Diferencia entre revisiones de «Usuario:Thurin/Luthadel»

small update/tweaks
(wrote Luthadel Garrison section)
m (small update/tweaks)
Rain makes the mist pull away.{{book ref|mb1|14}} <br>
Luthadel could have heavy rainfalls.{{book ref|mb1|15}} <br>
Flora in Central Dominance: usually brown or white, but when cultivated also red, orange and yellow. Wilderness outside the city. "The dry plants, the angry sun, the smoky-black sky". "The sun sank beneath the horizon, and while its light was still a flare in the west, the mists began to appear. They didn’t come from one specific place, they just sort of…grewof… grew. They extended like translucent, twisting vines in the sky—curling back and forth, lengthening, dancing, melding"."{{book ref|mb1|17}} <br>
Landscape: brown hills, scraggly trees and rug of weedy underbrush.{{book ref|mb1|19}} <br>
Snow fell some winters, but not each year. Aftermath of ash rain was visible by small drifts and flurries of black blowing across the streets. Ash was surprisingly easy to wash out of clothes.{{book ref|mb1|20}} <br>
Birch forests could grow in the Central Dominance. Ground below consisted (partly) of granite.{{book ref|mb1|21}} <br>
Mist-grown lichen on stones.{{book ref|mb1|24}} <br>
"Outside, the sun was setting in a fiery blaze of frustration."{{book ref|mb1|27}} <br>
==== Mist ====
Mist.({{expand}}with{{book ref|mb1|7}}) <br>
Contradictory to earlier: noblemen considered fear of mist to be a foolish skaa superstition.{{book ref|mb1|23}} <br>
==== Ash ====
"A light ashfall had begun, and careless flakes floated down from the sky, like leaves dropped from some unseen tree."{{book ref|mb1|26}} <br>
The majority of the Luthadel garrison stayed out of the city to hunt for rebels. As a result, Luthadel's walls and gates were less guarded.{{book ref|mb1|26}} <br>
Skaa soldiers who survived were led to Luthadel in smaller groups, and stayed in hiding there.{{book ref|mb1|26}} <br>
''Update on rebellion.'' With the Garrison gone, nobility became the main focus.{{book ref|mb1|27}}
=== Collapse (1022 FE) ===
Shan Elariel was considered to be the perfect noblewoman. Young nobles often started forming alliances before they succeeded their fathers.{{book ref|mb1|23}} <br>
House wars are mainly political, and balls are the political battlefields.{{book ref|mb1|24}} <br>
From time to time, the Lord Ruler just let house wars happen.{{book ref|mb1|26}} <br>
The aristocracy is primarily a financial institution, and lack of funds will bring any house down.{{book ref|mb1|27}} <br>
==== Balls ====
== Politics ==
=== TheFinal Lord RulerEmpire ===
The Lord Ruler makes dictates, and the Ministry polices his followers, but the nobility are the ones who actually force the skaa to work.{{book ref|mb1|27}}
==== The Lord Ruler ====
{{for|Lord Ruler}}
Attended executions in black carriage drawn by a pair of massive white stallions.{{book ref|mb1|26}}
==== Steel Ministry ====
{{for|Steel Ministry}}
//soothing stations, Cantons <br>
Obligators were robed in gray, Inquisitors in black. The higher an obligator's position, the finer their robes. The Lord Prelan was higher ranked than the Inquisitors.{{book ref|mb1|26}}
==== During the New EmpireNobility ====
=== New Empire ===
{{for|New Empire}}
People, both skaa and nobles, needed permission to pass through Luthadel's gates.{{book ref|mb1|24}} <br>
Occasionally, executions took place, often when a thieving crew was captured, or just random skaa (even just women and children) as examples for the entire population. The ringing of bells announced this, and all men in the city, both skaa and noble, were required to attend them, or else the punishment would be death. These took place at the Square of the Survivor, but a lot of skaa stood further away in other streets. Bleachers were set up for the nobility.{{book ref|mb1|26}}
Executions could go on for hours. Normally there would be any kind of denunciations or explanations, but not always. The Ministry just left the corpses and bloodied water in fountains right there.{{book ref|mb1|27}} <br>
=== Military ===
