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(→‎Steel Ministry: trim section)
The Steel Ministry is the civic framework of the Final Empire, as well as a religious organization. It is divided into four sub-offices, these are the Canton of Orthodoxy, Canton of Finance, Canton of Resource and Canton of Orthodoxy. All Cantons have their headquarters in Luthadel,{{book ref|mb1|6}}{{map ref|Luthadel}} but there also are regional headquarters spread throughout the Inner Dominances. Nobles who work for the Steel Ministry are called obligators, prelans are higher ranked, followed by high prelans, and the lord prelan is leader of the Ministry.{{book ref|mb1|26}}
The '''Canton of Orthodoxy''' is the primary bureaucratic arm of the Ministry{{book ref|mb1|23}}, they administer the Lord Ruler's empire.{{book ref|mb3|29}} Any official events or documents have to be authorized by an obligator, typically from the Canton of Orthodoxy, or else it formally had never happened or been written. This can be about weddings, land purchases, inheritance of titles or business deals.{{book ref|mb1|prologue}}{{book ref|mb1|23}} It is a clever way for the Steel Ministry to know everything about the nobility. The lord prelan is part of the Canton of Orthodoxy, and therefore it has organizational dominance of the Ministry.{{book ref|mb1|36}}{{book ref|mb1|38}}
The '''Canton of Resource''' is in charge of matters like feeding the people, maintaining the canals, and transportation and storage across the Final Empire.{{book ref|mb3|44}} It is the best place for men with an analytical mind.{{wob ref|7766}} They keep record of many things, including maps of mineral deposits.{{book ref|mb3|63}} Most engineers who work on Luthadel's city plans are obligators.{{wob ref|3045}} Besides being the force of bureaucracy and legal authority in the Final Empire, the Steel Ministry also is like a noble house on itself; the more wealth it has, the more leverage it has with the noble houses. The '''Canton of Finance''' provides the Ministry with the funds they need for their operations, and can be seen as its bank, trading and negotiating with noble houses to close lucrative contracts.{{book ref|mb1|1}}
The '''Canton of Inquisition''' has the most ominous reputation of the the Ministry. It was founded in the sixth century of the Final Empire.{{book ref|mb3|44}} They actacts as law enforcement, and a large part consist of hunting down skaa half-breeds. Unlike other Cantons the Canton of Inquisition is led by the Steel Inquisitors, but they also have regular obligators working under them. The Steel Ministry considers the 'misuse' of Allomancy to be the most reprehensible of sins,{{book ref|mb1|11}} which in their eyes means skaa half-breeds who use Allomancy, and; when the Inquisitors discover one they kill not only them but their children as well to wipe out the entire bloodline.{{book ref|mb1|24}} Because of this the Canton of Inquisition recruits noblemen Seekers diligently,{{book ref|mb1|27}} and in addition all obligators are trained to recognize emotional Allomancy.{{book ref|mb1|2}} When a regular thieving crewIt was discoveredfounded in Luthadel, obligators and their troops were sent to capture the thievessixth and make a good showcentury of themthe onFinal execution dayEmpire, although in special cases where Allomancy was involved they took no captives but instead an Inquisitor killed the entire crew immediately.{{book ref|mb1mb3|1144}} Theyand they also initiated the Terris stewardship and breeding program.{{book ref|mb3|44}}
Furthermore, the Steel Ministry has about three dozens{{book ref|mb1|29}} of Soothing stations spread throughout Luthadel, most of which are located in the slums. Every station is manned by at least three{{book ref|mb1|29}} Soothers, a Seeker, and a a Smoker to keep them hidden.{{book ref|mb1|27}} The only duty of these Soothers is to extend a depressing influence around them, preventing rebellious thoughts among the population, and because they're not trying to get the people to do anything specific their influence is very hard to notice. It is likely that the Inquisitors get most of their leads on skaa Allomancers from the Seekers in these stations, as they are able to detect Allomancers when they least expect it. Their existence is a closely guarded secret, which makes the Soothing stations very effective, and to ensure this personnel changes are only done at night.{{book ref|mb1|27}}