Diferencia entre revisiones de «Vahr»

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=== Rebellion ===
About five years before [[Bluefingers|Bluefingers']] [[Pahn Kahl rebellion]], Vahr had an idea.{{book ref|wb|19}} He thought that if he could convince his fellow workers to give him their [[Breath]], he could use its power to start a rebellion against the overseers on the dye fields. As these Breaths came from like-minded, rebellious people, Vahr's determination and resolve were strengthened.{{qa ref|590|38|In Vahr's case, did collecting Breath from other rebel-minded people strengthen his determination and resolve?|date=2010-12-06}}
At this point Vahr attempted to raise a Pahn Kahl army to rebel against Hallandren itself.{{book ref|wb|1}} He received financial support from Hallandren's rival trading partners, possibly including [[Tedradel]].{{annotation ref|wb|prologue-3}} Before long, Vahr had become a hero to the workers in the outer flower plantations.{{book ref|wb|19}}
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