Diferencia entre revisiones de «Padre Tormenta»

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Stormfather later visited Kaladin directly in a dream, where the two had a conversation. He accused Kaladin of being a traitor, and shared his belief that humans couldn't be trusted.{{book ref|sa2|32}} His predictions seemingly came true when Kaladin killed Syl by breaking his bond.{{book ref|sa2|69}} Stormfather visited him in a subsequent highstorm to tell him that she was dead and that Kaladin would never [[Surgebind]] again. While he let [[Shallan]] see him as well, he didn't speak with her.{{book ref|sa2|74}}
[[File:Rider of Storms.jpg|thumb|left|250px|<center><small>by {{a|Connor Chamberlain}}</small></center> Stormfather presiding over Dalinar and Navani's marriage]]
During the [[Battle of Narak]], Stormfather spoke to Dalinar out of a vision, claiming that the Alethi were lost, and promising to send a highstorm to sweep away their bodies. At the same time, Syl began to regain her consciousness, and so Stormfather departed to stop her from re-bonding Kaladin.{{book ref|sa2|83}} Despite his best efforts, Syl succeeded, and Stormfather reluctantly conceded.{{book ref|sa2|84}}
Following the Battle, Dalinar climbed on top of [[Urithiru]] to speak with him. Stormfather answered, explaining the [[Everstorm]] and Honor's death, whereupon Dalinar attempted to bond him. Though initially, Stormfather was hostile to the idea, he eventually agreed once Dalinar said the [[Immortal Words]], although under the stipulation that Dalinar would wield no [[Shardblade|Shards]].{{book ref|sa2|89}}
=== Bondsmith spren ===
[[File:Rider of Storms.jpg|thumb|left|250px|<center><small>by {{a|Connor Chamberlain}}</small></center> Stormfather presiding over Dalinar and Navani's marriage]]
|1=<span style='font-variant: small-caps'> Oaths are the soul of righteousness. If you are to survive the coming tempest, oaths must guide you. </span>
This new bond allowed Stromfather to show Dalinar Honor's visions at will, leading to Dalinar exploring them extensively.{{book ref|sa3|1}} Shortly afterwards, Dalinar asked Stormfather to marry him and [[Navani]], to which he easily agreed.{{book ref|sa3|4}}
Following the Battle, Dalinar climbed on top of [[Urithiru]] to speak with him. Stormfather answered, explaining the [[Everstorm]] and Honor's death, whereupon Dalinar attempted to bond him. Though initially, Stormfather was hostile to the idea, he eventually agreed once Dalinar said the [[Immortal Words]], although under the stipulation that Dalinar would wield no [[Shardblade|Shards]].{{book ref|sa2|89}}
From then on out, Stormfather served as a source of information for Dalinar. While he refused to give him the reasons for the [[Recreance]],{{book ref|sa3|12}} he explained the nature of the [[Honorblade]]s, as well as the reason why [[Honor]] thought the plan of fighting [[Odium]] in a contest of champions would work -- that Odium is a force of nature, and as such, bound by rules.{{book ref|sa3|16}} Eventually, after a conversation concerning whether [[Oathbringer (Shardblade)|Oathbringer]] can be brought back to life, Stormfather revealed that he can send visions to other people, allowing Dalinar to instantenously communicate across vast distances and making negotiations much easier.{{book ref|sa3|28}}
Initially, the plan went reasonably well, with [[Dalinar]] conversing with [[Fen Rnamdi]] of [[Thaylenah]] and convincing her to consider his offer.{{book ref|sa3|34}} Afterwards, Stormfather brought him, [[Navani]] and [[Jasnah]] to the vision of the [[Aharietiam]] to explore it. It was there that he told Dalinar about the origins and fate of the [[Herald]]s, though he again refused to speak about the Recreance.{{book ref|sa3|38}} Shortly afterwards, during a trip back to the warcamps, he told Dalinar that he was beginning to feel empathy for people dying in his storms.{{book ref|sa3|50}}
=== The downward spiral ===
| This is the lot I have chosen. It is you or oblivion.
| Stormfather to [[Dalinar]]{{book ref|sa3|107}}
The free exploration of the visions ended when [[Odium]] invaded one of the visions, with Stormfather powerless to stop him.{{book ref|sa3|56}}{{book ref|sa3|57}} Though the great spren quickly recovered his poise, there was no doubt that he was terrified of the Shard, and for the time being, further visions were suspended.{{book ref|sa3|58}} Eventually, Dalinar began inquiring about the current fate of the Heralds, and Stormfather informed im that he could see [[Ishar]], and that the old Binder of Gods cursed his name at night.{{book ref|sa3|64}}
Soon afterwards, Dalinar's memories of the burning of [[Rathalas]] return.{{book ref|sa3|65}} Afterwards, he confronted Stormfather about his reasons for bonding a monster such as himself, to which Stormfather answered that to him, what Dalinar had done was administering justice -- but also that now, with his bond more advanced, he understood the immorality of the act.{{book ref|sa3|86}}
When Dalinar traveled to [[Vedenar]], he felt the return of the [[Thrill]], and sought to run away. Despite Stormfather's protests, he managed to summon something gleaming and white and use it to open the [[Oathgate]], causing the great spren significant pain.{{book ref|sa3|100}} Afterwards, Dalinar apologized to him, but Stromfather was unbothered by the event, or at least acted as though he was.{{book ref|sa3|107}}
[[File:Dalinar Bondsmith.jpg|thumb|right|250px|<center><small>by {{a|Connor Chamberlain}}</small></center> Accompanying Dalinar at Thaylen Field]]
=== Eila Stele and Thaylen Field ===
The revelations of [[Eila Stele]] came soon afterwards.{{book ref|sa3|111}} In the aftermath, Stormfather explained to Dalinar the Recreance and the role Honor played in preventing it in the ages past, as well as Honor's decay shortly before his death.{{book ref|sa3|113}}
At the [[Battle of Thaylen Field]], Stormfather accompanied Dalinar to his meeting with Odium, though he couldn't explain what the [[thunderclast]]s would want with the [[Thaylen Gemstone Reserve]].{{book ref|sa3|116}} When Odium met with Dalinar, Stormfather fell quiet, banished by the Shard's presence.{{book ref|sa3|118}} He quickly returned after Dalinar managed to reject Odium's influence.{{book ref|sa3|119}} After Dalinar opened [[Honor's Perpendicularity]], Stormfather was shocked, uncertain as to what was happening, though he was aware enough to point out [[Taln]] and [[Shalash]]'s presence to his Bondsmith.{{book ref|sa3|119}}
ThisIn newthe bondaftermath allowedof Stromfatherthe battle, Stormfather briefly visited [[Lopen]] to showhear Dalinarout Honor'shis visions[[Windrunner]] atsecond willideal, leadingchastising tohim Dalinarfor exploringthinking themhe had been ready extensivelyearlier.{{book ref|sa3|1121}} Shortly afterwardsAfterwards, he allowed Dalinar askedand Stormfather[[Shallan]] to marryuse himhis andpresence over [[NavaniKholinar]], to whichsee hewhat had happened to easilythe agreedcity.{{book ref|sa3|4}}{{expand122}}
== Abilities and Attributes ==