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'''Yu-nerig''' are a species of marine [[greatshell]] native to the seas near [[Marabethia]] on [[Roshar]].{{ref|b|sa2|c|49}} They are known for their succulent flavor.{{ref|b|sa1|c|40}}
== Anatomy ==
Like all greatshell species yu-nerig contain [[gemheart]]s, smaller than those of larger species like [[chasmfiend]]s, but still of respectable size.{{ref|b|sa1|c|40}} The chrysalises they make when they pupate are similar in shape and texture to those of chasmfiends.{{ref|b|sa2|c|49}}
== Ecology ==
Yu-nerig normally live in the sea depths, and only come onto land to pupate.{{ref|b|sa1|c|40}}{{ref|b|sa2|c|49}} They also form symbiotic bonds with spren, like most creatures on Roshar.{{cite|this is from a book personalization that needs to be added to the interview database}} This is one of the factors that allow them, like all greatshells, to grow to such large sizes.{{ref|?|977|158|What are the smoke-y spren that appear around a dead chasmfiend?}}
== Lore ==
Marabethian criminal code allows the prisoners condemned to capital punishment to be used as a bait for the yu-nerig in order to be pardoned. The criminals are dangled over a seaside cliff when the water is at high tide with a cut sliced in each of their cheeks, and told their crimes will be pardoned if they hang there for a week and are not eaten by the yu-nerig. They are usually attacked within the first day, however most prisoners still opt to take the chance. The Marabethian saying of "you have eyes of red and blue" is a reference to this, as they say the prisoners can see only two things: red for the blood dripping from their wounds and blue for the sea.{{ref|b|sa1|c|40}}
== Notes ==
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