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{{quote|Keep your part of the bargain.|Vahr, asking Vasher to kill him{{book ref|b|wb|prologue}}}}
'''Vahr''' is an [[Pahn Kahl]] rebel leader on [[Nalthis]].{{book ref|b|wb|c|17}}
== History ==
=== Early Years ===
Vahr spent his early life working long hours for little pay aside from food on the dye fields surrounding [[Hallandren]].{{book ref|b|wb|c|19}} During that time he spent at least a decade as a revolutionary, trying to convince his fellow workers to rebel.{{annotation ref|wb|prologue-3}}
=== Rebellion ===
About five years before [[Bluefingers|Bluefingers']] [[Pahn Kahl rebellion]], Vahr had an idea.{{book ref|b|wb|c|19}} He thought that if he could convince his fellow workers to give him their [[Breath]], he could use its power to start a rebellion against the overseers on the dye fields. As these Breaths came from like-minded, rebellious people, Vahr's determination and resolve were strengthened.{{qa ref|590|38|In Vahr's case, did collecting Breath from other rebel-minded people strengthen his determination and resolve?}}
At this point Vahr attempted to raise a Pahn Kahl army to rebel against Hallandren itself.{{book ref|b|wb|c|1}} He received financial support from Hallandren's rival trading partners, possibly including [[Tedradel]].{{annotation ref|wb|prologue-3}} Before long, Vahr had become a hero to the workers in the outer flower plantations.{{book ref|b|wb|c|19}}
However, Vahr received support from local rebellious factions as well. He sought the help of [[Idrian]] crime lords, such as [[Rira (character)|Rira]], [[Ashu]], and [[Paxen]].{{book ref|b|wb|c|31}} They supplied Vahr with money to feed his army, despite the fact that they did not like that he was not Idrian. Due to this, they were not particularly loyal to Vahr's cause; they were mostly interested in increasing their wealth and influence.{{book ref|b|wb|c|19}} Another strong, if weaker, ally to Vahr's rebellion was the Idrian crime lord [[Grable]].{{book ref|b|wb|c|22}}
Vahr was also supported discreetly by [[Lemex]] and the Idrian royal family.{{book ref|b|wb|c|17}} [[Dedelin]] hoped that Vahr's rebellion would cause Hallandren to focus on the Pahn Kahl and would alleviate rising tensions between Idris and Hallandren.{{book ref|b|wb|c|1}} At some point during this time period, Vahr met [[Vasher]], but the two had little in common.{{book ref|b|wb|prologue}}
=== Betrayal & Capture ===
Unfortunately, Vahr's newfound power and notoriety would end up working against him. His hero status among the dye workers drew the attention of the [[Court of Gods]]{{book ref|b|wb|c|19}} While the court considered him to be a fool who posed little threat to Hallandren or [[T'Telir]],{{book ref|b|wb|c|5}} they were still interested in capturing him.
Bluefingers, whose own plans for rebellion were already in motion, was irked by Vahr drawing attention to the dissatisfaction of the Pahn Kahl.{{annotation ref|wb|chapter=34}} Bluefingers then leaked information to the [[Returned]] which lead to Vahr's capture. Vahr was imprisoned in the [[God King|God King's]] dungeon, underneath his palace.{{book ref|b|wb|prologue}}
Vahr was kept in a special cell for [[Awakener]]s.{{book ref|b|wb|prologue}} The walls had been drained of all color, and he was gagged and hung from the ceiling by ropes attached his arms so he had no ability to Awaken anything. Vahr's Breath was so valuable that the government of Hallandren did not want to execute him before he gave it to them. There they spent two weeks torturing him by beating, burning, and cutting him.
As Vahr's Idrian supporters had never been terribly loyal, when he was captured, they quickly abandoned the cause.{{book ref|b|wb|c|19}} However, a few, like Grable remained loyal to Vahr, despite his imprisonment.{{book ref|b|wb|c|22}} Vahr's army was dispersed, but many still wished to see Hallandren overthrown.{{book ref|b|wb|c|17}}{{book ref|b|wb|c|1}}
=== Death ===
Upon hearing of Vahr's capture, Vasher saw an opportunity he had been waiting two years for.{{book ref|b|wb|prologue}} He needed more Breath to continue to live much longer as well as to fight. Vasher picked a fight at a bar and punched a priest, landing him in the God King's jail awaiting execution. Vasher Awakened a small man of straw to fetch him the cell keys after Nightblood disposed of the guards. He then went to Vahr's cell and offered to kill Vahr in exchange for Vahr's Breath. After pointing out that Vahr is unlikely to stand much more of the God King's torturers and promising that Vahr's enemies would not get the Breath, Vahr acquiesced and gave Vasher the Breath. Vasher then Awakened a scarf, which choked Vahr to death.
=== Legacy ===
While Vahr ultimately failed in his goal to overthrow the government of Hallandren, the people did not forget his promises. When [[Vivenna]] was unknowingly fomenting insurrection, the memory of Vahr's oaths was still fresh in their minds, so they listened and became more rebellious.{{book ref|b|wb|c|43}}
However, the Idrian crime lords had lost a lot of money to Vahr's failure,{{book ref|b|wb|c|19}} and were hesitant to listen to her proposition, so Denth lost their support in his quest to get Idris and Hallandren to go to war with one another.{{book ref|b|wb|c|28}} Denth did however have the men attacking merchant caravans disguised to appear to be members of Vahr's broken army.{{book ref|b|wb|c|19}}
However, Vahr's defeat did make Hallandran focus more on their enemies,{{book ref|b|wb|c|1}} and Idris was first on that list, so relations deteriorated even further. Idris's main general, [[Yarda]] hoped to rile up whatever remained of Vahr's rebel army, as a few still remained.{{book ref|b|wb|C|17}}
Vahr also furnished Vasher with hundreds of Breaths, ensuring Vasher's continued life and giving him enough power to once again perform complex Awakenings.{{book ref|b|wb|prologue}}
== Appearance & Personality ==
Before his capture, Vahr had been a plump man.{{book ref|b|wb|prologue}} However, after the imprisonment and torture he had grown painfully thin, and his body was covered in buises, burns, and cuts. His eyes also took on a haunted look.
Vahr's personality too changed with his capture.{{book ref|b|wb|prologue}} He became harder and more emotionless, something Vasher was finally able to identify with.
== Abilities ==
*Awakener of the [[Heightening#Fourth_Heightening|Fourth Heightening]]{{book ref|b|wb|c|19}}
== Trivia ==