Diferencia entre revisiones de «Yushah»

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She awakens on the bay in the midst of the [[singer]] army before the battle by sinking into the stone and becoming it, before ripping herself out of the ground.{{book ref|sa3|115}} Odium tasks Yushah with guarding a prison, the [[King's Drop]] that she just had recovered from the [[Thaylen Gemstone Reserve]].{{book ref|sa3|117}} While attempting to destroy [[Lift]] Yushah is completely vaporized by [[Szeth]] wielding an unsheathed [[Nightblood]].{{book ref|sa3|117}}
Due to the nature of her reincarnating and Nightblood's ability to absorb [[Investiture]], Yushah is permanently dead.{{wob ref|date=2018-7-21|10440|Idaho Falls signing}}
== Notes ==
