Diferencia entre revisiones de «Usuario:Thurin/Luthadel»

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(added Final Empire map)
(up to book 1 ch 26)
Contradictory to earlier: noblemen considered fear of mist to be a foolish skaa superstition.{{book ref|mb1|23}} <br>
==== Ash ====
"A light ashfall had begun, and careless flakes floated down from the sky, like leaves dropped from some unseen tree."{{book ref|mb1|26}} <br>
=== Layout ===
Most buildings are constructed of stone blocks, with peaked wooden roofs or tile roofs for the rich. The buildings are packed closely together and are generally three stories high. From the outside houses and shops looked the same.{{book ref|mb1|2}} <br>
Blackened city, scorched by soot and red sunlight, hard, distinct, oppressive. At night Mist made everything obscure. Metal chimneys.{{book ref|mb1|5}} <br>
Only a few buildings, like Clubs's shop, had a flat roof, because flat roof meant having to shovel ash off occasionally.{{book ref|mb1|10}}(some flat roofs had railings{{book ref|mb1|26}}) <br>
Luthadel had sewers{{book ref|mb1|13}} <br>
==== Square of the Survivor ====
{{for|Square of the Survivor}}
Massive square, large enough for tens of thousands of people. Had a platform and four bowl-like fountains{{expand}}. Executions took place here.{{book ref|mb1|26}}
=== Storage cavern and the Well of Ascension ===
State of upcoming house war. Skaa army attacked. Luthadel Garrison left the city.{{book ref|mb1|24}} <br>
Only two thousand of seven thousand skaa soldiers left.{{book ref|mb1|25}} <br>
The majority of the Luthadel garrison stayed out of the city to hunt for rebels. As a result, Luthadel's walls and gates were less guarded.{{book ref|mb1|26}} <br>
''Aftermath of battle.''{{book ref|mb1|26}} <br>
Skaa soldiers who survived were led to Luthadel in smaller groups, and stayed in hiding there.{{book ref|mb1|26}} <br>
=== Collapse (1022 FE) ===
When a young nobleman seriously wishes to court a certain lady, he gives her a handkerchief. Nobles wear metal as a symbol of power and pride, but because that makes them vulnerable to Allomancy they often wear wood painted like metal instead. Plantation lords often spent their winters in Luthadel, during the time in between the planting seasons. The Steel Ministry allows nobles to bed any skaa woman they want, but they have to kill her shortly afterwards to prevent the birth of half-breeds, according to Dox this isn't considered as cheating.{{book ref|mb1|22}} <br>
Shan Elariel was considered to be the perfect noblewoman. Young nobles often started forming alliances before they succeeded their fathers.{{book ref|mb1|23}} <br>
House wars are mainly political, and balls are the political battlefields.{{book ref|mb1|24}} <br>
From time to time, the Lord Ruler just let house wars happen.{{book ref|mb1|26}}
==== Balls ====
== Politics ==
=== The Lord Ruler ===
{{for|Lord Ruler}}
Attended executions in black carriage drawn by a pair of massive white stallions.{{book ref|mb1|26}}
=== Steel Ministry ===
{{for|Steel Ministry}}
The Canton of Orthodoxy formed the main bureaucratic arm of the Misitry. (Sidenote: obligators had tattoos around their eyes, the higher their rank the more intricate their tattoos) Obligators had to witness every event, written document or agreement, otherwise it wouldn't have happened formally. This was a smart way for the Ministry to know everything about the nobility.{{book ref|mb1|23}} <br>
When the Inquisitors kill a Misting, they make certain to wipe out his children too.{{book ref|mb1|24}} <br>
Obligators were robed in gray, Inquisitors in black. The higher an obligator's position, the finer their robes. The Lord Prelan was higher ranked than the Inquisitors.{{book ref|mb1|26}}
=== During the New Empire ===
Condemned men (and women) were sent to the Pits of Hathsin, not clear what the criteria were though.{{book ref|mb1|21}} <br>
People, both skaa and nobles, needed permission to pass through Luthadel's gates.{{book ref|mb1|24}} <br>
Occasionally, executions took place, often when a thieving crew was captured, or just random skaa (even just women and children) as examples for the entire population. The ringing of bells announced this, and all men in the city, both skaa and noble, were required to attend them, or else the punishment would be death. These took place at the Square of the Survivor, but a lot of skaa stood further away in other streets. Bleachers were set up for the nobility.{{book ref|mb1|26}}
=== Military ===
"The Lord Ruler and the Steel Ministry could marshal literally millions of troops if the need arose."{{book ref|mb1|19}} <br>
No one has ever attacked Luthadel.{{book ref|mb1|26}}
Luthadel had a massive wall, but that was unnecessary since the Lord Ruler controlled everything and no army would attack during his reign.{{book ref|mb1|19}} It was the only city in the Final Empire that was allowed to have a city wall.{{cite}}
==== Luthadel Garrison ====
{{for|Luthadel Garrison}}
"The Garrison watches the skaa, Vin thought. Apparently, the obligators perform a similar function for the nobility."{{book ref|mb1|12}} <br>
"Besides, it’s not as bad as it looks-the Garrison members just put on an intimidating face. As you can imagine, they aren’t very well liked. Most of the soldiers in there are skaa-men who have, in exchange for a better life, sold out to the Lord Ruler. Whenever there are skaa riots in a city, the local garrison is usually hit pretty hard by malcontents. Hence the fortifications." Garrison mostly recruited people outside mainstream society. They are mercenaries, with all consequences.{{book ref|mb1|24}} <br>
Garrison occasionally hired soldiers temporarily. When the garrison was out to hunt rebels, Luthadel's walls and gates were understaffed because only ten percent of the garrison stayed behind.{{citebook ref|mb1|26}}
==== Kredik Shaw palace guard ====
==== Inquisitors ====
{{for|Steel Inquisitor}}
AboutAt tenleast nine Inquisitors in Luthadel.{{book ref|mb1|26}}, not much more{{book ref|mb1|11}}.
==== Koloss army ====
Stationed at a moderate distance from Luthadel. Lord Ruler could send for them, but have to be kept away from cities.{{book ref|mb1|6}}
"The Lord Ruler and the Steel Ministry could marshal literally millions of troops if the need arose."{{book ref|mb1|19}} <br>
Luthadel had a massive wall, but that was unnecessary since the Lord Ruler controlled everything and no army would attack during his reign.{{book ref|mb1|19}} It was the only city in the Final Empire that was allowed to have a city wall.{{cite}}
== Notable Citizens ==
* The [[Lord Ruler]]
* [[Elend Venture]]
* ...
|Luthadel is the dirtiest, most crowded city in the Final Empire.
|Ham{{book ref|mb1|24}} }}
|Luthadel wasn't like most other cities; its population was enormous.
''Aftermath of battle.''|Luthadel{{book ref|mb1|26}} <br>}}
|Luthadel might be exposed, but no one ever attacks Luthadel. No one ever has.
|Kelsier{{book ref|mb1|26}} }}
== Trivia ==