Diferencia entre revisiones de «Usuario:WeiryWriter/Jezrien»

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Following the formation of the Oathpact, Shalash and the other Heralds spent several thousand years helping the people of Roshar fight the [[Voidbringer]]s in battles called [[Desolation]]s. Preceding each Desolation the Heralds would return to Roshar and have a short time to prepare them for said Desolation, teaching them any necessary technology they may have lost in the intervening time. The level of technology the Heralds returned to varied with each Desolation, in some cases the Rosharans had not progressed past the Stone Age.{{cite|WoR Beaverton Report-Kogiopsis}} At the end of each Desolation, if Shalash did not "die", she, along with any other surviving Heralds, was required to leave Roshar and return to what is believed to be [[Damnation]] or risk triggering another Desolation.{{qa ref|1080|10|What caused a Desolation to end?|date=Mar 19th, 2014}}
Between Desolations Shalash, along with the other Heralds, was tortured in a fiery place that is believed to be [[Damnation]] or [[Braize]]. Presumably, the longer they are able to withstand the torture the longer the interval between Desolations will be.{{book ref|sa|prelude}}
Some time later the [[Knights Radiant]] were founded to help preserve knowledge between Desolations.{{book ref|sa2|i|7}}{{book ref|sa2|63}} Shalash served as the Patron for the Order of Lightweavers.
===Era of Solitude===
;Breaking of the Oathpact:
Following [[Aharietiam]], the [[Last Desolation|"Last" Desolation]], Shalash and the other Heralds, excluding [[Talenel]] who had fallen in battle, decided to forsake the Oathpact and abandoned their Honorblades. They were less successful in breaking the Oathpact than they believe. They lied to the the people of Roshar, telling them they had "won" and went their separate ways.{{book ref|sa|prelude}}
;The Vandal:
Roughly four and a half thousand years after Aharietiam, Shalash is traveling the world destroying art, in particular depictions of herself. Sometime prior to the Assassination oFof King [[Gavilar Kholin]] of [[Alethkar]] she infiltrated the royal palace in [[Kholinar]] and destroyed her statue.{{qa ref|1040|4|Is Baxil's Mistress destroying statues of the Herald Shallash?|date=Sep 24th, 2013}} At the feast the night of the Assassinationassassination Shalash's fellow Herald, [[Nale]], and an unidentified man remark that she is getting "worse".{{book ref|sa2|prologue}}
In the year 1173, five years after Gavilar's assassination, Shalash infiltrates the palace of [[Ashno|Ashno of Sages]] in [[Emul]], assisted by [[Baxil]] and [[Av]], where she destroys a great deal of art.{{book ref|sa1|i|7}}
[[File:Herald Glyph Shalash.svg|thumb|150px|A stylized depiction of Shalash's honorblade]]
As part of the Oathpact, Shalash was given one of the Honorblades which grants access to Surgebinding for those who bond it. Her blade grants the Surges of Illumination and Transformation.
The Surge of Illumination allows Shalash to create illusions through [[Lightweaving]].
The Surge of TransportationTransformation allows Shalash to transmute material into one of the [[Ten Essences]] through [[Soulcasting]].
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