Diferencia entre revisiones de «Resumen:Las Lentes Fragmentadas»

→‎Chapter 070706: Anchor for following chapter
m (→‎Chapter 070706: Anchor for following chapter)
Bastille and Alcatraz rush to another breach in the city caused by tunneling Librarians. When they arrive, the skirmish is already over. Several Mokians are down and the Librarians seemed to surrender pretty quickly. The Mokians are exhausted and despondent, but Alcatraz convinces them to keep fighting against Librarian oppression, even if Mokia falls. He consults with his advisors ([[Mink (Alcatraz)|Mink]], [[Dink]], and [[Wink]]) who tell him that they should surrender. Alcatraz instead comes up with a plan to at least take out the robots. He gives Aydee a nonsensical math problem to determine how many purple teddy bears there are. She comes up with an answer in the thousands, and they instantly appear. Alcatraz then goes to deal with the prisoners and notices that his [[Shasta Smedry|mother]] is among them.
{{anchor|Chapter avogadro}}{{anchor|Chapter 6.02214179 × 10^23}}
== Chapter 6.02214187 × 10 <sup>23</sup> ==
Alcatraz questions his mother. Using the Truthfinder's Lenses, he sees again that she really doesn't wish him harmed and that she didn't follow him to Tuki Tuki. He also learns that she no longer has the book she stole from the Royal Archives in Nalhalla. She refuses to answer any more questions, so he orders her and the prisoners locked up. Bastille feels via her [[Fleshstone]] that a group of Knights is on the way, but they won't be there for hours. Alcatraz has another plan, this time involving Bastille and stilts.