Diferencia entre revisiones de «Wayne»

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=== Bloodmaker ===
As a [[Bloodmaker]], Wayne can store health in his goldminds at the price of being unwell. He can tap into his stores later to heal wounds. As long as Wayne has an adequate storage of health, he can recover from any wounds that aren't immediately lethal, such as curing poison, regrowing fingers, and surviving bullet wounds. He prefers to fill his metalminds all at once by spending weeks sick in bed instead of traveling around while slightly sick. He often stores health whenever he has a hangover as he is going to have a horrible time of it anyway.{{book ref|mb4|10}}{{book ref|mb5|5}}
{{image|Wayne Flower by Elisgardor.jpg|side=right|width=300px}}
=== Slider ===
== History ==
{{image|Wayne Fullbody by Linnéa Sandberg.png|side=right|heightwidth=200px250px}}
|Some mistakes though, you can’t fix by being sorry. Can’t fix them no matter what you do.
Wax attended the [[Yomen-Ostlin wedding dinner]], and Wayne went there disguised as a waiter.{{book ref|aol|5}} The Vanishers attacked, and Wax and Wayne were forced to fight. Together they manage to quell the Vanisher attack, the survivors fleeing, carrying off [[Steris]]. In addition, the bandit leader [[Tarson]] took Wayne’s lucky hat, infuriating Wayne.{{book ref|aol|6}}
{{image|Wax and Wayne by Rebecca Scarborough.jpg|side=left|width=300px|With [[Wax]]}}
Wayne infiltrated the Fourth Octant Constabulary, disguised as a constable, and interrogated a few of the captured Vanishers, pretending to be a Vanisher himself. Using his skill with accents and acting, he managed to find out the location of one of the Vanisher hideouts.{{book ref|aol|8}} Wayne met with Wax and Marasi at Wax’s mansion, and [[Tillaume|Wax’s butler]] tries to assassinate them, using a bomb. Wayne used his abilities as a Slider to give them time to react, and Wax used his feruchemy to allow them to escape the blast by falling through the floor. Wayne used himself as a human shield, able to heal himself using his own feruchemy.{{book ref|aol|9}} Using the information that Wayne had gathered, they investigated the Vanisher hideout. Though it was empty, Wayne found a cigar box that pointed them to [[Miles Dagouter]].{{book ref|aol|10}}
