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|books=[[The Stormlight Archive]]
'''Vai''' is [[Sah]]’sa seven-year-old daughter[[singer]] on [[Roshar]]. She is [[Sah]]'s daughter, and one of the younger parshmen girls in their traveling group.{{book ref|sa3|17}}
== Appearance and Personality ==
Like the other young female parshmen childrensingers, Vai probably wears her hair loose rather than tied or in a braid like the boys. While bearing a resemblance to her elders, she diddoes not have quite the same armored [[Parshendi]] appearance., Theinstead children’shaving carapacethe tendedlight toorange-pink becarapace atypical lightof orange-pinksinger children.{{book ref|sa3|17}}
Vai doesn’tdoesn't wear shoes, which causes her feet to be covered with scratches and scrapes despite them being tough from calluses. She appears timid at first when dealing with [[Kaladin]], but he soon realizes that she is not timid, just nervous.{{book ref|sa3|17}}
== History ==
=== Meeting Kaladin ===
Vai was cared for byand her father, Sah, were enslaved as [[Sahparshmen]], in northern [[Alethkar]]. Sah cared for Vai after her mother was sold because she was considered good breeding stock. TheyAfter the coming of the [[Everstorm]] released them from [[slaveform]], they traveled with [[Khen]] and a group of fellow parshmensingers following thea yellow[[Voidspren#Guiding_Spren|guiding spren]]. After they captured [[Kaladin]], Vai ran and took the hand of her father as he led Kaladin from [[Hornhollow]] to [[Revolar]]. While Sah played cards, with Kaladin coaching him, Vai tugged on Sah’sSah's arm and pointed. After a whispered response from Sah, Vai ran on her tiptoes towards a patch of flowering rockbuds. She squatted and waited for each to open and then she snatched one with each hand, giggling as she did. She returned, giving Kaladin a wide berth as she did.{{book ref|sa3|17}}
|Why can’tcan't they just let us go? Could you go back and tell them? We don’tdon't want trouble. We just want to go away.
|Vai’sVai's plea to Kaladin {{book ref|sa3|17}}
AsVai's sheactions returned,helped Kaladin realizedrealize theythat weren’tthe awakened singers weren't monsters, justbut he still referred to them as runaway slaves. The comment upset Sah, who confessed that he spendsspent each night clutching his daughter wondering how long they would be trapped in the shadows. He askedgrabbed Kaladin and asked him if he truly understood what it was like watching your family being torn apart and being completely unable to stop it. Sah dropped Kaladin and picked up his daughter, holding her close as he ran to catch up with the others. As Kaladin was pulled along, he inadvertently stepped on Vai’sVai's flower in his haste.{{book ref|sa3|17}}
|No. We’reWe're nice. We’veWe've always been nice. I never hit anyone, even when I was mad.
|Vai to Kaladin {{book ref|sa3|17}}
Kaladin offered to help the parshmensingers, but Sah questioned whether or not he really just wanted them to get caught. As Sah walked off to confer with the other parshmensingers, Vai walked over to where Kaladin sat, bringing him a waterskin. She then backed away, but didn’tdidn't flee as Kaladin reached for the waterskin. When he thanked her, she asked if theythe other humans would chase them, and why they couldn’tcouldn't just let them go. She asked Kaladin if he could go back and tell them that they don’tdidn't want trouble. Kaladin apologized, but he told Vai they willwould come. Theybecause arethe former parshment were considered “aa resource”"resource" that they can’tcouldn't ignore.{{book ref|sa3|17}}
Vai sniffled and asked why, that they never tried to hurt them, that they were nice. She even promised that she never hit anyone when she was mad. Kaladin explained that he didn’tdidn't mean her, but Vai’sVai's ancestors. However, he trailed off as he didn’tdidn't know how to explain slavery to a seven-year-old. He tossed the waterskin back to her and she ran back to her father.{{book ref|sa3|17}}
=== Revolar ===
When the parshmensingers and [[Kaladin]] approached [[Revolar]], [[Sah]] carried Vai on his shoulder so she could have a better view. She held onto some wooden cards, clutching them like another child might carry a favorite stuffed doll. As they walked, Sah told Kaladin that he’dhe'd dreamed of the parshmen having their own city, and here it was. Kaladin asked if that was what this was all about, conquering the kingdom, destroying humankind. Sah said he didn’tdidn't know, but he could not be a slave again and he would not let them take Vai and imprison her.{{book ref|sa3|31}}
===Separation from Sah===
Unfortunately, Vai was taken from her father when Sah, [[Khen]], and the other parshmen were sent along with [[Moash]] to lead the assault on [[Kholinar]], ultimately leading to Sah’s death.{{book ref|sa3|54}} Kaladin slumped to his knees after his death, recalling how all he ever wanted was to protect his daughter.{{book ref|sa3|84}}
Unfortunately, Vai was taken from her father by order of the [[Fused]] when Sah, Khen, and the other singers in their group were sent along with [[Moash]] to fight in the [[Siege of Kholinar]]. This was supposedly a punishment for "harboring" Kaladin as a spy, although in reality the Fused were looking for reasons to conscript more singers into their infantry. Sah was enraged by this development, but had no recourse.{{book ref|sa3|54}} He was ultimately killed in the fighting; Kaladin, who participated in the battle alongside the [[Kholinar Wall Guard]], slumped to his knees upon seeing Sah fall, recalling that all he ever wanted was to protect his daughter.{{book ref|sa3|84}} Vai's whereabouts after being separated from her father are unknown.
== Notes ==
Editors, Keepers
