Diferencia entre revisiones de «Firefight (Épico)»

Copyedit; I wonder if we should make a spoiler redirect template so that we don't have to copy/paste all the formatting
m (add spoiler redirect)
Etiqueta: Redirección eliminada
m (Copyedit; I wonder if we should make a spoiler redirect template so that we don't have to copy/paste all the formatting)
'''Firefight''' is a [[High Epic]] and an illusionist of immense power. He can create extremely realistic and detailed illusions that are nearly impossible to distinguish, ablefrom reality and can use them to cover both himself and objects around him;, also making him capable of invisibility.
== Spoiler Warning ==
The following link contains '''major spoilers for ''[[Steelheart]]'''''. Please be very sure you have either read the book or are happy to be spoiled on some major points of the story.
[[category:Spoiler redirects]]
[[Category: Aliases]]