Diferencia entre revisiones de «Montañas Atad»

No hay cambio en el tamaño ,  hace 10 años
sin resumen de edición
(They were already called Dathreki in Fjorden. It's like the Sycla vs Opelon thing)
The '''Atad Mountains''', or the '''Dathreki Mountains'''{{ref|b|e|c|3}} as the [[Fjordell]] called them, was a large mountain range on the continent of [[Opelon]].{{ref|map|Arelon}} It separates the [[Fjordell]] Empire and its nations and the kingdoms of [[Arelon]] and [[Duladel]].{{ref|map|Arelon|Map of Arelon}}
It separates the [[Fjordell Empire]] and its nations and the kingdoms of [[Arelon]] and [[Duladel]].{{ref|map|Arelon|Map of Arelon}}
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Synod, Editors, Keepers
