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(Merge info from Immortal Words)
|"I'm not some glorious knight of ancient days. I'm a broken man. Do you hear me, Syl? ''I'm broken''."<br />She zipped up to him and whispered, "That’s what they all were, silly"
|[[Kaladin]] and [[Syl]] on what the Knights Radiant were like.{{book ref|sa2|68}}
== Squires ==
Many orders of the knights are able to grant the ability to use [[Stormlight]] and some of their [[Surgebinding|Surges]] to people, possibly those capable of becoming knights themselves. It appears that potential squires must have a mindset that matches at least partly with the requirements of the order. For [[Order of Windrunners|Windrunners]] this appears to be a mental state geared to protection. Many squires recite the First Ideal before gaining Surgebinding, but this is not required. Each order follows a path and with a Knight willing to help the first steps can be taken before Bonding a [[spren]] themselves. This shows the spren what people are good candidates for each order, and reducing the chance that a spren will die from failed oaths. Time as a Squire also allows a person to practice Surgebinding before gaining a Nahel Bondbond.
It is possible for a person to remain a squire their whole life, or to be a squire of one order and bond a spren from another.{{wob ref|11443}} Using a mix of other [[Investiture]] (such as [[Feruchemy]] and [[Hemalurgy]]), a Surgebinder could hack the magic and be a squire of multiple Orders at once.{{wob ref|12917}}
== Immortal Words ==
{{for|/Immortal Words|a full discussionlist of all the Ideals}}
|Life before death. Strength before weakness. Journey before destination.
|The First Ideal of the Knights Radiant
The Ideals of the Knights Radiant, known as the '''Immortal Words''', serve as a guide for the Radiants actions and lives.{{book ref|sa1|59}} Each order of Radiants has five Ideals, though different Radiants from the same order may swear an ideal with slightly different words and Lightweavers swear more individualized truths instead of ideals.{{wob ref|2674}} The wording of the First Ideal, however, is exact and is used by all orders, including the Lightweavers.{{wob ref|9709}}{{book ref|sa2|87}} It acts as a motto and guide for the Radiants as a whole,{{book ref|sa1|59}} and is known as the Ideal of Radiance by the Skybreakers,{{book ref|sa3|90}} who may have carried the name over from the ancient Radiants. The unique Ideals of each order are designed as a progression that develops a Radiant's character toward the central concepts of their order.{{wob ref|2711}} The [[Stormfather]] and [[Cultivation]] have some discretion in deciding whether or not a Radiant has progressed enough that their oath can be accepted,{{book ref|sa3|121}}{{book ref|sa4|60}} though this discretion appears to be limited.{{book ref|sa2|84}} It is unclear whether or not the Stormfather had this ability prior to Honor's Splintering, but it seems likely it was instead Honor's decision at this time.
As a Radiant swears additional Ideals, they gain their Shardblade and Shardplate (though the Ideal at which these are received is not the same for all orders){{wob ref|7873}} and become more efficient in their use of Stormlight.{{book ref|sa1|59}} Additionally, some orders cannot use one of their Surges until they swear a higher Ideal.{{book ref|sa3|121}}{{wob ref|13774}} Swearing the Fifth Ideal, also known as the Final Ideal, makes the Nahel bond between Radiant and spren so strong that it can only be broken by death; until that point, there are apparently safe ways to break the bond.{{book ref|sa3|108}} Swearing the Fifth Ideal is generally not neccessary to be considered a full Knight Radiant and is such a difficult process that the Order of the Skybreakers has not had someone swear the Fifth Ideal for centuries.{{book ref|sa3|90}}
== Vorinism ==
* [[Malata]] (Dustbringer, bonded with [[Spark]])
== Trivia ==
* Brandon intended for sets of Ideals across Orders (e.g. the Third Ideal) to have a theme, though not all oaths will follow the pattern.{{wob ref|12012}}
== Notes ==