Diferencia entre revisiones de «Luz del vacío»

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== Acquisition and Properties ==
A singer can sing the [[Song of Prayer]] to create a Voidlight sphere, though this would draw Odium's attention.{{book ref|sa4|67}} It appears that this process is perhaps somewhat troublesome or time-consuming, as during battle, the [[Pursuer]] would go to some placesomeplace to fetch stored Voidlight instead of creating it directly.{{book ref|sa4|2}} In the past, [[Ba-Ado-Mishram]] is said to have provided it.{{epigraph ref|sa3|80}} The [[Fused]] enter the [[Physical Realm]] suffused with Voidlight.{{book ref|sa3|i|6}} Leaving gemstones out in [[Everstorm]] doesn't infuse them with Voidlight.
Voidlight is stored in gemstones similar to Stormlight, but these two types of light cannot be stored in the same gemstone.{{book ref|sa4|69}} Voidlight leaks significantly slower than Stormlight.{{book ref|sa4|16}}
Voidlight takes the form of dark, nearly black vapor, glowing violet.{{book ref|sa3|54}} When a person is infused with it, Voidlight spreads over the surface of their skin rather than sinking in.{{book ref|sa3|54}} On the skin, it pulses, and when a person infused with Voidlight moves, they leave behind trails of violet light.{{book ref|sa3|i|6}}{{book ref|sa3|79}} However, Voidlight does not leak from the Fused.{{wob ref|9412}}
Voidlight has an emotional effect similar to Stormlight, but instead of a need to move, it causes a feeling of enhanced passion, and emotions become more vibrant.{{book ref|sa4|67}}{{wob ref|11750}} When drawn in tointo the body of a singer, it infuses mainly the gemheart, rather than the entire body as with Stormlight.{{book ref|sa4|67}} ItHumans iscan unknowndraw whetherin humansVoidlight canif drawthey inlearn voidlightthe orcorrect nottone and rhythm.{{book ref|sa4|97}}
== Uses ==
