Diferencia entre revisiones de «Yushah»

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Yushah y [[Kai-garnis]] son los tronadores que fueron despertados para el ejército de [[cantores]] antes de la [[Batalla de la Explanada Thayleña]], cerca de la bahía contigua a [[Ciudad Thaylen]]. Los espíritus de los tronadores se hundieron en la piedra del suelo, animandola; Kai-garnis aparece al [[Reino Físico]] antes y se le encarga derribar la muralla de la ciudad y atacar la [[Reserva Thayleña de Gemas]].{{book ref|sa3|115}} [[Dalinar Kholin]] sabía que Yushah se había manifestado poco después, ya que oyó los ruidosos crujidos de la piedra mientras el cuerpo tomaba forma.{{book ref|sa3|115}} Yushah se dirigió al este a través del campo de batalla, encontrándose con Kai-garnis cuando volvía con la [[Lágrima del Rey]]; Odium asignó a Yushah ayudar a protejerla.{{book ref|sa3|117}} Yushah se quedó cerca de la retaguardia del ejército de Odium, mientras que Kai-garnis volvió a la ciudad para atacar la Puerta Jurada.{{book ref|sa3|117}}
Yushah and [[Kai-garnis]] were the thunderclasts awakened in the midst of the [[singer]] army before the [[Battle of Thaylen Field]], near the bay adjacent to [[Thaylen City]]. The spirits of the thunderclasts sank into the stone of the ground, animating it; Kai-garnis emerged into the [[Physical Realm]] first and was tasked with destroying the city wall and attacking the [[Thaylen Gemstone Reserve]].{{book ref|sa3|115}} [[Dalinar Kholin]] knew Yushah had manifested a short time later, hearing the loud cracks of stone as her body took shape.{{book ref|sa3|115}} Yushah headed east across the battlefield, meeting Kai-garnis when she returned with the [[King's Drop]]; Odium assigned Yushah to help guard it.{{book ref|sa3|117}} Yushah stayed near the rear of Odium's army while Kai-garnis moved back into the city to attack the Oathgate.{{book ref|sa3|117}}
After Dalinar realized the importance of the King's Drop, he sent [[Lift]] to retrieve it. Lift pursued the [[Fused]] that was carrying the gemstone, but came too close to Yushah, who was smashing the ground attempting to crush Lift despite inadvertently killing nearby allies.{{book ref|sa3|117}} Yushah eventually landed a blow on Lift, severely injuring her, and moved to kill her. However, [[Szeth]] appeared wielding an unsheathed [[Nightblood]], cleaving Yushah in two and subsequently vaporizing her body.{{book ref|sa3|117}}