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|books=[[Sixth of the Dusk]]
'''Deathants''' are a form of insect native to the [[Pantheon]] islands on [[First of the Sun]]. One bite of these yellow creatures is enough to kill a person, even though they are only as small as a pinhead.{{book ref|sixth}}
One bite of these yellow creatures enough to kill a person, even though they are only as small as a pinhead.
They usually live in underground nests that can sometimes be recognized by a bulge in the ground. When something disturbs their nest, they swarm out through cracks in the ground, making an audible hissing noise, and attack the source of the disturbance. Larger nests may have permanent cracks that allow for faster ingress and egress. [[Trapper]]s and other students of the Pantheon's dangers know that placing a source of smoke near the nest entrance can inhibit the ants from attacking.{{book ref|sixth}}
TheyDeathants usuallyhave liesome insort waitof inability theirto undergroundsense nestsmental signatures like other predators in the Pantheon, thatas can[[Dusk]] sometimesnotes bethat recognizedthey bywould anot bulgeconsider or[[Kokerlii]] crackedible. inDusk theconsiders ground,them thena whenconstant, somebodydeadly stepsnuisance onsince their nestsmall theysize swarmmakes outthem andeasy killto them.miss—especially Oneat alsonight—and hasthey toare bepresent cautiousalmost foreverywhere deathantson [[Patji]], including on leaves, branches, orand insidethe jungle floor. They can sometimes even infiltrate a [[trapper]]´'s [[safecamp]], although this is less common.{{book ref|sixth}}
== Notes ==
Editors, Keepers
