Diferencia entre revisiones de «Estados Exteriores»

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The '''Outer Estates''' are a greenbelt around the the city of [[Elendel]]; a broad ring of orchards, fields and pastures that feed the city.{{book ref|aol|11}}
According to [[Lord Harms]], his illegitimate daughter [[Marasi Colms]] had spent most of her life living in the Outer Estates{{book ref|mb4|2}} before coming to the city to attend university.{{book ref|mb4|4}}
[[Wax]] found the quiet, peaceful atmosphere of the Outer Estates to be odd and boring, to the point that it made him somewhat uncomfortable and anxious when they went there to examine the site of the most recent [[Vanishers]] attack on train cars.{{book ref|mb4|12}}
The Outer Estates are also where [[Edwarn Ladrian]] and his family, including [[Telsin]], were taking a carriage ride, which ended in their supposed deaths. The story involved their carriage going off a cliff when the horse bolted.{{book ref|mb4|10}} This accident was later discovered to have been faked. {{book ref|mb4|Epilogue}}
== Notes ==