Formation of Idris ====
After the House of Idris and its servants fled [[T'Telir]], they moved to the northern highlands of Hallant. They established a kingdom there, named Idris after the family. The Idrians, who had previously experimented with Awakening, turned their backs on the art as a whole. The Idrians brought their religion, [[Austrism]], with them. They used its tenets to make Awakening sound immoral and evil. This fear of Awakening impacted Idrians greatly, their
==== Formation of Hallandran ====
== Legacy ==
While the war itself was over, the tensions between the nations never fully vanished. Tedradel's hatred of Hallendran, in particular, would neverremain completelystrong fade.well over three centuries later.
== Notes ==
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