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== Prelude to the Stormlight Archive ==
[[Kalak]], one of the ten [[Herald]]s, wanders through a torn landscape littered with dead humans, [[thunderclast]]s, and other beasts. He is traveling to the Heralds' preordained meeting place (a rocky spire) for those who survived the [[Desolation]].
Upon arrival, he finds only their leader, [[Jezrien]], waiting for him. At first, Kalak assumes that the other eight must have died, for the battle was "furious". However, he notices seven [[Honorblade]]s driven point-first into the ground at the base of spire. Jezrien then informs Kalak that the other Heralds have departed, abandoning the [[Oathpact]]. Kalak then admits to Jezrien that he can't return to "the place of nightmares", the waiting place of the Heralds between Desolations. Jezrien then tells Kalak to relinquish his blade as well, for "...it is time for the Oathpact to end." This effectively leaves [[Talenel]] (Taln), the only Herald who died in the battle, alone to uphold the Oathpact and the sole sufferer of the pain and torture in the waiting realm.
{{epigraph|The love of men is a frigid thing, a mountain stream only three steps from the ice. We are his. Oh Stormfather...we are his. It is but a thousand days, and the Everstorm comes.}}
The prologue begins 4500 years later, with [[Szeth]], a [[Truthless]] [[Shin]] assassin, waitingwaits quietly in a large room, watching the [[Alethi]] celebrate the signing of a peace treaty with the [[Parshendi]]. He leaves the room, noting that his Parshendi masters will soon withdraw. Szeth wears white under the orders of the Parshendi to follow their traditions so that King [[Gavilar]] could see him coming.
When he reaches the area just outside the King's quarters, Szeth uses his abilities as a [[Surgebinder]] to fight his way past the guards. As he reaches the king's quarters, he is confronted by a [[Shardbearer]] as the King flees.
:''Five years later''
[[Cenn]], a new recruit in Brightlord [[Meridas Amaram]]'s army, is terrified. He is about to face his first battle and has no real idea of what to expect. Cenn is pulled into a new squad, that of [[Kaladin|Kaladin Stormblessed]], at the last minute for reasons he doesn't understand.
[[Dallet]], a sergeant, picks Cenn up and returns him to the squad. They are soon joined by Kaladin, who asks Dallet to take care of Cenn during the battle as he won't know the group's signals. They then fall to discussing tactics.
:''Eight Months Later''
Kaladin is now a slave in a caravan, waiting to be sold, and struggling to retain his ability to not think like a slave.
{{epigraph|A man stood on a cliffside and watched his homeland fall into dust. The waters surged beneath, so far beneath. And he heard a child crying. They were his own tears.}}
;[[Shallan Davar]]
[[Shallan Davar]] has just arrived in [[Kharbranth]], the City of Bells. She experiences a culture-shock of sorts, amazed at the number and variety of people in the city.
After a short conversation with Captain [[Tozbek]] of the [[Wind's Pleasure]], the boat she received passage on, she gets word that [[Jasnah Kholin]], the woman she has been chasing for several months, is still in the city.
=== Interlude I-1: Ishikk ===
[[Ishikk]], a fisherman in the [[Purelake]], is just returning home after a long day of fishing. After pausing to talk to [[Thaspic]] he meets with [[Maib]], a local woman who has been attempting to get him to marry her for years by trying to keep him in her debt, mostly by giving him food. Ishikk tries to counterbalance her efforts by bringing her fish that cure her aches in her joints.
Following a brief conversation with Maib, Ishikk goes to meet with a group of foreigners. They ask him about whether he has any new information for them, and Ishikk tells them that he has been to many villages in the area and none of them know anything about the man the foreigners are looking for, revealed to be [[Hoid]]. The foreigners (all worldhoppers, namely [[Demoux]] from [[Scadrial]],{{wob ref|6683}} [[Galladon]] from [[Sel]]{{wob ref|10085}} and [[Baon]] from [[Taldain]]{{wob ref|9208}}) argue amongst themselves for a while, then leave Ishikk to his thoughts.
=== Interlude I-2: Nan Balat ===
;[[Balat Davar]]
[[Balat Davar]], Shallan's brother, is torturing various small animals in the gardens of their family's estate. He reflects on how Shallan is doing most of the work to save their family and tries to convince himself that he isn't a coward for remaining at home to manage the estate. He admits to some resentment of Shallan because of all of their siblings, she was the only one their father never truly got angry at, but is shortly interrupted in his thoughts by [[Wikim Davar|Wikim]], another brother, coming to find him with the announcement that they have a big problem.
{{Epigraph|Old friend, I hope this missive finds you well. Though, as you are now essentially immortal, I would guess that wellness on your part is something of a given.}}
;[[Adolin Kholin]]
[[Adolin Kholin|Adolin]] is on a [[chasmfiend]] hunt with [[Dalinar]], [[Renarin]], [[Elhokar]], and [[Torol Sadeas|Sadeas]]. He is troubled by Dalinar's increasingly strange behavior, especially his fits during the highstorms, and worries that his father is going mad. Sadeas also continually taunts Dalinar over his lack of recent success in capturing [[gemheart]]s, which frustrates Adolin.
;[[Dalinar Kholin]]
Meanwhile, Dalinar, riding up by Elhokar and Sadeas, tells Elhokar that if they had a proper vantage point, they could observe the progress of the soldiers crossing the chasms. Elhokar charges off to a nearby rock formation, betting Dalinar five broams that he can beat him there. Dalinar races after him, at first thinking only of Elhokar's safety, but eventually getting into the thrill of the contest. Just as Dalinar is about to win, he remembers the strange voice in his dreams, who he presumes to be the [[Almighty]], telling him to "unite them." He hesitates, and Elhokar beats him to the top. When he sees how thrilled Elhokar is to have beaten him, Dalinar is glad to have waited. They watch the soldiers cross for a few minutes, then begin to return to the others. Adolin watches their return, all the while giving orders for his men to circle around to various plateaus, securing the area.
[[File:Ten Spears.svg|165px|center]]
[[Baxil]] and his cousin [[Av]] walk down a corridor of the palace of [[Ashno of Sages]]. Their [[Shalash|mistress]] walks ahead and stops at an intersection. She asks for his bag of tools, and she proceeds into the Hallowed Hall where she begins to destroy works of art--slashing paintings with a knife and pounding on sculptures with a mallet. As she works, Baxil and Av talk about going to the Nightwatcher. Baxil claims he can avoid the curse by phrasing his request just right, but Av says it doesn't matter what your boon is, you get a curse no matter what. Baxil wishes he could get some courage using the Old Magic.
{{Anchor|Interlude 8}}
[[File:Ten Spears.svg|165px|center]]
[[Geranid]] and [[Ashir]] are two ardents in the twilight of life devoted to each other and their research. Geranid studies spren; Ashir uses cooking to experiment with chemistry. He wonders if he should change his [[Calling]] because food may not be needed in the [[Cognitive Realm|Cognitive]] and [[Spiritual Realm|Spiritual]] Realms. Geranid measures a flamespren and notes that it stays locked in its current state once it is measured. Ashir tells Geranid to go into the other room. He will call out three numbers, one the true measurement, and she is to only write down one. When he calls out the actual measurement, the spren locks in place. It seems to know when it is being measured.{{wob ref|28}}