Diferencia entre revisiones de «Vin»

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She is naturally suspicious of others due to the circumstances of her upbringing, and slow to trust people out of fear of being betrayed. She initially tends to attempt to make herself seem irrelevant or hide when she is uncomfortable or anxious, and prefers solitude to the company of others, because of the belief instilled in her that no one can betray her if she is alone.{{book ref|mb1|1}}
Often she is alert and watchful, having a tendency to perch on things, or sitting in places where she can best monitor her surroundings. Vin is also uncomfortable with having the attention of others, preferring to go hidden and unnoticed. This puts her in an awkward position with the [[Church of the Survivor]], as she displays obvious discomfort as being revered as the Lady Heir.{{book ref|mb2|5}} For this reason, she is also uncomfortable around [[Demoux]]. Additionally, she most often forgoes wearing clothing that is not practical, although she does later enjoy wearing dresses, she finds it difficult to reconcile that part of herself, or to justify wearing expensive clothing while so many people are suffering. AfterShe initially finds noble dresses uncomfortable and impractical, reflected later after becoming empress of the New Empire when she refuses to wear royal garb in favour of clothing more practical for battle.{{book ref|mb1|12}}{{book ref|mb3|15}}
== History ==
Her half-brother Reen saved Vin from her mother and after the death of her mother and sister, she lived on the road with
him. Reen's lessons and attempts to strengthen her -- like taking her on burglaries to teach her to steal{{book ref|mb1|13}} -- and teach her to survive the skaa underground were abusive, beating her for things such as being too friendly with other crewmembers or making a foolish comment and drawing unwanted negative attention{{book ref|mb1|16}}, but successful in instilling the lessons shehe apparentlybelieved she needed to survive and work the thieving crews in [[Luthadel]] until he apparently deserted her.{{book ref|mb1|1}}{{book ref|mb1|3}} As she later discovers, however, Reen never betrayed her, and was captured by Inquisitors and tortured. Despite this, he never gave her up, swearing that she had died even while he was being tortured.{{book ref|mb1|37}}
Vin joins Kelsier's crew and begins her Mistborn training with him. While he teaches her the basics, it is decided that she would benefit more from learning from each of the crew's mistings; [[Breeze]], [[Ham]] and [[Marsh]], all of whom are masters of their own abilities, and are thus better suited to instruct her in their respective metals. [[Spook]] also teaches her a little bit about using [[tin]], while Kelsier goes on to instruct her in [[iron]] and [[steel]].
In her first practical lesson with Kelsier, they venture outside the city walls and are picked up in a carriage by [[Sazed]], who takes them to [[Fellise]], where Vin is tutored by him as it is decided that she will infiltrate the noble court on their behalf.{{book ref|mb1|7}}{{book ref|mb1|8}} She contributes to the plan by supplying a method to infiltrate the Steel Ministry from her old crew: Theron's fake canal convoys.
During the meeting, Ham interrupts, reporting that the Ministry found Camon's lair, where Milev and his crew had continued to operate. The crew move to investigate the lair, wherein Vin's old crewmates had been massacred and butchered by an Inquisitor. The crew realise that the Inquisitors must still be on Vin's trail after Camon's last scam after finding the former crewleader hung from a hook in the streets.{{book ref|mb1|11}}
==== The House War ====
Vin spies on the noble houses by disguising herself as a noblewoman: '''Valette Renoux''', an identity created as a cover, who is the fourth cousin of Lord [[Renoux]], daughter of [[House Renoux|Lord Hadren and Lady Fellette Renoux]]. Kelsier reveals that he chose House Renoux and becamethe acquaintedValette withcover Elendin Venturepart because of their status as weapons merchants, making them valuable to various houses and drawing the heirnobles that the rebellion needs to focus on to them.{{book ref|mb1|12}} Vin attends her first ball at [[HouseKeep Venture]] to establish her identity within Luthadel, and she attracts the attentions of several young men, declining their offers to dance on account of her inexperience.{{book ref|mb1|12}} She discoveredrecognises her father's identity and killsmeets Elend Venture, the heir to [[ShanHouse ElarielVenture]], whoalthough attemptsshe toonly assassinatelearns who Elend asreally partis ofafter athe politicalfact ploywhen speaking with [[StraffSazed.{{book Venture]].ref|mb1|12}}
Vin follows Kelsier one night, discovering the spikeway between Luthadel and Fellise in the process. After he discovers and confronts her, he introduces her to [[atium]] for the first time, and they attempt to raid the Lord Ruler's palace, [[Kredik Shaw]].{{book ref|mb1|13}} During the raid, the pair are forced to flee when attacked by the Steel Inquisitors guarding the palace, and Vin is left behind. She recovers [[Alendi]]'s [[Alendi's journal|logbook]] before she is gravely wounded in her attempt to escape.{{book ref|mb1|14}} Sazed, however, manages to save her from the Inquisitors and brings her back to [[Clubs]]' hideout.{{book ref|mb1|15}} Vin spends the subsequent two weeks unconscious as she recovers from a massive wound in her side, and it takes three more months to recover fully from her ordeal at Kredik Shaw.{{book ref|mb1|15}}{{book ref|mb1|16}}{{book ref|mb1|20}}
Gradually, Vin grows more comfortable when adopting the Valette persona, but she is give a sobering reminder of the realities of the Final Empire when she witnesses a soldier murder a skaa kitchen boy for begging from a nobleman.{{book ref|mb1|18}}
She discovers her father's identity during the executions in the (later named) [[Square of the Survivor]] after pointing him out to and kills [[Shan Elariel]], who attempts to assassinate Elend as part of a political ploy with [[Straff Venture]].
In her time spying, she participates in a raid on the [[Lord Ruler]]'s palace, [[Kredik Shaw]], where she obtains [[Alendi's journal]], and is mortally injured by Steel Inquisitors before being rescued and administered to by [[Sazed]].
==== Death of the Lord Ruler ====
=== The New Empire ===
Vin travels withand Elend set about expanding their empire, and helpsbring conquerlarge bandsnumbers of marauding koloss under their control ofby thekilling [[Inquisitor]]Ruin's and [[Ruin]]Inquisitors. They search for the [[atium cache]] and the storage caverns, discovering more about the history of the world. They also read about the metal [[electrum]], which helps to protect them from atium attacks.
==== The Siege of Fadrex ====
{{quote|You brought armies to attack my city. You threatened my people. I won’t slaughter your soldiers, make them pay for what you did, but I will kill you, Cett.|Vin to Lord Cett{{book ref|mb2|55}}}}
== Trivia ==
*Vin was originally male in a single chapter of Mistborn before Brandon changed his mind.{{qa ref|979|103|Vin, in Mistborn, started as a boy.|date=15 April 2013}}
== See Also ==