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(→‎Steel Ministry: Soothing stations)
==== Steel Ministry ====
{{for|Steel Ministry}}
The Steel Ministry is the civic framework of the Final Empire, as well as a religious organization. It is divided into four sub-offices, these are the Canton of Orthodoxy, Canton of Finance, Canton of Resource and Canton of Orthodoxy. All Cantons have their headquarters in Luthadel,{{book ref|mb1|6}}{{map ref|Luthadel}} but there also are regional headquarters spread throughout the Inner Dominances. Nobles who work for the Steel Ministry are called obligators, prelans are higher ranked, followed by high prelans, and the lord prelan is leader of the Ministry.{{book ref|mb1|26}}
//soothing stations, Cantons <br>
The Canton of Orthodoxy is the primary bureaucratic arm of the Ministry{{book ref|mb1|23}}, they administer the Lord Ruler's empire.{{book ref|mb3|29}} Any official events or documents have to be authorized by an obligator, typically from the Canton of Orthodoxy, or else it formally had never happened or been written. This can be about weddings, land purchases, inheritance of titles or business deals.{{book ref|mb1|prologue}}{{book ref|mb1|23}} It is a clever way for the Steel Ministry to know everything about the nobility.
Canton of inquisition has the most threatening reputation, followed by Canton of Orthodoxy, then Canton of Finance and Canton of Resource. Acolytes trained in the north, and got final instructions in Luthadel, secretly taking atium with them{{expand}}{{cite}}. Obligators are trained to recognize emotional allomancy.{{book ref|mb1|2}} <br>
Cantons have their headquarters in Luthadel.{{book ref|mb1|6}}/{{map ref|Luthadel}} <br>
Usually when the Ministry discovered a thieving crew, obligators with their troops went to capture the thieves and made a good show of them on an execution day, only in special cases (often involving Allomancy) Inquisitors went to kill the entire crew direct and left the massacre to be discovered. There were about 20 inquisitors in the Final Empire, half of them in Luthadel. Hanging people with a hook through the head was a ritual killing "reserved for the most reprehensible of sinners: people who misuse Allomancy".{{book ref|mb1|11}} <br>
"The Garrison watches the skaa, Vin thought. Apparently, the obligators perform a similar function for the nobility." Obligators, even the lord prelan Tevidian, visited forges to inspect them and their workers.{{book ref|mb1|12}} <br>
Obligators(Sidenote: seemobligators tohad betattoos onlyaround nobles.their eyes, the higher their rank the more intricate their tattoos){{book ref|mb1|2023}} <br>
The Canton of Orthodoxy formed the main bureaucratic arm of the Misitry. (Sidenote: obligators had tattoos around their eyes, the higher their rank the more intricate their tattoos) Obligators had to witness every event, written document or agreement, otherwise it wouldn't have happened formally. This was a smart way for the Ministry to know everything about the nobility.{{book ref|mb1|23}} <br>
When the Inquisitors kill a Misting, they make certain to wipe out his children too.{{book ref|mb1|24}} <br>
Obligators were robed in gray, Inquisitors in black. The higher an obligator's position, the finer their robes. The Lord Prelan was higher ranked than the Inquisitors.{{book ref|mb1|26}} <br>