Diferencia entre revisiones de «Armadura esquirlada»

sin resumen de edición
m (removed "OB chapter 86" from the {{cite}} tag as shardplate does not come up in that chapter)
Bladed or pointed weapons (arrows, spears, swords) typically don't carry enough force to damage Plate, but if Plate is already cracked and an edge catches it, the blow can widen the crack. It's conceivable that a Shardbearer, used to ignoring spear strikes that would normally barely scratch his paint, might be unprepared to respond to an effective use of this weakness.
== Cosmere ==
=== Origin ===
Shardplates are made out of a mixture of the unnamed godmetals of Honor and Cultivation. The precise proportion of the two differs depending on the type of spren that forms the Blade, or the order to which the Plate belongs; as such, there are at least ten alloys.{{wob ref|11211}}{{wob ref|11949}}{{wob ref|2541}} Like all godmetals, they are Allomantically viable, and thus burnable by a [[Allomancy|Mistborn]], although it's yet to be seen what the effects would be.{{wob ref|13315}} Presumably, they would also have Hemalurgic and Feruchemical effects.{{wob ref|6082}}
== Notes ==
