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== Oathgate Locations ==
=== Urithiru ===
There are ten Oathgate platforms on the edges of the grand plaza in front of Urithiru.{{file ref|Urithiru.jpg|Urithiru top-down view}} Each Oathgate is connected to a location in each of the ten ancient [[Silver Kingdoms]].{{filemap ref|Oathgate Locations.jpg|Oathgate LocationsOathgates}}
=== Shattered Plains ===
The [[Thalath]] Oathgate is located in the Thaylen capital, [[Thaylen City]]. It sits at the city's highest and east-most point, near the cliffs falling down into the sea. Standing high above the other buildings, it provides an excellent view of the entire city.{{book ref|sa3|58}} A solitary path connects it to the Royal Ward. Notably, it's the only known Oathgate so far not to be located within the original borders of the ancient city it's connected to.{{map ref|Thaylen City}} In Shadesmar, it's connected to land by a long bridge.{{book ref|sa3|112}}
The Oathgate's original purpose remained in the Thaylen cultural memory, with stories of a "portal of worlds" dazzling childen to this day.{{book ref|sa3|12}} However, the platform itself has been transformed into a sculpture garden. [[Kaladin]] and [[Shallan]] fly to Thaylen City to unlock it, while [[Malata]] does the same from Urithiru side, under [[Navani]]'s supervision.{{book ref|sa3|58}} From then on out, it's frequently used to transport both people and cargo.{{book ref|sa3|111}} It's particularly crucial in the [[Battle of Thaylen Field]], as Kaladin and his group fight there in an attempt to return from Shadesmar, and the gate itself is used to transport reinforcements to help repel the [[Fused]].{{book ref|sa3|116}}{{book ref|sa3|120}}
The [[AzirMakabakam]] Oathgate is located in the city of [[Azimir]] in [[Azir]]. ItIn isthe inpresent day, it has been covered up by a bronze dome, with the centerinterior ofserving as an indoor shopping district, known as the Grand Market. andThe housedcontrol underbuilding itself is treated as a bronzereligious domemonument of some kind.{{book ref|sa3|65}}
Once the Azish learn that the structure is an Oathgate, they close down the grand market and build an extensive wooden structure within, indended to funnel anyone coming out of the control chamber down a single, highly defensible path.{{book ref|sa3|65}} Although they initially refuse to open the gate out of fear of the Blackthorn, they eventually allow [[Lift]] to do so to let Dalinar visit their city.{{book ref|sa3|12}}{{book ref|sa3|65}} Dalinar intends to inform them that the entire platform can be swapped, rendering their defences meaningless, although it's unknown whether he ended up passing that information along.{{book ref|sa3|65}}
===Jah Keved===
The [[Jah Keved]] Oathgate is located in the city of [[Vedenar]].
===AimiaJah Keved===
The [[Valhav]] Oathgate is located in the city of [[Vedenar]], the capital of [[Jah Keved]]. It stands on one of the highest of the grand terraces of the city. Alongside a ramp, a set of stais leads up to the platform.{{book ref|sa3|100}}
The Oathgate in [[Aimia]] is believed to have been lost during the [[Scouring of Aimia]].
Like the other terraces in Vedenar, the Oathgate platform has been turned into a grand garden in the centuries since it's been locked.{{book ref|sa3|100}} After [[Taravangian]] decides to ally with Dalinar, [[Malata]] unlocks the Oathgate.{{book ref|sa3|24}} The garden is then cleaned up, clearing the platform for full use.{{book ref|sa3|100}}
===Rall Elorim===
The [[Iri]] Oathgate is located in the city of [[Rall Elorim]].
===Rira Other Oathgates ===
<!-- NOTE: Once there's more than two sentences of information about any of these Oathgates, they should get their own subsections, the same way the ones above have -->
The Oathgate in [[Rira]] is located in an unknown location. [[Jasnah Kholin]] believes the Oathgate was in the City of [[Kurth]].
There are five other Oathgates, which are yet to be reactivated in the present day.
The Oathgate in [[Babatharnam]] is located in its capital city of [[Panatham]].
* '''Aimia''': The [[Aimia]] Oathgate is located in the city of [[Akinah]]. It's current status is unknown, although it's believed to have been destroyed during the [[Scouring of Aimia]].{{book ref|sa3|107}}
* '''Iri''': The [[Iri]] Oathgate is located in their capital, [[Rall Elorim]].{{map ref|Oathgates}} As the Iri leadership allied with [[Odium]], the Oathgate is currently under their control, although it remains locked.{{book ref|sa3|16}}
There is believed to be an Oathgate in an unknown location in [[Shinovar]].
* '''Rira''': The [[Rishir]] Oathgate is located in the capital of [[Rira]], [[Kurth]].{{map ref|Oathgates}} It's likely come under the control of Odium as the Iriali moved to conquer Rira -- something they've intended to do for a long time.{{book ref|sa3|27}}
* '''Babatharnam''': The [[Sela Tales]] Oathgate sits in the city of [[Panatham]] in [[Babatharnam]]. It has most likely been captured by the Iriali forces.{{book ref|sa3|107}}
* '''Shinovar''': The [[Shin Kak Nish]] Oathgate lies somewhere in [[Shinovar]].{{map ref|Oathgates}} It's exact location is unknown, as there are no cities in Shinovar marked on the world map.{{map ref|Roshar}}
== Notes ==
Editors, Keepers
