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== Cytonic Abilities ==
; Sense
| He had been legally blind since he'd turned sixteen. (...) Fortunately, he had other methods of seeing.
| [[Jason Write]]{{book ref|elysium}}
The ability to "see" the world with supernatural senses. [[Jason Write]] uses it to perceive the light as vibrations, black being calm, white light being a roar in his mind. This allows him to get a clear picture of the world despite his blindness, though it takes a certain level of conscious effort.{{book ref|elysium}}
; FTL Communication
| They used that place between heartbeats to talk to one another, to communicate instantly.
| [[Spensa]] about the [[Krell]]{{book ref|skyward|55}}
The original reason cytonics was developed was its ability to connect minds of cytonics users and share verbal information. During the days of the [[Phone Company]], the advanced FTL communication network that connects all mankind is powered by a single operative with developed cytonic abilities, and is mediated by cybernetic equipment.{{book ref|elysium}}
; Mind Speed Acceleration
| The Krell knew they had to target any of us who flew too well—because they knew about the defect.
| [[Spensa]]{{book ref|skyward|epilogue}}
Cytonic users are able to react at incredible speed, thinking faster than humanly possible, although this doesn't not allow for increase in physical speed. This mind acceleration allows the cytonic users to excel in tasks that require quick reaction times, such as flight, making them excellent pilots, as well as use their abilities with little advanced warning, allowing them to compete with bullets.{{book ref|skyward|epilogue}}{{book ref|elysium}}
; Mindblades
|As fast as the bullets were, however, Jason’s mind was faster. He whipped out, a dozen invisible mindblades slashingthat slashed through the air. The force of his attack slapped the bullets backward as well as sliced each one in two.
|Defending Elysium[[Jason Write]]{{book ref|elysium}}
; FTL Transport
| I did something with my mind. We vanished, leaving a ship-size hole in the expanding blossom of flame and destruction.
|Jason focused on himself. He didn’t raise any mindblades. Instead, he Sensed inward. He felt his own vibration in his Sense, a cool black-clothed creature.(...) With a scream, he felt the mindblades descend around him, and he threw himself willingly into the darkness.
| Defending Elysium[[Spensa]]{{book ref|elysiumskyward|53}}
; Mind Swap
| Your dissidents are escaping, and they're hiding among us.
| [[Jason Write]]{{book ref|elysium}}
Using advanced cytonics, it is possible for a mind to swap bodies, including cross-species. Among others, [[Varvax]] dissidents can utilize this to take human bodies, akin to possession.{{book ref|elysium}}
; Cytonic Suppression
| No! It can't be! Where is my Sense!
| [[Jason Write]]{{book ref|elysium}}
There exist devices that allows suppression of cytonic abilities, for the purposes of keeping prisoners or protecting an area from cytonic influence. Varvax use cytonic suppression to keep various civillizations in check, while the [[Detritus]] debris shield mutes access to cytonics to an extent.{{book ref|elysium}}{{book ref|skyward|54}}
; Advanced Processing
| The minds of thinking machines somehow relied upon the same technology to process quickly.
| [[Spensa]]{{book ref|skyward|55}}
Some advanced processors use cytonic technology to work much faster than normally possible.{{book ref|skyward|31}} This is most important to artificial intelligences such as [[M-Bot]], which require cytonics to function at a sapient level.{{book ref|skyward|55}}
; Mind Hologram
| It should be incapacitated now, and if it's looking at you, it doesn’t see you. We are overwriting its vision.
| [[Krell]] command{{book ref|skyward|55}}
People with cytonic abilities are susceptible to having their vision overwritten by some process, technology or ability, replacing their normal sight with artificial images conjured up by the hologram creators. This is what causes [[Chaser]] to turn on his allies during the [[Battle of Alta]].{{book ref|Skyward|55}}{{book ref|Skyward|39}}