Well of Sorrows

De La Coppermind
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Well of Sorrows
Ciudad Pitch
Región Blackened Lands
Mundo Mirandus
Parece que esta página necesita actualizarse con nueva información de Dark One Libro 1!
¡Ten cuidado! Es posible que en su estado, no contenga toda la información adicional todavía.

Even Malmahan, uncalled by the Narrative and unchecked by destiny--he who nearly ripped the world asunder. Even he was just a man before the well.

The Well of Sorrows is a pool of reddish liquid contained deep within the Dark Keep, in the city of Pitch.[1]

Purpose & Usage

The well is the source of all Dark One's powers, and grants them knowledge of the secrets of their powers. The well is not filled by any mortal hands, and only a Dark One can then drink from the well. The well appears to call to the Dark One, enticing them to drink from it.[1]

Nikka's memory is restored simply from being near the well. She can show Paul these memories due to being surrounded by so much power here.[1]


The well is located deep within the Dark keep, past all the Ironkeeper's standing guard. It is contained in a large circular room, overlooked by many towering statues, many times the size of a human.[1]


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