Diferencia entre revisiones de «Usuario:WeiryWriter/Metaphors»

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{{quote|I’ll bet I could drive one of these things, I told myself. It doesn’t look too hard. Like slipping on a banana peel around a corner at eighty miles an hour. Piece of cake.|}}
===Chapter 30===
{{quote|The tensor was missing two fingers, and the electronics had been shattered, pieces hanging off like eyes drooping out of a zombie’s sockets in an old horror movie.|}}
{{quote|I focused on the tensor, on the vibrations. For a moment I thought I felt something, a low hum—deep, powerful.<br>
It was gone. This was stupid. Like trying to saw a hole in a wall using only a bottle of soda.|}}
{{quote|I hunkered down again, assault-rifle fire sounding like firecrackers in a tin can. Which was, as I thought about it, kind of what this was. I’m getting better. I smiled wryly as I dumped the magazine from Megan’s gun and locked a new one in.|}}
{{quote|The ceiling melted.<br>
I saw it distinctly. I was looking down the tunnel, not wanting to watch Megan as I shot her. I had a clear view of a circle in the ceiling becoming a column of black dust, cascading in a shower of disintegrated steel. Like sand from an enormous spigot, the particles hit the floor and billowed outward in a cloud.|}}
===Chapter 33===
{{quote|I’d brought about the end of an era. They didn’t seem to blame me, but I couldn’t help feeling some guilt. I was like the guy who had brought the spoiled shrimp cocktail to the party, causing everyone to throw up for a week straight.|}}
===Chapter 34===
{{quote|Of course, I thought as I vaporized another section of the wall, Prof’s ability makes mine look like a piece of rice. And not even a cooked one. I was basically only useful in this role because he refused to take it. That dampened my satisfaction.|}}
===Chapter 35===
{{quote|I’d drop down, then try to sneak up on him, if it came to that. It would be like trying to sneak up on a lion while armed only with a squirt gun.|}}
===Chapter 37===
{{quote|A blast rocked the stadium, the sound traveling down the hallway and washing over me like stale cola through a straw.|}}
{{quote|There! I thought, catching a glimpse of a forehead and eyes peering out from the far wall. He looked pretty stupid, actually, like a kid in the deep end of a pool thinking he was invisible because he was mostly submerged.|}}
===Chapter 1===
{{quote|They make the city look like a big … chessboard. Um, one painted a lot of colors.|}}
{{quote|A true Chicago dog looks like someone fired a bazooka at a vegetable stand, then scraped the remnants off the wall and slathered it on a tube of meat.|}}
{{quote|Most of these people would have spent the last years outside of civilization, dodging Epics, surviving as best they could in a land ruled by nested levels of tyrants, like Russian dolls with evil little faces painted on them.|}}
===Chapter 2===
{{quote|‘Sparks,’ Tia said. ‘Like rats on a ship.’<br>
‘Yeah,’ I said. ‘Or glitter in soup.’<br>
Tia and Abraham fell silent.<br>
‘Have you ever tried to get all of the glitter out of your soup?’ I demanded. ‘It’s really, really hard.’|}}
===Chapter 3===
{{quote|It was like he was suddenly made of dough and the other self pushed out of his side.|}}
{{quote|It seemed impossible. But then, Epics have this habit of treating physics like something that happens to other people, like acne and debt.|}}
{{quote|Darkness grew at the edges of my vision, like a creeping mold.|}}
===Chapter 4===
{{quote|Something about this tweaked a part of my brain, like a piece of popcorn on fire because it cooked too long.|}}
{{quote|The overworked machine hung out over a plummet of many stories, dripping water like perspiration from the forehead of a suicidal jumper.|}}
{{quote|I lowered my popsicle and squinted at that strange red light, which rose like a new star above the horizon. Only no star had ever been that bright or that red. Crimson. It looked like a bullet wound in the dome of heaven itself.|}}