Diferencia entre revisiones de «Usuario:WeiryWriter/Metaphors»

sin resumen de edición
===Chapter 40===
{{quote|I spent the next hour or so slumped at Tia’s desk in the meeting room, the huge window looming over me like a roommate who just heard you unwrap a bag of toffee-pulls.|}}
{{quote|My thoughts kept turning back to her over and over, like a penguin who couldn’t be convinced that these plastic fish weren’t real.|}}
===Chapter 42===
{{quote|She was dressed in the same retro-punk style from before, a leather jacket with pieces of metal jutting out of it, like it was wrapping paper that had been pulled tight around a death machine.|}}
===Chapter 45===
{{quote|“Just try to keep the radio from getting too wet,” Mizzy said. “Old technology doesn’t mix well with water.”<br>
“Understood,” I said back. “I’ll treat it like a giant, angry, man-eating dragon.”|}}
{{quote|Here, translucent tentacles of water wove between the trunks of trees like the prehensile stalks of some enormous, many-eyed slug.|}}
{{quote|“The theory makes sense,” I said, blushing. “It’s like oatmeal on pancakes.”|}}
Synod, Editors, Keepers
