Diferencia entre revisiones de «Yanagawn»

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=== The Azish Palace break in ===
The Azish kingdom was choosing a new Prime. At the Royal Palace the viziers, scribes, and arbiters were all given a chance to fill out the proper paperwork to apply to take the place of the new Prime. No one wanted the job. The last two Prime’s were murdered in the same week and with many Monarchs and HighprincesHigh killsPrinces killed within the last two months made it obvious that new Prime would be killed just as shortly.
That night Gawx went to the Palace with his uncle, [[Huqin]], to steal from them. [[Lift]] partnered with them, but was not cautioscautious and they were caught. He was mortally wounded by one of [[Nale]]'s attendants without first procuring the requisite documents to perform an execution. Lift revived him using [[Regrowth]], and he was immediately pronounced Prime Aqasix by the attending [[vizier]]s, who believed he had performed a miracle. After this he promptly pardoned Lift in order to stop Nale from executing her. Nale had no choice but to let her go.{{book ref|sa2|I|9}}
=== Prime Aqasix Yanagawn the First ===