Diferencia entre revisiones de «Vstim»

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|image=Vstim by Dragontrill.png
|relatives=[[Chanrm]]{{book ref|sa3.5|9}}
|books=[[TheEl Stormlightarchivo Archivede las tormentas]]
'''Vstim''' ises aun comerciante [[ThaylenThaylenah|thayleño]] merchant onen [[Roshar]]. HeEn isla currentlyactualidad employedtrabaja ascomo theMinistro Ministerde ofComercio Tradede forla [[QueenReina Fen]], theel highestcargo civil positionmás inalto thedel Thaylengobierno governmentthayleño.{{book ref|sa3|I|13}} HeFue was«babsk» "Babsk" tode [[Rysn]], aun positioncargo consistingque ofconsiste aen masterun tomaestro anpara apprenticeun aprendiz, andy alsotambién hersu padre legal father until he pronouncedhasta herque ala merchantdeclaró incomerciante herpor ownderecho rightpropio.{{book ref|wok|i|4}}
== AppearanceApariencia andy Personalitypersonalidad ==
Vstim istiene inmás hisde 70's andaños describedy byes descrito por Rysn ascomo "spry«ágil forpara hissu yearsedad»."{{book ref|sa3|I|13}} HePrefiere prefersvestir tola wearropa Thaylende merchant'smercader clothingthayleño, consistingque ofconsiste stifflyen starcheduna robestúnica andrígidamente aalmidonada conicaly hatun sombrero cónico.{{book ref|wok|i|4}} HeEs ismuy veryrico wealthyy andsigue follows thelas [[PassionsPasiones]].
== History ==
After Rysn returned from Aimia, Vstim met with her privately to hear her account of the journey. He learned the truth about the Sleepless, what they were really concealing on Aimia, and how Rysn joined with the Dawnshard. Despite some trepidation, he promised Rysn that he would keep everything secret, even from Queen Fen.{{book ref|sa4|i|8}}
== NotesNotas ==
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