Diferencia entre revisiones de «Telsin Ladrian»

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|books=[[The Alloy of Law]]
'''Telsin Ladrian''' was a member of House Ladrian and sister of [[Waxillium]] on [[Scadrial]].{{book ref|b|aol|c|3}}
She loved to draw, so [[Edwarn Ladrian]], her uncle, kept an easel with a large pad of paper in [[Ladrian mansion]] for her use.
== History ==
Telsin and Wax were not close; they were practically strangers.{{book ref|b|aol|c|3}} Over the course of twenty years with very little contact between them, they both fell prey to laxity in their attempts to stay in touch. When Edwarn faked his own death in the carriage accident, he faked hers as well. She is still safe and alive{{book ref|b|aol|epilogue}} and is presumably in hiding somewhere under the guard of Edwarn.
== Notes ==
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