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==== The House War ====
[[File: Valette portrait.png|150px|thumb|right|Portrait of Valette]]
Vin spies on the noble houses by disguising herself as a noblewoman: '''Valette Renoux''', an identity created as a cover, who is the fourth cousin of Lord [[Renoux]], daughter of [[House Renoux|Lord Hadren and Lady Fellette Renoux]]. Kelsier reveals that he chose House Renoux and the Valette cover in part because of their status as weapons merchants, making them valuable to various houses and drawing the nobles that the rebellion needs to focus on to them.{{book ref|mb1|12}} Vin attends her first ball at [[Keep Venture]] to establish her identity within Luthadel, and she attracts the attentions of several young men, declining their offers to dance on account of her inexperience.{{book ref|mb1|12}} She recognises her father and meets Elend Venture, the heir to [[House Venture]], although she only learns who Elend really is after the fact when speaking with Sazed.{{book ref|mb1|12}}
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