
Cosmere Boards: Pages 1 - 14

Class 1 (Reviewed)

Theory Name Author Date Location Category Topic Score Review TopicList
Plantilla:17s TamM 16 May 2014 Roshar World Parshendi 9.06 {'Realm': 2, 'Roshar': 4, 'Parshendi': 6, 'Fabrial': 2, 'Spren': 4, 'Iron': 2, 'Origin': 2}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Tempus 16 May 2014 Ashyn World Shard 57.97 Location, {'Cultivation': 30, 'Roshar': 15, 'Ashyn': 24, 'Silence Divine': 22, 'Vin': 22, 'Shard': 31}
Plantilla:17s Power 14 May 2014 Cosmere Realmatic Shard 9.47 {'Shard': 26}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Weeping Liar 13 May 2014 Roshar Character Nightblood 15.26 {'Intent': 12, 'Nightblood': 25, 'Herald': 14, 'Command': 12}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s navybrandt 09 May 2014 Roshar World Cultivation 3.70 Disproven {'Cultivation': 23, 'Honor': 9, 'Vin': 17}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s skaa 06 May 2014 Cosmere Realmatic Shard 18.95 {'Ym': 10, 'Iriali': 10, 'Shard': 28}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s bobsaveg 15 April 2014 Cosmere World Afterlife 36.50 Location, {'Vorin': 8, 'Cosmere': 9, 'Mistborn': 11, 'Tranquiline Hall': 12, 'Elantris': 14}
Plantilla:17s jag519 14 April 2014 Cosmere Character Hoid 5.56 {'Hoid': 17}
Plantilla:17s M'Hael 12 April 2014 Nalthis Character Nightblood 6.06 {'Nightblood': 14, 'Ending': 10}
Plantilla:17s Ketek 05 April 2014 Scadrial Plot Hoid 7.96 {'Ruin': 14, 'Hoid': 16}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s jaelre 02 April 2014 Cosmere Realmatic Investiture 15.27 Disproven {'Cosmere': 7, 'Realmatic': 7, 'Investiture': 18}
Plantilla:17s Windborne Sword 31 March 2014 Cosmere Realmatic Realm 10.47 Topic, {'Realm': 18, 'Cosmere': 6, 'Cognitive': 18, 'Worldhopping': 6, 'Shadesmar': 9}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Tempus 19 March 2014 Roshar World Desolation 15.67 {'Roshar': 12, 'Desolation': 29, 'Braize': 13}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s ArrrGent 19 March 2014 Cosmere Realmatic Investiture 24.68 Proven {'Breath': 7, 'Forgery': 9, 'Hemalurgy': 7, 'Allomancy': 11, 'Ym': 6, 'Mab': 6, 'Elantrian': 8, 'Investiture': 17, 'Feruchemy': 7, 'Spiritual': 11}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s NutiketAiel 18 March 2014 Roshar World Parshendi 42.80 {'Parshendi': 31, 'Adonalsium': 12, 'Roshar': 23, 'Splinter': 9, 'Shattering': 26, 'Spren': 18, 'Honor': 9}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Trickonometry 16 March 2014 Cosmere Realmatic Magic Systems 2.98 {'Soulcast': 13, 'Forgery': 14}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Karou 14 March 2014 Roshar Character Iyatil 15.47 {'Mistborn': 7, 'Vin': 10, 'Iyatil': 15}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s TheShogun 09 March 2014 Cosmere Realmatic Letter 10.46 {'Letter': 21, 'Hoid': 12}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s GroundPetrel 09 March 2014 Roshar World Herald 9.96 {'Darkness': 8, 'Nightblood': 4, 'Words of Radiance': 11, 'Herald': 12}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s ROSHtaFARian2.0 08 March 2014 Cosmere Plot Adonalsium 17.96 {'Adonalsium': 27, 'Hoid': 11, 'Shard': 13}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s bartbug 08 March 2014 Nalthis Character Nightblood 8.52 Disproven {'Nightblood': 22, 'Investiture': 8}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Keeper 22 February 2014 Cosmere Realmatic Snapping 12.22 Topic, Location, Location, Location, Location, {'Magic Systems':4, 'Snapping': 12, 'Spiritweb': 12}
Plantilla:17s TheShogun 15 February 2014 Cosmere Joke Brandon 5.89 {}
Plantilla:17s Eri 15 February 2014 Cosmere Realmatic Precognition 6.59 {'Precognition':15, 'Future': 15, 'Shard': 12}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s skaa 13 February 2014 Cosmere Realmatic Essence 39.07 {'Investiture': 15, 'Essence': 41}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Goatborn 31 January 2014 Roshar Character Odium 15.87 Location, {'Shard': 17, 'Music': 24, 'Odium': 26}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Wonko the Sane 30 January 2014 Sel Realmatic Shaod 15.06 {'Realm': 9, 'Realmatic': 11, 'Shaod': 15}
Plantilla:17s TheShogun 28 January 2014 Cosmere World Physics 7.43 {'Physics': 13}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Goatborn 26 January 2014 Scadrial Realmatic Identity 12.03 {'Hemalurgy': 11, 'Allomancy': 22, 'Identity': 26, 'Kandra': 9, 'Emotion': 11}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s AonarFaileas 24 January 2014 Cosmere Realmatic Spiritual 18.65 {'Allomancy': 8, 'Realmatic': 6, 'Snapping': 4, 'Spiritual': 11, 'Spiritweb': 11}
Plantilla:17s SirVarrock 21 January 2014 Cosmere Character Hoid 5.75 {'Soulcast': 10, 'Hoid': 17}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Gaussian 15 January 2014 Sel World FTL 3.42 {'FTL': 13}
Plantilla:17s Moogle 12 January 2014 Cosmere Realmatic Investiture 5.64 {'Investiture': 17}
Plantilla:17s Power 07 January 2014 Cosmere Realmatic Spiritual 6.56 Disproven {'Realm': 19, 'Investiture': 19, 'Spiritual': 17}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Power 07 January 2014 Cosmere Realmatic Aluminium 15.95 Topic, {'Realm': 12, 'Allomancy': 9, 'Aluminium': 25, 'Spiritual': 25}
Plantilla:17s Turkatron 22 December 2013 Cosmere Character Hoid 4.85 {'Hoid': 13}
Plantilla:17s loganmathewjohnson 20 December 2013 Scadrial Realmatic Atium 6.72 {'Atium': 22, 'Koloss': 8}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Sasukerinnegan 19 December 2013 Cosmere Realmatic Investiture 13.87 Disproven {'Realm': 8, 'Investiture': 20}
Plantilla:17s dj26792 16 December 2013 Scadrial Realmatic Hemalurgy 9.71 {'Hemalurgy': 17, 'Healing': 12, 'Scadrial': 6, 'Gold': 14}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Sevi 09 December 2013 Scadrial Realmatic Atium 13.19 {'Atium': 15, 'Hoid': 13}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Moogle 28 November 2013 Cosmere Realmatic Magic System 15.86 {'Allomancy': 5, 'Atium': 8, 'Sazed': 7, 'Magic System': 11, 'Shard': 13}
Plantilla:17s sandro 22 November 2013 Scadrial Realmatic Splinter 6.59 {'Mistborn': 6, 'Splinter': 18, 'Kelsier': 17, 'Preservation': 17}
Plantilla:17s sandro 21 November 2013 Roshar Realmatic Cultivation 5.42 {'Cultivation': 12}
Plantilla:17s Araris Valerian 20 November 2013 Roshar Realmatic Highstorm 8.19 {'Highstorm': 19}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Araris Valerian 19 November 2013 Roshar Realmatic Cultivation 10.00 {'Cultivation': 21, 'Nightwatcher': 8, 'Shard': 10}
Plantilla:17s Arook 13 November 2013 Roshar Realmatic Honor 5.92 {'Honor': 15, 'Odium': 11, 'Shard': 5}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s askthepaperclip 06 November 2013 Cosmere Plot Adonalsium 12.53 Location, {'Adonalsium': 18, 'Roshar': 8, 'Shattering': 14, 'Shard': 11}
Plantilla:17s Stroniax 05 November 2013 Cosmere Realmatic Adonalsium 4.51 {'Adonalsium': 15, 'Shattering': 29}
Plantilla:17s jasonpenguin 05 November 2013 Roshar World Shard 9.70 Topic, {'Oathstone': 11, 'Dawnshard': 13, 'Shard': 13, 'Szeth': 11}
Plantilla:17s thek9 04 November 2013 Sel Character Odium 7.64 {'Odium': 24, 'Dominion': 13, 'Devotion': 13, 'Sel': 9}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Kurkistan 28 October 2013 Scadrial Realmatic Copper 20.60 {'Bronze': 7, 'Investiture': 6, 'Copper': 17}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Kurkistan 25 October 2013 Cosmere Realmatic Forms 11.92 {'Forms': 17, 'Realmatic': 6, 'Religion': 6}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s The Count 22 October 2013 Cosmere Realmatic Technology 25.35 {'Breath': 4, 'Hemalurgy': 8, 'Fabrial': 7, 'Spren': 4, 'Nightblood': 10, 'Shard': 11, 'Investiture': 12, 'Feruchemy': 9, 'Focus': 5}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Chaos 20 October 2013 Scadrial Realmatic Technology 19.64 Topic, {'Allomancy': 15, 'Ym': 12, 'Fabrial': 15, 'Feruchemy': 10, 'Metallic Art': 11, 'Scadrial': 14, 'Mistborn': 9, 'Technology': 14}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s chronotrigger 18 October 2013 Cosmere Realmatic Magic Systems 190.28 Topic, Location, {'Feruchemy': 17, 'Shard': 13, 'Aon': 28, 'Spren': 17, 'Magic System': 27, 'Vin': 12, 'Cosmere': 11, 'Elantris': 12, 'Seon': 10, 'Sel': 11, 'Breath': 28, 'Hemalurgy': 19, 'Allomancy': 14, 'Returned': 14, 'Mistborn': 13, 'Dor': 26, 'Way of Kings': 11}
Plantilla:17s Mikanium 17 October 2013 Cosmere Realmatic Snapping 5.58 {'Snapping': 10}
Plantilla:17s Goatborn 02 October 2013 Cosmere Character Hoid 9.24 Disproven {'Hoid': 22, 'Shard': 20}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Sabrina Stormshard 29 September 2013 Roshar Realmatic Radiant 70.21 Disproven {'Soulcast': 8, 'Cultivation': 9, 'Stoneward': 10, 'Lightweaving': 11, 'Fabrial': 8, 'Jasnah': 9, 'Spren': 12, 'Numerology': 11, 'Voidbind': 14, 'Shallan': 11, 'Steel': 9, 'Radiant': 17, 'Surge': 14, 'Honor': 13, 'Windrunner': 11, 'Stormlight': 8, 'Vin': 8, 'Kaladin': 9, 'Szeth': 21}
Plantilla:17s Two McMillion 24 September 2013 Cosmere Joke 17th Shard 8.90 Topic, {'Hoid': 13, '17th Shard': 24}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s jbookworm100 16 September 2013 Cosmere Realmatic Realm 13.95 {'Realm': 11, 'Realmatic': 10, 'Cognitive': 7}
Plantilla:17s Miyabi 09 September 2013 Cosmere Roshar Shardblade 8.82 Disproven {'Shardplate': 12, 'Shardblade': 12, 'Investiture': 7, 'Nicrosil': 5}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Kurkistan 01 September 2013 Scadrial Realmatic Feruchemy 28.40 {'Brass': 25, 'Cognitive': 22, 'Feruchemy': 32}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Kurkistan 01 September 2013 Cosmere Character Hoid 13.85 Proven {'Hoid': 13, 'Feruchemy': 12, 'Gold': 11}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Windrunner 28 July 2013 Nalthis World Hallandren 17.83 {'Hallandren': 20, 'Elend': 9, 'Tears of Edgli': 7, 'Endowment': 8, 'Harmony': 7}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Phantom Monstrosity 09 July 2013 Scadrial Character Hoid 12.32 Topic, {'Atium': 21, 'The Lord Ruler': 13, 'Hoid': 21}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s skaa 22 June 2013 Cosmere Realmatic Overarching Theory 43.71 {'Realm': 15, 'Realmatic': 22, 'Cognitive': 13, 'Spiritual': 23}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Windrunner 19 June 2013 Cosmere Realmatic Old Magic 13.76 Topic, {'Sazed': 10, 'Feruchemy': 17, 'Taravangian': 7, 'Old Magic': 17, 'Zinc': 7}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Mister_Fawx 07 June 2013 Cosmere Character Hoid 19.37 {'Hoid': 37, 'Sliver': 25}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Chromium Compounder 28 May 2013 Cosmere Realmatic Shard 17.83 {'Shard': 40}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Kadrok 28 May 2013 Scadrial Character Demoux 12.87 {'Atium': 18, 'Demoux': 32, 'Mistborn': 26}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s makromag 23 May 2013 Roshar Realmatic Shadesmar 12.66 {'Shadesmar': 13}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Kaurne 21 May 2013 Cosmere Realmatic Cognitive 18.57 {'Cognitive': 28}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Isomere 19 May 2013 Cosmere Realmatic Shard 11.03 {'Shard': 36, 'Allomancy': 23}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Isomere 12 May 2013 Roshar Realmatic Shard 17.49 {'Dawnshard': 11, 'Shard': 30}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Nesh 08 May 2013 Roshar World Purelake 13.34 {'Purelake': 15, 'Religion': 13}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Isomere 06 May 2013 Roshar World Shard 20.15 {'Roshar': 10, 'Shard': 13, 'Greatshell': 6}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Chaos 29 April 2013 Cosmere Realmatic Savant 10.79 {'Investiture': 12, 'Savant': 19}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Chaos 29 April 2013 Sel Realmatic Dor 38.52 {'Splinter': 24, 'Dominion': 51, 'Dor': 33, 'Devotion': 53, 'Sel': 26}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s KChan 28 April 2013 Cosmere Realmatic Identity 22.05 Location, {'Feruchemy': 21, 'Identity': 29, 'Sel': 10}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s KChan 28 April 2013 Sel Realmatic Overarching Theory 41.16 {'Dominion': 29, 'Devotion': 27, 'Sel': 41}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s askthepaperclip 28 April 2013 Cosmere Realmatic Adonalsium 10.72 {'Adonalsium': 22, 'Cosmere': 9, 'Hoid': 12, 'Shard': 9}

Class 2 (Reviewed)

Theory Name Author Date Location Category Topic Score Review TopicList
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Weeping Liar 20 May 2014 Cosmere World Realm 21.33 {'Realm': 46, 'Speculation': 22, 'Vin': 26}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Renegade 15 May 2014 Roshar Realmatic Radiant 18.53 {'Cultivation': 22, 'Bondsmith': 22, 'Radiant': 9, 'Surge': 13, 'Honor': 22, 'Truthwatcher': 23}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Kadrok 06 May 2014 Cosmere World Worldhopping 35.87 {'Hoid': 20, 'Elantris': 15, 'Worldhopping': 12, 'Shadesmar': 10, 'Shardpool':20}
Plantilla:17s red032 28 April 2014 Cosmere Realmatic Adonalsium 6.94 {'Adonalsium': 10, 'Shadesmar': 9, 'Speculation': 12, 'Shard': 17}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Khyrindor 05 April 2014 Nalthis World Breath 30.37 Category, Location, {'Breath': 20, 'Cosmere': 17, 'Vasher': 12, 'Spren': 7, 'Speculation': 10}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Tempus 28 March 2014 Cosmere Realmatic Realm 16.11 {'Realm': 25, 'Realmatic': 17, 'Cognitive': 20}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Tempus 27 March 2014 Cosmere Realmatic Investiture 35.97 {'Investiture': 43, 'Spiritual': 18}
Plantilla:17s Crash 22 March 2014 Sel World Reod 7.16 Disproven {'Scadrial': 9, 'Mistborn': 9, 'Elantris': 20, 'Sel': 11}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Blackwood 20 February 2014 Sel Realmatic Dor 25.75 {'Aon': 17, 'Dor': 29}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s TheProphet19 19 February 2014 Cosmere Realmatic Shardpool 17.64 {'Splinter': 12, 'Investiture': 19, 'Shard': 24, 'Spren': 12, 'Shardpool': 22}
Plantilla:17s Moogle 11 February 2014 Cosmere Realmatic Focus 7.94 {'Investiture': 9, 'Focus': 19}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Moogle 11 February 2014 Cosmere Realmatic Technology 30.49 {'Fabrial': 61, 'Spren': 30}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Blackwood 10 February 2014 Sel Realmatic Worldhopping 17.40 {'Reod': 14, 'Worldhopping': 12, 'Sel': 25}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Moogle 03 February 2014 Cosmere Realmatic Investiture 66.57 {'Investiture': 106, 'Spren': 48, 'Identity': 37}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Bloodfalcon 31 January 2014 Cosmere Realmatic Adonalsium 18.68 {'Adonalsium': 19, 'Cosmere': 9, 'Odium': 18, 'Hoid': 13, 'Shard': 7}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s FirstSelector 29 January 2014 Cosmere World Physic 22.78 {'Realm': 11, 'Cosmere': 22, 'Physic': 31, 'Spiritual': 17}
Plantilla:17s loganmathewjohnson 19 December 2013 Sel Character Ati 5.01 Disproven {'Ruin': 8, 'Atium': 7, 'Mistborn': 6, 'Elantris': 15, 'Sel': 10}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s KevThinker 19 December 2013 Roshar Character Odium 14.56 Topic, {'Odium': 24, 'Honor': 24, 'Vin': 8, 'Shard': 12}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s scottos 28 November 2013 Cosmere Realmatic Adonalsium 16.22 {'Adonalsium': 31, 'Hoid': 13, 'Mistborn': 17, 'Dalinar': 12}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Moogle 06 November 2013 Roshar Realmatic Shadesmar 24.61 {'Jasnah': 8, 'Shallan': 11, 'Shadesmar': 20}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Serendipity 29 October 2013 Cosmere Realmatic Spiritual 10.32 {'Realm': 18, 'Hemalurgy': 10, 'Surge': 11, 'Spiritual': 27}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Two McMillion 02 October 2013 Yolen Realmatic Magic System 10.05 {'Adonalsium': 19, 'Shattering': 12, 'Magic System': 10}
Plantilla:17s Two McMillion 27 September 2013 Scadrial Realmatic Lerasium 8.36 Topic, {'Lerasium': 19, 'Letter': 8, 'Hoid': 19, 'Feruchemy': 17}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Kadrok 25 August 2013 Scadrial Realmatic Worldhopping 22.51 Location, {'Lerasium': 12, 'Atium': 28, 'Worldhopping': 33, 'Speculation': 11, 'Shadesmar': 12, 'Sel': 12}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Cartith 08 August 2013 Cosmere Realmatic Intent 11.46 {'Shard': 17, 'Physic': 8, 'Cognitive': 13}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s ROSHtafARian 25 June 2013 Cosmere Realmatic Shard 17.75 {'Shard': 34, 'Intent': 25, 'Odium': 22, 'Investiture': 23, 'Honor': 19}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Carcinios 22 June 2013 Cosmere Realmatic Adonalsium 10.84 {'Adonalsium': 23, 'Hoid': 9}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Kadrok 05 June 2013 Scadrial Realmatic Atium 14.30 {'Atium': 26, 'Malatium': 14, 'Feruchemy': 24}
Plantilla:17s LiquidBlue 05 June 2013 Sel Realmatic Forgery 4.66 {'Forgery': 27, 'Awakening': 17}
Plantilla:17s Pechvarry 04 June 2013 Scadrial Character Kelsier 8.33 {'Sliver': 11, 'Demoux': 8, 'Kelsier': 22, 'Shard': 15}
Plantilla:17s Kadrok 31 May 2013 Cosmere Realmatic Letter 7.95 {'Lerasium': 11, 'Letter': 18, 'Hoid': 9, 'Speculation': 10}
Plantilla:17s Isomere 29 May 2013 Cosmere Realmatic Investiture 9.00 Disproven {'Shard': 7, 'Physic': 13, 'Investiture': 21, 'Cognitive': 11, 'Spiritual': 13}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Phantom Monstrosity 16 May 2013 Cosmere Joke Dragonsteel 10.53 {'Dragonsteel': 24, 'Hoid': 21, 'Feruchemy': 8}
Plantilla:17s Kadrok 15 May 2013 Scadrial Realmatic Lerasium 8.25 {'Lerasium': 22, 'Hoid': 19, 'Feruchemy': 8}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s skaa 15 May 2013 Roshar World History 9.96 {'Roshar': 16, 'Desolation': 11, 'Honor': 14, 'Odium': 7, 'History': 10, 'Shard': 15}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Windrunner 29 April 2013 Cosmere Realmatic Sentience 15.16 {'Breath': 9, 'Returned': 8, 'Splinter': 10, 'Intent': 9, 'Physic': 9, 'Radiant': 8, 'Seon': 10, 'Spiritual': 12, 'Vin': 9, 'Shard': 23}

Class 3 (Reviewed)

Theory Name Author Date Location Category Topic Score Review TopicList
Plantilla:17s Zaci-chan 20 May 2014 Scadrial Realmatic Steel 5.54 Proven {'Steel': 10, 'Mistborn': 15, 'Preservation': 5}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Kobold King 09 May 2014 Cosmere Realmatic Splinter 10.99 {'Splinter': 24, 'Intent': 29, 'Shard': 12}
Plantilla:17s LinkasZelda 02 May 2014 Cosmere Character Hoid 6.68 {'Cosmere': 7, 'Investiture': 7, 'Hoid': 19}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Tempus 29 April 2014 Cosmere Realmatic Ars Arcanum 15.14 {'Cosmere': 6, 'Lightweaving': 7, 'Investiture': 6, 'Ars Arcanum': 13, 'Vin': 7}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Tempus 28 April 2014 Scadrial Realmatic God Metal 44.98 {'Shard': 31, 'Allomancy': 24, 'God Metal': 16}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s MistLord 28 April 2014 Cosmere Realmatic Adonalsium 12.95 {'Adonalsium': 18, 'Shattering': 11, 'Intent': 12, 'Odium': 11, 'Vin': 7, 'Shard': 9}
Plantilla:17s Hello. My name is Joe 27 April 2014 Cosmere Realmatic Precognition 6.98 {'Odium': 14, 'Future': 18, 'Shard': 23}
Plantilla:17s PorridgeBrick 25 April 2014 Cosmere Realmatic Parshendi 8.37 {'Forms': 11, 'Hemalurgy': 9, 'Parshendi': 9, 'Cosmere': 10, 'Investiture': 4}
Plantilla:17s RShara 24 April 2014 Cosmere Realmatic Memory 6.54 {'Memory': 24, 'Cosmere': 11, 'Cognitive': 10, 'Kandra': 8, 'Lifeless': 8}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Kobold King 23 April 2014 Cosmere Character Worldhopping 9.59 {'Kandra': 29, 'Worldhopping': 22}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Veil 22 April 2014 Roshar World Linguistic 13.27 Location, {'Roshar': 10, 'Nalthis': 7, 'Linguistic': 16, 'Speculation': 10, 'Axehound': 18}
Plantilla:17s Hello. My name is Joe 07 April 2014 Cosmere Realmatic Shard 6.51 Disproven {'Shard': 27}
Plantilla:17s Truthwatcher 02 April 2014 Cosmere World Shadesmar 8.91 Category, Location, {'Cosmere': 10, 'Spren': 12, 'Shadesmar': 17}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s darniil 02 April 2014 Cosmere Character Hoid 12.04 {'Investiture': 17, 'Cosmere': 10, 'Hoid': 11}
Plantilla:17s Tempus 28 March 2014 Cosmere Character Hoid 7.06 {'Realm': 8, 'Hoid': 18, 'Spiritual': 19}
Plantilla:17s Lumen 27 March 2014 Roshar World Parshendi 6.10 Category, {'Parshendi': 20, 'Returned': 19, 'Spren': 7}
Plantilla:17s anders12 24 March 2014 Roshar World Migration 9.21 Location, {'Vorin': 11, 'Roshar': 13, 'Elantris': 7, 'Religion': 6, 'Stormlight': 6, 'Sel': 16}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s garlick 19 March 2014 Sel Realmatic Dor 4.30 Disproven {'Aon': 11, 'Dor': 14}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s FirstSelector 06 March 2014 Cosmere Realmatic Cognitive 15.03 {'Realm': 6, 'Marsh': 6, 'Cosmere': 6, 'Sazed': 6, 'Cognitive': 18, 'Mistborn': 6}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s ArrrGent 04 March 2014 Cosmere Realmatic Realm 9.51 {'Realm': 15, 'Spiritual': 14}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s DoctorWh0m 02 March 2014 Cosmere Character Nazh 1.87 Topic, {'Words of Radiance': 6, '17th Shard': 11, 'Nazh': 7}
Plantilla:17s menacekop 27 February 2014 Roshar World Herald 7.55 {'Roshar': 5, 'Herald': 13, 'Origin': 11}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Khyrindor 18 February 2014 Cosmere Character Hoid 4.00 Category, {'Cosmere': 7, 'Spren': 7, 'Hoid': 18, 'Mistborn': 11, 'Speculation': 10, 'Kaladin': 6}
Plantilla:17s cris34b 05 February 2014 Roshar World Purelake 5.72 {'Hoid': 9, 'Purelake': 21, '17th Shard': 7}
Plantilla:17s ShadowsFell 02 February 2014 Roshar World Desolation 6.35 Disproven {'Desolation': 31, 'Recreance': 17, 'Odium': 20}
Plantilla:17s Smye 15 January 2014 Cosmere Realmatic Realm 8.07 {'Realm': 21, 'Hoid': 20, 'Spiritual': 14}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Alaxel 10 January 2014 Cosmere Plot Harmony 25.64 {'Adonalsium': 18, 'Shard': 13, 'Harmony': 20, '17th Shard': 12}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Meg 06 January 2014 Roshar Character Szeth 15.30 Disproven {'Voidbind': 13, 'Radiant': 9, 'Szeth': 22}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s loganmathewjohnson 01 January 2014 Cosmere Plot 17th Shard 3.61 {'Purelake': 17, '17th Shard': 16}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Arook 27 December 2013 Roshar World Spren 15.81 {'Spren': 18, 'Thunderclast': 10}
Plantilla:17s Araris Valerian 17 December 2013 Scadrial Realmatic Metallic Art 8.75 Proven {'Hemalurgy': 8, 'Allomancy': 10, 'Metallic Art': 12, 'Investiture': 8, 'Speculation': 17, 'Feruchemy': 8}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Kadrok 11 December 2013 Cosmere Realmatic Forgery 1.24 {'Allomancy': 23, 'Gold': 17, 'Forgery': 12, 'Essence': 18}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Outis 05 November 2013 Scadrial Realmatic Bronze 15.05 Location, {'Allomancy': 8, 'Cosmere': 10, 'Bronze': 23, 'Mistborn': 10, 'Copper': 22}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Kurkistan 06 October 2013 Cosmere Realmatic Healing 13.60 {'Healing': 20, 'Gold': 13, 'Stormlight': 26}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Isomere 04 October 2013 Cosmere Realmatic Splinter 3.94 {'Realm': 8, 'Forms': 8, 'Aon': 7, 'Splinter': 9, 'Spren': 8, 'Realmatic': 7, 'Investiture': 20}
Plantilla:17s Kadrok 29 September 2013 Cosmere Realmatic Splinter 4.66 Topic, {'Adonalsium': 11, 'Atium': 7, 'Splinter': 11, 'Investiture': 6, 'Lerasium': 7, 'Shard': 9, 'Tears of Edgli': 7}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Two McMillion 25 September 2013 Cosmere Character Hoid 14.01 {'Cosmere': 17, 'Hoid': 49}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Kadrok 25 August 2013 Roshar Realmatic Spren 11.07 {'Duralumin': 19, 'Honor': 12, 'Spren': 20}
Plantilla:17s Pechvarry 08 July 2013 Roshar World Shadesmar 6.60 Disproven {'Roshar': 18, 'Shadesmar': 19, 'Sel': 9}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Chromium Compounder 06 July 2013 Cosmere Realmatic Realm 13.70 {'Realm': 13, 'Physic': 12, 'Cognitive': 11, 'Soulcast': 8, 'Spiritual': 21}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s ROSHtafARian 21 June 2013 Cosmere Realmatic Splinter 10.25 {'Splinter': 20, 'Intent': 7}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Chromium Compounder 06 June 2013 Cosmere Realmatic Magic System 9.68 {'Magic System': 7, 'Shard': 20}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s ROSHtafARian 28 May 2013 Cosmere Realmatic Realm 11.11 {'Realm': 20, 'Shard': 17, 'Physic': 16, 'Cognitive': 7, 'Spiritual': 9}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Shardlet 22 May 2013 Scadrial Character Harmony 11.00 {'Ruin': 9, 'Harmony': 19, 'Shard': 9, 'Preservation': 9}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Iredomi 18 May 2013 Cosmere Character 17th Shard 11.07 {'Shai': 11, 'Hoid': 8, '17th Shard': 17}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Shardlet 16 May 2013 Cosmere Realmatic Migration 12.33 {'Shard': 5, 'Cosmere': 12, 'Shattering': 5, 'Worldhopping': 10}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Senor Feesh 15 May 2013 Cosmere Realmatic Spiritual 13.58 {'Realm': 16, 'Cognitive': 24, 'Spiritual': 26}
Plantilla:17s TheOneKEA 14 May 2013 Cosmere Realmatic End-Negative 6.42 {'Investiture': 14, 'End-Negative': 16}
Plantilla:17s Senor Feesh 03 May 2013 Cosmere Character Odium 9.35 Location, {'Shard': 12, 'Tanavast': 7, 'Splinter': 16, 'Honor': 6, 'Odium': 18, 'Dominion': 6, 'Speculation': 6, 'Sel': 9}

Class 4

Theory Name Author Date Location Category Topic Score Review TopicList
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s High prince of geeks 21 May 2014 Cosmere World Magic Systems 2.24 Disproven {'Magic Systems': 3}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Terisen 18 May 2014 Cosmere World Music 24.34 {'Realm': 5, 'Music': 8, 'Cosmere': 14, 'Cognitive': 5}
Plantilla:17s Link 17 May 2014 Scadrial World FTL 4.51 {'FTL': 12, 'Mistborn': 10}
Plantilla:17s Ketek 17 May 2014 Cosmere Realmatic Forms 6.50 {'Forms': 11}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s The Ja 14 May 2014 Cosmere Realmatic Forgery 4.12 {'Gold': 19}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Swimmingly 09 May 2014 Cosmere Realmatic Investiture 3.48 {'Investiture': 14}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s skaa 05 May 2014 Cosmere Realmatic Stars 16.88 {'Cosmere': 5, 'Dalinar': 2, 'Spiritual': 6, 'Shard': 4}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Shardmancer 02 May 2014 Cosmere World Addiction 4.20 {'Cosmere': 11, 'Addiction': 12}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Empyrus 30 April 2014 Cosmere Realmatic Physic 9.58 {'Allomancy': 5, 'Atium': 4, 'Cosmere': 12, 'Savant': 5, 'Feruchemy': 5, 'Gold': 4}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s BreathTaker 27 April 2014 Cosmere Joke Hoid 3.08 {'Hoid': 12}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Stalagmite 26 April 2014 Cosmere Character Hoid 2.80 {'Allomancy': 9, 'Hoid': 19, 'Feruchemy': 8}
Plantilla:17s LiquidBlue 24 April 2014 Cosmere Realmatic Magic Systems 7.70 {'Shard': 6, 'Forgery': 8, 'Allomancy': 6, 'Aon': 10, 'Investiture': 8, 'Mistborn': 4, 'Surge': 6, 'Seon': 5, 'Feruchemy': 10, 'Essence': 4}
Plantilla:17s DSC01 24 April 2014 Sel Realmatic Hemalurgy 5.90 {'Hemalurgy': 13, 'Forgery': 5, 'Sel': 11}
Plantilla:17s Matrim Bloody Cauthon 23 April 2014 Roshar Character Tanavast 8.53 Disproven {'Tanavast': 13}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s LiquidBlue 23 April 2014 Cosmere Realmatic Investiture 5.06 Topic, {'Investiture': 10, 'Breath': 6, 'Stormlight': 4}
Plantilla:17s shawnhargreaves 22 April 2014 Cosmere Character Hoid 5.78 {'Hoid': 11}
Plantilla:17s Ketek 21 April 2014 Nalthis Character Nightblood 8.13 {'Shard': 12, 'Nightblood': 19}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Tempus 19 April 2014 Cosmere World Chronology 43.99 Location, Location, {'Roshar': 10, 'Cosmere': 13, 'Iron': 6, 'Chronology': 11, 'Sel': 6, 'Technology': 18}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s RShara 18 April 2014 Cosmere Joke Shadesmar 5.64 Location, {'Cosmere': 16, 'Spren': 6, 'Shadesmar': 18}
Plantilla:17s JamesTanm 16 April 2014 Cosmere Realmatic Shardblade 8.97 {'Investiture': 19, 'Shardblade':22}
Plantilla:17s Quiver 09 April 2014 Scadrial Plot Champion 4.89 {'Champion': 12, 'Preservation': 11}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Viper 04 April 2014 Cosmere Character Adonalsium 11.56 {'Adonalsium': 19}
Plantilla:17s Power 02 April 2014 Cosmere Character Felt 9.14 {'Worldhopping': 17}
Plantilla:17s semper_sursum 02 April 2014 Sel Realmatic Shard 8.66 {'Ruin': 8, 'Cultivation': 8, 'Roshar': 7, 'Nalthis': 7, 'Scadrial': 7, 'Dominion': 8, 'Honor': 8, 'Devotion': 8, 'Shardpool': 14, 'Preservation': 8, 'Sel': 7, 'Endowment': 7}
Plantilla:17s red032 31 March 2014 Yolen Plot Migration 5.36 {'Shattering': 6}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Quiver 30 March 2014 Cosmere World Shardworld 4.09 {'Roshar': 1, 'Cosmere': 1, 'Nalthis': 1, 'Mistborn': 1, 'Braize': 1, 'Ars Arcanum': 1, 'Shardworld': 10, 'Sel': 1}
Plantilla:17s trendkill 28 March 2014 Cosmere Realmatic Realm 7.13 {'Realm': 11, 'Realmatic': 10}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Lightning 27 March 2014 Scadrial Character Sazed 4.24 {'Sazed': 13, 'Future': 10}
Plantilla:17s SpankyMacMuffin 25 March 2014 Cosmere Character Hoid 8.67 {'Hoid': 22}
Plantilla:17s Lightflame 23 March 2014 Cosmere Plot Books 8.17 {'Books': 12}
Plantilla:17s snote 23 March 2014 Roshar Character Stormfather 8.54 {'Ideal': 3, 'Stormfather': 5, 'Syl': 2, 'Spren': 2, 'Herald': 2, 'Kaladin': 3, 'Sel': 3}
Plantilla:17s Haradion Drogon 20 March 2014 Roshar Plot Odium 8.31 {'Odium': 16, 'Speculation': 11}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Mistborn Miah 19 March 2014 Roshar Character Jasnah 4.41 Disproven {'Jasnah': 3, 'Shadesmar': 3, 'Ars Arcanum': 2}
Plantilla:17s Quiver 19 March 2014 Cosmere World Cosmere 8.12 {'Shai': 6, 'Cosmere': 10}
Plantilla:17s Quiver 19 March 2014 Cosmere World Linguistic 6.93 {'Cosmere': 11, 'Linguistic': 10}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Vauric 17 March 2014 Cosmere Character Hoid 13.56 {'Hoid': 21}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Teccam 13 March 2014 Taldain Character Khriss 11.11 {'Cosmere': 3, 'Khriss': 13, 'Hoid': 5, 'Nazh': 3, 'Ars Arcanum': 8}
Plantilla:17s Wyrmhero 12 March 2014 Cosmere Realmatic Investiture 7.35 {'Investiture': 17}
Plantilla:17s Cruxist 11 March 2014 Roshar Realmatic Stormlight 5.13 {'Mistborn': 6, 'Stormlight': 16}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Rezier 05 March 2014 Cosmere World Migration 11.86 {'Adonalsium': 15, 'Roshar': 13, 'Shard': 6, 'Herald': 7}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s poww10s 04 March 2014 Cosmere Character Hoid 15.15 {'Splinter': 12, 'Hoid': 6}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Chid 19 February 2014 Cosmere Realmatic Shard 1.72 {'Adonalsium': 6, 'Shard': 17, 'Harmony': 7}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Sirscott13 19 February 2014 Cosmere Realmatic Identity 3.52 {'Soulstamp': 10, 'Identity': 15}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s WeiryWriter 14 February 2014 Nalthis Character Nightblood 17.90 {'Spren': 12, 'Nightblood': 24}
Plantilla:17s Two McMillion 12 February 2014 Cosmere Plot Adonalsium 9.07 {'Adonalsium': 15, 'Honor': 5, 'Odium': 7, 'Speculation': 10, 'Shard': 6, 'Sel': 10}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Youngy 11 February 2014 Cosmere World God Beyond 19.55 {'God Beyond': 19}
Plantilla:17s Limelleth 01 February 2014 Cosmere Realmatic Cognitive 7.74 {'Cosmere': 6, 'Cognitive': 17}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Bloodfalcon 27 January 2014 Roshar World Terris 12.02 {'Terris': 12, 'Sazed': 4, 'Worldhopping': 8}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s TheShogun 25 January 2014 Cosmere Character Linguistic 1.88 {'Hoid': 11, 'Linguistic':9}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Eriond 15 January 2014 Cosmere World God Beyond 4.27 {'God Beyond': 13}
Plantilla:17s Moogle 13 January 2014 Cosmere Realmatic Shard 5.02 {'Colour': 12, 'Shard': 13}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s moejarv 12 January 2014 Roshar Realmatic Shardblades 11.65 Disproven {'Realm': 10, 'Shadesmar': 20}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Arook 11 January 2014 Roshar Character Lift 4.99 Category, {'Lift': 4, 'Surge': 2, 'Spiritual': 2}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Voidus 05 January 2014 Roshar World Focus 2.00 {'Roshar': 10}
Plantilla:17s Moogle 22 December 2013 Cosmere World Stars 5.74 {'Stars': 10, 'Colour': 5, 'Taln': 2, 'Devotion': 1, 'Threnody': 4, 'Dominion': 1}
Plantilla:17s Swimmingly 22 December 2013 Roshar Realmatic Fabrial 7.80 {'Fabrial': 12, 'Metallic Art': 10, 'Investiture': 4, 'Cognitive': 4}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Haelbarde 21 December 2013 Cosmere Realmatic Shard 12.18 {'Honor': 9, 'Odium': 8, 'Shard': 22, 'Sel': 11}
Plantilla:17s Darkarma 19 December 2013 Sel Realmatic Forgery 4.67 {'Forgery': 15}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Darkarma 12 December 2013 Scadrial Realmatic Lerasium 4.47 {'Lerasium': 17, 'Hoid': 8, 'Forgery': 9, 'Essence': 11}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Outis 01 December 2013 Roshar World Spren 4.70 {'Tineye': 11, 'Spren': 13}
Plantilla:17s Daishi5 25 November 2013 Roshar Realmatic Intent 5.20 {'Honor': 10, 'Odium': 8, 'Shard': 10, 'Sel': 5}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s TheOneKEA 11 November 2013 Cosmere Realmatic Shardworld 4.31 {'Shardworld': 13}
Plantilla:17s Chromium Compounder 31 October 2013 Scadrial Realmatic Hemalurgy 8.78 Location, {'Hemalurgy': 20}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Bean 30 October 2013 Cosmere Realmatic Physic 19.03 {'Physic': 13, 'Spiritual': 7}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Outis 21 October 2013 Roshar Realmatic Stormlight 11.56 {'Mistborn': 11, 'Shardblade': 10, 'Stormlight': 12}
Plantilla:17s Shardlet 17 October 2013 Cosmere Realmatic Worldhopping 5.56 {'Terris': 17, 'Worldhopping': 19}
Plantilla:17s Darkarma 09 October 2013 Cosmere Character Hoid 6.13 {'Hoid': 18}
Plantilla:17s Two McMillion 02 October 2013 Cosmere Realmatic Investiture 10.38 Proven {'Investiture': 22}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Sirscott13 30 September 2013 Cosmere Realmatic Shard 11.94 {'Shard': 19}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Pechvarry 31 August 2013 Cosmere Realmatic Magic System 14.42 {'Breath': 15, 'Magic System': 12}
Plantilla:17s GreyPilgrim 17 August 2013 Cosmere Realmatic Letter 9.14 Proven {'Letter': 11}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s aeromancer 15 August 2013 Scadrial World Worldsinger 3.10 Topic, Location, {'Worldsinger': 7, 'Worldbringer': 7}
Plantilla:17s Chromium Compounder 01 August 2013 Sel Realmatic Forgery 8.15 {'Forgery': 24}
Plantilla:17s Jimmy moon 10 July 2013 Cosmere Realmatic Worldhopping 9.47 {'Worldhopping': 13}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Senor Feesh 30 June 2013 Cosmere Realmatic Focus 13.70 {'Focus': 19}
Plantilla:17s Kaurne 28 June 2013 Cosmere Plot Overarching Theory 10.45 {}
Plantilla:17s Chromium Compounder 26 June 2013 Scadrial Plot Miles 5.02 {'Miles': 12}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Phantom Monstrosity 19 June 2013 Cosmere Realmatic Magic System 17.32 {'Forgery': 3, 'Allomancy': 4, 'The Lord Ruler': 9, 'Physic': 3, 'Cognitive': 4, 'Spiritweb': 3, 'Savant': 4, 'Shadesmar': 3, 'Vin': 7}
Plantilla:17s Mikanium 17 June 2013 Roshar Realmatic Lerasium 6.78 {'Roshar': 13, 'Lerasium': 20, 'Stormlight': 8}
Plantilla:17s Khmauv 14 June 2013 Sel Character Odium 5.48 {'Odium': 12}
Plantilla:17s Kadrok 12 June 2013 Scadrial Realmatic Breath 5.24 Topic, {'Compounding': 7, 'Atium': 9, 'The Lord Ruler': 4, 'Breath': 9, 'Heightening': 3}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Youngy 11 June 2013 Cosmere Realmatic Shard 18.02 {'Shard': 19}
Plantilla:17s Mister_Fawx 07 June 2013 Cosmere Character Hoid 7.04 {'Hoid': 11, 'Shard': 13}
Plantilla:17s Shardlet 27 May 2013 Cosmere Character Hoid 8.57 {'Hoid': 17, 'Purelake': 12}
Plantilla:17s ROSHtafARian 25 May 2013 Sel World Odium 8.68 {'Odium': 16, 'Shard': 7, 'Sel': 17}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Khmauv 24 May 2013 Cosmere Plot Adonalsium 11.23 {'Adonalsium': 16, 'Linguistic': 10}
Plantilla:17s Shardlet 21 May 2013 Roshar World Worldhopping 5.27 Topic, {'Roshar': 3, 'Worldhopping': 3, 'Shadesmar': 2}
Plantilla:17s Shardlet 14 May 2013 Yolen World DNA 7.06 {'Hoid': 10, 'DNA':12}
Plantilla:17s LiquidBlue 26 April 2013 Sel Realmatic Forgery 6.12 {'Forgery': 18, 'Hemalurgy': 14}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Khmauv 25 April 2013 Cosmere Character Hoid 2.24 {'Hoid': 18}

Stormlight Board (All)

Class 1

Theory Name Author Date Location Category Topic Score Review TopicList
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Stroniax 30 April 2014 Roshar Realmatic Radiant 3.01 {'Radiant': 16, 'Stormlight': 6, 'Kaladin': 7}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Arin 21 April 2014 Roshar World Parshendi 3.02 {'Forms': 2, 'Parshendi': 3, 'Jasnah': 1, 'Voidbringer': 1}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Yettoo 11 April 2014 Sel Character Raoden 2.79 {'Raoden': 10}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Zionite 03 April 2014 Roshar Realmatic Future 10.45 Location, {'Odium': 14, 'Braize': 6, 'Future': 17}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Funkylemon 01 April 2014 Roshar World Spren 2.00 {'Realm': 1, 'Spren': 2, 'Physic': 1, 'Shadesmar': 1}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Chrystoff 28 March 2014 Roshar World Parshendi 0.60 {'Parshendi': 17}
Plantilla:17s Windshard 26 March 2014 Threnody Character Nazh 6.19 Location, {'Nazh': 12}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s JamHeretic 26 February 2014 Roshar Character Syl 3.54 {'Syl': 23, 'Spren': 22}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Stroniax 25 February 2014 Roshar World Shattered Plain 11.49 {'Shattered Plain': 18}
Plantilla:17s Talo 19 February 2014 Roshar Character Dalinar 6.65 {'Herald': 10, 'Shalash': 20, 'Dalinar': 21}
Plantilla:17s hoidshmoid 17 February 2014 Roshar Character Odium 6.81 {'Odium': 14, 'Herald': 12}
Plantilla:17s Swimmingly 16 February 2014 Roshar Character Renarin 5.34 {'Renarin': 11}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s skaa 16 February 2014 Roshar Realmatic Surge 53.51 {'Surge': 45}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s EmanEmal 06 February 2014 Roshar Character Szeth 18.76 {'Desolation': 11, 'Truthless': 5, 'Szeth': 15}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Stormfather 03 February 2014 Roshar Character Dalinar 2.60 Location, {'Adonalsium': 7, 'Cosmere': 7, 'Honor': 8, 'Dalinar': 17}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Derksen 30 January 2014 Roshar World Recreance 15.76 {'Recreance': 21, 'Odium': 7, 'Radiant': 7, 'Herald': 7, 'Honor': 8}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Moogle 29 January 2014 Roshar Realmatic Investiture 1.40 Category, Location, {'Investiture': 2, 'Kaladin': 1, 'Szeth': 1}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s masaru 28 January 2014 Roshar World Oathpact 2.58 Topic, {'Cultivation': 10, 'Oathpact': 10}
Plantilla:17s flyleaffan 24 January 2014 Roshar World Herald 6.97 {'Herald': 14, 'Szeth': 12}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s bartbug 20 January 2014 Roshar Realmatic Recreance 22.62 {'Recreance': 17, 'Spren': 8, 'Cognitive': 11, 'Radiant': 8, 'Nahel': 11, 'Honor': 8, 'Way of Kings': 7}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Dark_Sun77 20 January 2014 Roshar Character Odium 18.32 {'Parshmen': 23, 'Odium': 24, 'Voidbringer': 10, 'Vin': 8}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s YmYm 20 January 2014 Roshar World Parshendi 1.88 {'Parshendi': 11}
Plantilla:17s Link 19 January 2014 Roshar Character Dalinar 8.28 {'Dalinar': 6, 'Gavilar': 5, 'Radiant': 4, 'Odium': 3, 'Alethi': 2, 'Voidbringer': 2}
Plantilla:17s Tybou_14 14 January 2014 Cosmere Realmatic Spren 9.43 {'Odium': 13, 'Spren': 17, 'Investiture': 13, 'Shard': 13, 'Genetic': 12}
Plantilla:17s Mileswasbestcharacter 10 January 2014 Roshar Character Jezrien 5.34 {'Herald': 6, 'Jezrien': 14}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Bloodfalcon 10 January 2014 Roshar World Herald 12.44 {'Herald': 15}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s zandi 09 January 2014 Roshar World Parshendi 3.06 Category, Topic, Location, {'Forms': 13, 'Parshendi': 13}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s RadiantNights 07 January 2014 Roshar World Spren 11.72 {'Parshendi': 6, 'Spren': 13, 'Honor': 7, 'Szeth': 9}
Plantilla:17s Looter 06 January 2014 Roshar Character Odium 7.82 Location, {'Odium': 16}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Natans 04 January 2014 Roshar Realmatic Shard 10.46 {'Surge': 13, 'Shard': 15, 'Kaladin': 12}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s TheShogun 02 January 2014 Roshar World Way of Kings 3.96 Topic, {'Purelake': 1, 'Way of Kings': 1}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Aoibheann 02 January 2014 Roshar World Herald 11.81 {'Herald': 20}
Plantilla:17s Punter 01 January 2014 Roshar Character Kaladin 6.76 {'Odium': 10, 'Kaladin': 17}
Plantilla:17s TheShogun 24 December 2013 Roshar Character Dalinar 7.20 {'Dalinar': 22}
Plantilla:17s Power 20 December 2013 Roshar World Ghostblood 8.28 {'Ghostblood': 18, 'Stormlight': 6, 'Ardent': 8}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Chlehrma 19 December 2013 Roshar Character Kaladin 3.88 Topic, {'Bondsmith': 1, 'Dalinar': 2, 'Shard': 1, 'Kaladin': 2}
Plantilla:17s marianmi 19 December 2013 Roshar World Spren 7.59 {'Parshendi': 15, 'Spren': 16, 'Gavilar': 11}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Serendipity 15 December 2013 Cosmere Realmatic Realmatic 19.40 Topic, {'Realm': 7, 'Realmatic': 7, 'Spiritweb': 7}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s EmagSamurai 21 November 2013 Roshar Realmatic Fabrial 1.96 {'Fabrial': 13}
Plantilla:17s Stroniax 18 November 2013 Roshar World Thrill 6.64 {'Spren': 38, 'Thrill': 46}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Shardbearer 12 November 2013 Roshar Realmatic Surge 3.20 Topic, {'Surge': 12, 'Essence': 12}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s bartbug 05 November 2013 Roshar World Way of Kings 2.95 {'Way of Kings': 17}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s marianmi 30 October 2013 Cosmere Realmatic Investiture 37.83 Location, {'Roshar': 13, 'Shard': 11, 'Investiture': 33, 'Awakening': 15}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Bloodfalcon 30 October 2013 Roshar World Spren 12.11 {'Ym': 10, 'Symbol': 10, 'Spren': 16, 'Voidbind': 11}
Plantilla:17s Bloodfalcon 29 October 2013 Roshar Character Gavilar 4.54 {'Spren': 12, 'Gavilar': 20}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Bloodfalcon 24 October 2013 Roshar Realmatic Voidbind 10.22 {'Voidbind': 17, 'Szeth': 8}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s steeleyes 23 October 2013 Roshar World Speculation 11.35 {'Shard': 7, 'Parshendi': 5, 'Odium': 6, 'Speculation': 11, 'Honor': 8}
Plantilla:17s Bloodfalcon 22 October 2013 Roshar Character Szeth 7.75 {'Szeth': 17}
Plantilla:17s 11thorderknight 13 October 2013 Roshar World Desolation 8.56 {'Desolation': 14, 'Recreance': 10, 'Radiant': 5, 'Oathpact': 11}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Natans 04 October 2013 Roshar Realmatic Radiant 18.72 {'Desolation': 5, 'Radiant': 15}
Plantilla:17s Lightflame 07 September 2013 Roshar World Oathpact 9.21 Location, {'Odium': 8, 'Oathpact': 15, 'Sel': 14}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s vcblade 12 August 2013 Roshar World Spren 3.86 {'Spren': 18}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Gaelan 11 August 2013 Roshar Realmatic Nightwatcher 12.40 {'Cultivation': 19, 'Nightwatcher': 20, 'Old Magic': 11, 'Shard': 9}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Natans 10 August 2013 Roshar World Spren 15.21 Category, {'Fabrial': 4, 'Spren': 6}
Plantilla:17s Fuge 21 July 2013 Roshar Character Dalinar 6.39 {'Syl': 2, 'Dalinar': 6, 'Kaladin': 2}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s DocHoliday 04 July 2013 Roshar World Shinovar 10.02 {'Taln': 9, 'Shinovar': 17, 'Damnation': 10}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s skaa 29 June 2013 Roshar Realmatic Essence 78.37 {'Roshar': 17, 'Essence': 36, 'Stormlight': 12, 'Focus': 34}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Kurkistan 27 June 2013 Roshar Realmatic Stormlight 11.91 {'Stormlight': 23}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Natans 21 June 2013 Nalthis Character Nightblood 9.79 Location, {'Roshar': 10, 'Nightblood': 14, 'Hoid': 12}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s skaa 21 June 2013 Cosmere World Shard 10.94 {'Music': 12, 'Dawnshard': 22, 'Shard': 23}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Shardlet 19 June 2013 Roshar World Origin 12.16 {'Gemstone': 5, 'Origin': 10}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Shardbearer 17 June 2013 Roshar Character Vin 1.84 {'Roshar': 1, 'Honor': 1, 'Odium': 1, 'Command': 1, 'Dalinar': 1, 'Vin': 3}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s The Rooster 17 June 2013 Roshar World Vorin 16.15 {'Vorin': 26, 'Ardent': 14}
Plantilla:17s DragonReborn 17 June 2013 Roshar World Parshendi 4.60 {'Parshendi': 13}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s skaa 14 June 2013 Roshar Realmatic Spren 51.08 {'Spren': 41, 'Essence': 34, 'Vin': 14}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Menden Atal 13 June 2013 Roshar Character Adolin 18.58 {'Adolin': 22, 'Dalinar': 12}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s skaa 06 June 2013 Roshar World Spren 32.31 {'Spren': 45, 'Odium': 27, 'Honor': 18}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Shardlet 04 June 2013 Roshar World Thrill 18.23 {'Thrill': 39, 'Kaladin': 25}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Kaurne 03 June 2013 Roshar Realmatic Roshar 17.45 {'Shard': 7, 'Cultivation': 6, 'Roshar': 16, 'Odium': 13, 'Honor': 11}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Govika 29 May 2013 Roshar Realmatic Honor 20.33 {'Parshendi': 13, 'Highstorm': 5, 'Spren': 6, 'Syl': 5, 'Elhokar': 6, 'Radiant': 9, 'Shadesmar': 10, 'Dalinar': 13, 'Honor': 14, 'Chasmfiend': 12, 'Stormlight': 11, 'Shard': 5, 'Kaladin': 11, 'Szeth': 13}
Plantilla:17s Macen 28 May 2013 Roshar Realmatic Urithiru 7.88 Topic, {'Jasnah': 7, 'Urithiru': 19, 'Shadesmar': 19}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Kaurne 22 May 2013 Roshar Realmatic Surge 10.29 {'Cultivation': 7, 'Roshar': 14, 'Fabrial': 6, 'Surge': 17, 'Honor': 7}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Windrunner 20 May 2013 Roshar World Herald 10.80 {'Herald': 20, 'Shadesmar': 19, 'Damnation': 9}
Plantilla:17s makromag 12 May 2013 Roshar World Herald 7.02 {'Herald': 11}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s sonNeturo 10 May 2013 Roshar Character Szeth 3.66 {'Szeth': 13}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Cernwennan 04 May 2013 Roshar Character Gavilar 14.10 {'Gavilar': 25, 'Radiant': 12}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s The Count 02 May 2013 Roshar Realmatic Recreance 22.25 {'Recreance': 14, 'Odium': 5, 'Radiant': 7, 'Honor': 11, 'Shard': 9}
Plantilla:17s Colateralwar 28 April 2013 Roshar Character Gavilar 7.64 {'Gavilar': 10, 'Radiant': 4}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Colateralwar 25 April 2013 Roshar Character Dalinar 3.88 {'Dalinar': 12, 'Windrunner': 11}
Plantilla:17s don_karma_II 20 April 2013 Roshar World Oathpact 5.62 {'Cultivation': 4, 'Desolation': 4, 'Splinter': 4, 'Honor': 10, 'Oathpact': 11}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Oathbringer 09 April 2013 Roshar World Herald 13.99 {'Herald': 28}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Kurkistan 02 April 2013 Cosmere Realmatic Healing 16.21 {'Healing': 19}
Plantilla:17s Natans 27 March 2013 Roshar Realmatic Radiant 8.25 {'Ideal': 4, 'Shallan': 4, 'Radiant': 10}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Windrunner 02 March 2013 Roshar Character Jasnah 18.57 {'Jasnah': 19}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Kurkistan 15 February 2013 Roshar Realmatic Stormlight 18.32 {'Stormlight': 18}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Kurkistan 10 February 2013 Roshar Realmatic Soulcast 13.00 {'Soulcast': 41}
Plantilla:17s Kurkistan 08 February 2013 Roshar World Spren 4.53 {'Spren': 17}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Stormfather 07 February 2013 Roshar Character Kaladin 9.67 {'Hoid': 2, 'Dalinar': 2, 'Herald': 3, 'Kaladin': 4}
Plantilla:17s Stormfather 28 January 2013 Roshar Realmatic Honor 6.92 {'Honor': 10}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Lightflame 26 January 2013 Roshar Character Odium 14.23 {'Odium': 30, 'Oathpact': 23, 'Honor': 25}
Plantilla:17s ThePledge 22 January 2013 Roshar Realmatic Shard 9.13 {'Odium': 8, 'Oathpact': 12, 'Honor': 7, 'Shard': 16}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Turos Stoneward 18 January 2013 Roshar Realmatic Spren 15.01 {'Lashing': 8, 'Spren': 22, 'Surge': 14}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Dros 18 January 2013 Roshar World Desolation 12.83 {'Ideal': 9, 'Desolation': 24, 'Herald': 10, 'Kaladin': 12}
Plantilla:17s Josiah Bills 14 December 2012 Cosmere Realmatic Magic System 5.74 {'Voidbind': 8, 'Magic System': 15}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Nepene 09 December 2012 Roshar Realmatic Voidbind 27.08 Topic, {'Odium': 13, 'Almighty': 6, 'Voidbind': 13, 'Future': 6, 'Kaladin': 5, 'Glyph': 9}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Nepene 30 November 2012 Roshar Realmatic Thunderclast 17.75 Location, {'Breath': 1, 'Thunderclast': 3, 'Spinner': 2, 'Desolation': 2, 'Mistborn': 1, 'Investiture': 1, 'Radiant': 1, 'Spiritual': 2, 'Herald': 1, 'Voidbringer': 2, 'Way of Kings': 1, 'Copper': 1, 'Midnight Mother': 1, 'Dawnshard': 1, 'Essence': 2, 'Stormlight': 1, 'Vin': 2, 'Shard': 1, 'Sel': 1}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Josiah Bills 30 November 2012 Cosmere Realmatic Shard 4.34 {'Shard': 12}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Kurkistan 15 November 2012 Cosmere Realmatic Forms 28.36 {'Realm': 11, 'Forms': 30, 'Spren': 27}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Nepene 11 November 2012 Roshar Realmatic Honor 16.10 {'Forms': 7, 'Spren': 7, 'Odium': 6, 'Honor': 17}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Stormfather 07 November 2012 Roshar Character Gavilar 2.82 {'Gavilar': 11}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Lightflame 03 November 2012 Roshar Character Nohadon 26.22 {'Nohadon': 39}
Plantilla:17s hogiewan 21 September 2012 Roshar World Herald 8.06 {'Herald': 17, 'Shard': 15}
Plantilla:17s Lightflame 15 September 2012 Roshar World Voidbringer 7.24 Topic, {'Desolation': 13, 'Voidbringer': 13, 'Stormlight': 12}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Lightflame 14 September 2012 Cosmere Realmatic Shard 11.94 {'Shard': 17}
Plantilla:17s Lightflame 10 September 2012 Roshar Character Gavilar 9.16 {'Nightwatcher': 7, 'Gavilar': 20}
Plantilla:17s Lightflame 04 September 2012 Roshar World Spren 4.68 {'Syl': 5, 'Spren': 15, 'Radiant': 8}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Lightflame 04 September 2012 Roshar Character Kaladin 25.63 {'Spren': 10, 'Kaladin': 19}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s JamesW 28 August 2012 Roshar World Voidbringer 19.09 {'Voidbringer': 23}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Roamer 17 July 2012 Roshar World Ardent 11.26 {'Ardent': 23}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s TravelLog 30 June 2012 Cosmere Character Syl 15.67 {'Shard': 11, 'Syl': 18, 'Hoid': 17, 'Kaladin': 6}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Telcontar 20 May 2012 Roshar Character Szeth 30.61 {'Stone Shaman': 35, 'Szeth': 37}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s lil_literalist 30 April 2012 Roshar Character Adolin 18.00 {'Adolin': 13, 'Sadeas': 7, 'Dalinar': 7, 'Kaladin': 6}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Voidus 22 March 2012 Roshar Realmatic Soulcast 2.58 {'Soulcast': 13}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s name_here 20 March 2012 Roshar World Scadrial 3.56 Location, {'Tineye': 1, 'Roshar': 2, 'Radiant': 1, 'Scadrial': 3, 'Colour': 1, 'Alethi': 1, 'Herald': 1, 'Shalash': 2, 'Stormlight': 1, 'Vin': 2}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Vortaan 24 January 2012 Roshar World Parshendi 9.72 Location, {'Parshmen': 6, 'Parshendi': 18, 'Sel': 12}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s tipbruley 24 January 2012 Roshar Character Szeth 16.17 Category, {'Truthless': 3, 'Szeth': 9}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s name_here 08 January 2012 Roshar World Oathpact 3.26 {'Honor': 5, 'Odium': 6, 'Oathpact': 12}
Plantilla:17s Eri 06 January 2012 Roshar World Nightwatcher 9.48 {'Nightwatcher': 13}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Lantern13 04 January 2012 Roshar Character Shinovar 27.98 Topic, {'Odium': 2, 'Tanavast': 4, 'Nightwatcher': 4, 'Stormfather': 2, 'Truthless': 3, 'Herald': 3, 'Jezrien': 3, 'Honor': 6, 'Shinovar': 6, 'Vin': 2, 'Shard': 4, 'Kaladin': 2, 'Szeth': 3}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Lamguin 15 December 2011 Roshar World Desolation 16.71 Location, {'Cosmere': 14, 'Desolation': 18, 'Taravangian': 11, 'Speculation': 10}
Plantilla:17s ReaderAt2046 13 December 2011 Roshar Character Dalinar 4.90 {'Adolin': 3, 'Nightwatcher': 3, 'Dalinar': 7, 'Renarin': 4}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Aoibheann 12 December 2011 Roshar World Vorin 21.84 {'Vorin': 11}
Plantilla:17s dj26792 11 December 2011 Roshar Character Syl 5.00 {'Syl': 11, 'Spiritual': 4}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s name_here 10 December 2011 Roshar Character Radiant 20.16 {'Lashing': 3, 'Radiant': 9, 'Dalinar': 7, 'Szeth': 4}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s FireArcadia 10 December 2011 Roshar Realmatic Spiritual 11.79 {'Radiant': 4, 'Syl': 3, 'Dalinar': 2, 'Spiritual': 6}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Ilidsor 03 December 2011 Roshar World Parshendi 1.80 {'Parshendi': 13}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s hoser 26 November 2011 Roshar World Recreance 9.57 {'Desolation': 8, 'Recreance': 13}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s FireArcadia 24 November 2011 Cosmere Realmatic Realm 11.77 Topic, {'Realm': 14, 'Dalinar': 14, 'Spiritual': 11}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s pmj812 17 November 2011 Roshar World Voidbringer 11.90 {'Parshmen': 13, 'Jasnah': 5, 'Desolation': 8, 'Radiant': 5, 'Voidbringer': 15}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Chicken 31 October 2011 Roshar World Parshendi 19.46 Location, {'Parshendi': 37, 'Dalinar': 17, 'Sel': 13}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Lord Of Nothing 30 October 2011 Roshar World Parshendi 10.18 {'Parshendi': 14, 'Radiant': 5}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Satsuoni 16 September 2011 Roshar Realmatic Spren 10.77 {'Fabrial': 12, 'Spren': 20}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s ulyssessword 06 September 2011 Roshar World Spren 12.39 {'Spren': 30}
Plantilla:17s b4dave 31 August 2011 Roshar Realmatic Honor 6.93 Location, {'Splinter': 2, 'Honor': 4, 'Shard': 2}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Jaconis 25 August 2011 Roshar Realmatic Essence 10.68 {'Shard': 3, 'Syl': 2, 'Spren': 3, 'Sadeas': 4, 'Honor': 3, 'Origin': 2, 'Essence': 6}
Plantilla:17s Aashyma 21 August 2011 Roshar Character Renarin 6.92 Location, {'Nightwatcher': 1, 'Ym': 1, 'Dalinar': 2, 'Renarin': 3, 'Sel': 1}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Spook 28 July 2011 Roshar Realmatic Honor 12.06 {'Odium': 6, 'Honor': 17, 'Shard': 6, 'Kaladin': 10}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Eri 30 June 2011 Roshar Realmatic Soulcast 13.19 {'Soulcast': 19}
Plantilla:17s Shawn Hargreaves 20 June 2011 Roshar Character Gavilar 8.78 {'Gavilar': 15, 'Dalinar': 6}
Plantilla:17s tbrickey022 03 October 2010 Roshar Realmatic Highstorm 7.75 {'Highstorm': 12}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Earendil 19 September 2010 Roshar Character Elhokar 9.95 {'Soulcast': 5, 'Elhokar': 13}
Plantilla:17s firstRainbowRose 18 September 2010 Roshar World Urithiru 5.46 Topic, {'Roshar': 1, 'Hrathen': 1, 'Urithiru': 1, 'Elantris': 1, 'Religion': 1, 'Shinovar': 1, 'Axies': 1}
Plantilla:17s discipleofhoid 13 September 2010 Roshar Character Jezrien 6.20 {'Jezrien': 13}
Plantilla:17s Eerongal 13 September 2010 Roshar Realmatic Soulcast 6.60 {'Soulcast': 15}

Class 2

Theory Name Author Date Location Category Topic Score Review TopicList
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s TheChronicFeruchemist 30 April 2014 Roshar World Glyph 18.59 {'Herald': 19, 'Glyph': 22}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Shardlet 02 March 2014 Roshar Realmatic Shadesmar 10.55 {'Desolation': 10, 'Honor': 8, 'Shadesmar': 22}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Leiyan 28 February 2014 Roshar World Moon 64.59 {'Moon': 61, 'Roshar': 26}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s QuantumHarmonix 18 February 2014 Roshar Realmatic Voidbringer 10.86 Topic, {'Cultivation': 8, 'Fabrial': 8, 'Odium': 8, 'Voidbringer': 8}
Plantilla:17s Mr_Doe 15 February 2014 Roshar World Voidbringer 6.32 {'Parshendi': 11, 'Speculation': 10, 'Voidbringer': 20}
Plantilla:17s Riftwise 11 February 2014 Roshar World Glyph 7.88 {'Glyph': 31}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s cris34b 11 February 2014 Roshar Realmatic Fabrial 9.57 {'Roshar': 14, 'Fabrial': 20, 'Spren': 10, 'Voidbind': 10, 'Physic': 8, 'Cognitive': 7, 'Spiritual': 7}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Devo 10 February 2014 Roshar Realmatic Surge 17.30 {'Lashing': 13, 'Surge': 28, 'Speculation': 18}
Plantilla:17s cris34b 04 February 2014 Roshar Realmatic Highstorm 8.25 {'Honor': 12, 'Highstorm': 20, 'Splinter': 7, 'Spren': 7}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s cris34b 04 February 2014 Roshar World Cultivation 18.77 {'Cultivation': 27, 'Spren': 25, 'Words of Radiance': 10, 'Honor': 25, 'Shinovar': 12, 'Szeth': 14}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s DiamondMind 03 February 2014 Roshar World Chasmfiend 18.93 {'Desolation': 9, 'Dalinar': 8, 'Voidbringer': 18, 'Chasmfiend': 23}
Plantilla:17s Epicrandom 01 February 2014 Roshar Realmatic Highstorm 5.11 {'Highstorm': 16, 'Origin': 11}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Moist_von_Lipwig 22 January 2014 Roshar World Shinovar 17.57 {'Shinovar': 29}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Stoneward 22 January 2014 Roshar Realmatic Radiant 11.56 {'Stoneward': 8, 'Radiant': 21, 'Speculation': 16, 'Windrunner': 8}
Plantilla:17s bridgemenspren 05 December 2013 Roshar World Alethi 6.66 {'Parshendi': 4, 'Honor': 4, 'Alethi': 11, 'Dalinar': 9}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Scott 13 November 2013 Roshar World Spren 88.20 {'Spren': 66}
Plantilla:17s FeatherWriter 04 November 2013 Roshar Character Renarin 7.46 {'Spren': 17, 'Renarin': 20}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s dungeonfood 25 October 2013 Roshar World Thunderclast 37.66 Topic, {'Thunderclast': 22, 'Religion': 8, 'Cultivation': 13, 'Highstorm': 14, 'Voidbringer': 8, 'Stone Shaman': 22, 'Honor': 12, 'Shinovar': 14}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s FeatherWriter 18 October 2013 Roshar Character Renarin 59.94 Location, {'Cosmere': 7, 'Shallan': 13, 'Renarin': 21, 'Kaladin': 12}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Shardlet 28 September 2013 Roshar World Ghostblood 27.40 {'Shallan': 16, 'Ghostblood': 39, 'Shard': 16, 'Kaladin': 14}
Plantilla:17s Miyabi 09 September 2013 Roshar Character Gavilar 9.39 {'Gavilar': 18, 'Dalinar': 16, 'Old Magic': 6}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Isomere 20 August 2013 Roshar Realmatic Cultivation 14.66 {'Cultivation': 25, 'Odium': 19, 'Elantris': 10, 'Shadesmar': 10}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Meg 11 June 2013 Roshar World Spren 22.63 {'Spren': 31}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Kiwi 09 June 2013 Roshar Realmatic Oathpact 20.57 {'Cultivation': 8, 'Odium': 5, 'Surge': 10, 'Honor': 7, 'Oathpact': 12}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Paydirt 14 May 2013 Cosmere Realmatic Identity 12.79 {'Identity': 16, 'Cognitive': 15}
Plantilla:17s Isomere 24 April 2013 Roshar World Purelake 8.54 {'Urithiru': 11, 'Purelake': 12, 'Greatshell': 4}
Plantilla:17s Isomere 24 April 2013 Roshar Realmatic Cultivation 6.75 {'Cultivation': 13, 'Jasnah': 12}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Isomere 20 April 2013 Cosmere Realmatic Focus 14.69 Location, {'Roshar': 13, 'Forms': 11, 'Focus': 20}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Elwynn 18 February 2013 Roshar Realmatic Honor 35.36 {'Honor': 17, 'Future': 13, 'Dalinar': 8}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s FireArcadia 17 January 2013 Roshar Realmatic Radiant 16.78 {'Vorin': 17, 'Radiant': 25}
Plantilla:17s 11thorderknight 14 December 2012 Roshar Character Szeth 5.83 {'Stone Shaman': 11, 'Szeth': 14}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Nepene 14 November 2012 Roshar Character Kaladin 24.13 {'Kaladin': 8, 'Spren': 6, 'Nightwatcher': 4, 'Cognitive': 3, 'Highprince': 4, 'Herald': 3, 'Honor': 7, 'Shard': 5}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Lightflame 06 November 2012 Roshar Character Way of Kings 13.91 {'Way of Kings': 10, 'Parshendi': 5, 'Dalinar': 4, 'Kaladin': 6, 'Szeth': 5}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Pagerunner 28 October 2012 Cosmere Realmatic Shard 24.33 {'Shard': 49, 'Odium': 18}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s FlashWrogan 25 October 2012 Roshar Realmatic Honor 45.42 {'Shard': 21, 'Cultivation': 19, 'Kaladin': 18, 'Spren': 24, 'Odium': 42, 'Honor': 51}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Lightflame 23 August 2012 Roshar World Parshendi 20.82 {'Parshendi': 24, 'Gavilar': 20, 'Dalinar': 8, 'Honor': 14}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Smidge 13 July 2012 Roshar Realmatic Windrunner 14.53 {'Lashing': 9, 'Windrunner': 14, 'Stormlight': 10, 'Kaladin': 5}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Brendan 05 June 2012 Roshar World Spren 11.58 {'Spren': 26, 'Radiant': 15}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s kari-no-sugata 02 May 2012 Roshar Character Gavilar 12.23 {'Gavilar': 16, 'Shallan': 7, 'Odium': 6, 'Dalinar': 13}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Telcontar 10 April 2012 Roshar World Origin 14.55 {'Nohadon': 7, 'Honor': 8, 'Origin': 11}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s anthonydraco 20 March 2012 Roshar World Parshmen 20.30 {'Parshmen': 15, 'Parshendi': 7, 'Voidbringer': 10, 'Stormlight': 5}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Telcontar 04 March 2012 Roshar Realmatic Essence 52.29 {'Soulcast': 14, 'Gemstone': 16, 'Spren': 9, 'Ideal': 15, 'Herald': 10, 'Ars Arcanum': 17, 'Essence': 26, 'Stormlight': 13}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Connerjade 02 March 2012 Roshar Realmatic Soulcast 30.57 {'Soulcast': 10, 'Regrowth': 4, 'Jasnah': 6, 'Shallan': 5, 'Dalinar': 4, 'Way of Kings': 7, 'Dustbringer': 5}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Elwynn 24 February 2012 Roshar Character Ym 21.22 Topic, {'Roshar': 5, 'Ym': 12, 'Symbol': 12, 'Shattered Plain': 4, 'Shadesmar': 4}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Elwynn 07 February 2012 Roshar World Honor 41.46 {'Almighty': 16, 'Spren': 15, 'Radiant': 11, 'Herald': 20, 'Nohadon': 24, 'Honor': 25}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Telcontar 05 February 2012 Roshar World Desolation 49.99 {'Thunderclast': 14, 'Desolation': 30, 'Herald': 28, 'Chasmfiend': 15, 'Stormlight': 12, 'Oathpact': 20}
Plantilla:17s tipbruley 11 January 2012 Cosmere Character Letter 7.86 {'Letter': 16, 'Hoid': 15}
Plantilla:17s Tulir 07 December 2011 Roshar World Chasmfiend 6.14 {'Shattered Plain': 13, 'Chasmfiend': 14}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Chicken 05 November 2011 Cosmere Realmatic Shard 14.50 {'Shard': 25}
Plantilla:17s Aashyma 24 September 2011 Roshar Realmatic Fabrial 7.42 {'Soulcast': 15, 'Fabrial': 17}
Plantilla:17s CabbageHead 23 September 2011 Roshar World Herald 8.79 {'Silver Kingdom': 14, 'Herald': 16}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s pmj812 29 August 2011 Roshar World Voidbringer 16.98 Topic, Location, {'Parshendi': 4, 'Voidbringer': 4, 'Desolation': 2, 'Stormfather': 3, 'Radiant': 2, 'Everstorm': 3, 'Dalinar': 3, 'Way of Kings': 2, 'Vin': 2, 'Kaladin': 4, 'Sel': 2}
Plantilla:17s Erik Holmes 27 September 2010 Roshar World Spren 8.62 {'Spren': 24, 'Mistborn': 10, 'Almighty': 14}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Timemaster11 26 September 2010 Roshar World Herald 11.49 {'Ym': 10, 'Symbol': 10, 'Herald': 18}

Class 3

Theory Name Author Date Location Category Topic Score Review TopicList
Plantilla:17s Stroniax 18 May 2014 Roshar Realmatic Stormlight 6.75 {'Voidbringer': 16, 'Stormlight': 20}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Meg 10 May 2014 Roshar Character Shallan 10.80 Topic, {'Jasnah': 14, 'Shallan': 14, 'Urithiru': 12}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s P4thf1nd3r 17 April 2014 Roshar Realmatic Elsecaller 3.32 {'Hoid': 10, 'Shadesmar': 12, 'Elsecaller': 19}
Plantilla:17s Necromancer 16 April 2014 Roshar Character Adolin 5.39 {'Adolin': 14, 'Kaladin': 12}
Plantilla:17s P4thf1nd3r 11 April 2014 Roshar Character Jezrien 4.98 {'Stormfather': 18, 'Jezrien': 19}
Plantilla:17s Horatio Spifflewicket 09 April 2014 Roshar Character Dalinar 8.13 {'Dalinar': 21, 'Way of Kings': 11}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Arin 08 April 2014 Roshar World Spren 4.06 {'Ideal': 12, 'Spren': 13}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Tuhian 29 March 2014 Roshar Character Gavilar 11.21 {'Parshendi': 8, 'Gavilar': 23, 'Radiant': 9, 'Herald': 10}
Plantilla:17s Goatborn 28 March 2014 Roshar World Spren 7.84 {'Spren': 32}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Releaser 26 March 2014 Roshar Realmatic Herald 9.89 {'Radiant': 11, 'Surge': 13, 'Herald': 14}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Leuthie 26 March 2014 Roshar Character Odium 4.46 Category, {'Desolation': 14, 'Odium': 15}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Heir of the Void 25 March 2014 Roshar Character Kaladin 50.08 {'Way of Kings': 10, 'Kaladin': 21}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s pancake 23 March 2014 Roshar Character Shallan 4.03 {'Spren': 8, 'Shallan': 18, 'Kaladin': 17}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Awesomeness Summoned 22 March 2014 Roshar World Herald 20.41 {'Shash': 7, 'Ym': 11, 'Symbol': 11, 'Herald': 18}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Grayv 18 March 2014 Roshar World Glyph 3.85 {'Surge': 13, 'Glyph': 27}
Plantilla:17s semper_sursum 15 March 2014 Roshar Realmatic Radiant 7.26 {'Radiant': 17, 'Surge': 15}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Double_Ligero 07 March 2014 Roshar World Ardent 3.77 {'Hierocracy': 6, 'Recreance': 11, 'Herald': 6, 'Ardent': 12}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s DragonReborn 04 March 2014 Roshar Character Dalinar 2.66 {'Sadeas': 11, 'Dalinar': 13, 'Szeth': 11}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Mysty 02 March 2014 Roshar Realmatic Windrunner 11.69 {'Alethi': 8, 'Windrunner': 18}
Plantilla:17s cris34b 02 March 2014 Roshar World Roshar 5.03 {'Roshar': 11, 'Fabrial': 8, 'Spren': 8, 'Voidbind': 7, 'Physic': 8, 'Cognitive': 8, 'Spiritual': 8}
Plantilla:17s Satsuoni 27 February 2014 Roshar Character Ym 8.42 {'Ym': 27, 'Cymatic': 17}
Plantilla:17s Stroniax 22 February 2014 Roshar World Spren 7.25 {'Spren': 32}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Alka 22 February 2014 Roshar Character Elhokar 1.36 {'Jasnah': 11, 'Elhokar': 12, 'Shallan': 11, 'Shadesmar': 6}
Plantilla:17s eveorjoy 21 February 2014 Roshar World Voidbringer 8.85 {'Voidbringer': 19, 'Szeth': 18}
Plantilla:17s Shardlet 21 February 2014 Roshar World Alethkar 7.64 {'Ishar': 6, 'Alethkar': 14, 'Sadeas': 6, 'Alethi': 6, 'Dalinar': 7}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s JamHeretic 20 February 2014 Roshar Realmatic Stormlight 4.47 {'Essence': 13, 'Stormlight': 15}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s cris34b 18 February 2014 Roshar Realmatic Roshar 4.25 {'Soulcast': 7, 'Roshar': 17, 'Cultivation': 7, 'Honor': 6, 'Shard': 6}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s JamHeretic 13 February 2014 Roshar World Spren 3.19 {'Cusicesh': 17, 'Spren': 22}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s JamHeretic 13 February 2014 Roshar World Ryshadium 2.68 {'Spren': 8, 'Ryshadium': 18}
Plantilla:17s Asha'man Logain 13 February 2014 Roshar Realmatic Honor 7.22 {'Realm': 7, 'Shard': 13, 'Roshar': 9, 'Spren': 8, 'Realmatic': 6, 'Physic': 6, 'Honor': 18}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Meg 08 February 2014 Roshar World Hierocracy 13.89 {'Hierocracy': 15, 'Recreance': 14}
Plantilla:17s cris34b 06 February 2014 Roshar Realmatic Nahel 7.22 {'Honor': 10, 'Lightweaving': 6, 'Spren': 15, 'Intent': 11, 'Shallan': 8, 'Nahel': 17, 'Windrunner': 6, 'Kaladin': 8}
Plantilla:17s cris34b 06 February 2014 Roshar Character Navani 8.42 {'Fabrial': 7, 'Navani': 21, 'Spren': 9, 'Emotion': 14}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Valnurath 04 February 2014 Roshar Character Kaladin 27.46 {'Lashing': 17, 'Kaladin': 29}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s soulcastJam 02 February 2014 Cosmere Realmatic Spren 0.34 {'Realm': 16, 'Spren': 17, 'Spiritual': 16}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Darkeye 01 February 2014 Roshar World Roshar 20.69 {'Roshar': 41}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Aet-her 26 January 2014 Roshar World Stormlight 57.38 {'Roshar': 12, 'Way of Kings': 8, 'Stormlight': 17}
Plantilla:17s Aspren 19 January 2014 Roshar Realmatic Highstorm 6.76 {'Highstorm': 27}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s smearedblackink 18 January 2014 Roshar Character Elhokar 11.72 {'Gemstone': 12, 'Elhokar': 19, 'Dalinar': 15}
Plantilla:17s Meg 18 January 2014 Roshar Character Jasnah 7.13 {'Soulcast': 14, 'Jasnah': 15}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Kyzkle 14 January 2014 Roshar Realmatic Highstorm 9.57 {'Cultivation': 13, 'Highstorm': 21, 'Honor': 8}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s el_warko 07 January 2014 Roshar Character Szeth 3.49 {'Desolation': 7, 'Szeth': 18}
Plantilla:17s Grimm 25 December 2013 Roshar World Herald 4.92 Topic, {'Desolation': 13, 'Herald': 13}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Kier 19 December 2013 Roshar Character Shallan 18.98 {'Soulcast': 11, 'Shallan': 14}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Pinpoint 19 December 2013 Roshar World Parshendi 23.24 {'Parshendi': 28, 'Odium': 16}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Xanas-the 18th Shard 13 December 2013 Roshar World Spren 1.44 {'Spren': 14, 'Szeth': 12}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s king of nowhere 26 November 2013 Roshar World Roshar 14.79 {'Roshar': 22, 'Crem': 9}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Gamma Fiend 13 November 2013 Roshar World Spren 4.48 Topic, {'Spren': 13, 'Dalinar': 13}
Plantilla:17s EC11 13 November 2013 Roshar Realmatic Honor 7.04 {'Honor': 21, 'Odium': 20}
Plantilla:17s Swimmingly 13 November 2013 Roshar Realmatic Crem 5.52 {'Cultivation': 17, 'Crem': 21, 'Highstorm': 7}
Plantilla:17s lonelymagician 09 November 2013 Cosmere Realmatic Shard 6.52 {'Adonalsium': 7, 'Splinter': 8, 'Honor': 7, 'Stormlight': 8, 'Shard': 13}
Plantilla:17s The Rooster 01 November 2013 Scadrial Character Kaladin 8.65 {'Allomancy': 7, 'Bronze': 8, 'Misting': 10, 'Stormlight': 6, 'Kaladin': 18}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Aet-her 31 October 2013 Roshar Realmatic Surge 24.59 {'Way of Kings': 8, 'Surge': 19, 'Windrunner': 12, 'Kaladin': 8}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s MagnusMuses 22 October 2013 Roshar World Oathpact 10.50 {'Honor': 12, 'Odium': 10, 'Herald': 11, 'Oathpact': 19}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Alaxel 15 October 2013 Roshar Character Szeth 3.50 Topic, {'Kaladin': 15, 'Szeth': 15}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Gloom 22 August 2013 Roshar World Spren 21.79 {'Honor': 13, 'Syl': 20, 'Spren': 34}
Plantilla:17s DocHoliday 02 July 2013 Roshar World Desolation 9.42 {'Desolation': 21, 'Oathpact': 7, 'Taln': 10}
Plantilla:17s Crysanja 28 June 2013 Roshar Character Shallan 8.31 Topic, {'Memory': 15, 'Spren': 11, 'Shallan': 15}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Windborne Sword 25 June 2013 Roshar Realmatic Highstorm 4.16 Topic, {'Highstorm': 18, 'Honor': 9, 'Odium': 6, 'Dalinar': 18}
Plantilla:17s Binnut 21 June 2013 Roshar Character Shallan 5.28 {'Syl': 7, 'Shallan': 20, 'Kaladin': 18}
Plantilla:17s Leuthie 17 June 2013 Roshar World Recreance 8.71 {'Recreance': 17, 'Honor': 9}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Kiwi 08 June 2013 Roshar Realmatic Honor 12.67 {'Honor': 25, 'Spren': 23}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s valgerth 04 June 2013 Roshar Realmatic Highstorm 3.69 {'Highstorm': 19, 'Stormlight': 7}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s blackmagic3 30 May 2013 Roshar World Shard 10.14 Topic, {'Herald': 7, 'Dawnshard': 21, 'Shard': 21}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Govika 30 May 2013 Roshar World Herald 3.61 {'Herald': 18, 'Stormlight': 16, 'Kaladin': 8}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Kiwi 30 May 2013 Roshar Character Ym 2.66 {'Ym': 16, 'Symmetry': 15}
Plantilla:17s Binnut 05 May 2013 Roshar World Parshendi 8.08 {'Parshendi': 20, 'Odium': 11, 'Thrill': 19}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Windrunner 15 April 2013 Roshar Character Kaladin 3.50 {'Words of Radiance': 7, 'Way of Kings': 6, 'Kaladin': 17}
Plantilla:17s Leuthie 04 April 2013 Roshar World Roshar 4.64 {'Sentience': 10, 'Roshar': 15, 'Spren': 14, 'Shard': 12}
Plantilla:17s Nait Sabes 24 March 2013 Roshar Realmatic Stormlight 6.80 {'Words of Radiance': 7, 'Way of Kings': 6, 'Stormlight': 16}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Bigtones 21 March 2013 Roshar Realmatic Radiant 10.81 {'Radiant': 15, 'Kaladin': 11}
Plantilla:17s cleric 27 February 2013 Roshar Realmatic Shard 8.65 {'Shard': 22, 'Odium': 18, 'Radiant': 11}
Plantilla:17s Josh 24 February 2013 Roshar Realmatic Soulcast 6.71 {'Soulcast': 13, 'Identity': 7, 'Surge': 12}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Mailliw73 21 February 2013 Roshar World Spren 1.36 {'Honor': 13, 'Spren': 14}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Cayden 17 February 2013 Roshar Realmatic Honor 12.10 {'Cultivation': 14, 'Honor': 19, 'Szeth': 15}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Cheese Ninja 03 February 2013 Roshar World Nahel 19.97 {'Ideal': 9, 'Dalinar': 7, 'Spren': 15, 'Nahel': 16, 'Nohadon': 15, 'Way of Kings': 13}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s king of nowhere 01 February 2013 Roshar Character Dalinar 1.54 {'Honor': 4, 'Radiant': 10, 'Dalinar': 11}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Meg 16 January 2013 Roshar World Roshar 16.32 {'Roshar': 14, 'Origin': 12, 'Chasmfiend': 7}
Plantilla:17s Kaurne 11 January 2013 Roshar Realmatic Honor 5.50 Topic, {'Cultivation': 15, 'Honor': 15, 'Future': 12}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s dionysus 25 October 2012 Roshar Realmatic Honor 14.54 {'Honor': 36, 'Szeth': 34}
Plantilla:17s Cayden 24 October 2012 Roshar Realmatic Highstorm 6.54 {'Cultivation': 12, 'Highstorm': 17}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Abba Zaba 16 October 2012 Roshar Character Syl 11.60 Topic, {'Almighty': 2, 'Dalinar': 3, 'Desolation': 2, 'Syl': 6, 'Odium': 4, 'Radiant': 6, 'Honor': 2, 'Shard': 6, 'Kaladin': 2}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Turos Stoneward 22 September 2012 Roshar World Spren 9.73 {'Spren': 40}
Plantilla:17s Straff Venture 04 September 2012 Roshar World Voidbringer 6.07 {'Roshar': 5, 'Voidbringer': 12, 'Origin': 10, 'Shinovar': 4}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Voidbringer 16 August 2012 Roshar World Parshmen 10.43 {'Parshmen': 14, 'Parshendi': 5, 'Voidbringer': 9}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Voidbringer 16 August 2012 Roshar Character Odium 10.59 {'Desolation': 6, 'Odium': 18, 'Radiant': 15, 'Essence': 13}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s v Sim CO 30 April 2012 Roshar Character Dalinar 13.82 {'Truthless': 13, 'Dalinar': 14, 'Szeth': 13}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s v Sim CO 27 April 2012 Roshar Character Szeth 20.44 {'Parshendi': 8, 'Szeth': 20}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Bunyod 24 March 2012 Roshar World Stormlight 10.41 {'Alethkar': 9, 'Stormlight': 17}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s zas678 13 February 2012 Roshar World Spren 17.13 {'Spren': 28}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Windrunner 29 January 2012 Roshar World Urithiru 35.96 {'Urithiru': 40}
Plantilla:17s Eri 12 January 2012 Roshar Realmatic Honor 9.20 {'Tanavast': 5, 'Honor': 15, 'Odium': 5}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s treblkickd 07 January 2012 Roshar World Roshar 19.32 {'Roshar': 24, 'Voidbringer': 10, 'Herald': 13, 'Speculation': 15, 'History': 11}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Wisdom 04 January 2012 Roshar World Cusicesh 16.81 {'Cusicesh': 16, 'Spren': 10}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s ReaderAt2046 11 December 2011 Roshar Character Dalinar 1.96 {'Navani': 12, 'Dalinar': 13}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s ulyssessword 23 November 2011 Roshar Character Soulcast 10.45 {'Soulcast': 14, 'Jasnah': 13, 'Shallan': 12, 'Vin': 6}
Plantilla:17s Chicken 13 October 2011 Roshar Character Highprince 5.25 {'Sadeas': 13, 'Highprince': 14}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Tortellini 26 September 2011 Roshar World Shattered Plain 13.97 {'Soulcast': 9, 'Parshendi': 6, 'Shattered Plain': 10, 'Alethi': 6}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s FellKnight 03 June 2011 Roshar Character Taln 3.48 {'Herald': 13, 'Taln': 14}
Plantilla:17s Firiel 05 April 2011 Roshar Character Ym 5.67 {'Ym': 16, 'Symmetry': 15}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s DariusJenai 24 October 2010 Roshar Character Gavilar 11.79 {'Thunderclast': 4, 'Desolation': 4, 'Gavilar': 12, 'Essence': 5}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s DariusJenai 24 October 2010 Roshar Character Dalinar 14.95 {'Radiant': 12, 'Dalinar': 18}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s zas678 08 October 2010 Roshar Character Odium 4.02 {'Odium': 17, 'Oathpact': 13}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Andrew the Great 10 September 2010 Roshar World Thunderclast 2.22 Topic, {'Thunderclast': 13, 'Chasmfiend': 13}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s zas678 13 August 2010 Roshar Character Syl 1.10 {'Syl': 13, 'Kaladin': 12}

Class 4

Theory Name Author Date Location Category Topic Score Review TopicList
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Chaos 25 February 2014 Roshar World Words of Radiance 9.96 {'Words of Radiance': 10, 'Stormlight': 4}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s mycoltbug 22 November 2010 Roshar World Way of Kings 0.88 {'Way of Kings': 11}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s High prince of geeks 20 May 2014 Roshar World Spren 2.68 {'Spren': 16}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s High prince of geeks 20 May 2014 Roshar World Roshar 1.64 {'Roshar': 10}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s High prince of geeks 20 May 2014 Roshar Realmatic Soulcast 3.08 {'Soulcast': 14, 'Vin': 12}
Plantilla:17s Delightful 20 May 2014 Roshar World Way of Kings 8.95 {'Way of Kings': 18}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s darkanimereal1 19 May 2014 Roshar World Roshar 1.82 {'Roshar': 10}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Ephemera 19 May 2014 Sel Character Vin 2.31 Category, Topic, Location, {'Vin': 1, 'Sel': 1}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s That Guy 16 May 2014 Roshar Character Renarin 1.90 {'Renarin': 12}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Budgiegrower 15 May 2014 Roshar World Way of Kings 2.43 {'Way of Kings': 1}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s OdiYum 15 May 2014 Roshar Realmatic Soulcast 3.06 {'Soulcast': 19}
Plantilla:17s STEELHE4RT 14 May 2014 Sel World Worldhopping 6.31 Category, Topic, Location, {'Darkness': 0, 'Dawncities': 0, 'Hemalurgy': 0, 'Memory': 0, 'Allomancy': 0, 'Lightweaving': 0, 'Elhokar': 0, 'Royal Locks': 0, 'Colour': 0, 'Spiritweb': 0, 'Worldhopping': 0, 'Shalash': 0, 'Jezrien': 0, 'Taln': 0, 'Feruchemy': 0, 'Taravangian': 0, 'Ars Arcanum': 0, 'Aluminium': 0, 'Forgery': 0, 'Numerology': 0, 'Shard': 0}
Plantilla:17s Etruscan 12 May 2014 Roshar World Death Rattle 8.41 {'Death Rattle': 7}
Plantilla:17s Meg 10 May 2014 Roshar Character Nohadon 9.48 {'Recreance': 3, 'Colour': 3, 'Nohadon': 7}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s ccstat 09 May 2014 Roshar World Roshar 29.92 {'Roshar': 9, 'Stance': 5, 'Fabrial': 7, 'Physic': 7, 'Spiritual': 3, 'Vin': 8}
Plantilla:17s shawnhargreaves 08 May 2014 Roshar Realmatic Soulcast 6.58 {'Soulcast': 2, 'Breath': 1, 'Shallan': 1}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s EMTrevor 08 May 2014 Roshar Character Jasnah 2.84 {'Music': 11, 'Jasnah': 19}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Asejet 07 May 2014 Roshar Realmatic Bondsmith 0.74 {'Bondsmith': 11}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Aminar 06 May 2014 Roshar World Roshar 2.02 {'Roshar': 1}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s BreathTaker 03 May 2014 Cosmere Character Hoid 2.32 {'Hoid': 13, 'Dalinar': 11}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Leftinch 02 May 2014 Roshar Realmatic Stormlight 4.31 {'Stormlight': 15, 'Shard': 11}
Plantilla:17s Arin 02 May 2014 Roshar Character Kaladin 4.72 {'Kaladin': 10}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Kasimir 01 May 2014 Roshar Realmatic Windrunner 3.12 {'Windrunner': 11}
Plantilla:17s Arin 24 April 2014 Roshar World Desolation 5.36 Category, Topic, {'Darkness': 2, 'Voidbringer': 1, 'Desolation': 2, 'Dalinar': 1, 'Stormlight': 1}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s navybrandt 24 April 2014 Roshar Character Szeth 1.41 {'Szeth': 1}
Plantilla:17s navybrandt 23 April 2014 Roshar Character Syl 5.59 Topic, {'Syl': 7, 'Kaladin': 7}
Plantilla:17s Zionite 23 April 2014 Roshar Realmatic Shard 4.83 {'Roshar': 1, 'Recreance': 1, 'Command': 1, 'Dalinar': 1, 'Skybreaker': 1, 'Shard': 3}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s fievelgoespostal 22 April 2014 Sel World Worldhopping 3.04 Category, Topic, Location, {'Darkness': 0, 'Dawncities': 0, 'Hemalurgy': 0, 'Memory': 0, 'Allomancy': 0, 'Lightweaving': 0, 'Elhokar': 0, 'Royal Locks': 0, 'Colour': 0, 'Spiritweb': 0, 'Worldhopping': 0, 'Shalash': 0, 'Jezrien': 0, 'Taln': 0, 'Feruchemy': 0, 'Taravangian': 0, 'Ars Arcanum': 0, 'Aluminium': 0, 'Forgery': 0, 'Numerology': 0, 'Shard': 0}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s kroen 22 April 2014 Cosmere Realmatic Shard 1.95 {'Shard': 10}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Arin 19 April 2014 Roshar Character Dalinar 3.28 {'Gavilar': 1, 'Dalinar': 3}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s WeiryWriter 18 April 2014 Sel World Worldhopping 2.34 Category, Topic, Location, {'Darkness': 0, 'Dawncities': 0, 'Hemalurgy': 0, 'Memory': 0, 'Allomancy': 0, 'Lightweaving': 0, 'Elhokar': 0, 'Royal Locks': 0, 'Colour': 0, 'Spiritweb': 0, 'Worldhopping': 0, 'Shalash': 0, 'Jezrien': 0, 'Taln': 0, 'Feruchemy': 0, 'Taravangian': 0, 'Ars Arcanum': 0, 'Aluminium': 0, 'Forgery': 0, 'Numerology': 0, 'Shard': 0}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Arin 15 April 2014 Roshar World Parshendi 1.98 Category, Topic, {'Kalak': 1, 'Parshendi': 1}
Plantilla:17s Arin 15 April 2014 Roshar World Herald 4.95 {'Herald': 12, 'Szeth': 4}
Plantilla:17s Leftinch 14 April 2014 Roshar World Spren 4.58 Category, {'Spren': 4, 'Odium': 2, 'Shard': 2}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Kobold King 14 April 2014 Nalthis Realmatic Awakening 12.45 {'Way of Kings': 7, 'Awakening': 19}
Plantilla:17s bdoble97 13 April 2014 Roshar World Parshendi 5.67 {'Parshendi': 13}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s shawnhargreaves 12 April 2014 Roshar Character Odium 20.15 Location, {'Odium': 10}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Arin 12 April 2014 Roshar World Stone Shaman 2.92 {'Stone Shaman': 11}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Journie 11 April 2014 Roshar Character Nazh 14.39 {'Words of Radiance': 7, 'Stormlight': 7, 'Nazh': 11}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Arin 11 April 2014 Roshar Character Dalinar 1.96 {'Dalinar': 12}
Plantilla:17s Maffu17 10 April 2014 Roshar Realmatic Stormlight 5.42 {'Stormlight': 2, 'Shard': 1}
Plantilla:17s LinkasZelda 10 April 2014 Roshar Character Axies 5.85 {'Axies': 13}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s WeiryWriter 10 April 2014 Roshar Realmatic Stormlight 3.54 {'Stormlight': 12}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s skaa 09 April 2014 Roshar World Essence 24.75 {'Ideal': 7, 'Herald': 5, 'Essence': 8}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Dymphna 07 April 2014 Roshar World Way of Kings 2.29 {'Way of Kings': 1}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Arin 07 April 2014 Roshar World Larkin 1.60 {'Larkin': 13}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s GoneRampant 07 April 2014 Roshar World Words of Radiance 1.66 Location, {'Cosmere': 6, 'Words of Radiance': 16, 'Stormlight': 6}
Plantilla:17s Lopen Skybreaker 03 April 2014 Roshar World Thrill 5.88 {'Thrill': 13}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s kazoo 03 April 2014 Roshar World Larkin 2.91 Topic, {'Larkin': 11, 'Chasmfiend': 11}
Plantilla:17s Lightsworn Panda 02 April 2014 Roshar World Words of Radiance 7.02 {'Words of Radiance': 10}
Plantilla:17s Kobold King 31 March 2014 Roshar World Herald 6.69 {'Herald': 9, 'Stormlight': 7}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Funkylemon 29 March 2014 Sel World Worldhopping 1.92 Category, Topic, Location, {'Darkness': 0, 'Dawncities': 0, 'Hemalurgy': 0, 'Memory': 0, 'Allomancy': 0, 'Lightweaving': 0, 'Elhokar': 0, 'Royal Locks': 0, 'Colour': 0, 'Spiritweb': 0, 'Worldhopping': 0, 'Shalash': 0, 'Jezrien': 0, 'Taln': 0, 'Feruchemy': 0, 'Taravangian': 0, 'Ars Arcanum': 0, 'Aluminium': 0, 'Forgery': 0, 'Numerology': 0, 'Shard': 0}
Plantilla:17s MasterTacticianAlduin 26 March 2014 Cosmere Character Hoid 5.89 {'Hoid': 7}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s akasketch 26 March 2014 Roshar Realmatic Nahel 3.45 {'Nahel': 10}
Plantilla:17s Macen 26 March 2014 Roshar World Herald 7.63 {'Herald': 11}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s israel8491 26 March 2014 Roshar World Words of Radiance 2.98 Topic, {'Syl': 2, 'Words of Radiance': 6, 'Way of Kings': 6, 'Stormlight': 6}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Zhalfirin 25 March 2014 Roshar Realmatic Fabrial 15.93 {'Fabrial': 16, 'Aluminium': 11}
Plantilla:17s theofficetroll 25 March 2014 Roshar World Roshar 5.72 Topic, Location, {'Vorin': 1, 'Silver Kingdom': 1, 'Breath': 1, 'Roshar': 2, 'Aimian': 2, 'Parshendi': 1, 'Ym': 1, 'Returned': 1, 'Jasnah': 1, 'Nalthis': 1, 'Herald': 1, 'Shadesmar': 1, 'Symmetry': 1}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s EMTrevor 25 March 2014 Roshar Realmatic Lightweaving 15.00 {'Lightweaving': 14}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Nahema 25 March 2014 Roshar World Radiant 3.92 Category, Topic, {'Ideal': 1, 'Desolation': 1, 'Gavilar': 1, 'Radiant': 1, 'Dalinar': 1}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s V'rish Makik 24 March 2014 Roshar Character Kaladin 0.94 {'Kaladin': 2}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Cryptic 24 March 2014 Roshar World Alethi 2.50 {'Stormlight': 7, 'Alethi': 10}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Cortar 24 March 2014 Roshar Realmatic Surge 0.46 {'Surge': 11}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s The Sheppy 24 March 2014 Sel World Worldhopping 3.34 Category, Topic, Location, {'Darkness': 0, 'Dawncities': 0, 'Hemalurgy': 0, 'Memory': 0, 'Allomancy': 0, 'Lightweaving': 0, 'Elhokar': 0, 'Royal Locks': 0, 'Colour': 0, 'Spiritweb': 0, 'Worldhopping': 0, 'Shalash': 0, 'Jezrien': 0, 'Taln': 0, 'Feruchemy': 0, 'Taravangian': 0, 'Ars Arcanum': 0, 'Aluminium': 0, 'Forgery': 0, 'Numerology': 0, 'Shard': 0}
Plantilla:17s ccstat 24 March 2014 Roshar World Ketek 4.86 {'Ketek': 11}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Turos Stoneward 23 March 2014 Roshar Realmatic Letter 12.14 Location, {'Stoneward': 1, 'Letter': 2, 'Numerology': 1, 'Glyph': 1}
Plantilla:17s old aggie 22 March 2014 Roshar Realmatic Radiant 4.83 {'Radiant': 11}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Griff 22 March 2014 Roshar World Ghostblood 3.84 {'Ghostblood': 10}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Mailliw73 20 March 2014 Scadrial Realmatic Copper 2.46 {'Copper': 1}
Plantilla:17s Urilikya 20 March 2014 Roshar World Almighty 6.46 {'Almighty': 11}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s fastlindyrick 20 March 2014 Roshar World Shattered Plain 4.49 {'Shattered Plain': 11}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s cosmic_dust 20 March 2014 Roshar Character Kaladin 3.69 {'Kaladin': 18}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Leuthie 20 March 2014 Roshar World Aimian 4.14 {'Aimian': 13}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Charper 19 March 2014 Roshar Realmatic Lashing 11.63 {'Lashing': 20, 'Physic': 12}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Charper 19 March 2014 Roshar Character Kaladin 3.39 {'Kaladin': 12}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Mailliw73 17 March 2014 Roshar World Spren 1.93 {'Spren': 2}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s anaroth85 17 March 2014 Cosmere World Shard 3.14 Category, Topic, {'Colour': 1, 'Shard': 1}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Chlehrma 16 March 2014 Roshar Character Odium 1.46 {'Cultivation': 7, 'Honor': 7, 'Odium': 8}
Plantilla:17s Carnie 15 March 2014 Roshar World Parshendi 8.23 {'Parshendi': 6, 'Shattered Plain': 3, 'Alethi': 2}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s NeutroniumAlchemist 15 March 2014 Roshar World Shard 3.49 Category, Topic, Location, {'Dawnshard': 17, 'Shard': 17}
Plantilla:17s Turos Stoneward 15 March 2014 Roshar World Alethi 9.35 {'Alethi': 10}
Plantilla:17s Gamma Fiend 15 March 2014 Roshar Realmatic Stormlight 5.44 {'Stormlight': 1}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s goblin981 14 March 2014 Roshar Realmatic Stormlight 3.55 {'Stormlight': 10}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s cjhand 11 March 2014 Roshar Realmatic Honor 1.54 {'Honor': 10}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s kirron 11 March 2014 Roshar World Crem 3.80 {'Crem': 21}
Plantilla:17s ArrrGent 11 March 2014 Roshar World Glyph 8.04 {'Glyph': 17}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Necromancer 11 March 2014 Roshar Character Taln 2.08 Topic, {'Taln': 12, 'Kaladin': 12}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Zionite 11 March 2014 Roshar Realmatic Stormlight 2.39 {'Stormlight': 18}
Plantilla:17s Knitwitz 08 March 2014 Roshar Realmatic Surge 8.01 {'Surge': 11}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s JamHeretic 08 March 2014 Roshar Character Renarin 1.56 {'Renarin': 11}
Plantilla:17s Nait Sabes 06 March 2014 Roshar Character Hoid 5.51 {'Shallan': 1, 'Eshonai': 1, 'Navani': 1, 'Words of Radiance': 1, 'Hoid': 2, 'Dalinar': 1, 'Kaladin': 1, 'Szeth': 1}
Plantilla:17s Aryanath 06 March 2014 Roshar Character Sadeas 4.50 {'Sadeas': 11}
Plantilla:17s Psychocon 04 March 2014 Roshar Character Kaladin 5.31 {'Vin': 6, 'Kaladin': 7}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s bartbug 03 March 2014 Roshar World Words of Radiance 0.44 {'Words of Radiance': 10}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Pechvarry 03 March 2014 Scadrial Character Vin 4.47 {'Vin': 12}
Plantilla:17s Humph 02 March 2014 Roshar Realmatic Stormlight 9.42 {'Stormlight': 15}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s V'rish Makik 01 March 2014 Roshar World Words of Radiance 2.99 {'Words of Radiance': 10, 'Kaladin': 8}
Plantilla:17s Kythis 28 February 2014 Scadrial Character Vin 6.32 Category, Topic, {'Mistborn': 1, 'Vin': 1}
Plantilla:17s JamHeretic 28 February 2014 Roshar Character Navani 6.36 Topic, {'Fabrial': 12, 'Navani': 12, 'Numerology': 4}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s GreyPilgrim 28 February 2014 Roshar World Way of Kings 2.12 {'Way of Kings': 10}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s PunSpren 28 February 2014 Roshar World Glyph 1.50 {'Glyph': 11}
Plantilla:17s Southpaw89 27 February 2014 Cosmere Character Hoid 7.76 {'Hoid': 16, 'Taln': 12}
Plantilla:17s The Rooster 27 February 2014 Roshar Realmatic Stormlight 6.48 {'Stormlight': 10}
Plantilla:17s Alka 27 February 2014 Roshar World Oathpact 6.14 {'Oathpact': 20}
Plantilla:17s taveren 27 February 2014 Roshar World Herald 4.85 {'Herald': 14}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Wolf Brother 26 February 2014 Roshar Character Szeth 3.29 Topic, Location, {'Kalak': 1, 'Gemstone': 1, 'Lashing': 1, 'Radiant': 1, 'Jezrien': 1, 'Dalinar': 1, 'Sel': 1, 'Szeth': 1}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Sirscott13 26 February 2014 Cosmere Realmatic Shard 1.20 Topic, {'17th Shard': 1, 'Shard': 1}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s WeiryWriter 25 February 2014 Roshar World Chronology 13.19 {'Stormlight': 12, 'Chronology': 13}
Plantilla:17s Atastor 25 February 2014 Cosmere Realmatic Future 5.86 {'Future': 11}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s old aggie 23 February 2014 Roshar World Parshendi 2.64 {'Roshar': 6, 'Parshendi': 17}
Plantilla:17s Pinpoint 22 February 2014 Roshar World Spren 8.19 {'Spren': 13}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Alka 22 February 2014 Roshar World Shard 0.84 Topic, Location, {'Dawnshard': 17, 'Shard': 17}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Southpaw89 19 February 2014 Roshar Character Axies 0.94 {'Axies': 10}
Plantilla:17s Eri 17 February 2014 Roshar Character Ym 7.37 Category, Topic, {'Ym': 10, 'Cymatic': 10}
Plantilla:17s Peet 17 February 2014 Sel World Way of Kings 7.44 Category, Topic, Location, {'Intent': 1, 'Way of Kings': 1, 'Copper': 1, 'Sel': 1}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s harry31j97 17 February 2014 Roshar Character Stormlight 3.52 Topic, {'Regrowth': 2, 'Dalinar': 1, 'Stormlight': 2}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Swimmingly 17 February 2014 Roshar Realmatic Surge 2.40 Topic, {'Memory': 10, 'Shallan': 10, 'Surge': 10}
Plantilla:17s Shardlet 16 February 2014 Roshar World Moon 9.29 {'Moon': 4, 'Szeth': 2}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s harry31j97 16 February 2014 Roshar World Glyph 1.22 {'Glyph': 13}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s harry31j97 15 February 2014 Sel World Worldhopping 3.77 Category, Topic, Location, {'Darkness': 0, 'Dawncities': 0, 'Hemalurgy': 0, 'Memory': 0, 'Allomancy': 0, 'Lightweaving': 0, 'Elhokar': 0, 'Royal Locks': 0, 'Colour': 0, 'Spiritweb': 0, 'Worldhopping': 0, 'Shalash': 0, 'Jezrien': 0, 'Taln': 0, 'Feruchemy': 0, 'Taravangian': 0, 'Ars Arcanum': 0, 'Aluminium': 0, 'Forgery': 0, 'Numerology': 0, 'Shard': 0}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s WEZ313 15 February 2014 Roshar Realmatic Stormlight 3.89 {'Stormlight': 11, 'Shard': 6}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Eri 14 February 2014 Roshar Character Sadeas 1.88 {'Sadeas': 10, 'Stormlight': 6}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s GreyPilgrim 13 February 2014 Roshar World Words of Radiance 10.92 {'Words of Radiance': 12}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s christophalies 13 February 2014 Sel World Worldhopping 1.86 Category, Topic, Location, {'Darkness': 0, 'Dawncities': 0, 'Hemalurgy': 0, 'Memory': 0, 'Allomancy': 0, 'Lightweaving': 0, 'Elhokar': 0, 'Royal Locks': 0, 'Colour': 0, 'Spiritweb': 0, 'Worldhopping': 0, 'Shalash': 0, 'Jezrien': 0, 'Taln': 0, 'Feruchemy': 0, 'Taravangian': 0, 'Ars Arcanum': 0, 'Aluminium': 0, 'Forgery': 0, 'Numerology': 0, 'Shard': 0}
Plantilla:17s WeiryWriter 12 February 2014 Roshar Realmatic Stormlight 6.78 Topic, Location, {'Stormlight': 12, 'Focus': 12}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Maresia 12 February 2014 Roshar Realmatic Stormlight 3.16 {'Stormlight': 10}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s freezedragon 12 February 2014 Roshar Character Kaladin 0.50 {'Kaladin': 1}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s ptoss1 11 February 2014 Roshar World Axehound 0.20 {'Axehound': 10}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Devo 11 February 2014 Sel Realmatic Forgery 3.20 {'Forgery': 12, 'Dalinar': 11}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Serendipity 11 February 2014 Roshar World Old Magic 2.96 Category, Topic, {'Nightwatcher': 7, 'Old Magic': 7}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Xanas-the 18th Shard 10 February 2014 Roshar Character Thrill 2.38 Topic, {'Odium': 12, 'Thrill': 12}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s eveorjoy 07 February 2014 Roshar Realmatic Fabrial 16.22 {'Shard': 7, 'Fabrial': 11, 'Radiant': 9, 'Speculation': 10}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s QuantumHarmonix 07 February 2014 Roshar Character Stormfather 0.60 {'Stormfather': 10}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s ArrrGent 07 February 2014 Roshar World Words of Radiance 15.30 {'Words of Radiance': 20, 'Numerology': 13}
Plantilla:17s DoctorWh0m 07 February 2014 Scadrial Realmatic Hemalurgy 4.61 Location, {'Scadrial': 6, 'Hemalurgy': 18, 'Roshar': 6, 'Spren': 7, 'Radiant': 7, 'Spiritweb': 9, 'Shard': 6}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s makromag 05 February 2014 Roshar Character Szeth 9.79 {'Roshar': 1, 'Taravangian': 1, 'Way of Kings': 1, 'Szeth': 2}
Plantilla:17s paperhouse 05 February 2014 Cosmere Realmatic Ars Arcanum 8.54 {'Ars Arcanum': 18, 'Stormlight': 16}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s End of Disc One 05 February 2014 Roshar Realmatic Radiant 4.27 {'Radiant': 7, 'Surge': 3}
Plantilla:17s Darkarma 04 February 2014 Cosmere Realmatic Shard 5.34 {'Shard': 14}
Plantilla:17s Chlehrma 03 February 2014 Roshar Character Hoid 6.43 Topic, {'Hoid': 7, 'Herald': 7, 'Taln': 5}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Cheese Ninja 02 February 2014 Sel Realmatic Forgery 17.09 Category, {'Forgery': 10, 'Hoid': 4, 'Kaladin': 4}
Plantilla:17s ShadowsFell 01 February 2014 Roshar Character Eshonai 4.88 {'Eshonai': 7, 'Dalinar': 3}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Southpaw89 01 February 2014 Roshar World Stormlight 2.97 Category, Topic, {'Stormlight': 1, 'Ending': 1}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Southpaw89 31 January 2014 Roshar World Parshmen 0.52 {'Parshmen': 10}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Pinpoint 30 January 2014 Roshar World Parshendi 4.05 {'Parshendi': 13}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Ren 29 January 2014 Sel World Worldhopping 3.85 Category, Topic, Location, {'Darkness': 0, 'Dawncities': 0, 'Hemalurgy': 0, 'Memory': 0, 'Allomancy': 0, 'Lightweaving': 0, 'Elhokar': 0, 'Royal Locks': 0, 'Colour': 0, 'Spiritweb': 0, 'Worldhopping': 0, 'Shalash': 0, 'Jezrien': 0, 'Taln': 0, 'Feruchemy': 0, 'Taravangian': 0, 'Ars Arcanum': 0, 'Aluminium': 0, 'Forgery': 0, 'Numerology': 0, 'Shard': 0}
Plantilla:17s The Rooster 29 January 2014 Roshar Realmatic Stormlight 8.31 {'Stormlight': 18}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Stormfather 29 January 2014 Roshar Character Jasnah 14.79 {'Elhokar': 2, 'Liss': 3, 'Jasnah': 5}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s eveorjoy 28 January 2014 Sel World Worldhopping 3.47 Category, Topic, Location, {'Darkness': 0, 'Dawncities': 0, 'Hemalurgy': 0, 'Memory': 0, 'Allomancy': 0, 'Lightweaving': 0, 'Elhokar': 0, 'Royal Locks': 0, 'Colour': 0, 'Spiritweb': 0, 'Worldhopping': 0, 'Shalash': 0, 'Jezrien': 0, 'Taln': 0, 'Feruchemy': 0, 'Taravangian': 0, 'Ars Arcanum': 0, 'Aluminium': 0, 'Forgery': 0, 'Numerology': 0, 'Shard': 0}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Hello. My name is Joe 26 January 2014 Roshar World Highprince 2.69 {'Highprince': 12}
Plantilla:17s Delightful 25 January 2014 Roshar World Roshar 7.92 {'Roshar': 15}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Chlehrma 24 January 2014 Roshar World Herald 3.75 {'Herald': 11}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Pinpoint 24 January 2014 Roshar Character Szeth 0.62 {'Lashing': 1, 'Radiant': 1, 'Szeth': 2}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Aspren 24 January 2014 Cosmere Realmatic Shard 22.23 {'Fabrial': 7, 'Weaponry': 10, 'Shard': 14}
Plantilla:17s Adamantame 23 January 2014 Cosmere Realmatic Shard 5.08 {'Shard': 23}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Pinpoint 23 January 2014 Roshar World Alethi 1.46 {'Alethi': 10}
Plantilla:17s Shumei 23 January 2014 Cosmere Realmatic Future 4.65 {'Future': 1}
Plantilla:17s Bramble Thorn 22 January 2014 Roshar World Glyph 5.05 Topic, {'Soulcast': 1, 'Words of Radiance': 1, 'Colour': 1, 'Surge': 1, 'Herald': 1, 'Way of Kings': 1, 'Essence': 2, 'Vin': 1, 'Glyph': 2}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Morevna 22 January 2014 Roshar World Herald 3.31 {'Herald': 11}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Macen 22 January 2014 Roshar World Truthless 4.24 Topic, {'Truthless': 12, 'Szeth': 12}
Plantilla:17s Thingol 21 January 2014 Roshar World Words of Radiance 6.43 Topic, {'Shallan': 1, 'Jasnah': 1, 'Shattered Plain': 1, 'Words of Radiance': 1, 'Way of Kings': 1}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s ayeteeone 21 January 2014 Roshar World Way of Kings 2.17 {'Way of Kings': 10}
Plantilla:17s Moogle 20 January 2014 Roshar Realmatic Soulcast 8.99 {'Soulcast': 18}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s DocHoliday 20 January 2014 Roshar Character Szeth 1.52 {'Szeth': 11}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Mysty 20 January 2014 Scadrial Character Vin 2.81 {'Vin': 1}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Chlehrma 19 January 2014 Roshar Realmatic Surge 3.48 {'Surge': 11}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s cosmic_dust 18 January 2014 Roshar World Desolation 0.64 {'Desolation': 11, 'Herald': 7}
Plantilla:17s Moist_von_Lipwig 18 January 2014 Roshar Character Dalinar 5.99 {'Speculation': 12, 'Dalinar': 23}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Aspren 18 January 2014 Roshar Character Sadeas 22.49 {'Roshar': 2, 'Sadeas': 6}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Kyzkle 17 January 2014 Roshar Character Elhokar 1.94 {'Elhokar': 17}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Outis 17 January 2014 Roshar Realmatic Stormlight 3.04 {'Stormlight': 11}
Plantilla:17s el_warko 16 January 2014 Roshar Realmatic Radiant 8.44 {'Shard': 10, 'Radiant': 13}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Shardlet 15 January 2014 Roshar World Colour 16.17 {'Gemstone': 8, 'Colour': 11, 'Iron': 4, 'Dor': 5}
Plantilla:17s TwistedMisting 14 January 2014 Roshar Character Ferring 5.03 Location, {'Stormfather': 1, 'Herald': 1, 'Shalash': 1, 'Jezrien': 1, 'Sel': 1, 'Ferring': 2}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s BrandonU 13 January 2014 Roshar World Shinovar 2.32 {'Shinovar': 11}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Chlehrma 13 January 2014 Cosmere Realmatic Shard 0.82 {'Shard': 11}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s derpwerp 13 January 2014 Roshar Realmatic Soulcast 1.52 {'Soulcast': 12}
Plantilla:17s 11thorderknight 12 January 2014 Roshar Realmatic Surge 5.12 {'Surge': 13}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s fastlindyrick 12 January 2014 Roshar World Shattered Plain 4.04 Topic, {'Shattered Plain': 17, 'Colour': 17}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Maresia 11 January 2014 Roshar World Spren 3.76 {'Spren': 12}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Moogle 11 January 2014 Roshar Character Odium 13.16 {'Odium': 11, 'Stormlight': 6, 'Kaladin': 6}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s IllNsickly 10 January 2014 Roshar Character Axies 2.13 {'Axies': 1}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Xanas-the 18th Shard 10 January 2014 Roshar Realmatic Parshendi 3.64 Topic, {'Cultivation': 12, 'Parshendi': 12}
Plantilla:17s Satsuoni 10 January 2014 Roshar Realmatic Highstorm 6.49 {'Highstorm': 19}
Plantilla:17s Fifth 10 January 2014 Roshar Realmatic Surge 5.37 {'Surge': 12}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Typhoeus 09 January 2014 Roshar Character Kaladin 3.02 {'Urithiru': 7, 'Kaladin': 8}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s RadiantNights 08 January 2014 Scadrial Character Demoux 3.08 {'Demoux': 12}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s bartbug 08 January 2014 Roshar Character Speculation 4.33 {'Adolin': 8, 'Shallan': 7, 'Speculation': 10, 'Renarin': 7}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s RadiantNights 08 January 2014 Roshar World Vorin 4.46 {'Vorin': 2, 'Roshar': 1, 'Honor': 1, 'Odium': 1}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s 2dark 08 January 2014 Sel World Worldhopping 1.22 Category, Topic, Location, {'Darkness': 0, 'Dawncities': 0, 'Hemalurgy': 0, 'Memory': 0, 'Allomancy': 0, 'Lightweaving': 0, 'Elhokar': 0, 'Royal Locks': 0, 'Colour': 0, 'Spiritweb': 0, 'Worldhopping': 0, 'Shalash': 0, 'Jezrien': 0, 'Taln': 0, 'Feruchemy': 0, 'Taravangian': 0, 'Ars Arcanum': 0, 'Aluminium': 0, 'Forgery': 0, 'Numerology': 0, 'Shard': 0}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Arook 08 January 2014 Roshar Character Ym 2.97 Topic, {'Ym': 12, 'Symbol': 12, 'Ghostblood': 11}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s DocHoliday 08 January 2014 Cosmere Realmatic Investiture 11.33 {'Investiture': 17, 'Mistborn': 8, 'Speculation': 6}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s The Count 07 January 2014 Roshar Realmatic Radiant 14.71 {'Radiant': 12}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s el_warko 06 January 2014 Roshar World Everstorm 4.28 {'Everstorm': 13}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Tytillean 04 January 2014 Roshar World Way of Kings 0.84 Category, Topic, {'Way of Kings': 1, 'Stormlight': 1}
Plantilla:17s vikorr 03 January 2014 Roshar World Herald 9.09 {'Herald': 15, 'Dalinar': 5}
Plantilla:17s TheShogun 02 January 2014 Roshar Character Jah Keved 5.66 {'Jah Keved': 2, 'Sadeas': 1, 'Taravangian': 1, 'Forgery': 1, 'Jasnah': 1, 'Szeth': 1}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s garlick 01 January 2014 Roshar Character Dalinar 3.18 {'Dalinar': 17}
Plantilla:17s Swimmingly 29 December 2013 Roshar Realmatic Stormlight 5.91 Topic, {'Soulcast': 12, 'Investiture': 4, 'Stormlight': 12, 'Shard': 4}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Grayv 29 December 2013 Roshar World Spren 1.46 Topic, {'Spren': 2, 'Chasmfiend': 2, 'Vin': 1}
Plantilla:17s writelhd 28 December 2013 Roshar Character Szeth 7.54 {'Oathstone': 4, 'Szeth': 12}
Plantilla:17s Swimmingly 27 December 2013 Scadrial Character Vin 4.97 Category, Topic, {'Mistborn': 1, 'Herald': 1, 'Vin': 1}
Plantilla:17s Swimmingly 27 December 2013 Roshar Character Szeth 7.00 Topic, {'Hemalurgy': 1, 'Parshmen': 2, 'Mab': 2, 'Nightblood': 1, 'Investiture': 2, 'Dalinar': 2, 'Chasmfiend': 1, 'Szeth': 2}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Kier 27 December 2013 Roshar Character Kaladin 14.14 {'Lopen': 2, 'Kaladin': 5}
Plantilla:17s The Rooster 27 December 2013 Nalthis Realmatic Breath 5.63 {'Breath': 1}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Craysh 25 December 2013 Roshar World Way of Kings 2.00 {'Way of Kings': 16}
Plantilla:17s DocHoliday 24 December 2013 Roshar Realmatic Honor 6.39 {'Roshar': 4, 'Honor': 8}
Plantilla:17s TheShogun 24 December 2013 Roshar Character Vin 6.00 Topic, {'Roshar': 1, 'Hierocracy': 1, 'Vin': 1}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Taln 23 December 2013 Roshar World Axehound 19.71 {'Axehound': 21}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s ccstat 23 December 2013 Roshar Realmatic Soulcast 14.56 {'Soulcast': 6, 'Roshar': 2, 'Gemstone': 5, 'Stormlight': 4}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s waynegrantham 21 December 2013 Roshar World Shard 2.86 Category, Topic, Location, {'Iriali': 1, 'Shard': 1}
Plantilla:17s Kier 20 December 2013 Roshar Character Nohadon 6.16 {'Radiant': 4, 'Nohadon': 12}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s WeiryWriter 18 December 2013 Roshar Character Ym 2.13 Topic, {'Ym': 1, 'Spren': 1, 'Purelake': 1, 'Way of Kings': 1}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s IllNsickly 17 December 2013 Roshar World Parshendi 0.82 {'Parshendi': 12}
Plantilla:17s Jeckal 17 December 2013 Roshar Character Axies 6.29 {'Axies': 15}
Plantilla:17s The Rooster 17 December 2013 Roshar World Numerology 7.15 {'Numerology': 26, 'Stormlight': 10}
Plantilla:17s Maximus 17 December 2013 Cosmere Realmatic Shard 7.78 {'Shard': 13}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s marianmi 16 December 2013 Roshar Realmatic Stormlight 1.40 {'Stormlight': 10}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Xanas-the 18th Shard 16 December 2013 Roshar Realmatic Fabrial 3.17 {'Fabrial': 12}
Plantilla:17s Colby Jack 15 December 2013 Roshar Character Kaladin 7.66 {'Kaladin': 22}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s cem 14 December 2013 Roshar Character Szeth 18.44 Category, {'Spren': 4, 'Szeth': 5}
Plantilla:17s Lion the Leon 14 December 2013 Roshar World Music 8.47 {'Music': 19, 'Way of Kings': 12}
Plantilla:17s eveorjoy 13 December 2013 Roshar Character Kaladin 7.49 {'Kaladin': 22}
Plantilla:17s Bloodfalcon 12 December 2013 Roshar World Herald 7.37 {'Radiant': 6, 'Herald': 12}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Moogle 08 December 2013 Roshar World Spren 22.63 {'Spren': 5, 'Vin': 4}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s FeatherWriter 06 December 2013 Roshar Realmatic Windrunner 25.22 {'Windrunner': 13}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Bramble Thorn 05 December 2013 Roshar World Thrill 18.47 {'Odium': 5, 'Genetic': 4, 'Thrill': 12, 'Stormlight': 4, 'Shard': 5}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Swimmingly 05 December 2013 Roshar Character Dalinar 2.26 Category, Topic, {'Bondsmith': 10, 'Dalinar': 10}
Plantilla:17s Swimmingly 05 December 2013 Roshar World Aimian 7.30 {'Aimian': 14}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Witless 04 December 2013 Roshar Character Syl 2.57 Topic, {'Syl': 1, 'Spren': 1, 'Herald': 1, 'Ending': 1}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Natans 04 December 2013 Cosmere Character Hoid 11.60 {'Hoid': 12}
Plantilla:17s ddleg 02 December 2013 Roshar Realmatic Honor 4.58 {'Honor': 10, 'Herald': 4}
Plantilla:17s Pinpoint 01 December 2013 Roshar World Thrill 8.38 {'Odium': 6, 'Thrill': 14}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Levian 01 December 2013 Roshar World Desolation 12.47 {'Desolation': 5, 'Odium': 2, 'Herald': 4, 'Dalinar': 2, 'Almighty': 3, 'Vin': 2}
Plantilla:17s el_warko 01 December 2013 Roshar World Herald 9.25 {'Herald': 18}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s bridgemenspren 29 November 2013 Roshar World Herald 10.28 {'Herald': 9}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Mailliw73 25 November 2013 Scadrial Realmatic Mistborn 2.49 {'Mistborn': 1}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Xanas-the 18th Shard 23 November 2013 Cosmere Character Hoid 4.36 {'Hoid': 3, 'Herald': 1, 'Worldhopping': 1, 'Unmade': 1}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Lifeb4death 22 November 2013 Roshar World Shinovar 15.64 Location, {'Roshar': 4, 'Rysn': 4, 'Stone Shaman': 3, 'Radiant': 2, 'Shinovar': 5, 'Vin': 3, 'Sel': 2, 'Szeth': 2}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Swimmingly 21 November 2013 Roshar Character Jasnah 4.35 {'Jasnah': 12}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Swimmingly 21 November 2013 Roshar World Origin 1.62 Topic, {'Aimian': 1, 'Alethi': 1, 'Origin': 1}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Decado22 21 November 2013 Roshar Character Gavilar 1.36 {'Gavilar': 11, 'Shard': 10}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s JazzMan311 19 November 2013 Scadrial World Way of Kings 2.44 Category, Topic, Location, {'Way of Kings': 1, 'Vin': 1}
Plantilla:17s The Rooster 19 November 2013 Roshar World Way of Kings 9.21 {'Way of Kings': 7}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Aet-her 18 November 2013 Roshar World Lightweaving 14.22 Location, {'Lightweaving': 8, 'Spren': 3, 'Dalinar': 3, 'Way of Kings': 7, 'Chasmfiend': 3, 'Sel': 6}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Dros 15 November 2013 Roshar World Oathpact 3.71 {'Parshmen': 10, 'Oathpact': 14}
Plantilla:17s Stroniax 15 November 2013 Roshar Character Jasnah 5.32 Category, Location, {'Soulcast': 1, 'Ideal': 1, 'Fabrial': 1, 'Jasnah': 2, 'Syl': 1, 'Spren': 1, 'Future': 1, 'Way of Kings': 1, 'Kaladin': 1, 'Thug': 1, 'Sel': 1}
Plantilla:17s TheOneKEA 15 November 2013 Roshar World Cognitive 5.36 Location, {'Gavilar': 1, 'Physic': 1, 'Cognitive': 2, 'Way of Kings': 1, 'Numerology': 1}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Stroniax 14 November 2013 Roshar Character Stormlight 2.58 {'Stormlight': 12}
Plantilla:17s Southpaw 14 November 2013 Roshar Realmatic Stormlight 5.25 {'Stormlight': 11}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s EmagSamurai 14 November 2013 Roshar Character Szeth 3.88 {'Szeth': 12}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Mailliw73 13 November 2013 Roshar Realmatic Cultivation 3.41 {'Cultivation': 12}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Southpaw 12 November 2013 Sel World Worldhopping 0.76 Category, Topic, Location, {'Darkness': 0, 'Dawncities': 0, 'Hemalurgy': 0, 'Memory': 0, 'Allomancy': 0, 'Lightweaving': 0, 'Elhokar': 0, 'Royal Locks': 0, 'Colour': 0, 'Spiritweb': 0, 'Worldhopping': 0, 'Shalash': 0, 'Jezrien': 0, 'Taln': 0, 'Feruchemy': 0, 'Taravangian': 0, 'Ars Arcanum': 0, 'Aluminium': 0, 'Forgery': 0, 'Numerology': 0, 'Shard': 0}
Plantilla:17s EmagSamurai 12 November 2013 Cosmere World Cosmere 5.41 {'Cosmere': 2, 'Splinter': 1, 'Sliver': 1, 'Mistborn': 1, 'Elantris': 1}
Plantilla:17s Kadrok 10 November 2013 Roshar World Way of Kings 6.54 Topic, Location, {'Vorin': 1, 'Roshar': 1, 'Music': 1, 'Way of Kings': 1, 'Gold': 1, 'Culture': 1, 'Sel': 1}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s IceBaka 08 November 2013 Roshar Character Szeth 16.41 {'Lashing': 4, 'Szeth': 7}
Plantilla:17s Araris Valerian 04 November 2013 Roshar Realmatic Spren 6.07 {'Spren': 12, 'Nahel': 10}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Two McMillion 01 November 2013 Roshar Character Szeth 9.79 {'Spiritweb': 5, 'Herald': 6, 'Speculation': 7, 'Stormlight': 6, 'Vin': 3, 'Szeth': 8}
Plantilla:17s masaru 01 November 2013 Roshar Realmatic Stormlight 5.62 Topic, Location, {'Magic System': 1, 'Stormlight': 1}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Gamma Fiend 31 October 2013 Roshar World Way of Kings 4.21 Topic, Location, {'Way of Kings': 1, 'Origin': 1, 'Vin': 1, 'Sel': 1}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s hoser 31 October 2013 Roshar Realmatic Spren 25.40 {'Spren': 10, 'Radiant': 5, 'Honor': 4}
Plantilla:17s TheOneKEA 29 October 2013 Roshar Character Ym 5.44 Topic, Location, {'Ym': 16, 'Symbol': 16}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Theorymaker 29 October 2013 Roshar Realmatic Voidbind 1.32 {'Voidbind': 7}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Krazeemee 28 October 2013 Roshar Character Shallan 14.46 {'Shallan': 14}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s lookingglass 28 October 2013 Roshar World Radiant 1.34 Topic, {'Radiant': 1, 'Herald': 1, 'Almighty': 1}
Plantilla:17s Bloodfalcon 28 October 2013 Roshar Realmatic Stormlight 7.09 {'Soulcast': 2, 'Stormlight': 4}
Plantilla:17s Maresia 27 October 2013 Roshar Character Navani 5.72 {'Navani': 11}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Mailliw73 24 October 2013 Roshar Character Dalinar 3.29 {'Dalinar': 11}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s The Count 23 October 2013 Sel World Worldhopping 0.72 Category, Topic, Location, {'Darkness': 0, 'Dawncities': 0, 'Hemalurgy': 0, 'Memory': 0, 'Allomancy': 0, 'Lightweaving': 0, 'Elhokar': 0, 'Royal Locks': 0, 'Colour': 0, 'Spiritweb': 0, 'Worldhopping': 0, 'Shalash': 0, 'Jezrien': 0, 'Taln': 0, 'Feruchemy': 0, 'Taravangian': 0, 'Ars Arcanum': 0, 'Aluminium': 0, 'Forgery': 0, 'Numerology': 0, 'Shard': 0}
Plantilla:17s Pinpoint 21 October 2013 Roshar World Spren 6.13 {'Spren': 17, 'Shard': 12}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Inkthinker 20 October 2013 Roshar Character Shallan 11.46 {'Adolin': 1, 'Ideal': 1, 'Jasnah': 1, 'Sadeas': 1, 'Shallan': 2, 'Steel': 1, 'Future': 1, 'Dalinar': 1, 'Renarin': 1, 'Kaladin': 1, 'Navani': 1}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Natans 19 October 2013 Roshar Realmatic Highstorm 0.43 {'Highstorm': 10}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s eojsmada 16 October 2013 Roshar Character Shallan 2.76 {'Shallan': 12}
Plantilla:17s Gloom 16 October 2013 Roshar Character Jezrien 5.31 {'Jezrien': 11}
Plantilla:17s Stormfather 14 October 2013 Roshar Character Ym 5.41 Category, Topic, {'Ym': 2, 'Symbol': 2, 'Stormfather': 1, 'Steel': 1, 'Gold': 1, 'Skybreaker': 1}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s FeatherWriter 13 October 2013 Roshar Character Kaladin 27.09 {'Kaladin': 11}
Plantilla:17s Darkarma 13 October 2013 Roshar World Roshar 5.17 {'Roshar': 12}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Smidge 12 October 2013 Roshar Character Szeth 4.20 {'Szeth': 13}
Plantilla:17s Outis 12 October 2013 Roshar Realmatic Surge 8.21 {'Surge': 17}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Alaxel 10 October 2013 Roshar Character Darkness 15.29 {'Darkness': 8, 'Ideal': 4, 'Herald': 3, 'Szeth': 5}
Plantilla:17s 11thorderknight 07 October 2013 Roshar Realmatic Surge 5.23 {'Surge': 14}
Plantilla:17s firstRainbowRose 04 October 2013 Scadrial Realmatic Steel 5.60 {'Steel': 11}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Outis 03 October 2013 Roshar Character Dalinar 10.70 {'Elhokar': 5, 'Dalinar': 15}
Plantilla:17s Morsk 02 October 2013 Roshar Character Szeth 6.47 {'Szeth': 24}
Plantilla:17s 11thorderknight 01 October 2013 Cosmere Realmatic Shard 5.04 Location, {'Roshar': 1, 'Shard': 2}
Plantilla:17s ddleg 01 October 2013 Roshar Character Shallan 6.31 {'Shallan': 11}
Plantilla:17s Arran 01 October 2013 Cosmere World Shard 7.13 {'Parshendi': 18, 'Shard': 21}
Plantilla:17s valgerth 26 September 2013 Roshar Realmatic Soulcast 7.34 {'Soulcast': 14}
Plantilla:17s jag519 26 September 2013 Cosmere Realmatic Shard 6.06 {'Splinter': 3, 'Honor': 5, 'Way of Kings': 2, 'Shard': 6}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Shardlet 25 September 2013 Roshar Character Voidbind 10.57 {'Ym': 5, 'Symbol': 5, 'Voidbind': 7}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Bloodfalcon 25 September 2013 Roshar Character Ym 11.63 Topic, {'Ym': 15, 'Symbol': 15, 'Radiant': 9}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Maximus 24 September 2013 Roshar World Herald 2.18 {'Herald': 11}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Craysh 24 September 2013 Roshar World Way of Kings 2.66 {'Way of Kings': 10}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s nightblood 22 September 2013 Roshar World Ketek 1.28 {'Ketek': 11}
Plantilla:17s Outis 21 September 2013 Roshar Realmatic Highstorm 7.60 {'Highstorm': 16}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s valgerth 14 September 2013 Scadrial Character Vin 2.52 Category, Topic, Location, {'Vin': 1, 'Shard': 1}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Roamer 12 September 2013 Roshar Realmatic Essence 9.76 {'Essence': 11}
Plantilla:17s Gloom 11 September 2013 Cosmere Realmatic Investiture 4.96 {'Investiture': 13}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s jag519 11 September 2013 Sel World Worldhopping 4.34 Category, Topic, Location, {'Darkness': 0, 'Dawncities': 0, 'Hemalurgy': 0, 'Memory': 0, 'Allomancy': 0, 'Lightweaving': 0, 'Elhokar': 0, 'Royal Locks': 0, 'Colour': 0, 'Spiritweb': 0, 'Worldhopping': 0, 'Shalash': 0, 'Jezrien': 0, 'Taln': 0, 'Feruchemy': 0, 'Taravangian': 0, 'Ars Arcanum': 0, 'Aluminium': 0, 'Forgery': 0, 'Numerology': 0, 'Shard': 0}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Miyabi 09 September 2013 Roshar Realmatic Stormlight 12.07 {'Gemstone': 3, 'Stormlight': 9}
Plantilla:17s Miyabi 09 September 2013 Roshar World Truthless 5.57 {'Truthless': 13}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Maximus 06 September 2013 Cosmere Realmatic Shard 11.71 {'Shard': 23}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Vortaan 24 August 2013 Roshar Realmatic Honor 2.54 {'Honor': 17}
Plantilla:17s SOM1else 18 August 2013 Roshar World Stormlight 8.10 {'Speculation': 10, 'Stormlight': 11}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Shardlet 13 August 2013 Roshar World Way of Kings 10.03 {'Way of Kings': 11}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Kiwi 05 August 2013 Roshar Realmatic Surge 14.62 Category, Topic, {'Surge': 2, 'Magic System': 1, 'Stormlight': 1, 'Vin': 1, 'Kaladin': 2, 'Szeth': 1}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s ThePrinceofMagnets 02 August 2013 Roshar Character Ym 2.76 Category, Topic, {'Ym': 1, 'Way of Kings': 1}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s firstRainbowRose 02 August 2013 Roshar World Shattered Plain 3.44 Category, Topic, {'Shattered Plain': 1, 'Honor': 1, 'Sadeas': 1}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Youngy 24 July 2013 Roshar Realmatic Voidbind 3.41 Topic, Location, {'Voidbind': 1, 'Ars Arcanum': 1, 'Kaladin': 1, 'Sel': 1}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Tarontos 19 July 2013 Roshar World Shattered Plain 2.66 {'Shattered Plain': 1}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Meg 15 July 2013 Roshar World Alethkar 12.01 {'Alethkar': 14}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s DocHoliday 11 July 2013 Roshar Realmatic Forms 1.82 {'Forms': 10, 'Stance': 6, 'Radiant': 7}
Plantilla:17s 11thorderknight 09 July 2013 Roshar Realmatic Soulcast 8.05 {'Soulcast': 18}
Plantilla:17s Calaminh 08 July 2013 Roshar Character Kaladin 5.31 {'Stormlight': 11, 'Kaladin': 12}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s king of nowhere 08 July 2013 Roshar Character Stormlight 16.11 {'Dalinar': 5, 'Stormlight': 10, 'Kaladin': 4}
Plantilla:17s DocHoliday 07 July 2013 Roshar World Origin 5.36 {'Origin': 9}
Plantilla:17s Rubix 04 July 2013 Roshar World Words of Radiance 4.71 Topic, Location, {'Cosmere': 1, 'Words of Radiance': 1, 'Way of Kings': 1}
Plantilla:17s AtiumSeer 02 July 2013 Roshar Character Spren 4.91 Topic, {'Elhokar': 12, 'Spren': 12}
Plantilla:17s TheOneKEA 02 July 2013 Roshar Realmatic Stormlight 4.97 {'Stormlight': 16}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s MasterGhandalf 28 June 2013 Roshar World Way of Kings 1.30 {'Way of Kings': 10}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Cortar 28 June 2013 Roshar Character Lopen 2.04 {'Lopen': 10}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Govika 27 June 2013 Cosmere Realmatic Stormlight 4.23 Topic, {'Cosmere': 1, 'Hoid': 1, 'Stormlight': 1, 'Shard': 1}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Cartith 27 June 2013 Roshar World Ghostblood 2.74 {'Ghostblood': 11}
Plantilla:17s Isomere 21 June 2013 Cosmere Realmatic Investiture 6.48 {'Odium': 5, 'Investiture': 15}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Gatzby 20 June 2013 Roshar Realmatic Radiant 3.68 {'Radiant': 12}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s The Count 20 June 2013 Roshar World Essence 3.89 Category, Topic, {'Dalinar': 1, 'Chull': 1, 'Essence': 1}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s PallonianFire 19 June 2013 Roshar Character Eshonai 2.66 {'Eshonai': 10}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Shardlet 17 June 2013 Roshar World Parshendi 11.37 {'Parshendi': 17}
Plantilla:17s The Count 17 June 2013 Roshar Character Odium 6.97 Location, {'Odium': 19}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s cem 14 June 2013 Roshar Realmatic Surge 22.42 {'Surge': 24}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s scottos 10 June 2013 Cosmere Realmatic Forms 1.66 {'Forms': 10}
Plantilla:17s EmanEmal 09 June 2013 Roshar Character Szeth 7.39 {'Windrunner': 5, 'Szeth': 12}
Plantilla:17s The Nameless One 04 June 2013 Roshar Realmatic Cognitive 6.26 Location, {'Spren': 9, 'Cognitive': 14, 'Kaladin': 5}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Shardlet 31 May 2013 Roshar Character Kaladin 10.26 {'Shallan': 1, 'Dalinar': 1, 'Kaladin': 2}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Shardbearer 30 May 2013 Roshar World Parshendi 4.40 {'Parshendi': 7}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s yahas 26 May 2013 Cosmere Realmatic Focus 3.85 {'Focus': 12}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Shardbearer 24 May 2013 Roshar Realmatic Soulcast 1.30 {'Soulcast': 13}
Plantilla:17s Kaurne 24 May 2013 Sel World Speculation 6.56 Topic, {'Speculation': 10, 'Sel': 10}
Plantilla:17s Galavantes 23 May 2013 Roshar Character Amaram 7.55 {'Gemstone': 1, 'Amaram': 3, 'Way of Kings': 1}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s king of nowhere 23 May 2013 Scadrial Realmatic Steel 2.32 Location, {'Adolin': 1, 'Lashing': 1, 'Steel': 2, 'Investiture': 1}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Phantom Monstrosity 22 May 2013 Roshar World Ending 12.58 {'Way of Kings': 12, 'Origin': 11, 'Ending': 13}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Cartith 19 May 2013 Roshar World Way of Kings 2.64 {'Way of Kings': 10}
Plantilla:17s Paydirt 19 May 2013 Roshar Realmatic Voidbind 4.75 {'Voidbind': 12}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s scottos 10 May 2013 Cosmere Realmatic Letter 4.22 {'Letter': 17}
Plantilla:17s asterisk 10 May 2013 Roshar Character Szeth 6.65 {'Aimian': 2, 'Szeth': 6}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s mikedrummer 08 May 2013 Roshar Character Kaladin 2.63 Topic, {'Amaram': 1, 'Kaladin': 1}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Meg 07 May 2013 Sel World Worldhopping 2.62 Category, Topic, Location, {'Darkness': 0, 'Dawncities': 0, 'Hemalurgy': 0, 'Memory': 0, 'Allomancy': 0, 'Lightweaving': 0, 'Elhokar': 0, 'Royal Locks': 0, 'Colour': 0, 'Spiritweb': 0, 'Worldhopping': 0, 'Shalash': 0, 'Jezrien': 0, 'Taln': 0, 'Feruchemy': 0, 'Taravangian': 0, 'Ars Arcanum': 0, 'Aluminium': 0, 'Forgery': 0, 'Numerology': 0, 'Shard': 0}
Plantilla:17s Azriel117 05 May 2013 Roshar World Sel 6.74 Location, {'Adonalsium': 1, 'Cultivation': 1, 'Recreance': 1, 'Honor': 1, 'Spren': 1, 'Odium': 1, 'Herald': 1, 'Sel': 2}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Meg 30 April 2013 Roshar World Ryshadium 0.90 Category, Topic, {'Ryshadium': 1, 'Dalinar': 1}
Plantilla:17s darkanimereal1 29 April 2013 Roshar Character Kaladin 7.44 {'Highstorm': 2, 'Shattered Plain': 2, 'Numerology': 2, 'Kaladin': 3}
Plantilla:17s afdp 29 April 2013 Roshar World Origin 6.47 {'Origin': 13, 'Shard': 6}
Plantilla:17s Colateralwar 28 April 2013 Roshar Realmatic Honor 5.26 {'Honor': 12, 'Odium': 10}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Bigtones 25 April 2013 Roshar Character Dalinar 2.56 {'Dalinar': 11, 'Way of Kings': 10}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Isomere 22 April 2013 Roshar World Roshar 0.56 {'Roshar': 1}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Douglas 21 April 2013 Roshar Realmatic Stormlight 2.44 {'Words of Radiance': 1, 'Stormlight': 2}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Observer 19 April 2013 Roshar World Way of Kings 14.54 {'Way of Kings': 12}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s PhilV 17 April 2013 Roshar World Spren 2.28 {'Spren': 18}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Kurkistan 10 April 2013 Roshar Realmatic Stormlight 27.47 {'Stormlight': 10}
Plantilla:17s Mr Atmos 10 April 2013 Roshar Realmatic Windrunner 7.17 Topic, {'Soulcast': 1, 'Stoneward': 2, 'Stance': 1, 'Healing': 1, 'Ghostblood': 1, 'Dalinar': 2, 'Voidbringer': 1, 'Way of Kings': 1, 'Windrunner': 2, 'Numerology': 2, 'Dustbringer': 1}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s WardenGiggles 09 April 2013 Roshar Realmatic Fabrial 2.20 {'Fabrial': 1}
Plantilla:17s Pannax 08 April 2013 Roshar Character Szeth 4.88 {'Gavilar': 10, 'Szeth': 11}
Plantilla:17s Havoc 06 April 2013 Roshar Character Szeth 5.12 {'Szeth': 11}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Havoc 06 April 2013 Roshar Realmatic Stormlight 14.72 {'Stormlight': 16}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s don_karma_II 01 April 2013 Roshar World Shattered Plain 1.58 {'Shattered Plain': 12}
Plantilla:17s Worldhopper 31 March 2013 Roshar Character Shallan 4.62 Category, Topic, {'Shallan': 1, 'Ghostblood': 1}
Plantilla:17s FireArcadia 30 March 2013 Roshar World Herald 7.60 {'Realm': 7, 'Herald': 19}
Plantilla:17s Worldhopper 30 March 2013 Roshar Character Taln 4.72 {'Taln': 13}
Plantilla:17s don_karma_II 29 March 2013 Roshar Realmatic Voidbind 9.16 {'Honor': 4, 'Voidbind': 11}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Worldhopper 28 March 2013 Cosmere Realmatic Shard 0.62 Topic, {'17th Shard': 10, 'Shard': 10}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Worldhopper 28 March 2013 Roshar Character Szeth 3.33 Category, Topic, {'Speculation': 1, 'Szeth': 1}
Plantilla:17s Worldhopper 27 March 2013 Roshar Character Elhokar 7.30 {'Elhokar': 13}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Nepene 23 March 2013 Roshar World Alethi 4.36 {'Alethi': 10}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Vortaan 13 March 2013 Roshar Character Dalinar 2.72 {'Dalinar': 11}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Senor Feesh 12 March 2013 Roshar World Herald 2.30 {'Herald': 11}
Plantilla:17s Mailliw73 11 March 2013 Roshar Character Spren 7.04 {'Spren': 4, 'Szeth': 2}
Plantilla:17s FlashWrogan 08 March 2013 Roshar Character Taravangian 9.34 {'Taravangian': 12}
Plantilla:17s BlairJ 07 March 2013 Cosmere Realmatic Shard 6.76 {'Shard': 15}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Meg 04 March 2013 Cosmere Realmatic Ars Arcanum 4.21 {'Ars Arcanum': 11}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Worldhopper 02 March 2013 Roshar Realmatic Skybreaker 0.72 {'Skybreaker': 11}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Mailliw73 27 February 2013 Roshar World Stance 2.84 {'Stance': 18}
Plantilla:17s Meg 21 February 2013 Roshar World Chasmfiend 7.67 {'Chasmfiend': 13}
Plantilla:17s FlashWrogan 20 February 2013 Roshar World Ketek 5.92 {'Ketek': 14}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Kurkistan 20 February 2013 Roshar Character Szeth 9.69 {'Szeth': 4}
Plantilla:17s antwon87 20 February 2013 Roshar Character Ym 7.74 Topic, {'Adolin': 2, 'Darkness': 2, 'Ym': 4, 'Symbol': 4, 'Shallan': 3, 'Radiant': 3, 'Future': 2, 'Dalinar': 2, 'Kaladin': 2}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Mailliw73 12 February 2013 Roshar Character Gavilar 1.50 {'Gavilar': 14, 'Shard': 11}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Mailliw73 12 February 2013 Roshar Character Shalash 4.18 {'Shalash': 11}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Martinitram 12 February 2013 Roshar World Roshar 15.03 {'Roshar': 13}
Plantilla:17s Galladon 12 February 2013 Roshar Character Ym 6.06 {'Ym': 1}
Plantilla:17s Empyrus 12 February 2013 Roshar Realmatic Radiant 8.14 {'Radiant': 11}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Meg 10 February 2013 Roshar Realmatic Stormlight 12.57 {'Roshar': 3, 'Honor': 4, 'Forms': 3, 'Stormlight': 7}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Kvothe 08 February 2013 Scadrial World Way of Kings 3.70 Category, Topic, Location, {'Mistborn': 1, 'Way of Kings': 1}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Codester 08 February 2013 Sel World Sel 2.47 {'Sel': 1}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Mailliw73 07 February 2013 Roshar World Shinovar 1.18 {'Shinovar': 11}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Lightflame 06 February 2013 Roshar World Way of Kings 1.78 {'Way of Kings': 11}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Lightflame 06 February 2013 Roshar Realmatic Radiant 9.88 {'Radiant': 14, 'Stormlight': 6}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s SirShemmington VI 06 February 2013 Nalthis Realmatic Shard 1.28 Category, Topic, Location, {'Nightblood': 1, 'Shard': 1}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Meg 03 February 2013 Roshar Character Shallan 13.14 Location, {'Vorin': 1, 'Shallan': 2, 'Herald': 1, 'Culture': 1, 'Sel': 1}
Plantilla:17s FlashWrogan 01 February 2013 Sel World Sel 5.14 {'Music': 1, 'Stance': 1, 'Vin': 1, 'Sel': 3}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s grinachu 29 January 2013 Roshar Character Tanavast 3.57 {'Tanavast': 12}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s ptoss1 27 January 2013 Roshar Realmatic Soulcast 3.20 {'Soulcast': 14}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s MasterGhandalf 25 January 2013 Roshar World Stormlight 15.14 Location, {'Stormlight': 12, 'Sel': 4}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Lightflame 24 January 2013 Roshar Character Szeth 11.13 {'Shallan': 2, 'Vin': 2, 'Kaladin': 4, 'Szeth': 6}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Stormfather 23 January 2013 Roshar Character Odium 1.56 {'Odium': 12, 'Ghostblood': 11}
Plantilla:17s Josiah Bills 23 January 2013 Roshar Realmatic Parshendi 4.96 {'Parshendi': 3, 'Syl': 1, 'Sadeas': 1, 'Voidbind': 1, 'Future': 2, 'Windrunner': 1, 'Focus': 2, 'Kaladin': 2}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Era 23 January 2013 Cosmere Realmatic Shard 1.16 {'Alethi': 1, 'Dalinar': 1, 'History': 1, 'Shard': 3}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Meg 19 January 2013 Roshar Realmatic Radiant 3.80 {'Radiant': 14}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s cleric 18 January 2013 Scadrial Character Vin 2.12 {'Vin': 1}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s ptoss1 18 January 2013 Roshar Character Szeth 1.54 Topic, {'Honor': 1, 'Syl': 1, 'Spren': 1, 'Kaladin': 2, 'Szeth': 2}
Plantilla:17s Turos Stoneward 18 January 2013 Cosmere Realmatic Realm 5.42 Location, {'Realm': 12, 'Roshar': 5, 'Honor': 5}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Havoc 18 January 2013 Roshar Character Dalinar 24.14 Location, {'Eshonai': 3, 'Dalinar': 5, 'Shard': 2, 'Sel': 2}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Turos Stoneward 18 January 2013 Roshar World Numerology 2.97 Topic, {'Focus': 1, 'Herald': 1, 'Numerology': 1, 'Damnation': 1}
Plantilla:17s makromag 16 January 2013 Roshar World Spren 4.77 {'Spren': 12}
Plantilla:17s Kurkistan 11 January 2013 Roshar Character Syl 6.49 Topic, {'Genetic': 1, 'Roshar': 1, 'Syl': 1, 'Spren': 1, 'Intent': 1, 'Mistborn': 1, 'Elantris': 1, 'Magic System': 1, 'Shaod': 1, 'Kaladin': 1}
Plantilla:17s Lord Of Nothing 05 January 2013 Sel World Sel 5.84 {'Sel': 11}
Plantilla:17s Voidus 02 January 2013 Cosmere Realmatic Focus 6.89 Location, {'Roshar': 13, 'Focus': 14}
Plantilla:17s Aminar 31 December 2012 Roshar Character Shallan 7.23 Topic, Location, {'Forgery': 1, 'Memory': 2, 'Navani': 1, 'Lashing': 3, 'Syl': 1, 'Shallan': 3, 'Shadesmar': 2, 'Kaladin': 1, 'Sel': 1, 'Szeth': 1}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Meg 30 December 2012 Roshar Character Dalinar 16.78 {'Parshendi': 4, 'Dalinar': 8}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Meg 19 December 2012 Roshar World Oathpact 11.27 {'Oathpact': 19}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Kurkistan 06 December 2012 Roshar Realmatic Fabrial 34.71 {'Fabrial': 9, 'Vin': 3}
Plantilla:17s Takeshi 03 December 2012 Roshar Realmatic Surge 7.05 {'Surge': 13}
Plantilla:17s king of nowhere 02 December 2012 Cosmere Realmatic Shard 6.26 {'Shard': 14}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Miyabi 02 December 2012 Roshar Realmatic Stormlight 3.50 {'Stormlight': 4}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s TheOneKEA 16 November 2012 Roshar Realmatic Shadesmar 1.90 {'Shadesmar': 12}
Plantilla:17s Ironeyes 07 November 2012 Roshar Realmatic Honor 7.37 {'Honor': 12}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Retsam 05 November 2012 Roshar Realmatic Surge 22.76 {'Ym': 5, 'Symbol': 5, 'Voidbind': 6, 'Surge': 13}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s FlashWrogan 01 November 2012 Roshar Realmatic Lashing 9.98 Location, {'Lashing': 15, 'Sel': 7}
Plantilla:17s Cayden 28 October 2012 Roshar World Roshar 5.28 Category, Topic, Location, {'Roshar': 2, 'Parshmen': 1, 'Parshendi': 1, 'Cosmere': 1, 'Honor': 2, 'Odium': 1, 'Forgery': 1, 'Essence': 1, 'Vin': 1, 'Shard': 1}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Alonin 26 October 2012 Roshar Character Szeth 4.36 {'Oathstone': 2, 'Spren': 3, 'Szeth': 6}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Kythis 25 October 2012 Sel World Worldhopping 2.55 Category, Topic, Location, {'Darkness': 0, 'Dawncities': 0, 'Hemalurgy': 0, 'Memory': 0, 'Allomancy': 0, 'Lightweaving': 0, 'Elhokar': 0, 'Royal Locks': 0, 'Colour': 0, 'Spiritweb': 0, 'Worldhopping': 0, 'Shalash': 0, 'Jezrien': 0, 'Taln': 0, 'Feruchemy': 0, 'Taravangian': 0, 'Ars Arcanum': 0, 'Aluminium': 0, 'Forgery': 0, 'Numerology': 0, 'Shard': 0}
Plantilla:17s Rybal 24 October 2012 Roshar Character Dalinar 9.26 {'Lashing': 2, 'Radiant': 3, 'Dalinar': 5, 'Kaladin': 2, 'Szeth': 2}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Cayden 24 October 2012 Roshar Realmatic Honor 1.86 {'Roshar': 1, 'Tanavast': 1, 'Honor': 2, 'Odium': 1, 'Alethi': 1, 'Forgery': 1, 'Shard': 1}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Zenith 22 October 2012 Roshar Realmatic Shadesmar 9.58 Topic, {'Realm': 1, 'Roshar': 2, 'Voidbind': 1, 'Cognitive': 1, 'Colour': 1, 'Shadesmar': 2, 'Stormlight': 1}
Plantilla:17s Romek 20 October 2012 Roshar Realmatic Cultivation 5.84 {'Cultivation': 17}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s The Count 11 October 2012 Roshar World Spren 12.42 {'Spren': 24}
Plantilla:17s parvoneh 10 October 2012 Roshar World Origin 5.73 {'Darkness': 1, 'Shash': 1, 'Way of Kings': 1, 'Origin': 2, 'Numerology': 1}
Plantilla:17s Stroniax 03 October 2012 Roshar Realmatic Radiant 8.87 {'Radiant': 12}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Stroniax 02 October 2012 Roshar World Speculation 3.36 Topic, {'Radiant': 1, 'Herald': 1, 'Future': 1, 'Speculation': 1}
Plantilla:17s Zenith 30 September 2012 Roshar Character Taravangian 4.89 Topic, {'Honor': 12, 'Taravangian': 12}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Cones For Eyes 30 September 2012 Cosmere Realmatic Spiritual 14.45 {'Lashing': 19, 'Spiritual': 20}
Plantilla:17s Observer 27 September 2012 Roshar World Spren 6.93 {'Spren': 20}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Stroniax 27 September 2012 Roshar Realmatic Soulcast 2.67 Topic, {'Soulcast': 1, 'Honor': 1, 'Shard': 1}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s The Count 25 September 2012 Roshar World Ghostblood 12.61 {'Ghostblood': 20}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Lightflame 24 September 2012 Roshar World Shard 12.19 Topic, Location, {'Kalak': 2, 'Roshar': 4, 'Desolation': 3, 'Honor': 2, 'Odium': 4, 'Herald': 3, 'Shard': 4, 'Sel': 2}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Observer 18 September 2012 Roshar World Death Rattle 25.75 {'Death Rattle': 10}
Plantilla:17s Straff Venture 10 September 2012 Roshar World Ketek 4.99 {'Ketek': 12}
Plantilla:17s king of nowhere 09 September 2012 Roshar Character Dalinar 8.96 {'Dalinar': 17, 'Chull': 6}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Brendan 07 September 2012 Sel World Way of Kings 9.88 Topic, Location, {'Way of Kings': 2, 'Numerology': 2, 'Vin': 1, 'Sel': 2}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Straff Venture 04 September 2012 Scadrial Character Way of Kings 3.39 Topic, {'Galladon': 1, 'Demoux': 1, 'Way of Kings': 1, 'Vin': 1}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Leviathan 31 August 2012 Roshar World Way of Kings 3.77 {'Way of Kings': 1}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Yados 30 August 2012 Roshar World Roshar 12.24 {'Roshar': 11}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Kurkistan 29 August 2012 Roshar World Alethi 25.98 {'Alethi': 24}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Lightflame 23 August 2012 Roshar Character Parshendi 18.58 {'Parshendi': 11}
Plantilla:17s Igolbug 22 August 2012 Roshar Character Dalinar 5.04 {'Dalinar': 11}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s BenLoc 22 August 2012 Roshar World Spren 0.90 {'Spren': 11}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Lysid 21 August 2012 Roshar World Way of Kings 27.31 Location, {'Darkness': 5, 'Truthless': 6, 'Way of Kings': 10, 'Sel': 6}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Kurkistan 13 August 2012 Roshar World Shinovar 10.92 {'Oathstone': 1, 'Parshendi': 1, 'Lashing': 1, 'Honor': 1, 'Truthless': 1, 'Shinovar': 3, 'Culture': 1, 'Szeth': 2}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s marianmi 12 August 2012 Roshar Character Shallan 1.24 Topic, {'Parshendi': 1, 'Shallan': 1, 'Ghostblood': 1}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Inkthinker 11 August 2012 Roshar Character Kaladin 1.10 {'Kaladin': 11}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s mikedrummer 07 August 2012 Roshar Character Kaladin 1.04 {'Kaladin': 10}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Thought 06 August 2012 Roshar World Glyph 3.20 {'Glyph': 11}
Plantilla:17s MistSailer 06 August 2012 Cosmere Character Champion 8.89 {'Champion': 16, 'Odium': 12, 'Shard': 6}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Vortaan 03 August 2012 Roshar Character Jasnah 10.08 {'Jasnah': 10, 'Ghostblood': 4}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Lightflame 02 August 2012 Roshar Character Future 17.17 {'Spren': 4, 'Gavilar': 4, 'Shallan': 6, 'Future': 11, 'Dalinar': 5, 'Kaladin': 4}
Plantilla:17s Lightflame 02 August 2012 Roshar Character Shallan 6.92 {'Shallan': 13}
Plantilla:17s Voidbringer 01 August 2012 Roshar Realmatic Honor 7.12 {'Honor': 15}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s bobby8108 31 July 2012 Cosmere Realmatic Shard 3.79 Topic, {'Adonalsium': 1, 'Shard': 1}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s bobby8108 31 July 2012 Roshar Character Szeth 1.88 Topic, {'Kaladin': 12, 'Szeth': 12}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s LevenThumps 31 July 2012 Roshar Realmatic Stormlight 0.74 {'Stormlight': 11}
Plantilla:17s Lightflame 31 July 2012 Cosmere Character Hoid 6.46 {'Hoid': 13, 'Kaladin': 12}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s .S.A.M.K.M 23 July 2012 Roshar World Vorin 1.88 {'Vorin': 12}
Plantilla:17s Elisheva 23 July 2012 Sel World Elantris 5.38 {'Elantris': 14, 'Way of Kings': 11}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s .S.A.M.K.M 20 July 2012 Cosmere Realmatic Shard 1.78 {'Shard': 13}
Plantilla:17s Roamer 18 July 2012 Roshar Character Szeth 8.96 {'Szeth': 18}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Oxinabox 15 July 2012 Roshar Character Marsh 26.01 Topic, {'Marsh': 3, 'Sadeas': 2, 'Amaram': 3, 'Highprince': 1, 'Command': 1, 'Dalinar': 1, 'Copper': 1, 'Vin': 2, 'Ending': 2, 'Kaladin': 1, 'Ferring': 1, 'Glyph': 2}
Plantilla:17s dj26792 13 July 2012 Cosmere Realmatic Spiritual 7.66 {'Realm': 2, 'Odium': 2, 'Thrill': 4, 'Spiritual': 5, 'Vin': 2}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s JamesW 10 July 2012 Roshar World Greatshell 12.19 {'Thunderclast': 2, 'Stance': 2, 'Speculation': 2, 'Greatshell': 4, 'Dustbringer': 2}
Plantilla:17s scm288 08 July 2012 Roshar World Roshar 5.22 {'Roshar': 12, 'Iron': 4}
Plantilla:17s Vikter 30 June 2012 Roshar Realmatic Stormlight 9.18 {'Stormlight': 11}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Djando Je 27 June 2012 Cosmere Realmatic Shard 24.75 {'Shard': 19}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Lantern13 20 June 2012 Roshar World Cusicesh 1.94 {'Cusicesh': 12}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Pre5to 12 June 2012 Roshar Character Dalinar 3.98 {'Dalinar': 11}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s gpd7164 09 June 2012 Roshar World Way of Kings 2.61 {'Way of Kings': 1}
Plantilla:17s Prince 03 June 2012 Roshar World Voidbringer 5.84 {'Honor': 3, 'Stone Shaman': 2, 'Voidbringer': 4, 'Szeth': 3}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Yados 02 June 2012 Roshar World Spren 4.41 {'Spren': 11, 'Physic': 4}
Plantilla:17s kari-no-sugata 23 May 2012 Roshar Realmatic Cultivation 4.52 {'Cultivation': 17}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s oGGe 21 May 2012 Roshar Character Odium 2.46 Location, {'Odium': 11}
Plantilla:17s Aethling 20 May 2012 Roshar Character Shard 7.72 Topic, Location, {'Soulcast': 1, 'Roshar': 1, 'Returned': 1, 'Jasnah': 1, 'Shattered Plain': 1, 'Elhokar': 2, 'Shallan': 2, 'Odium': 2, 'Hoid': 1, 'Mistborn': 1, 'Elantris': 1, 'Taln': 1, 'Dalinar': 1, 'Shard': 2, 'Ending': 1, 'Sel': 1}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Yados 15 May 2012 Roshar Character Szeth 2.64 {'Oathstone': 10, 'Szeth': 12}
Plantilla:17s anthonydraco 12 May 2012 Roshar World Steel 9.06 Category, Topic, Location, {'Parshendi': 1, 'Desolation': 1, 'Honor': 1, 'Healing': 1, 'Steel': 1, 'Highprince': 1, 'Radiant': 1, 'Herald': 1, 'Shard': 1, 'Sel': 1}
Plantilla:17s Brendan 09 May 2012 Roshar Character Szeth 6.92 Topic, {'Navani': 1, 'Shallan': 1, 'Dalinar': 1, 'Stormlight': 1, 'Szeth': 1}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s kari-no-sugata 08 May 2012 Roshar Character Colour 11.16 {'Shallan': 2, 'Radiant': 3, 'Colour': 4, 'Szeth': 2}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Windrunner 05 May 2012 Roshar World Cultivation 15.14 Location, {'Cultivation': 4, 'Roshar': 2, 'Aimian': 2, 'Sel': 2}
Plantilla:17s zas678 03 May 2012 Roshar World Herald 7.15 {'Herald': 11}
Plantilla:17s Voidus 01 May 2012 Roshar Realmatic Fabrial 6.58 {'Fabrial': 18}
Plantilla:17s Elwynn 01 May 2012 Roshar World Glyph 5.06 Location, {'Fabrial': 1, 'Herald': 1, 'Windrunner': 1, 'Sel': 1, 'Glyph': 2}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Aaradel 17 April 2012 Roshar Realmatic Splinter 1.50 Topic, Location, {'Splinter': 11, 'Honor': 11}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s 2dark 16 April 2012 Cosmere Realmatic Shard 3.26 Topic, {'Odium': 1, '17th Shard': 1, 'Shard': 1}
Plantilla:17s Telcontar 11 April 2012 Roshar World Herald 7.20 {'Herald': 14}
Plantilla:17s Qazxvy 09 April 2012 Roshar Character Parshendi 4.98 Topic, {'Parshendi': 4, 'Gavilar': 4, 'Radiant': 3}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s ReaderAt2046 02 April 2012 Roshar Realmatic Surge 3.40 {'Surge': 11}
Plantilla:17s Voidus 01 April 2012 Roshar Character Jasnah 8.71 {'Jasnah': 6, 'Shallan': 5, 'Surge': 2, 'Vin': 3, 'Focus': 2, 'Kaladin': 3, 'Szeth': 3}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s master 01 April 2012 Roshar Realmatic Windrunner 2.30 Topic, {'Soulcast': 12, 'Windrunner': 12}
Plantilla:17s Aiken Frost 30 March 2012 Roshar Realmatic Windrunner 8.61 Topic, Location, {'Honor': 1, 'Windrunner': 1, 'Sel': 1}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s LevenThumps 29 March 2012 Roshar World Way of Kings 3.30 {'Way of Kings': 1}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Qazxvy 27 March 2012 Roshar World Spren 4.38 {'Spren': 13}
Plantilla:17s tipbruley 26 March 2012 Roshar World Desolation 5.68 {'Desolation': 20}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s master 24 March 2012 Roshar World Hierocracy 2.10 {'Hierocracy': 10}
Plantilla:17s Windrunner 19 March 2012 Roshar Character Spren 9.13 {'Spren': 4, 'Shallan': 2, 'Vin': 2}
Plantilla:17s Rand al'Thor 18 March 2012 Roshar Realmatic Shard 5.00 Category, Topic, Location, {'Lift': 1, 'Shard': 1}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Voidus 17 March 2012 Sel World Worldhopping 0.96 Category, Topic, Location, {'Darkness': 0, 'Dawncities': 0, 'Hemalurgy': 0, 'Memory': 0, 'Allomancy': 0, 'Lightweaving': 0, 'Elhokar': 0, 'Royal Locks': 0, 'Colour': 0, 'Spiritweb': 0, 'Worldhopping': 0, 'Shalash': 0, 'Jezrien': 0, 'Taln': 0, 'Feruchemy': 0, 'Taravangian': 0, 'Ars Arcanum': 0, 'Aluminium': 0, 'Forgery': 0, 'Numerology': 0, 'Shard': 0}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s RJWB0mb 17 March 2012 Cosmere Realmatic Shard 0.92 {'Shard': 20}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Guest_Zucchini_* 12 March 2012 Roshar Realmatic Stormlight 2.64 {'Shattered Plain': 1, 'Stormlight': 2}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s PeterAhlstrom 12 March 2012 Cosmere Realmatic Shard 1.76 {'Shard': 2}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Aaradel 09 March 2012 Roshar Character Syl 12.23 {'Syl': 7, 'Radiant': 4, 'Dalinar': 6}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Guest_Zucchini_* 09 March 2012 Roshar Character Dalinar 2.48 {'Dalinar': 12}
Plantilla:17s Ghost of Tien 05 March 2012 Cosmere Character Shard 8.51 {'Gavilar': 13, 'Shard': 14}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s oGGe 05 March 2012 Sel World Worldhopping 1.96 Category, Topic, Location, {'Darkness': 0, 'Dawncities': 0, 'Hemalurgy': 0, 'Memory': 0, 'Allomancy': 0, 'Lightweaving': 0, 'Elhokar': 0, 'Royal Locks': 0, 'Colour': 0, 'Spiritweb': 0, 'Worldhopping': 0, 'Shalash': 0, 'Jezrien': 0, 'Taln': 0, 'Feruchemy': 0, 'Taravangian': 0, 'Ars Arcanum': 0, 'Aluminium': 0, 'Forgery': 0, 'Numerology': 0, 'Shard': 0}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Tulir 03 March 2012 Roshar Character Kalak 3.53 {'Kalak': 12}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s b4dave 27 February 2012 Roshar World Shinovar 3.54 {'Shinovar': 12}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Inkthinker 21 February 2012 Sel World Worldhopping 3.52 Category, Topic, Location, {'Darkness': 0, 'Dawncities': 0, 'Hemalurgy': 0, 'Memory': 0, 'Allomancy': 0, 'Lightweaving': 0, 'Elhokar': 0, 'Royal Locks': 0, 'Colour': 0, 'Spiritweb': 0, 'Worldhopping': 0, 'Shalash': 0, 'Jezrien': 0, 'Taln': 0, 'Feruchemy': 0, 'Taravangian': 0, 'Ars Arcanum': 0, 'Aluminium': 0, 'Forgery': 0, 'Numerology': 0, 'Shard': 0}
Plantilla:17s Guest_Zucchini_* 16 February 2012 Roshar World Spren 9.33 {'Spren': 4, 'Odium': 3, 'Kaladin': 2}
Plantilla:17s ScorpioMind 11 February 2012 Roshar Realmatic Stormlight 5.12 {'Spren': 7, 'Cognitive': 12, 'Stormlight': 14}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Telcontar 07 February 2012 Roshar Realmatic Shadesmar 15.23 {'Realm': 4, 'Spren': 3, 'Shallan': 4, 'Cognitive': 3, 'Shadesmar': 7}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s ReaderAt2046 03 February 2012 Roshar Realmatic Soulcast 2.22 {'Soulcast': 14}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Elwynn 02 February 2012 Roshar World Unmade 10.53 {'Parshendi': 11, 'Unmade': 12}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s MartyrX 21 January 2012 Sel World Worldhopping 1.62 Category, Topic, Location, {'Darkness': 0, 'Dawncities': 0, 'Hemalurgy': 0, 'Memory': 0, 'Allomancy': 0, 'Lightweaving': 0, 'Elhokar': 0, 'Royal Locks': 0, 'Colour': 0, 'Spiritweb': 0, 'Worldhopping': 0, 'Shalash': 0, 'Jezrien': 0, 'Taln': 0, 'Feruchemy': 0, 'Taravangian': 0, 'Ars Arcanum': 0, 'Aluminium': 0, 'Forgery': 0, 'Numerology': 0, 'Shard': 0}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s MartyrX 21 January 2012 Sel World Worldhopping 2.07 Category, Topic, Location, {'Darkness': 0, 'Dawncities': 0, 'Hemalurgy': 0, 'Memory': 0, 'Allomancy': 0, 'Lightweaving': 0, 'Elhokar': 0, 'Royal Locks': 0, 'Colour': 0, 'Spiritweb': 0, 'Worldhopping': 0, 'Shalash': 0, 'Jezrien': 0, 'Taln': 0, 'Feruchemy': 0, 'Taravangian': 0, 'Ars Arcanum': 0, 'Aluminium': 0, 'Forgery': 0, 'Numerology': 0, 'Shard': 0}
Plantilla:17s dj26792 18 January 2012 Roshar Realmatic Radiant 9.35 {'Radiant': 4, 'Dalinar': 3, 'Stormlight': 3, 'Shard': 2}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Vortaan 16 January 2012 Roshar Realmatic Shard 12.93 {'Physic': 9, 'Odium': 9, 'Honor': 8, 'Shard': 11}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Turos Stoneward 11 January 2012 Roshar World Alethi 12.83 {'Alethi': 14}
Plantilla:17s Eri 10 January 2012 Roshar Character Szeth 9.43 Topic, {'Roshar': 2, 'Desolation': 1, 'Odium': 1, 'Colour': 1, 'Alethi': 1, 'Forgery': 1, 'Vin': 1, 'Shard': 1, 'Szeth': 2}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s nambjorn 07 January 2012 Roshar Realmatic Soulcast 3.18 Category, {'Soulcast': 11, 'Jasnah': 10}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Turos Stoneward 06 January 2012 Roshar Character Elhokar 11.38 {'Elhokar': 11}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s fiveAM 31 December 2011 Roshar Realmatic Stormlight 1.40 Topic, Location, {'Memory': 1, 'Stormlight': 1}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Vortaan 23 December 2011 Roshar Realmatic Honor 1.90 {'Honor': 2, 'Syl': 1, 'Odium': 1, 'Herald': 1, 'Shard': 1}
Plantilla:17s Wgblood 23 December 2011 Roshar Character Renarin 7.05 {'Renarin': 12}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s ReaderAt2046 20 December 2011 Roshar Realmatic Highstorm 1.96 {'Highstorm': 11}
Plantilla:17s 11thorderknight 18 December 2011 Roshar Realmatic Radiant 6.09 Category, {'Radiant': 4, 'Dalinar': 3, 'Stormlight': 3}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Chaos 15 December 2011 Roshar World Roshar 1.42 Category, Topic, {'Roshar': 11, 'Odium': 11}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s ReaderAt2046 13 December 2011 Roshar Realmatic Soulcast 2.28 {'Soulcast': 3, 'Shallan': 2, 'Essence': 2}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s ReaderAt2046 12 December 2011 Roshar World Oathpact 1.86 {'Oathpact': 11}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Aiken Frost 12 December 2011 Cosmere Character Hoid 14.36 {'Allomancy': 2, 'Hoid': 6, 'Herald': 2, 'Dalinar': 2}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s ReaderAt2046 11 December 2011 Roshar Realmatic Radiant 4.24 Category, {'Honor': 2, 'Ym': 2, 'Symbol': 2, 'Recreance': 2, 'Syl': 1, 'Mab': 1, 'Radiant': 3, 'Origin': 1, 'Vin': 1, 'Shard': 1, 'Kaladin': 1}
Plantilla:17s Kaurne 11 December 2011 Cosmere Realmatic Shard 8.56 Location, {'Shard': 12, 'Roshar': 4, 'Honor': 4, 'Numerology': 7}
Plantilla:17s Kaurne 11 December 2011 Roshar Realmatic Regrowth 6.93 {'Regrowth': 13}
Plantilla:17s CrazyRioter 11 December 2011 Roshar Character Szeth 6.79 Topic, {'Hoid': 1, 'Shalash': 1, 'Kaladin': 2, 'Szeth': 2}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Tangletalon 10 December 2011 Roshar World Roshar 4.10 {'Roshar': 11}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s ulyssessword 10 December 2011 Roshar Realmatic Stormlight 15.08 {'Stormlight': 16, 'Kaladin': 8}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Sir Read-a-Lot 09 December 2011 Scadrial Character Vin 1.08 Topic, Location, {'Healing': 1, 'Radiant': 1, 'Vin': 1}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s FeatherWriter 09 December 2011 Roshar World Shash 3.45 {'Shash': 12}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Tulir 07 December 2011 Roshar Realmatic Stormlight 2.52 {'Stormlight': 13}
Plantilla:17s Kelek 03 December 2011 Roshar Character Szeth 7.10 {'Cultivation': 1, 'Desolation': 1, 'Truthless': 1, 'Shinovar': 2, 'Szeth': 3}
Plantilla:17s FireArcadia 30 November 2011 Scadrial World Roshar 5.42 Category, Topic, Location, Location, {'Roshar': 1, 'Copper': 1}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s hoser 26 November 2011 Roshar Realmatic Honor 3.84 {'Honor': 15}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s SoulShard 23 November 2011 Roshar Realmatic Stormlight 2.68 Topic, {'Highstorm': 1, 'Stormlight': 1, 'Ending': 1}
Plantilla:17s fiveAM 18 November 2011 Sel World Worldhopping 5.98 Category, Topic, Location, {'Darkness': 0, 'Dawncities': 0, 'Hemalurgy': 0, 'Memory': 0, 'Allomancy': 0, 'Lightweaving': 0, 'Elhokar': 0, 'Royal Locks': 0, 'Colour': 0, 'Spiritweb': 0, 'Worldhopping': 0, 'Shalash': 0, 'Jezrien': 0, 'Taln': 0, 'Feruchemy': 0, 'Taravangian': 0, 'Ars Arcanum': 0, 'Aluminium': 0, 'Forgery': 0, 'Numerology': 0, 'Shard': 0}
Plantilla:17s DomainWalker 16 November 2011 Roshar World Axehound 6.42 {'Axehound': 11}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Southpaw89 15 November 2011 Sel World Worldhopping 0.38 Category, Topic, Location, {'Darkness': 0, 'Dawncities': 0, 'Hemalurgy': 0, 'Memory': 0, 'Allomancy': 0, 'Lightweaving': 0, 'Elhokar': 0, 'Royal Locks': 0, 'Colour': 0, 'Spiritweb': 0, 'Worldhopping': 0, 'Shalash': 0, 'Jezrien': 0, 'Taln': 0, 'Feruchemy': 0, 'Taravangian': 0, 'Ars Arcanum': 0, 'Aluminium': 0, 'Forgery': 0, 'Numerology': 0, 'Shard': 0}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Chicken 15 November 2011 Sel World Worldhopping 0.76 Category, Topic, Location, {'Darkness': 0, 'Dawncities': 0, 'Hemalurgy': 0, 'Memory': 0, 'Allomancy': 0, 'Lightweaving': 0, 'Elhokar': 0, 'Royal Locks': 0, 'Colour': 0, 'Spiritweb': 0, 'Worldhopping': 0, 'Shalash': 0, 'Jezrien': 0, 'Taln': 0, 'Feruchemy': 0, 'Taravangian': 0, 'Ars Arcanum': 0, 'Aluminium': 0, 'Forgery': 0, 'Numerology': 0, 'Shard': 0}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Southpaw89 14 November 2011 Roshar Character Dalinar 2.02 {'Dalinar': 1}
Plantilla:17s Jacob Santos 11 November 2011 Roshar Realmatic Surge 6.30 {'Surge': 10}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Cromptj 01 November 2011 Roshar Character Dalinar 10.38 {'Dalinar': 13}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Sir Read-a-Lot 01 November 2011 Roshar Realmatic Voidbind 14.25 {'Voidbind': 4, 'Future': 2, 'Vin': 2}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Kelek 30 October 2011 Roshar World Desolation 2.92 {'Dalinar': 1, 'Desolation': 3, 'Gavilar': 1, 'Alethi': 1, 'Nohadon': 2, 'Way of Kings': 1}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Serack 29 October 2011 Roshar World Crem 11.95 {'Crem': 5, 'Stormlight': 2, 'Vin': 3}
Plantilla:17s ulyssessword 08 October 2011 Roshar World Desolation 4.94 {'Desolation': 14}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Marimba Mike 07 October 2011 Roshar World Way of Kings 2.78 Category, Topic, {'Way of Kings': 1, 'Stormlight': 1}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Firah 04 October 2011 Roshar World Alethi 3.26 {'Alethi': 12}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s stormlight 03 October 2011 Roshar Character Adolin 10.79 {'Adolin': 6, 'Shattered Plain': 2, 'Dalinar': 4, 'Taravangian': 3, 'Vin': 2}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s ArrrGent 01 October 2011 Roshar World Oathpact 9.63 {'Herald': 4, 'Oathpact': 12}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Vine 29 September 2011 Roshar World Way of Kings 2.83 {'Way of Kings': 1}
Plantilla:17s Dawnshard 28 September 2011 Roshar World Yelig-nar 5.07 {'Yelig-nar': 14}
Plantilla:17s SOM1else 27 September 2011 Cosmere World Roshar 5.56 Topic, Location, {'Roshar': 1, 'Cosmere': 1, 'Future': 1, 'History': 1}
Plantilla:17s Satsuoni 25 September 2011 Roshar Realmatic Windrunner 6.35 {'Allomancy': 1, 'Jasnah': 2, 'Shallan': 2, 'Radiant': 2, 'Surge': 2, 'Windrunner': 3, 'Essence': 1, 'Szeth': 1}
Plantilla:17s Sinitar 25 September 2011 Roshar Character Vorin 5.72 Topic, {'Vorin': 2, 'Gavilar': 2, 'Herald': 1, 'Shalash': 1, 'Taln': 1, 'Szeth': 1}
Plantilla:17s qwertyuiop 23 September 2011 Roshar World Voidbringer 7.87 {'Voidbringer': 13, 'Szeth': 11}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Sunblesser 23 September 2011 Roshar World Letter 3.70 Topic, Location, {'Letter': 1, 'Alethi': 1, 'Ending': 1}
Plantilla:17s masaru 18 September 2011 Roshar World Herald 6.60 {'Herald': 14}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Kurkistan 12 September 2011 Roshar World Sel 12.47 Topic, Location, {'Parshendi': 1, 'Shattered Plain': 2, 'Alethi': 3, 'Way of Kings': 2, 'Sel': 3}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Cheese Ninja 03 September 2011 Roshar Character Kaladin 16.15 {'Identity': 10, 'Kaladin': 13}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s lordofsoup 03 September 2011 Roshar Character Szeth 1.78 {'Szeth': 1}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Sir Read-a-Lot 02 September 2011 Roshar Character Odium 1.66 Location, {'Ruin': 4, 'Odium': 12}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Sir Read-a-Lot 02 September 2011 Roshar Character Odium 1.86 Location, {'Ruin': 4, 'Odium': 12}
Plantilla:17s Chaos 01 September 2011 Roshar Character Ym 7.72 Topic, {'Ym': 1, 'Symbol': 1, 'Highprince': 1, 'Alethi': 1}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s KChan 01 September 2011 Roshar Realmatic Radiant 17.85 {'Radiant': 15}
Plantilla:17s Tangletalon 31 August 2011 Roshar World Ghostblood 8.11 {'Ghostblood': 17}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Adrienne 25 August 2011 Roshar World Way of Kings 2.00 Category, Topic, Location, {'Breath': 1, 'Way of Kings': 1}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Athe1andonlyA 23 August 2011 Scadrial Realmatic Mistborn 2.86 {'Mistborn': 10}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s mycoltbug 16 August 2011 Roshar Character Kaladin 1.94 {'Kaladin': 1}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s mycoltbug 12 August 2011 Sel World Worldhopping 1.58 Category, Topic, Location, {'Darkness': 0, 'Dawncities': 0, 'Hemalurgy': 0, 'Memory': 0, 'Allomancy': 0, 'Lightweaving': 0, 'Elhokar': 0, 'Royal Locks': 0, 'Colour': 0, 'Spiritweb': 0, 'Worldhopping': 0, 'Shalash': 0, 'Jezrien': 0, 'Taln': 0, 'Feruchemy': 0, 'Taravangian': 0, 'Ars Arcanum': 0, 'Aluminium': 0, 'Forgery': 0, 'Numerology': 0, 'Shard': 0}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Mad_Scientist 31 July 2011 Roshar World Parshendi 13.02 {'Parshendi': 22}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Mad_Scientist 26 July 2011 Roshar World Way of Kings 3.56 Category, Topic, Location, {'Intent': 1, 'Way of Kings': 1}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s discipleofhoid 20 July 2011 Roshar Realmatic Radiant 10.13 {'Radiant': 11}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Never 02 July 2011 Roshar World Way of Kings 2.77 {'Way of Kings': 2}
Plantilla:17s Morderkaine 02 July 2011 Roshar Realmatic Stormlight 5.36 {'Stormlight': 11}
Plantilla:17s Eri 01 July 2011 Roshar Character Ym 9.28 Category, Topic, {'Breath': 1, 'Roshar': 1, 'Gemstone': 1, 'Parshendi': 1, 'Nightwatcher': 1, 'Ym': 3, 'Jasnah': 1, 'Symbol': 1, 'Gavilar': 2, 'Colour': 2, 'Hoid': 2, 'Radiant': 1, 'Herald': 2, 'Shadesmar': 2, 'Voidbringer': 1, 'Origin': 1, 'Chasmfiend': 1, 'Symmetry': 1, 'Essence': 1, 'Stormlight': 1, 'Vin': 3, 'Lopen': 1, 'Szeth': 1}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Eri 29 June 2011 Roshar World Glyph 12.23 {'Ym': 3, 'Glyph': 9}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Green Hoodie Mistborn 20 June 2011 Roshar Character Dalinar 3.88 Category, Location, {'Honor': 1, 'Syl': 1, 'Spren': 1, 'Radiant': 1, 'Oathpact': 1, 'Dalinar': 2, 'Almighty': 1, 'Vin': 1, 'Sel': 1}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Studier of Keteks 28 May 2011 Roshar Character Gavilar 0.86 {'Gavilar': 11}
Plantilla:17s SOM1else 17 May 2011 Roshar World Parshendi 6.85 {'Parshendi': 13}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Mike 16 May 2011 Roshar World Roshar 2.54 {'Roshar': 1}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Nehex 05 May 2011 Sel World Worldhopping 2.75 Category, Topic, Location, {'Darkness': 0, 'Dawncities': 0, 'Hemalurgy': 0, 'Memory': 0, 'Allomancy': 0, 'Lightweaving': 0, 'Elhokar': 0, 'Royal Locks': 0, 'Colour': 0, 'Spiritweb': 0, 'Worldhopping': 0, 'Shalash': 0, 'Jezrien': 0, 'Taln': 0, 'Feruchemy': 0, 'Taravangian': 0, 'Ars Arcanum': 0, 'Aluminium': 0, 'Forgery': 0, 'Numerology': 0, 'Shard': 0}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Joe ST 26 April 2011 Roshar World Herald 1.80 {'Herald': 11}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Wonko the Sane 06 April 2011 Roshar World Shard 3.23 Topic, Location, {'Dawnshard': 12, 'Shard': 12}
Plantilla:17s Wonko the Sane 06 April 2011 Roshar World Shattered Plain 7.33 {'Shattered Plain': 11}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s north 03 April 2011 Roshar Realmatic Essence 2.51 {'Essence': 11}
Plantilla:17s zas678 01 April 2011 Roshar World Sel 5.84 Topic, Location, {'Highstorm': 1, 'Sadeas': 1, 'Nightwatcher': 1, 'Ghostblood': 1, 'Hoid': 1, 'Almighty': 1, 'Kaladin': 1, 'Sel': 1}
Plantilla:17s grinachu 28 March 2011 Roshar World Thrill 7.66 {'Thrill': 14, 'Dalinar': 5}
Plantilla:17s zas678 28 March 2011 Roshar World Shash 8.48 {'Roshar': 2, 'Shash': 5, 'Numerology': 2}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Wonko the Sane 27 March 2011 Roshar Character Tanavast 1.14 {'Tanavast': 10}
Plantilla:17s Cuaiir 27 March 2011 Roshar Realmatic Origin 8.50 Topic, Location, {'Intent': 10, 'Origin': 10}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Endra kin'Fox 27 March 2011 Roshar Realmatic Highstorm 9.54 {'Highstorm': 14}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s EHyde 22 March 2011 Sel World Sel 2.66 {'Sel': 1}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Chaos 20 March 2011 Roshar Realmatic Shadesmar 3.46 {'Shadesmar': 12}
Plantilla:17s CrazyRioter 20 March 2011 Roshar Realmatic Honor 5.28 {'Honor': 12}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s zas678 19 March 2011 Roshar Character Kaladin 2.92 Category, Topic, {'Honor': 1, 'Kaladin': 1}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Wonko the Sane 14 March 2011 Roshar World Glyph 12.52 {'Glyph': 23}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Wonko the Sane 13 March 2011 Roshar Character Kaladin 2.72 {'Kaladin': 11}
Plantilla:17s Wonko the Sane 08 March 2011 Roshar Realmatic Radiant 6.46 {'Fabrial': 4, 'Radiant': 12}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Kykeon 08 February 2011 Roshar Realmatic Stormlight 4.33 {'Stormlight': 10}
Plantilla:17s Jemaclus 28 January 2011 Roshar Realmatic Stormlight 8.63 {'Stormlight': 11}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Nehex 18 January 2011 Roshar Realmatic Windrunner 1.44 {'Windrunner': 12}
Plantilla:17s leinton 15 January 2011 Cosmere Character Hoid 5.56 {'Hoid': 12}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s old aggie 12 January 2011 Roshar World Parshendi 3.82 {'Parshendi': 13}
Plantilla:17s FeatherWriter 09 January 2011 Roshar World Sel 5.89 Location, {'Bridge Four': 1, 'Way of Kings': 1, 'Kaladin': 2, 'Sel': 3}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Guest_alligator_* 05 January 2011 Roshar World Way of Kings 2.99 {'Way of Kings': 1}
Plantilla:17s Juggernaut 27 December 2010 Roshar World Way of Kings 4.50 {'Way of Kings': 12}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s TheFinisher4Ever 13 December 2010 Roshar World Unmade 14.87 {'Unmade': 15}
Plantilla:17s Aggrax 01 December 2010 Roshar Realmatic Radiant 5.18 {'Radiant': 11, 'Stormlight': 5}
Plantilla:17s Finallity 15 November 2010 Roshar Realmatic Stormlight 5.54 {'Stormlight': 12}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s SOM1else 13 November 2010 Roshar World Parshendi 4.40 {'Parshendi': 13}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Truthless 23 October 2010 Roshar Realmatic Shadesmar 10.51 {'Roshar': 6, 'Shadesmar': 17}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s zas678 23 October 2010 Roshar Character Kaladin 4.31 {'Kaladin': 12}
Plantilla:17s Kykeon 21 October 2010 Roshar Character Shallan 5.89 {'Shallan': 10}
Plantilla:17s Link Von Kelsier Harvey 14 October 2010 Roshar Character Taravangian 8.00 {'Jasnah': 1, 'Shallan': 1, 'Kelsier': 1, 'Ketek': 1, 'Taravangian': 3, 'Szeth': 1}
Plantilla:17s Earendil 12 October 2010 Roshar Realmatic Stormlight 4.73 {'Future': 10, 'Speculation': 10, 'Stormlight': 11}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Emeralis00 12 October 2010 Roshar Character Dalinar 3.90 {'Almighty': 2, 'Dalinar': 4}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s lordofsoup 12 October 2010 Roshar Character Amaram 1.44 {'Ghostblood': 11, 'Amaram': 12}
Plantilla:17s Andrew the Great 05 October 2010 Roshar Character Ym 6.99 Category, Topic, {'Ym': 1, 'Symbol': 1, 'Shallan': 1, 'Radiant': 1, 'Glyph': 1}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s 11thorderknight 28 September 2010 Roshar Realmatic Soulcast 14.00 Topic, {'Soulcast': 3, 'Roshar': 1, 'Gemstone': 1, 'Highstorm': 1, 'Fabrial': 1, 'Healing': 2, 'Shallan': 3, 'Radiant': 1, 'Dor': 2, 'Dalinar': 1, 'Stormlight': 1, 'Ending': 1, 'Kaladin': 2, 'Ardent': 3}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Erik Holmes 24 September 2010 Roshar Realmatic Stormlight 14.26 {'Highstorm': 2, 'Spren': 2, 'Gavilar': 2, 'Radiant': 2, 'Amaram': 2, 'Elantris': 2, 'Stormlight': 4, 'Focus': 2, 'Kaladin': 2, 'Szeth': 2}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Munin 23 September 2010 Roshar World Shard 9.55 Topic, Location, {'Dawnshard': 13, 'Shard': 13}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Dryone 23 September 2010 Cosmere Realmatic Identity 1.66 {'Identity': 10}
Plantilla:17s Chaos 21 September 2010 Scadrial Realmatic Focus 8.48 {'Scadrial': 2, 'Ruin': 2, 'Aon': 2, 'Stormlight': 2, 'Focus': 4, 'Preservation': 2}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s firstRainbowRose 20 September 2010 Roshar Character Navani 10.40 {'Navani': 10, 'Spren': 4}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s mycoltbug 20 September 2010 Roshar Realmatic Spren 2.00 Topic, {'Fabrial': 10, 'Spren': 10}
Plantilla:17s mycoltbug 20 September 2010 Roshar Character Hoid 8.55 {'Lightweaving': 2, 'Hoid': 3, 'Radiant': 2, 'Dalinar': 2, 'Chasmfiend': 1, 'Vin': 2, 'Kaladin': 2}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Doxedon 20 September 2010 Roshar Character Kaladin 1.60 {'Kaladin': 11}
Plantilla:17s IsasikShulin 17 September 2010 Roshar World Numerology 6.92 Topic, {'Mistborn': 1, 'Alethi': 2, 'Way of Kings': 1, 'Numerology': 2, 'Glyph': 2}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Eerongal 16 September 2010 Roshar Character Vin 4.49 Topic, {'Vin': 2, 'Parshendi': 2, 'Parshman': 1, 'Kaladin': 2}
Plantilla:17s JCHancey 14 September 2010 Roshar Character Kaladin 6.40 {'Kaladin': 12}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Andrew the Great 13 September 2010 Roshar World Way of Kings 2.30 {'Way of Kings': 11}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Juggernaut 11 September 2010 Cosmere Character Hoid 24.68 {'Hoid': 16}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Chaela 10 September 2010 Roshar World Parshmen 1.20 {'Parshmen': 12}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Ryan 09 September 2010 Cosmere Realmatic Shard 2.02 {'Shard': 1}
Plantilla:17s Chaos 05 September 2010 Roshar World Way of Kings 6.23 Category, Topic, {'Atium': 1, 'Odium': 1, 'Way of Kings': 1}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s HardcorePooka 04 September 2010 Sel World Worldhopping 2.55 Category, Topic, Location, {'Darkness': 0, 'Dawncities': 0, 'Hemalurgy': 0, 'Memory': 0, 'Allomancy': 0, 'Lightweaving': 0, 'Elhokar': 0, 'Royal Locks': 0, 'Colour': 0, 'Spiritweb': 0, 'Worldhopping': 0, 'Shalash': 0, 'Jezrien': 0, 'Taln': 0, 'Feruchemy': 0, 'Taravangian': 0, 'Ars Arcanum': 0, 'Aluminium': 0, 'Forgery': 0, 'Numerology': 0, 'Shard': 0}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Chaos 01 September 2010 Roshar World Way of Kings 4.18 {'Way of Kings': 11}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s jemron 31 August 2010 Sel World Worldhopping 2.00 Category, Topic, Location, {'Darkness': 0, 'Dawncities': 0, 'Hemalurgy': 0, 'Memory': 0, 'Allomancy': 0, 'Lightweaving': 0, 'Elhokar': 0, 'Royal Locks': 0, 'Colour': 0, 'Spiritweb': 0, 'Worldhopping': 0, 'Shalash': 0, 'Jezrien': 0, 'Taln': 0, 'Feruchemy': 0, 'Taravangian': 0, 'Ars Arcanum': 0, 'Aluminium': 0, 'Forgery': 0, 'Numerology': 0, 'Shard': 0}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Silus - Shard of Flame 30 August 2010 Roshar World Spren 3.58 {'Spren': 16}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Nehex 26 August 2010 Sel World Worldhopping 0.66 Category, Topic, Location, {'Darkness': 0, 'Dawncities': 0, 'Hemalurgy': 0, 'Memory': 0, 'Allomancy': 0, 'Lightweaving': 0, 'Elhokar': 0, 'Royal Locks': 0, 'Colour': 0, 'Spiritweb': 0, 'Worldhopping': 0, 'Shalash': 0, 'Jezrien': 0, 'Taln': 0, 'Feruchemy': 0, 'Taravangian': 0, 'Ars Arcanum': 0, 'Aluminium': 0, 'Forgery': 0, 'Numerology': 0, 'Shard': 0}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s zas678 25 August 2010 Sel World Worldhopping 3.00 Category, Topic, Location, {'Darkness': 0, 'Dawncities': 0, 'Hemalurgy': 0, 'Memory': 0, 'Allomancy': 0, 'Lightweaving': 0, 'Elhokar': 0, 'Royal Locks': 0, 'Colour': 0, 'Spiritweb': 0, 'Worldhopping': 0, 'Shalash': 0, 'Jezrien': 0, 'Taln': 0, 'Feruchemy': 0, 'Taravangian': 0, 'Ars Arcanum': 0, 'Aluminium': 0, 'Forgery': 0, 'Numerology': 0, 'Shard': 0}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s valkynphyre 10 August 2010 Sel World Worldhopping 0.42 Category, Topic, Location, {'Darkness': 0, 'Dawncities': 0, 'Hemalurgy': 0, 'Memory': 0, 'Allomancy': 0, 'Lightweaving': 0, 'Elhokar': 0, 'Royal Locks': 0, 'Colour': 0, 'Spiritweb': 0, 'Worldhopping': 0, 'Shalash': 0, 'Jezrien': 0, 'Taln': 0, 'Feruchemy': 0, 'Taravangian': 0, 'Ars Arcanum': 0, 'Aluminium': 0, 'Forgery': 0, 'Numerology': 0, 'Shard': 0}
Plantilla:17s Chaos 04 August 2010 Roshar Realmatic Way of Kings 5.74 Topic, {'Radiant': 1, 'Mistborn': 1, 'Herald': 1, 'Shadesmar': 1, 'Way of Kings': 1}

Words of Radiance Boards (All)

Class 1

Theory Name Author Date Location Category Topic Score Review TopicList
Plantilla:17s potato 18 May 2014 Roshar World Honor 5.12 {'Honor': 16, 'Herald': 15}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s RShara 18 May 2014 Roshar Character Odium 10.30 {'Cultivation': 7, 'Honor': 7, 'Intent': 7, 'Odium': 18, 'Shard': 7}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s signspace13 18 May 2014 Roshar World Voidbringer 2.09 {'Aimian': 16, 'Spren': 7, 'Voidbringer': 18, 'Axies': 6}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Terisen 17 May 2014 Roshar Realmatic Soulcast 19.39 {'Soulcast': 28, 'Radiant': 17}
Plantilla:17s Firiel 16 May 2014 Roshar Character Dalinar 8.33 {'Adolin': 20, 'Squire': 19, 'Dalinar': 21}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Inquisitor of Wit 16 May 2014 Roshar Character Taravangian 2.50 Topic, {'Bondsmith': 18, 'Taravangian': 18}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Wysawyg 14 May 2014 Roshar Character Taln 16.82 {'Taln': 50}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s skaa 14 May 2014 Roshar Realmatic Shadesmar 32.70 {'Jasnah': 15, 'Shallan': 7, 'Identity': 7, 'Shadesmar': 16, 'Vin': 10}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s kaellok 13 May 2014 Roshar Realmatic Stormlight 3.90 Topic, {'Odium': 18, 'Roshar': 6, 'Investiture': 10, 'Stormlight': 18}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Shaggai 12 May 2014 Roshar Character Odium 16.87 {'Odium': 31, 'Unmade': 22}
Plantilla:17s smearedblackink 11 May 2014 Roshar World Herald 4.54 {'Honor': 8, 'Herald': 20, 'Taln': 18}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Mr_Doe 10 May 2014 Roshar World Origin 4.23 {'Origin': 10}
Plantilla:17s Inquisitor of Wit 08 May 2014 Roshar Realmatic Identity 8.94 {'Willshaper': 4, 'Identity': 10, 'Herald': 9, 'Speculation': 6}
Plantilla:17s GreyPilgrim 04 May 2014 Roshar Realmatic Truthwatcher 7.89 {'Ym': 7, 'Truthwatcher': 20, 'Renarin': 7}
Plantilla:17s Wysawyg 04 May 2014 Scadrial Character Vin 7.31 {'Vin': 19}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s P4thf1nd3r 30 April 2014 Roshar World Stone Shaman 1.54 Category, Topic, {'Stone Shaman': 1, 'Kaladin': 1}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s aricha 30 April 2014 Roshar World Roshar 0.56 {'Roshar': 10}
Plantilla:17s RadiantNights 28 April 2014 Roshar World Iriali 5.88 {'Worldhopping': 11, 'Iriali': 13}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s shawnhargreaves 27 April 2014 Roshar Character Gavilar 12.54 {'Gavilar': 13}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Confused 25 April 2014 Roshar Character Sebarial 4.32 {'Sebarial': 13}
Plantilla:17s Raysen_ht 24 April 2014 Roshar Character Taravangian 5.81 {'Taravangian': 11, 'Vin': 10}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s maxal 23 April 2014 Roshar World Spren 3.22 {'Parshendi': 2, 'Spren': 4}
Plantilla:17s garlick 23 April 2014 Nalthis Character Nightblood 9.02 {'Nightblood': 21, 'Stormlight': 7}
Plantilla:17s Halabalabash 22 April 2014 Scadrial Realmatic Mistborn 8.89 {'Mistborn': 11}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s tabasco777 20 April 2014 Roshar World Ryshadium 2.88 Category, Topic, {'Adolin': 11, 'Ryshadium': 11}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Necromancer 19 April 2014 Roshar Character Adolin 4.05 {'Adolin': 13}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s WeiryWriter 17 April 2014 Roshar Character Stormfather 14.64 {'Cultivation': 7, 'Tanavast': 12, 'Stormfather': 18, 'Cognitive': 11}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s EMTrevor 17 April 2014 Roshar Character Eshonai 14.59 {'Eshonai': 20}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Zionite 15 April 2014 Roshar Realmatic Radiant 114.42 {'Radiant': 19, 'Surge': 18}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s lyht 11 April 2014 Roshar Character Taln 10.14 {'Taln': 27}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Mikanium 11 April 2014 Roshar Character Liss 9.60 {'Liss': 14, 'Szeth': 13}
Plantilla:17s Confused 09 April 2014 Roshar Realmatic Surge 5.40 {'Surge': 12, 'Nahel': 11}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Confused 09 April 2014 Roshar Realmatic Nahel 3.72 {'Nahel': 14}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Moogle 09 April 2014 Roshar Character Taln 19.14 {'Kalak': 8, 'Herald': 8, 'Taln': 19}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Confused 09 April 2014 Roshar Realmatic Surge 30.42 {'Odium': 15, 'Roshar': 10, 'Surge': 30}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s shawnhargreaves 08 April 2014 Roshar World Nightwatcher 10.06 {'Nightwatcher': 15}
Plantilla:17s Jinxed 07 April 2014 Roshar Character Dalinar 6.03 {'Nightwatcher': 8, 'Dalinar': 17}
Plantilla:17s Wrath 06 April 2014 Roshar Realmatic Stormlight 6.01 {'Radiant': 7, 'Stormlight': 12}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s earthboundsyndicate 06 April 2014 Roshar World Oathgate 2.26 {'Oathgate': 10}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s EMTrevor 06 April 2014 Roshar Character Jasnah 26.68 {'Jasnah': 37, 'Dalinar': 25}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s entropicscholar 05 April 2014 Roshar World Spren 24.34 {'Realm': 10, 'Parshendi': 11, 'Spren': 25, 'Nahel': 15, 'Parshman': 9}
Plantilla:17s andheiswitty 05 April 2014 Roshar World Shattered Plain 7.89 {'Shattered Plain': 12}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s kari-no-sugata 04 April 2014 Roshar World Spren 13.21 {'Spren': 40}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Baine 04 April 2014 Roshar World Ideal 4.07 {'Ideal': 17, 'Radiant': 6}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Mathologist 03 April 2014 Roshar World Bondsmith 11.46 {'Bondsmith': 20, 'Stormfather': 9, 'Spren': 18}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Windborne Sword 02 April 2014 Roshar Character Parshendi 3.54 Topic, {'Parshendi': 7, 'Odium': 7}
Plantilla:17s LloydSev 01 April 2014 Roshar Character Taln 5.46 {'Honor': 9, 'Taln': 19}
Plantilla:17s shimwick 31 March 2014 Roshar World Ardent 5.33 {'Adolin': 2, 'Ardent': 4}
Plantilla:17s Hello. My name is Joe 30 March 2014 Roshar World Everstorm 7.88 {'Highstorm': 16, 'Everstorm': 17}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Ren 29 March 2014 Sel Realmatic Aon 15.89 Location, {'Roshar': 7, 'Aon': 14, 'Investiture': 6, 'Hoid': 6, 'Elantris': 8, 'Worldhopping': 12, 'Dor': 6}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s lichie 29 March 2014 Roshar Realmatic Intent 41.60 {'Squire': 21, 'Ideal': 13, 'Intent': 29, 'Nahel': 18}
Plantilla:17s Dalenthas 28 March 2014 Roshar Realmatic Bondsmith 7.24 {'Bondsmith': 12}
Plantilla:17s bartbug 27 March 2014 Roshar Character Stormfather 7.45 {'Cultivation': 6, 'Stormfather': 8, 'Honor': 7, 'Odium': 7}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Bramble Thorn 27 March 2014 Nalthis Realmatic Breath 20.73 {'Breath': 52, 'Vin': 46}
Plantilla:17s Mikanium 26 March 2014 Roshar Character Szeth 6.23 {'Szeth': 12}
Plantilla:17s PudgyNinja 25 March 2014 Roshar World Radiant 6.97 {'Recreance': 17, 'Thrill': 8, 'Radiant': 18, 'Unmade': 8}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s ram433 25 March 2014 Nalthis World Returned 13.91 {'Nalthis': 15, 'Herald': 17, 'Honor': 7, 'Returned': 19}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Daishi5 25 March 2014 Roshar World Spren 11.48 {'Spren': 18}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Elena 25 March 2014 Roshar Character Kaladin 27.31 {'Kaladin': 21}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s PorridgeBrick 24 March 2014 Roshar World Unmade 26.86 {'Yelig-nar': 14, 'Stormfather': 20, 'Spren': 11, 'Unmade': 31}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Khyrindor 24 March 2014 Roshar Character Szeth 10.07 {'Darkness': 10, 'Windrunner': 7, 'Skybreaker': 8, 'Szeth': 20}
Plantilla:17s Rybal 24 March 2014 Roshar Realmatic Bondsmith 8.63 {'Bondsmith': 13, 'Spren': 7}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s ArrrGent 23 March 2014 Roshar Character Spren 21.43 Topic, {'Wyndle': 4, 'Spren': 12, 'Jasnah': 4, 'Shallan': 7, 'Radiant': 12, 'Surge': 4, 'Dalinar': 4, 'Stormlight': 7, 'Renarin': 4, 'Kaladin': 6}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s GreyPilgrim 23 March 2014 Roshar Character Stormfather 19.08 {'Sliver': 12, 'Stormfather': 24, 'Honor': 23}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Patrick Star 23 March 2014 Roshar Character Nohadon 17.93 {'Taln': 17, 'Nohadon': 32}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s the_archduke 23 March 2014 Roshar World Spren 15.29 {'Spren': 16}
Plantilla:17s PunSpren 21 March 2014 Sel World Sel 4.75 Location, {'Adolin': 1, 'Speculation': 1, 'Kaladin': 1, 'Sel': 2}
Plantilla:17s Hearty_Joe 21 March 2014 Roshar Character Szeth 9.25 {'Spren': 8, 'Szeth': 18}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Radiant_thoughts 20 March 2014 Roshar World Shard 0.72 Topic, {'Spren': 10, 'Dawnshard': 11, 'Shard': 11}
Plantilla:17s mons456 20 March 2014 Roshar World Jah Keved 6.91 Category, {'Jah Keved': 19, 'Shallan': 8, 'Taravangian': 11}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Stroniax 20 March 2014 Sel World Physic 9.65 {'Physic': 10, 'Sel': 9}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s eveorjoy 19 March 2014 Roshar Character Adolin 21.07 {'Adolin': 28, 'Radiant': 21}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s shinintendo 19 March 2014 Roshar Character Mraize 2.80 {'Mraize': 11, 'Iyatil': 10}
Plantilla:17s Tranquil 19 March 2014 Roshar Character Szeth 6.94 Topic, {'Stormlight': 6, 'Kaladin': 13, 'Szeth': 13}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Numb 19 March 2014 Roshar Character Jasnah 13.76 {'Jasnah': 17}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s ArrrGent 18 March 2014 Roshar Realmatic Surge 26.67 {'Radiant': 13, 'Surge': 19, 'Voidbringer': 16}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Moogle 18 March 2014 Roshar World Ideal 33.78 {'Ideal': 38}
Plantilla:17s Morevna 18 March 2014 Cosmere Character Hoid 7.51 {'Hoid': 19, 'Worldhopping': 11}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Ephemera 17 March 2014 Roshar World Spren 35.22 {'Adonalsium': 21, 'Spren': 41, 'Dawnsinger': 15, 'Dawnshard': 34, 'Shard': 36}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s poolboy 17 March 2014 Roshar World Purelake 2.28 {'Purelake': 12}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s dbmeboy 17 March 2014 Cosmere Realmatic Realmatic 3.39 Topic, {'Realm': 11, 'Realmatic': 11}
Plantilla:17s Lightning 17 March 2014 Roshar Character Stormfather 5.43 {'Stormfather': 13}
Plantilla:17s thejopen27 17 March 2014 Roshar World Herald 9.06 Location, {'Herald': 7, 'Sel': 3}
Plantilla:17s Windrunning 16 March 2014 Roshar Realmatic Skybreaker 6.56 {'Darkness': 6, 'Skybreaker': 18, 'Szeth': 7}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s RIT 15 March 2014 Roshar World Shinovar 4.22 {'Thrill': 4, 'Shinovar': 10}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Havoc 15 March 2014 Roshar Character Squire 11.59 {'Squire': 10, 'Lopen': 8, 'Stormlight': 6, 'Kaladin': 9}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Veil 14 March 2014 Roshar Realmatic Willshaper 37.81 {'Willshaper': 23, 'Aimian': 21, 'Axies': 13, 'Radiant': 15, 'Lopen': 16}
Plantilla:17s Lightflame 14 March 2014 Roshar Character Sadeas 7.04 {'Sadeas': 19}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Quazar87 14 March 2014 Roshar Character Gavilar 1.94 {'Navani': 8, 'Gavilar': 18}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s zandi 13 March 2014 Roshar Character Kaladin 21.30 {'Hoid': 7, 'Mistborn': 11, 'Stormlight': 11, 'Kaladin': 16}
Plantilla:17s WEZ313 13 March 2014 Roshar Character Skybreaker 7.26 {'Stones Unhallowed': 10, 'Hoid': 7, 'Speculation': 6, 'Skybreaker': 11, 'Shallan': 6, 'Stormlight': 6, 'Shard': 6, 'Kaladin': 7, 'Szeth': 7}
Plantilla:17s rhaiynebow 13 March 2014 Roshar World Spren 9.20 {'Bondsmith': 8, 'Spren': 23}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s ninch 13 March 2014 Roshar Realmatic Radiant 42.88 {'Radiant': 24}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Grunion 13 March 2014 Roshar World Voidbringer 17.58 {'Bondsmith': 16, 'Voidbringer': 19}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Trickonometry 13 March 2014 Roshar Character Szeth 9.89 {'Szeth': 21}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Radiant Storm 13 March 2014 Roshar Realmatic Windrunner 3.37 Topic, {'Spren': 5, 'Windrunner': 12, 'Skybreaker': 12}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Djerf 13 March 2014 Roshar Realmatic Honor 22.88 {'Cultivation': 13, 'Spren': 17, 'Intent': 8, 'Ym': 10, 'Honor': 18, 'Symmetry': 10, 'Vin': 6}
Plantilla:17s Aminar 12 March 2014 Roshar Character Taravangian 7.02 {'Taravangian': 12}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s kraefzke 12 March 2014 Cosmere Realmatic Spiritual 2.04 Topic, {'Realm': 2, 'Jasnah': 1, 'Physic': 1, 'Hoid': 1, 'Nahel': 1, 'Speculation': 1, 'Spiritual': 2, 'Elsecaller': 1}
Plantilla:17s dionysus 11 March 2014 Roshar World Spren 7.59 {'Bondsmith': 24, 'Stormfather': 10, 'Spren': 28}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Mikanium 10 March 2014 Roshar Character Szeth 2.55 {'Szeth': 11}
Plantilla:17s Trickonometry 08 March 2014 Roshar Character Lift 6.51 {'Lift': 4, 'Stormlight': 2}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s banestar 06 March 2014 Roshar Character Adolin 10.33 {'Adolin': 21}
Plantilla:17s aheerema 06 March 2014 Roshar World Words of Radiance 8.54 {'Words of Radiance': 6, 'Stormlight': 3}
Plantilla:17s Swimmingly 06 March 2014 Roshar World Spren 4.88 {'Spren': 8}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Stroniax 05 March 2014 Roshar World Stance 4.40 {'Stance': 8}
Plantilla:17s Stroniax 04 March 2014 Roshar World Gemstone 4.74 {'Gemstone': 7}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Windrunner 04 March 2014 Roshar World Parshendi 34.18 {'Parshendi': 25, 'Spren': 19, 'Odium': 10, 'Origin': 11, 'Nahel': 10}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Windrunner 04 March 2014 Roshar Character Kalak 15.72 {'Kalak': 22, 'Silver Kingdom': 10, 'Jah Keved': 9}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Windrunner 04 March 2014 Roshar Realmatic Squire 12.66 {'Squire': 24, 'Words of Radiance': 8, 'Radiant': 20, 'Stormlight': 8}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Windrunner 04 March 2014 Roshar Realmatic Skybreaker 19.37 {'Darkness': 9, 'Recreance': 8, 'Spren': 19, 'Radiant': 9, 'Skybreaker': 22}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Trickonometry 03 March 2014 Roshar Realmatic Surge 22.68 {'Radiant': 15, 'Surge': 27}
Plantilla:17s chikinllama 01 March 2014 Roshar World Thunderclast 6.21 Topic, {'Thunderclast': 4, 'Spren': 4, 'Essence': 4}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Duskshard 25 February 2014 Roshar World Cultivation 18.80 {'Cultivation': 15, 'Nightwatcher': 10, 'Szeth': 5}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s don_karma_II 23 February 2014 Roshar Character Tanavast 3.60 {'Tanavast': 12, 'Kaladin': 4}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Duskshard 22 February 2014 Roshar World Spren 20.91 {'Ideal': 17, 'Cultivation': 12, 'Spren': 22, 'Voidbind': 20, 'Herald': 13, 'Honor': 18}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Moogle 19 February 2014 Roshar World Desolation 27.62 {'Darkness': 7, 'Desolation': 17, 'Odium': 16, 'Radiant': 8, 'Herald': 8}
Plantilla:17s Sirscott13 17 February 2014 Roshar Character Szeth 7.60 Topic, {'Kaladin': 15, 'Szeth': 15}
Plantilla:17s Mr_Doe 12 February 2014 Roshar World Dawnsinger 6.84 {'Parshendi': 11, 'Dawnsinger': 12}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Daishi5 11 February 2014 Roshar Character Gavilar 23.62 {'Parshendi': 8, 'Elhokar': 14, 'Gavilar': 16}
Plantilla:17s askthepaperclip 06 February 2014 Roshar Character Shallan 5.65 {'Shallan': 11}
Plantilla:17s ericth 04 February 2014 Roshar World Spren 7.02 {'Cultivation': 9, 'Honor': 9, 'Spren': 22, 'Speculation': 10, 'Voidbringer': 8, 'Shard': 11}
Plantilla:17s Stroniax 03 February 2014 Roshar World Spren 4.50 {'Spren': 18, 'Radiant': 7, 'Kaladin': 7}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Darkeye 02 February 2014 Roshar World Stormlight 10.18 Topic, {'Spren': 18, 'Stormlight': 18}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Macen 31 January 2014 Roshar Character Dalinar 12.24 {'Bondsmith': 10, 'Dalinar': 19, 'Radiant': 18}
Plantilla:17s Maresia 30 January 2014 Roshar World Shinovar 4.58 {'Shinovar': 14}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s skaa 30 January 2014 Roshar Realmatic Surge 16.79 {'Gemstone': 7, 'Fabrial': 9, 'Surge': 15, 'Stormlight': 8}
Plantilla:17s Gaussian 29 January 2014 Roshar World Spren 7.59 {'Spren': 20}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s skaa 28 January 2014 Roshar Realmatic Fabrial 41.89 {'Gemstone': 33, 'Fabrial': 38, 'Surge': 34}
Plantilla:17s karaokeang 24 January 2014 Roshar World Spren 5.04 {'Spren': 23}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Aleksiel 23 January 2014 Roshar Character Lift 17.65 {'Lift': 13}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Bramble Thorn 22 January 2014 Roshar World Desolation 25.59 {'Desolation': 20, 'Herald': 7, 'Damnation': 13}
Plantilla:17s Scrutiny 21 January 2014 Roshar Character Shallan 4.66 {'Shallan': 18}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s The Rooster 20 January 2014 Roshar World Herald 1.54 {'Herald': 11}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s YmYm 14 January 2014 Roshar Character Odium 4.20 {'Dalinar': 5, 'Odium': 9}
Plantilla:17s Daishi5 14 January 2014 Cosmere Realmatic Cognitive 7.02 {'Realm': 11, 'Cognitive': 13}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Moogle 09 January 2014 Roshar Character Gavilar 32.32 {'Gavilar': 27, 'Shalash': 9}
Plantilla:17s Moogle 09 January 2014 Roshar World Radiant 9.13 {'Ideal': 12, 'Radiant': 14, 'Colour': 12, 'Stormlight': 6}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s WeiryWriter 08 January 2014 Roshar World Spren 21.76 {'Spren': 26, 'Radiant': 13, 'Dawnsinger': 19}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s hoser 05 January 2014 Roshar Character Darkness 11.37 {'Darkness': 25, 'Odium': 12}
Plantilla:17s Isomere 02 January 2014 Cosmere Realmatic Intent 7.03 {'Intent': 16, 'Herald': 15}
Plantilla:17s IllNsickly 01 January 2014 Roshar Character Vin 5.65 Topic, {'Gavilar': 1, 'Dalinar': 1, 'Vin': 1}
Plantilla:17s ReaderAt2046 01 January 2014 Roshar Realmatic Edgedancer 6.85 {'Edgedancer': 17, 'Surge': 9}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s garlick 18 December 2013 Roshar World Words of Radiance 9.62 {'Larkin': 2, 'Spren': 3, 'Words of Radiance': 6, 'Dalinar': 2, 'Vin': 2, 'Shard': 4}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Natans 18 December 2013 Roshar World Voidbringer 17.90 {'Parshendi': 7, 'Spren': 16, 'Voidbringer': 21}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Romek 11 December 2013 Roshar Realmatic Surge 14.03 {'Surge': 15}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Kurkistan 02 December 2013 Cosmere Realmatic Identity 13.47 {'Soulcast': 11, 'Lift': 9, 'Identity': 14, 'Cognitive': 7}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s bartbug 30 November 2013 Roshar World Crem 4.23 {'Crem': 17, 'Spren': 12, 'Lift': 6}
Plantilla:17s Natans 20 November 2013 Roshar Character Moash 6.67 {'Moash': 11}
Plantilla:17s The Rooster 05 November 2013 Roshar Realmatic Voidbind 6.58 {'Voidbind': 18, 'Steel': 6, 'Focus': 10}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Shardlet 03 November 2013 Roshar Realmatic Cultivation 16.80 {'Cultivation': 23, 'Nightwatcher': 20, 'Old Magic': 17}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s masaru 29 October 2013 Roshar Character Darkness 1.26 {'Darkness': 24}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s The Count 24 October 2013 Roshar Character Szeth 9.95 {'Origin': 10, 'Shinovar': 7, 'Szeth': 18}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Lerson 24 October 2013 Roshar Character Odium 15.48 {'Parshendi': 5, 'Desolation': 14, 'Spren': 14, 'Voidbind': 8, 'Odium': 15, 'Honor': 6}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Daishi5 24 October 2013 Roshar Character Szeth 16.52 {'Honor': 5, 'Herald': 10, 'Szeth': 11}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Kurkistan 22 October 2013 Roshar Character Lift 11.05 {'Lift': 7, 'Steel': 6, 'Shard': 3}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Natans 10 October 2013 Roshar Character Gavilar 17.19 {'Voidbringer': 7, 'Spren': 14, 'Gavilar': 15, 'Odium': 6}
Plantilla:17s Serendipity 22 September 2013 Roshar World Parshendi 7.28 {'Parshendi': 22, 'Chasmfiend': 20}
Plantilla:17s Galavantes 14 August 2013 Roshar World Parshendi 7.52 {'Parshmen': 14, 'Parshendi': 17, 'Spren': 11}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Wherethewindgoes 02 August 2013 Roshar World Parshendi 18.89 {'Parshendi': 22, 'Gavilar': 15}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Looter 20 June 2013 Roshar World Spren 11.76 {'Parshendi': 8, 'Spren': 10, 'Radiant': 4, 'Chasmfiend': 5}

Class 2

Theory Name Author Date Location Category Topic Score Review TopicList
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s RShara 28 March 2014 Roshar Character Hoid 42.35 Location, {'Cosmere': 6, 'Spren': 11, 'Shallan': 4, 'Investiture': 4, 'Hoid': 12, 'Mistborn': 4, 'Stormlight': 7, 'Shard': 9, 'Shadesmar': 7, 'Szeth': 5}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Savanorn 20 May 2014 Roshar World Desolation 24.44 {'Odium': 30, 'Desolation': 31, 'Gavilar': 27, 'Radiant': 11, 'Speculation': 11}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s FirstSelector 12 May 2014 Roshar Character Odium 16.83 {'Recreance': 9, 'Odium': 22}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Maffu17 03 May 2014 Roshar World Spren 11.61 Topic, {'Roshar': 11, 'Spren': 11, 'Origin': 10, 'Shinovar': 5}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Moogle 20 April 2014 Roshar Realmatic Fabrial 23.02 {'Hemalurgy': 16, 'Gemstone': 11, 'Fabrial': 24, 'Spren': 13}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s skaa 20 April 2014 Roshar Realmatic Essence 31.70 Location, {'Roshar': 10, 'Parshendi': 7, 'Cosmere': 4, 'Lightweaving': 9, 'Shallan': 8, 'Investiture': 11, 'Emotion': 4, 'Essence': 12, 'Vin': 8}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Tempus 19 April 2014 Roshar World Desolation 44.62 {'Desolation': 53}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Zenith 18 April 2014 Roshar Realmatic Shadesmar 15.45 {'Shadesmar': 28, 'Vin': 12}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Moogle 17 April 2014 Roshar Realmatic Spren 49.91 {'Fabrial': 38, 'Spren': 58}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Delightful 16 April 2014 Roshar Character Szeth 14.71 Location, {'Darkness': 12, 'Breath': 7, 'Adolin': 11, 'Nightblood': 8, 'Nalthis': 7, 'Worldhopping': 7, 'Assassin in White': 7, 'Vasher': 9, 'Szeth': 20}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s EMTrevor 11 April 2014 Roshar Character Darkness 41.11 {'Ishar': 19, 'Darkness': 26, 'Desolation': 9, 'Herald': 10}
Plantilla:17s cris34b 10 April 2014 Roshar Realmatic Surge 6.39 {'Shallan': 6, 'Surge': 18, 'Dalinar': 7, 'Renarin': 6, 'Kaladin': 6}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Confused 08 April 2014 Roshar Character Stormfather 28.52 {'Cultivation': 19, 'Nightwatcher': 32, 'Stormfather': 45, 'Spren': 24, 'Honor': 24}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Kobold King 06 April 2014 Roshar World Ideal 14.43 {'Ideal': 26, 'Radiant': 17}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s grinachu 05 April 2014 Roshar Character Jezrien 20.18 {'Jezrien': 17, 'Nohadon': 15}
Plantilla:17s AonarFaileas 04 April 2014 Roshar World Spren 7.47 {'Kaladin': 7, 'Words of Radiance': 6, 'Spren': 18, 'Axies': 7}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Quiver 04 April 2014 Roshar Realmatic Roshar 21.00 Topic, {'Cultivation': 4, 'Roshar': 11, 'Stormfather': 4, 'Spren': 4, 'Identity': 11, 'Odium': 6, 'Honor': 6, 'Shard': 7}
Plantilla:17s Patrick Star 01 April 2014 Roshar Character Odium 9.12 {'Honor': 19, 'Champion': 18, 'Odium': 20}
Plantilla:17s thejopen27 29 March 2014 Roshar Realmatic Shattered Plain 8.88 {'Shattered Plain': 19, 'Ym': 9, 'Splinter': 11, 'Odium': 8, 'Cymatic': 9, 'Honor': 16}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s lichie 29 March 2014 Roshar Realmatic Stoneward 11.39 {'Stoneward': 21, 'Skybreaker': 10}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Senor Feesh 29 March 2014 Roshar World Way of Kings 10.18 Topic, {'Alethkar': 12, 'Stormfather': 4, 'Dalinar': 5, 'Way of Kings': 12}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Confused 28 March 2014 Roshar Character Darkness 14.52 {'Darkness': 28, 'Skybreaker': 20, 'Szeth': 22}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s lookingglass 27 March 2014 Cosmere Realmatic Shard 9.67 {'Shard': 27}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s EMTrevor 27 March 2014 Roshar World Spren 21.86 {'Jasnah': 24, 'Spren': 27, 'Skybreaker': 9}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s FirstSelector 27 March 2014 Roshar World Herald 16.29 {'Taln': 27, 'Herald': 29}
Plantilla:17s Anonymous 26 March 2014 Roshar Character Nightwatcher 5.05 Topic, {'Nightwatcher': 17, 'Dalinar': 17, 'Old Magic': 6}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s aheerema 26 March 2014 Roshar Character Syl 43.07 {'Syl': 36, 'Spren': 28}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Moogle 26 March 2014 Roshar World Spren 17.86 {'Spren': 41}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Confused 22 March 2014 Roshar World Herald 24.51 {'Surge': 23, 'Herald': 34}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s twelfthrootoftwo 21 March 2014 Roshar Realmatic Spren 10.38 {'Spren': 15, 'Surge': 12}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s kari-no-sugata 20 March 2014 Roshar World Hierocracy 9.52 {'Hierocracy': 23, 'Truthwatcher': 22}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s hoser 20 March 2014 Roshar Realmatic Spren 25.97 {'Spren': 10, 'Radiant': 6, 'Honor': 4, 'Words of Radiance': 6, 'Shard': 4, 'Kaladin': 4}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s banestar 19 March 2014 Roshar World Unmade 33.84 {'Unmade': 53}
Plantilla:17s Trevalion 19 March 2014 Roshar Realmatic Cultivation 8.60 {'Cultivation': 16, 'Odium': 15, 'Shard': 12}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s ArrrGent 17 March 2014 Roshar World Parshendi 20.23 {'Parshendi': 19, 'Unmade': 14, 'Spren': 11, 'Odium': 8, 'Gavilar': 7}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s RShara 16 March 2014 Roshar World Roshar 56.91 {'Roshar': 35}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Seloun 16 March 2014 Roshar Realmatic Radiant 14.08 {'Radiant': 17, 'Surge': 9, 'Ym': 6}
Plantilla:17s Gyth 14 March 2014 Roshar Character Adolin 7.97 Category, {'Adolin': 21, 'Spren': 20}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s adbf 14 March 2014 Roshar World Alethkar 22.62 Location, {'Hierocracy': 8, 'Alethkar': 14, 'Taravangian': 5, 'Vin': 5, 'Ardent': 13, 'Sel': 8}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Moogle 11 March 2014 Roshar World Parshendi 33.06 {'Parshendi': 26, 'Gavilar': 15, 'Unmade': 12}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Ailessar 10 March 2014 Roshar World Stance 83.02 {'Stance': 102}
Plantilla:17s Mileswasbestcharacter 09 March 2014 Roshar Character Renarin 5.99 {'Precognition': 8, 'Spren': 13, 'Moelach': 9, 'Renarin': 20}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s zehguga 09 March 2014 Cosmere Realmatic Surge 14.18 {'Cognitive': 16, 'Surge': 30, 'Spiritual': 17, 'Physic': 16}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s TomR 09 March 2014 Roshar Realmatic Spren 10.35 {'Cultivation': 4, 'Honor': 4, 'Spren': 12, 'Radiant': 8}
Plantilla:17s Josiah Bills 08 March 2014 Roshar Realmatic Stormlight 6.10 {'Urithiru': 15, 'Stormlight': 20}
Plantilla:17s Neru 08 March 2014 Roshar World Spren 8.68 Topic, {'Honor': 14, 'Spren': 14}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s The Question 08 March 2014 Roshar Character Ym 13.32 {'Ym': 13, 'Iriali': 12}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Morsk 08 March 2014 Roshar Realmatic Bondsmith 12.17 {'Bondsmith': 17, 'Spren': 14}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Green Hoodie Mistborn 06 March 2014 Roshar Realmatic Bondsmith 18.93 {'Bondsmith': 24, 'Spren': 11}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s skaa 04 March 2014 Roshar World Truthless 21.90 {'Darkness': 3, 'Spren': 8, 'Odium': 4, 'Truthless': 9, 'Surge': 5, 'Szeth': 5}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Confused 01 March 2014 Roshar Character Odium 37.21 {'Cultivation': 15, 'Roshar': 15, 'Desolation': 18, 'Odium': 40, 'Everstorm': 19, 'Honor': 14}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Confused 22 February 2014 Roshar Character Shallan 25.28 {'Shallan': 41, 'Ghostblood': 20, 'Liss': 18}
Plantilla:17s Sirscott13 12 February 2014 Cosmere Realmatic Realm 7.45 Topic, {'Realm': 13, 'Cognitive': 13}
Plantilla:17s Chlehrma 07 February 2014 Roshar World Spren 4.93 {'Roshar': 11, 'Honor': 18, 'Syl': 18, 'Spren': 20, 'Dalinar': 7}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s vikorr 03 February 2014 Roshar Character Darkness 25.69 Location, {'Darkness': 21, 'Parshendi': 10, 'Recreance': 12, 'Odium': 8, 'Radiant': 8, 'Vin': 9, 'Sel': 7}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Moogle 03 February 2014 Roshar Character Odium 18.20 Topic, Location, {'Champion': 13, 'Desolation': 17, 'Honor': 6, 'Odium': 17, 'Sel': 8}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s marianmi 23 January 2014 Roshar World Spren 23.33 {'Spren': 34}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s TJK99 22 January 2014 Roshar World Spren 26.45 {'Realm': 13, 'Honor': 26, 'Syl': 18, 'Spren': 32, 'Physic': 12}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Macen 21 January 2014 Roshar World Spren 23.98 {'Spren': 35, 'Honor': 20}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Colby Jack 21 January 2014 Roshar World Urithiru 11.43 {'Radiant': 10, 'Urithiru': 25}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s AonarFaileas 20 January 2014 Roshar Realmatic Nahel 18.80 {'Spren': 11, 'Radiant': 7, 'Nahel': 19}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s FirstSelector 17 January 2014 Roshar Character Jezrien 26.21 {'Odium': 10, 'Jezrien': 29, 'Honor': 20, 'Shard': 26, 'Identity': 10}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s chikinllama 16 January 2014 Roshar World Recreance 17.92 Location, {'Parshendi': 15, 'Recreance': 18, 'Spren': 11, 'Speculation': 15, 'Sel': 13}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Moist_von_Lipwig 16 January 2014 Roshar Realmatic Parshendi 15.70 {'Forms': 13, 'Parshendi': 24, 'Voidbind': 19}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s smearedblackink 15 January 2014 Roshar Character Ym 16.95 {'Ym': 21, 'Jasnah': 10, 'Elhokar': 19, 'Szeth': 7}
Plantilla:17s Cheese Ninja 14 January 2014 Roshar Realmatic Surge 5.83 Topic, {'Surge': 11, 'Stormlight': 4, 'Dustbringer': 11}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s hoser 10 January 2014 Roshar World Spren 12.96 {'Death Rattle': 20, 'Spren': 24, 'Gavilar': 9, 'Speculation': 10}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s FirstSelector 08 January 2014 Roshar World Spren 14.71 {'Spren': 24, 'Radiant': 11}
Plantilla:17s Aoibheann 08 January 2014 Roshar Realmatic Voidbind 9.20 {'Cultivation': 9, 'Spren': 6, 'Voidbind': 15}
Plantilla:17s Travis1984 06 January 2014 Roshar World Spren 7.39 {'Spren': 15, 'Radiant': 11}
Plantilla:17s Macen 03 January 2014 Roshar World Spren 6.79 {'Spren': 23, 'Shallan': 8, 'Szeth': 8}
Plantilla:17s Numuhukumakiakiaialunamor 29 December 2013 Roshar World Parshendi 4.66 {'Parshendi': 28}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s marianmi 18 December 2013 Roshar Character Darkness 10.68 {'Darkness': 16, 'Parshendi': 12, 'Gavilar': 13}
Plantilla:17s Pinpoint 16 December 2013 Roshar World Spren 8.45 Category, {'Spren': 19, 'Radiant': 14}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s FirstSelector 25 November 2013 Roshar World Parshendi 22.94 {'Roshar': 17, 'Parshendi': 25, 'Voidbringer': 10, 'Gavilar': 14, 'Odium': 9, 'Oathpact': 10}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Morsk 17 November 2013 Roshar World Ideal 11.34 {'Ideal': 14, 'Herald': 11}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Daishi5 11 November 2013 Roshar World Desolation 21.04 {'Desolation': 41}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Moogle 07 November 2013 Roshar Realmatic Stormlight 15.61 {'Steel': 10, 'Gold': 14, 'Stormlight': 25}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Daishi5 05 November 2013 Roshar World Recreance 17.01 {'Recreance': 7, 'Syl': 4, 'Radiant': 6, 'Dalinar': 4, 'Honor': 4, 'Kaladin': 4}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Aet-her 03 November 2013 Roshar Realmatic Surge 10.52 Topic, {'Surge': 17, 'Oathgate': 17}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Scott 01 November 2013 Roshar World Shard 28.62 Topic, {'Soulcast': 4, 'Darkness': 5, 'Shard': 8, 'Roshar': 4, 'Parshendi': 6, 'Shallan': 6, 'Ghostblood': 8, 'Highprince': 4, 'Alethi': 3, 'Numerology': 5, 'Vin': 3}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s dionysus 29 October 2013 Roshar World Ideal 15.70 {'Ideal': 27, 'Speculation': 11}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Ethrien 28 October 2013 Roshar World Parshendi 23.31 {'Soulcast': 13, 'Parshendi': 37}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s KiManiak 23 October 2013 Roshar Realmatic Bondsmith 18.50 {'Bondsmith': 27, 'Radiant': 12}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s ArrrGent 18 October 2013 Roshar Character Herald 55.39 {'Darkness': 18, 'Herald': 26, 'Shalash': 11, 'Vin': 10}

Class 3

Theory Name Author Date Location Category Topic Score Review TopicList
Plantilla:17s metaldragon 21 May 2014 Roshar World Ardent 8.44 {'Ghostblood': 12, 'Ardent': 22}
Plantilla:17s Confused 19 May 2014 Roshar World Spren 7.80 {'Spren': 28, 'Herald': 21}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s LuzdeTormenta 18 May 2014 Roshar Character Adolin 3.74 {'Adolin': 13, 'Future': 10, 'Renarin': 12}
Plantilla:17s Patrick Star 17 May 2014 Roshar World Death Rattle 5.80 {'Death Rattle': 20, 'Moelach': 10, 'Unmade': 9}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Alka 17 May 2014 Roshar Realmatic Parshendi 13.79 {'Soulcast': 7, 'Parshendi': 18, 'Shadesmar': 17}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s TheBlackReaper 16 May 2014 Roshar Character Lopen 3.85 {'Lopen': 17, 'Radiant': 6, 'Stormlight': 6}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Confused 14 May 2014 Roshar World Desolation 11.16 {'Darkness': 12, 'Roshar': 8, 'Desolation': 18, 'Herald': 7, 'Stormlight': 6}
Plantilla:17s Hello. My name is Joe 10 May 2014 Roshar Realmatic Gemstone 4.91 {'Gemstone': 19, 'Surge': 18, 'Stormlight': 7}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s NeutroniumAlchemist 10 May 2014 Roshar Character Jasnah 4.34 {'Jasnah': 14, 'Ghostblood': 12}
Plantilla:17s Stormcrown 10 May 2014 Roshar Character Shallan 7.68 {'Jasnah': 15, 'Shallan': 16}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s kari-no-sugata 08 May 2014 Roshar Character Shallan 26.41 {'Shallan': 38}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s EMTrevor 08 May 2014 Scadrial World Koloss 10.03 Category, {'Koloss': 14, 'Mistborn': 11}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s EMTrevor 06 May 2014 Roshar Character Amaram 17.18 {'Ghostblood': 22, 'Amaram': 28}
Plantilla:17s signspace13 06 May 2014 Roshar Character Radiant 7.00 {'Shallan': 10, 'Radiant': 20, 'Renarin': 7, 'Kaladin': 7}
Plantilla:17s maxal 04 May 2014 Roshar Character Ym 8.79 Category, {'Truthwatcher': 13, 'Ym': 14}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Crazy1993 04 May 2014 Roshar Character Ym 1.88 {'Truthwatcher': 11, 'Ym': 17}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Moogle 03 May 2014 Roshar Character Kaladin 13.73 Topic, {'Dalinar': 15, 'Kaladin': 15}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s blackmagic3 02 May 2014 Roshar World Chasmfiend 1.50 {'Spren': 11, 'Odium': 11, 'Everstorm': 11, 'Chasmfiend': 12}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Confused 01 May 2014 Roshar Character Shallan 27.70 {'Adolin': 27, 'Stones Unhallowed': 16, 'Shallan': 28, 'Kaladin': 11}
Plantilla:17s Toxn 29 April 2014 Roshar Character Dalinar 8.59 {'Shash': 8, 'Speculation': 10, 'Dalinar': 22, 'Vasher': 10}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Confused 28 April 2014 Roshar Character Kaladin 23.40 {'Kaladin': 35}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s shawnhargreaves 27 April 2014 Roshar World Spren 9.69 {'Recreance': 13, 'Spren': 15}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Lightflame 26 April 2014 Roshar Character Szeth 17.18 {'Eshonai': 3, 'Moash': 2, 'Jasnah': 2, 'Rysn': 2, 'Spren': 3, 'Taravangian': 2, 'Shallan': 2, 'Radiant': 2, 'Shalash': 2, 'Speculation': 2, 'Dalinar': 2, 'Shinovar': 2, 'Vin': 4, 'Ardent': 2, 'Szeth': 6}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Maffu17 26 April 2014 Roshar Character Ym 11.67 {'Ym': 34, 'Cymatic': 19}
Plantilla:17s Lirins hand 24 April 2014 Roshar World Spren 9.29 {'Spren': 22, 'Nohadon': 13}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s kobain 21 April 2014 Roshar World Truthless 4.12 Topic, {'Truthless': 12, 'Origin': 10, 'Szeth': 12}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s rererak 21 April 2014 Roshar World Spren 14.00 {'Spren': 44}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Gaz 20 April 2014 Roshar Character Kaladin 0.74 {'Jasnah': 6, 'Lift': 6, 'Shallan': 7, 'Kaladin': 17}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s TheProphet19 19 April 2014 Roshar Character Lift 4.18 {'Nightwatcher': 10, 'Lift': 19}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s kari-no-sugata 19 April 2014 Roshar World Spren 22.84 {'Spren': 49}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Kasimir 19 April 2014 Roshar Character Surge 19.59 {'Adolin': 6, 'Shallan': 7, 'Surge': 15, 'Kaladin': 6}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s EMTrevor 18 April 2014 Roshar Character Gavilar 10.02 {'Gavilar': 25}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Kobold King 16 April 2014 Roshar Realmatic Skybreaker 15.60 {'Skybreaker': 36}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Leonardus 15 April 2014 Roshar World Ryshadium 14.00 {'Ryshadium': 19, 'Radiant': 14}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Sasukerinnegan 15 April 2014 Roshar World Words of Radiance 9.94 Location, {'Darkness': 4, 'Words of Radiance': 10, 'Windrunner': 6, 'Skybreaker': 5, 'Sel': 5}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Ketek 15 April 2014 Roshar Realmatic Skybreaker 10.29 {'Darkness': 14, 'Skybreaker': 18}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Aet-her 13 April 2014 Roshar Character Renarin 33.80 {'Words of Radiance': 12, 'Renarin': 24}
Plantilla:17s Tempus 12 April 2014 Nalthis Realmatic Breath 6.49 {'Breath': 21, 'Returned': 10, 'Vasher': 10}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s ccstat 11 April 2014 Roshar Character Shallan 10.45 {'Shallan': 15, 'Skybreaker': 11}
Plantilla:17s hoser 11 April 2014 Roshar World Alethi 8.47 {'Alethkar': 8, 'Sadeas': 6, 'Alethi': 12, 'Urithiru': 4, 'Dalinar': 6, 'Kaladin': 5}
Plantilla:17s Lumen 11 April 2014 Roshar Character Taravangian 6.75 Topic, {'Honor': 10, 'Amaram': 18, 'Taravangian': 18}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Aet-her 11 April 2014 Roshar Realmatic Squire 51.80 {'Squire': 50}
Plantilla:17s Zerovirus 10 April 2014 Roshar Character Sadeas 7.75 {'Sadeas': 27}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Eri 10 April 2014 Roshar Realmatic Surge 3.71 Topic, {'Spren': 6, 'Surge': 17, 'Herald': 17, 'Ars Arcanum': 6, 'Stormlight': 6}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s kari-no-sugata 10 April 2014 Roshar World Urithiru 11.07 {'Urithiru': 20, 'Shinovar': 19}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Telcontar 08 April 2014 Roshar Character Herald 17.27 {'Herald': 19, 'Shalash': 8}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Confused 07 April 2014 Roshar World Spren 16.24 {'Spren': 26}
Plantilla:17s RShara 05 April 2014 Roshar Character Honor 7.56 {'Death Rattle': 7, 'Shattering': 6, 'Honor': 10, 'Odium': 7, 'Taravangian': 7}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Aoibheann 03 April 2014 Roshar World Spren 19.73 {'Spren': 44}
Plantilla:17s traceria 03 April 2014 Roshar Realmatic Splinter 5.44 Topic, {'Splinter': 18, 'Honor': 18, 'Odium': 10, 'Herald': 9}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Zinnwalder 02 April 2014 Roshar World Nightwatcher 2.80 {'Nightwatcher': 17, 'Spren': 8}
Plantilla:17s WitSpren 02 April 2014 Roshar Realmatic Squire 6.92 Topic, {'Squire': 10, 'Stormlight': 5, 'Kaladin': 10}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Confused 02 April 2014 Roshar Character Darkness 10.89 {'Darkness': 21, 'Herald': 7, 'Emotion': 16, 'Szeth': 10}
Plantilla:17s Kaladeen 01 April 2014 Roshar Realmatic Lightweaving 6.17 {'Lightweaving': 20, 'Shallan': 7, 'Hoid': 8}
Plantilla:17s Delightful 01 April 2014 Roshar Character Taln 9.39 Location, {'Herald': 8, 'Taln': 21, 'Sel': 11}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Lightflame 31 March 2014 Roshar World Herald 14.32 {'Herald': 23, 'Way of Kings': 13}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s parvoneh 30 March 2014 Sel Realmatic Seon 15.45 Topic, {'Realm': 5, 'Aon': 4, 'Spren': 8, 'Physic': 4, 'Elantris': 12, 'Seon': 12, 'Spiritual': 8}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s ChocolateRob 30 March 2014 Roshar Character Kaladin 30.25 Topic, Location, {'Elhokar': 3, 'Shallan': 5, 'Amaram': 7, 'Dalinar': 6, 'Kaladin': 7, 'Sel': 5}
Plantilla:17s Grayv 28 March 2014 Roshar World Yelig-nar 9.00 {'Yelig-nar': 15, 'Spren': 6, 'Szeth': 14}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Golden Knife 27 March 2014 Roshar Character Ym 15.83 {'Ym': 26, 'Symmetry': 18, 'Vin': 14, 'Shard': 12, 'Kaladin': 19}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Observer 27 March 2014 Roshar World Words of Radiance 34.64 Location, {'Lightweaving': 4, 'Bondsmith': 4, 'Spren': 8, 'Words of Radiance': 11, 'Radiant': 4, 'Surge': 4, 'Herald': 5, 'Sel': 4}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Seloun 26 March 2014 Roshar Character Eshonai 12.68 {'Adolin': 18, 'Eshonai': 24, 'Dalinar': 20}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Chlehrma 26 March 2014 Roshar World Words of Radiance 24.35 {'Spren': 7, 'Words of Radiance': 21}
Plantilla:17s Releaser 26 March 2014 Roshar Character Herald 4.68 {'Gavilar': 16, 'Herald': 17}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s ccstat 26 March 2014 Roshar World Roshar 36.06 {'Vorin': 10, 'Roshar': 16, 'Shallan': 6, 'Herald': 8, 'Culture': 9}
Plantilla:17s Goatborn 25 March 2014 Roshar Realmatic Bondsmith 9.21 {'Bondsmith': 22, 'Stormfather': 9, 'Spren': 21, 'Dalinar': 9}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Zerovirus 25 March 2014 Roshar World Oathpact 16.39 {'Jasnah': 19, 'Desolation': 12, 'Radiant': 17, 'Herald': 7, 'Oathpact': 21}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Levian 24 March 2014 Roshar Realmatic Stormlight 4.18 Location, {'Lift': 12, 'Stormlight': 15, 'Sel': 10}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Madara Uchiha 23 March 2014 Roshar Realmatic Cultivation 1.00 {'Cultivation': 18, 'Lift': 11, 'Herald': 12}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Arkennys 23 March 2014 Roshar Character Syl 35.65 {'Syl': 42, 'Spren': 15, 'Kaladin': 39}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s adbf 22 March 2014 Roshar World Vorin 16.08 {'Vorin': 33, 'Ym': 11, 'Origin': 19, 'Glyph': 21}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s FireArcadia 22 March 2014 Roshar Character Eshonai 10.97 {'Eshonai': 16, 'Radiant': 10, 'Speculation': 6}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s scm288 21 March 2014 Roshar World Glyph 19.12 {'Roshar': 9, 'Ym': 10, 'Symbol': 10, 'Radiant': 8, 'Glyph': 19}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s rererak 20 March 2014 Roshar Character Shallan 13.26 {'Adolin': 13, 'Gavilar': 9, 'Dalinar': 6, 'Shallan': 15, 'Kaladin': 11, 'Navani': 10}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s FireArcadia 20 March 2014 Roshar World Urithiru 28.51 {'Urithiru': 27}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Rlain 19 March 2014 Roshar World Spren 3.84 {'Spren': 15, 'Szeth': 11}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Grayv 19 March 2014 Roshar World Voidbringer 10.43 {'Parshendi': 12, 'Spren': 7, 'Voidbringer': 14}
Plantilla:17s grinachu 19 March 2014 Roshar Character Elhokar 9.25 {'Elhokar': 16, 'Radiant': 12}
Plantilla:17s masaru 19 March 2014 Roshar World Spren 6.86 {'Spren': 17, 'Nahel': 12}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s eveorjoy 18 March 2014 Roshar Character Kaladin 11.54 {'Kaladin': 29}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Moogle 18 March 2014 Roshar Character Mrall 17.01 {'Mrall': 15, 'Aimian': 5, 'Taravangian': 6, 'Emotion': 5}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s rhaiynebow 18 March 2014 Roshar Character Axies 10.84 {'Spren': 18, 'Shadesmar': 18, 'Axies': 21}
Plantilla:17s grinachu 18 March 2014 Roshar World Herald 6.03 {'Herald': 27}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s adbf 18 March 2014 Roshar Character Herald 32.42 Location, {'Darkness': 11, 'Stormfather': 8, 'Herald': 21, 'Jezrien': 8, 'Vin': 13, 'Sel': 18}
Plantilla:17s Sensai24 18 March 2014 Roshar Character Shallan 5.46 Topic, {'Shallan': 17, 'Herald': 17, 'Shalash': 17}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Bramble Thorn 18 March 2014 Roshar Character Dalinar 38.16 Location, {'Adolin': 22, 'Parshendi': 15, 'Elhokar': 17, 'Sadeas': 12, 'Dalinar': 36, 'Dawnsinger': 17, 'Kaladin': 33, 'Sel': 15}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Paydirt 17 March 2014 Roshar Character Darkness 4.09 {'Darkness': 28, 'Vin': 13}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Howl of the Sun 17 March 2014 Roshar World Shash 1.98 Topic, {'Shash': 17, 'Shalash': 17, 'Stormlight': 6}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Konn 17 March 2014 Roshar Character Eshonai 11.93 {'Eshonai': 14, 'Parshendi': 7, 'Words of Radiance': 6}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s The Rooster 17 March 2014 Roshar World Chull 9.66 {'Chasmfiend': 11, 'Chull': 22}
Plantilla:17s Grimm 16 March 2014 Roshar Character Shallan 7.09 {'Adolin': 7, 'Shallan': 21, 'Renarin': 16}
Plantilla:17s EmanEmal 16 March 2014 Roshar Character Hoid 8.03 {'Roshar': 10, 'Words of Radiance': 10, 'Hoid': 19, 'Taln': 12}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s smearedblackink 16 March 2014 Roshar Character Dalinar 4.12 {'Hoid': 9, 'Taln': 10, 'Dalinar': 18}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s writelhd 16 March 2014 Roshar Realmatic Radiant 27.93 Topic, Location, {'Ideal': 14, 'Spren': 5, 'Shallan': 5, 'Radiant': 14, 'Dalinar': 5, 'Sel': 7}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s hoser 15 March 2014 Roshar Realmatic Roshar 12.96 {'Roshar': 17, 'Ghostblood': 8, 'Hoid': 8, 'Honor': 8, '17th Shard': 8, 'Shard': 14}
Plantilla:17s Seloun 15 March 2014 Roshar Realmatic Radiant 7.76 Topic, {'Radiant': 19, 'Herald': 19}
Plantilla:17s cris34b 15 March 2014 Roshar World Larkin 4.51 {'Larkin': 18, 'Rysn': 7, 'Radiant': 7}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s gofunkiertti 15 March 2014 Roshar Realmatic Soulcast 15.74 {'Soulcast': 18, 'Ardent': 13}
Plantilla:17s MitchSpren2014 15 March 2014 Roshar World Spren 4.50 {'Spren': 32}
Plantilla:17s V'rish Makik 14 March 2014 Roshar Character Lift 8.81 {'Soulcast': 4, 'Jasnah': 7, 'Lift': 8, 'Shallan': 7, 'Surge': 6}
Plantilla:17s hoser 14 March 2014 Roshar World Parshendi 5.54 {'Parshmen': 20, 'Parshendi': 23, 'Voidbringer': 19}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Lightflame 14 March 2014 Roshar Character Vin 25.91 {'Forms': 15, 'Parshendi': 12, 'Spren': 8, 'Surge': 16, 'Vin': 18}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Coboney 14 March 2014 Roshar World Stoneward 10.94 {'Stoneward': 12, 'Stone Shaman': 11, 'Oathpact': 4}
Plantilla:17s MagnusMuses 13 March 2014 Roshar World Spren 8.63 {'Spren': 13, 'Words of Radiance': 6, 'Origin': 10, 'Stormlight': 6}
Plantilla:17s Trickonometry 13 March 2014 Roshar Character Wyndle 9.00 {'Wyndle': 15, 'Syl': 14, 'Spren': 8}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s hoser 13 March 2014 Roshar Character Mr. T 25.64 {'Mr. T': 19, 'Szeth': 10}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Radiant Storm 12 March 2014 Roshar Realmatic Honor 1.46 {'Honor': 30, 'Sliver': 10, 'Syl': 18, 'Spren': 12}
Plantilla:17s 11thorderknight 12 March 2014 Roshar Realmatic Windrunner 8.76 Topic, {'Squire': 1, 'Ideal': 2, 'Stoneward': 1, 'Willshaper': 1, 'Lightweaving': 3, 'Bondsmith': 2, 'Stance': 1, 'Jasnah': 1, 'Stormfather': 1, 'Spren': 2, 'Words of Radiance': 1, 'Radiant': 1, 'Truthwatcher': 2, 'Nahel': 1, 'Dalinar': 2, 'Way of Kings': 1, 'Windrunner': 3, 'Skybreaker': 1, 'Elsecaller': 2, 'Vin': 3, 'Shard': 1, 'Dustbringer': 1}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Heir of the Void 12 March 2014 Roshar World Greatshell 4.27 {'Everstorm': 9, 'Voidbringer': 8, 'Greatshell': 13}
Plantilla:17s Macen 12 March 2014 Roshar Character Taravangian 7.32 Topic, {'Moash': 7, 'Gavilar': 7, 'Amaram': 7, 'Taravangian': 7}
Plantilla:17s Vestis Etoris Prime Targ 12 March 2014 Scadrial Realmatic Mistborn 6.07 {'Compounding': 7, 'Mistborn': 16, 'Investiture': 10, 'Nicrosil': 15}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Rlain 12 March 2014 Roshar Character Dalinar 17.61 {'Dalinar': 20, 'Stormlight': 18}
Plantilla:17s Quazar87 12 March 2014 Roshar World Spren 5.23 {'Spren': 20, 'Hoid': 7, 'Stormlight': 7}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Jedidiah 12 March 2014 Roshar Character Stormfather 1.92 {'Stormfather': 18, 'Jezrien': 7}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Aloysius 12 March 2014 Roshar Character Szeth 16.74 Category, {'Honor': 22, 'Spren': 23, 'Truthless': 14, 'Szeth': 34}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Moogle 11 March 2014 Roshar World Spren 15.02 {'Spren': 29}
Plantilla:17s Edgedancer3 11 March 2014 Roshar Realmatic Truthwatcher 8.14 {'Radiant': 8, 'Truthwatcher': 18, 'Renarin': 12}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Shards of Mist 11 March 2014 Roshar Character Kaladin 15.31 {'Radiant': 23, 'Kaladin': 28}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Moogle 11 March 2014 Roshar Realmatic Fabrial 16.05 {'Cultivation': 5, 'Roshar': 3, 'Fabrial': 6, 'Spren': 3, 'Voidbind': 5, 'Shard': 2, 'Odium': 2, 'Magic System': 3, 'Honor': 2, 'Ars Arcanum': 2, 'Old Magic': 3}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Shardlet 11 March 2014 Roshar Character Szeth 17.72 {'Szeth': 26}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Lightflame 11 March 2014 Roshar Character Kaladin 24.59 {'Stones Unhallowed': 11, 'Shallan': 5, 'Dalinar': 7, 'Adolin': 5, 'Kaladin': 14, 'Szeth': 8}
Plantilla:17s zandi 11 March 2014 Roshar Realmatic Soulcast 7.76 Topic, {'Soulcast': 19, 'Fabrial': 9, 'Ardent': 19}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s The Count 11 March 2014 Roshar Character Syl 3.54 {'Syl': 18, 'Kaladin': 7}
Plantilla:17s Paradox 11 March 2014 Roshar Realmatic Stormlight 5.61 {'Radiant': 16, 'Speculation': 10, 'Stormlight': 23}
Plantilla:17s eveorjoy 10 March 2014 Roshar Character Kaladin 4.66 {'Amaram': 13, 'Dalinar': 22, 'Kaladin': 23}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s name_here 10 March 2014 Roshar World Everstorm 67.99 Location, {'Parshendi': 3, 'Highstorm': 5, 'Shash': 4, 'Voidbringer': 3, 'Unmade': 5, 'Stormfather': 3, 'Moelach': 5, 'Shallan': 4, 'Everstorm': 9, 'Dalinar': 3, 'Vin': 5, 'Kaladin': 4, 'Sel': 5}
Plantilla:17s Spark 10 March 2014 Roshar World Spren 7.66 {'Ideal': 10, 'Syl': 7, 'Spren': 13}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Mojoran 10 March 2014 Roshar Realmatic Old Magic 22.92 {'Nightwatcher': 18, 'Dalinar': 8, 'Old Magic': 22}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Lomeon 10 March 2014 Roshar Character Stormfather 15.82 {'Shard': 9, 'Tanavast': 8, 'Stormfather': 20, 'Identity': 11, 'Nahel': 8, 'Jezrien': 7, 'Honor': 8}
Plantilla:17s ArrrGent 10 March 2014 Roshar Realmatic Radiant 7.84 {'Ideal': 12, 'Radiant': 15}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Cayden 09 March 2014 Roshar Character Szeth 3.58 Topic, {'Stormfather': 9, 'Nightblood': 9, 'Dalinar': 11, 'Szeth': 11}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Jerich 09 March 2014 Roshar Character Spren 18.15 {'Syl': 17, 'Spren': 20}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s arcmourn 09 March 2014 Roshar Character Shallan 10.20 {'Adolin': 7, 'Words of Radiance': 6, 'Shallan': 8, 'Kaladin': 7}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Sasukerinnegan 09 March 2014 Roshar World Words of Radiance 28.72 {'Roshar': 6, 'Ym': 4, 'Words of Radiance': 10, 'Renarin': 4, 'Kaladin': 5}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s jcoop513 09 March 2014 Roshar Character Shallan 21.36 Topic, {'Shallan': 17, 'Alethi': 17}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s cris34b 09 March 2014 Roshar World Words of Radiance 63.58 {'Words of Radiance': 38}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Sasukerinnegan 09 March 2014 Roshar Character Stormfather 27.81 Topic, {'Ideal': 7, 'Stormfather': 16, 'Nohadon': 16}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s lizbusby 08 March 2014 Roshar Character Kaladin 11.87 {'Words of Radiance': 10, 'Dalinar': 9, 'Kaladin': 11}
Plantilla:17s Kersplattle 08 March 2014 Roshar Character Kaladin 7.13 {'Adolin': 7, 'Dalinar': 6, 'Kaladin': 18}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Jerich 08 March 2014 Roshar World Elantris 32.87 Location, {'Adolin': 23, 'Spren': 8, 'Words of Radiance': 12, 'Radiant': 12, 'Elantris': 24, 'Skybreaker': 21, 'Sel': 12}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s arcmourn 08 March 2014 Roshar Character Radiant 2.78 Topic, {'Adolin': 19, 'Radiant': 19}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s cris34b 07 March 2014 Roshar World Spren 17.74 {'Spren': 46}
Plantilla:17s Moogle 07 March 2014 Roshar World Spren 8.48 {'Parshendi': 11, 'Spren': 19, 'Nahel': 11}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Colby Jack 06 March 2014 Roshar Character Kaladin 13.38 {'Kaladin': 29}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Nepene 06 March 2014 Roshar World Nightwatcher 37.48 Location, {'Almighty': 3, 'Nightwatcher': 8, 'Spren': 6, 'Unmade': 6, 'Odium': 7, 'Sel': 3}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s dyring 06 March 2014 Roshar World Everstorm 2.92 {'Everstorm': 13, 'Shinovar': 12}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Harakeke 06 March 2014 Roshar World Glyph 39.37 {'Letter': 17, 'Alethi': 38, 'Glyph': 45}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Krenn 06 March 2014 Roshar Character Radiant 13.26 {'Spren': 8, 'Shallan': 12, 'Radiant': 20, 'Kaladin': 12}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Kurkistan 05 March 2014 Cosmere Character Hoid 15.65 {'Identity': 10, 'Hoid': 14, 'Speculation': 10, 'Ars Arcanum': 8}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Moogle 05 March 2014 Roshar World Unmade 33.33 {'Death Rattle': 5, 'Spren': 5, 'Moelach': 6, 'Unmade': 14}
Plantilla:17s Satsuoni 05 March 2014 Roshar Character Shallan 7.74 {'Lightweaving': 8, 'Shallan': 18, 'Vin': 9}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s cris34b 04 March 2014 Roshar Character Ym 4.07 {'Ym': 19, 'Urithiru': 9}
Plantilla:17s cris34b 04 March 2014 Roshar Character Navani 5.20 {'Navani': 23, 'Alethi': 8}
Plantilla:17s AhoyMatey 04 March 2014 Cosmere Character Hoid 5.36 {'Cosmere': 10, 'Hoid': 17}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Tarion 04 March 2014 Roshar World Words of Radiance 167.40 {'Spren': 18, 'Words of Radiance': 21, 'Surge': 8}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s macros 04 March 2014 Roshar Character Darkness 3.25 {'Darkness': 21, 'Origin': 11}
Plantilla:17s Sasukerinnegan 28 February 2014 Roshar World Voidbringer 7.90 Topic, {'Soulcast': 10, 'Words of Radiance': 7, 'Voidbringer': 10}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Stroniax 27 February 2014 Roshar World Spren 4.06 {'Spren': 31}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Kersplattle 25 February 2014 Roshar Character Amaram 2.68 {'Sadeas': 13, 'Amaram': 19, 'Dalinar': 9}
Plantilla:17s eveorjoy 25 February 2014 Roshar Character Kaladin 5.38 Topic, {'Amaram': 20, 'Kaladin': 20}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s KiManiak 24 February 2014 Roshar Character Szeth 4.03 {'Words of Radiance': 6, 'Stormlight': 6, 'Szeth': 17}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s jefftucker0525 24 February 2014 Roshar World Ideal 1.34 {'Ideal': 12, 'Edgedancer': 11, 'Lift': 11}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Confused 22 February 2014 Roshar Character Kaladin 30.61 {'Amaram': 19, 'Renarin': 19, 'Kaladin': 33}
Plantilla:17s eveorjoy 21 February 2014 Roshar Character Renarin 5.04 Topic, {'Adolin': 16, 'Dalinar': 8, 'Skybreaker': 6, 'Renarin': 16}
Plantilla:17s bartbug 20 February 2014 Cosmere Realmatic Words of Radiance 4.99 {'Words of Radiance': 17, '17th Shard': 16, 'Shard': 16}
Plantilla:17s Shash 20 February 2014 Roshar World Ghostblood 6.95 {'Vorin': 10, 'Ym': 10, 'Symbol': 10, 'Ghostblood': 12}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Moogle 19 February 2014 Roshar World Everstorm 14.35 {'Parshendi': 12, 'Highstorm': 10, 'Everstorm': 21}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s mindsbane 19 February 2014 Roshar Character Szeth 4.39 {'Oathstone': 17, 'Spren': 11, 'Szeth': 20}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Scrutiny 19 February 2014 Roshar Character Jasnah 11.54 {'Jasnah': 20, 'Shallan': 19}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Gloom 19 February 2014 Roshar Character Dalinar 9.55 {'Roshar': 13, 'Elhokar': 7, 'Sadeas': 7, 'Radiant': 6, 'Dalinar': 16, 'Taravangian': 10, 'Kaladin': 7}
Plantilla:17s Swimmingly 17 February 2014 Roshar Realmatic Lashing 6.23 Topic, {'Breath': 1, 'Soulcast': 2, 'Thunderclast': 1, 'Regrowth': 1, 'Forms': 1, 'Memory': 2, 'Aimian': 1, 'Larkin': 1, 'Lightweaving': 1, 'Ym': 1, 'Death Rattle': 1, 'Lashing': 3, 'Spren': 2, 'Lift': 1, 'Healing': 1, 'Shallan': 1, 'Physic': 1, 'Ryshadium': 1, 'Nahel': 1, 'Dalinar': 1, 'Purelake': 1, 'Greatshell': 1, 'Old Magic': 1, 'Mr. T': 1, 'Essence': 1, 'Stormlight': 2, 'Vin': 1, 'Fabrial': 3, 'Future': 1}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Moogle 15 February 2014 Roshar Character Dalinar 15.59 {'Jasnah': 6, 'Sadeas': 4, 'Amaram': 4, 'Urithiru': 5, 'Shallan': 6, 'Kaladin': 6, 'Dalinar': 10}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Humph 15 February 2014 Roshar Character Mr. T 15.33 {'Darkness': 16, 'Mr. T': 19, 'Szeth': 9}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s MasterTacticianAlduin 14 February 2014 Roshar Character Shallan 3.28 Topic, {'Adolin': 8, 'Jasnah': 7, 'Shallan': 9, 'Kaladin': 9}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s The Rooster 13 February 2014 Roshar World Roshar 3.05 Topic, {'Adolin': 8, 'Roshar': 16, 'Genetic': 16, 'Shallan': 7, 'Colour': 7}
Plantilla:17s Bloodfalcon 10 February 2014 Roshar Realmatic Soulcast 6.46 {'Soulcast': 23, 'Highstorm': 8}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s treblkickd 07 February 2014 Roshar World Spren 11.11 {'Spren': 38}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Alice Rose 06 February 2014 Roshar World Shard 18.11 {'Cultivation': 8, 'Parshendi': 10, 'Dawnsinger': 9, 'Dawnshard': 19, 'Shard': 20}
Plantilla:17s cris34b 04 February 2014 Roshar World Parshendi 9.02 {'Parshendi': 23, 'Spren': 10}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Benjibooboo 03 February 2014 Roshar World Bridge Four 3.08 {'Bridge Four': 12, 'Radiant': 10, 'Kaladin': 11}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s rimorob 03 February 2014 Roshar Character Eshonai 4.36 {'Eshonai': 20, 'Kaladin': 8, 'Szeth': 18}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Xanas-the 18th Shard 03 February 2014 Roshar World Spren 4.28 {'Spren': 16, 'Herald': 12}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Punter 02 February 2014 Roshar Character Kaladin 4.48 {'Lashing': 18, 'Stormlight': 9, 'Kaladin': 20, 'Szeth': 19}
Plantilla:17s Master246 01 February 2014 Roshar Character Szeth 4.57 {'Spren': 9, 'Szeth': 17}
Plantilla:17s Benjibooboo 31 January 2014 Roshar Character Kaladin 8.14 {'Adolin': 21, 'Kaladin': 22}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s alylime 31 January 2014 Roshar Realmatic Shard 31.86 {'Cultivation': 9, 'Spren': 12, 'Voidbind': 6, 'Magic System': 12, 'Honor': 10, 'Shard': 15}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Punter 31 January 2014 Roshar Character Elhokar 3.76 {'Elhokar': 17, 'Spren': 9}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s rimorob 30 January 2014 Roshar Character Shallan 2.78 Topic, {'Jasnah': 17, 'Shallan': 17}
Plantilla:17s OriginsSpren 30 January 2014 Roshar Character Shallan 5.82 Topic, {'Jasnah': 11, 'Shallan': 12, 'Ghostblood': 12}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s ProfessorMLyon 30 January 2014 Roshar Character Ideal 2.96 {'Ideal': 20, 'Kaladin': 19}
Plantilla:17s Stoneward 30 January 2014 Roshar Character Ideal 6.28 {'Adolin': 6, 'Ideal': 18, 'Jasnah': 6, 'Elhokar': 6, 'Shallan': 6, 'Radiant': 17, 'Dalinar': 6, 'Renarin': 6, 'Kaladin': 6}
Plantilla:17s Duskshard 30 January 2014 Roshar World Radiant 5.28 {'Desolation': 8, 'Radiant': 17, 'Herald': 7}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Master246 29 January 2014 Roshar Character Jasnah 3.58 {'Jasnah': 19, 'Shallan': 8}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s hoser 29 January 2014 Roshar Character Adolin 11.81 {'Adolin': 24, 'Odium': 9, 'Thrill': 12}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s ddleg 29 January 2014 Roshar Character Szeth 3.77 {'Kaladin': 12, 'Szeth': 13}
Plantilla:17s Darkeye 28 January 2014 Roshar Character Darkness 6.79 {'Darkness': 23, 'Gavilar': 11}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Moogle 28 January 2014 Roshar Realmatic Highstorm 16.23 {'Highstorm': 17, 'Spren': 9}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Moogle 27 January 2014 Roshar Character Jasnah 23.11 {'Jasnah': 24, 'Gavilar': 23, 'Szeth': 16}
Plantilla:17s IceBaka 27 January 2014 Roshar Character Shallan 6.62 Category, {'Spren': 17, 'Shallan': 20}
Plantilla:17s Shanderton 27 January 2014 Roshar Character Szeth 5.70 {'Taravangian': 13, 'Szeth': 14}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Mysty 27 January 2014 Roshar Character Szeth 9.77 {'Darkness': 7, 'Jasnah': 5, 'Gavilar': 6, 'Szeth': 11}
Plantilla:17s eveorjoy 26 January 2014 Roshar Character Szeth 5.71 {'Words of Radiance': 10, 'Szeth': 22}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s skaa 26 January 2014 Roshar Realmatic Shadesmar 9.78 {'Shadesmar': 25}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Chessboxin' 25 January 2014 Roshar Character Gavilar 12.72 Location, {'Darkness': 2, 'Roshar': 2, 'Eshonai': 2, 'Parshendi': 2, 'Desolation': 3, 'Spren': 3, 'Intent': 2, 'Gavilar': 5, 'Shallan': 2, 'Odium': 3, 'Herald': 2, 'Dalinar': 2, 'Urithiru': 2, 'Numerology': 2, 'Focus': 2, 'Sel': 4}
Plantilla:17s NthBelisarius 25 January 2014 Roshar Character Stormfather 6.92 {'Stormfather': 22, 'Jezrien': 21}
Plantilla:17s stratix 24 January 2014 Roshar Realmatic Stormlight 5.10 {'Words of Radiance': 6, 'Nahel': 11, 'Stormlight': 16}
Plantilla:17s Tyson 24 January 2014 Roshar Character Larkin 8.27 {'Larkin': 18, 'Dalinar': 8, 'Kaladin': 8, 'Szeth': 8}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s vikorr 23 January 2014 Roshar World Parshendi 10.17 Topic, {'Parshendi': 16, 'Kaladin': 16}
Plantilla:17s ADIMORTIS 23 January 2014 Roshar World Spren 6.92 {'Eshonai': 11, 'Spren': 16}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s hoser 21 January 2014 Roshar World Spren 28.00 {'Ideal': 24, 'Spren': 32, 'Radiant': 16, 'Honor': 15}
Plantilla:17s JesseQ 21 January 2014 Cosmere Realmatic Realm 6.06 {'Realm': 23, 'Physic': 20, 'Cognitive': 15}
Plantilla:17s Kyzkle 21 January 2014 Roshar Character Stormfather 5.40 {'Nightwatcher': 7, 'Stormfather': 12, 'Spren': 7}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Aet-her 18 January 2014 Roshar Realmatic Spren 10.98 {'Spren': 16, 'Nahel': 13}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Stoneward 15 January 2014 Roshar Realmatic Cultivation 17.07 {'Cultivation': 19, 'Stormlight': 9}
Plantilla:17s Delightful 14 January 2014 Roshar Character Jasnah 8.61 {'Jasnah': 14, 'Spren': 11, 'Shard': 12}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s ccstat 14 January 2014 Roshar Realmatic Spren 13.94 {'Spren': 18, 'Nahel': 10}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Xanas-the 18th Shard 14 January 2014 Roshar World Spren 3.68 {'Roshar': 10, 'Spren': 17}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s The Count 14 January 2014 Roshar Character Amaram 10.95 {'Amaram': 24, 'Kaladin': 14}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Rew 13 January 2014 Roshar Character Spren 19.63 {'Spren': 23, 'Hoid': 19, 'Shadesmar': 19}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Rew 13 January 2014 Roshar Character Spren 19.63 {'Spren': 23, 'Hoid': 19, 'Shadesmar': 19}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Rew 13 January 2014 Roshar Character Spren 19.63 {'Spren': 23, 'Hoid': 19, 'Shadesmar': 19}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s blackmagic3 12 January 2014 Roshar World Spren 1.36 {'Spren': 13, 'Radiant': 12}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Ephemera 11 January 2014 Roshar World Shattered Plain 37.55 {'Shattered Plain': 22, 'Ruin': 21, 'Parshendi': 9, 'Jasnah': 15, 'Urithiru': 13}
Plantilla:17s 11thorderknight 11 January 2014 Roshar World Spren 7.56 {'Spren': 25, 'Jasnah': 13}
Plantilla:17s Mileswasbestcharacter 10 January 2014 Roshar World Spren 5.57 {'Adonalsium': 8, 'Spren': 20, 'Shadesmar': 16, 'History': 10}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Darkness 10 January 2014 Roshar Character Szeth 16.42 {'Dalinar': 11, 'Taravangian': 9, 'Kaladin': 16, 'Szeth': 17}
Plantilla:17s dyring 10 January 2014 Roshar Character Jasnah 5.67 {'Soulcast': 10, 'Jasnah': 14, 'Radiant': 10, 'Navani': 13}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s hoser 09 January 2014 Cosmere Realmatic Realm 19.13 {'Realm': 26, 'Cognitive': 24}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s hoser 08 January 2014 Roshar Character Shallan 18.30 {'Jasnah': 10, 'Spren': 23, 'Shallan': 27}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s hoser 08 January 2014 Roshar Character Jasnah 16.33 {'Jasnah': 21, 'Amaram': 13}
Plantilla:17s Sasukerinnegan 29 December 2013 Roshar Character Kaladin 6.87 {'Words of Radiance': 10, 'Dalinar': 14, 'Kaladin': 15}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s eveorjoy 19 December 2013 Roshar Character Kaladin 3.27 Topic, {'Amaram': 8, 'Dalinar': 18, 'Shard': 6, 'Kaladin': 18}
Plantilla:17s Bloodfalcon 18 December 2013 Roshar Character Darkness 7.69 {'Kalak': 9, 'Darkness': 27, 'Identity': 10}
Plantilla:17s Xanas-the 18th Shard 17 December 2013 Roshar Realmatic Lashing 5.34 {'Lashing': 28}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Altonahk 13 December 2013 Roshar World Spren 1.92 {'Spren': 18, 'Odium': 8}
Plantilla:17s Sasukerinnegan 20 November 2013 Roshar Character Jasnah 8.81 {'Jasnah': 11, 'Shallan': 5, 'Kaladin': 9}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s GreyPilgrim 14 November 2013 Cosmere World Cosmere 26.20 Location, Location, {'Realm': 13, 'Roshar': 8, 'Cosmere': 22, 'Steel': 10, 'Sel': 9}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Windrunner 02 November 2013 Roshar World Words of Radiance 16.66 {'Shallan': 11, 'Words of Radiance': 16}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Aet-her 31 October 2013 Roshar Character Szeth 12.26 {'Darkness': 14, 'Words of Radiance': 6, 'Herald': 10, 'Vin': 10, 'Szeth': 18}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s The Count 31 October 2013 Roshar World Parshmen 4.11 {'Parshmen': 20, 'Parshendi': 19}
Plantilla:17s Daishi5 30 October 2013 Roshar World Parshendi 8.57 {'Parshmen': 11, 'Parshendi': 23, 'Voidbringer': 10}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Havoc 30 October 2013 Roshar Character Szeth 2.10 Topic, {'Darkness': 14, 'Szeth': 14}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s skinnylipid 23 October 2013 Roshar Character Darkness 10.70 {'Darkness': 16, 'Recreance': 12, 'Lift': 8}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Shardlet 22 October 2013 Roshar World Larkin 2.40 {'Larkin': 19, 'Stormlight': 9}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Chaos 22 October 2013 Roshar World Spren 1.10 {'Spren': 18, 'Wyndle': 10}
Plantilla:17s dungeonfood 21 October 2013 Roshar Character Herald 7.32 {'Syl': 7, 'Spren': 7, 'Radiant': 16, 'Herald': 21, 'Jezrien': 7, 'Kaladin': 8}
Plantilla:17s The Count 14 October 2013 Roshar Realmatic Memory 6.88 {'Memory': 19, 'Shallan': 13, 'Surge': 11, 'Shalash': 8}
Plantilla:17s Bloodfalcon 25 September 2013 Roshar World Chasmfiend 5.22 {'Parshmen': 19, 'Spren': 8, 'Chasmfiend': 20}
Plantilla:17s hoser 16 August 2013 Roshar Character Jasnah 9.09 {'Jasnah': 20, 'Szeth': 7}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Windrunner 19 June 2013 Roshar Character Words of Radiance 12.20 {'Parshendi': 6, 'Ym': 7, 'Jasnah': 7, 'Rysn': 7, 'Lift': 7, 'Words of Radiance': 17, 'Dalinar': 7, 'Shallan': 7, 'Kaladin': 7}
Plantilla:17s The Count 09 June 2013 Roshar World Spren 5.37 Topic, {'Parshendi': 7, 'Spren': 10, 'Dalinar': 10, 'Voidbringer': 8}

Class 4

Theory Name Author Date Location Category Topic Score Review TopicList
Plantilla:17s harry31j97 04 March 2014 Nalthis Realmatic Memory 4.55 Topic, Location, {'Memory': 1, 'Command': 1}
Plantilla:17s Chaos 03 March 2014 Roshar World Words of Radiance 6.77 {'Words of Radiance': 17}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Chaos 25 February 2014 Roshar World Words of Radiance 9.96 {'Words of Radiance': 10, 'Stormlight': 4}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Zinnny 22 May 2014 Roshar Character Jasnah 1.54 Category, Topic, {'Aimian': 11, 'Jasnah': 11}
Plantilla:17s metaldragon 21 May 2014 Cosmere Character Shard 4.96 {'Shard': 11, 'Renarin': 10}
Plantilla:17s Stroniax 21 May 2014 Roshar World Ardent 6.46 {'Ardent': 6}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s harry31j97 21 May 2014 Roshar Character Shallan 4.49 Category, Topic, {'Shallan': 1, 'Colour': 1}
Plantilla:17s hubrisnxs 20 May 2014 Roshar World Parshendi 5.66 Category, Topic, {'Iron': 1, 'Parshendi': 1, 'Death Rattle': 1, 'Future': 1}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s High prince of geeks 19 May 2014 Sel World Sel 1.88 Category, Topic, Location, {'Kaladin': 1, 'Sel': 1}
Plantilla:17s PeterAhlstrom 19 May 2014 Roshar Character Renarin 5.63 {'Way of Kings': 11, 'Renarin': 12}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Smye 16 May 2014 Roshar Character Amaram 2.58 {'Amaram': 13}
Plantilla:17s Smye 16 May 2014 Roshar Character Gavilar 6.50 {'Gavilar': 13}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s EMTrevor 16 May 2014 Sel World Whitespine 14.16 Topic, Location, {'Skeletal': 1, 'Whitespine': 2, 'Origin': 1, '17th Shard': 1, 'Numerology': 1, 'Shard': 1, 'Sel': 2}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Patrick Star 13 May 2014 Roshar World Roshar 4.12 {'Roshar': 15}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Dun Sphere 13 May 2014 Roshar Character Lopen 1.18 {'Lopen': 17, 'Radiant': 6}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s RadiantNights 12 May 2014 Roshar World Unmade 0.74 {'Unmade': 11}
Plantilla:17s WitSpren 12 May 2014 Roshar Character Shallan 7.53 {'Stormfather': 3, 'Syl': 3, 'Spren': 2, 'Shallan': 6, 'Ghostblood': 2}
Plantilla:17s Degamound 11 May 2014 Roshar Character Adolin 5.46 {'Adolin': 13}
Plantilla:17s Patrick Star 11 May 2014 Roshar World Recreance 8.84 {'Recreance': 12, 'Spren': 5}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Inkthinker 11 May 2014 Roshar Character Shallan 4.12 {'Shallan': 11}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Zea mays 10 May 2014 Roshar Realmatic Windrunner 4.32 {'Windrunner': 16}
Plantilla:17s Mikanium 10 May 2014 Nalthis Character Nightblood 6.04 Category, {'Nightblood': 4}
Plantilla:17s Griff 10 May 2014 Nalthis Character Vasher 6.26 Topic, Location, {'Adolin': 1, 'Forgery': 1, 'Nightblood': 3, 'Cosmere': 1, 'Renarin': 2, 'Vasher': 3}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Asejet 09 May 2014 Roshar World Roshar 3.14 Category, Topic, {'Roshar': 1, 'Dalinar': 1, 'Intent': 1, 'Radiant': 1, 'Ghostblood': 1, 'Nohadon': 1}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Confused 09 May 2014 Roshar Character Odium 2.82 Topic, Location, {'Odium': 12, 'Nightblood': 12}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Kasimir 09 May 2014 Cosmere World Shard 25.26 {'Highprince': 7, 'Shard': 15}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s blademaster 08 May 2014 Roshar Character Syl 1.56 {'Syl': 11, 'Stormlight': 7}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Cheese Ninja 08 May 2014 Roshar World Roshar 13.44 {'Roshar': 16}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s blademaster 08 May 2014 Roshar World Words of Radiance 13.14 Topic, Location, {'Ruin': 1, 'Words of Radiance': 2, 'Way of Kings': 2, 'Sel': 1}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Maffu17 08 May 2014 Roshar World Unmade 22.46 {'Forms': 13, 'Unmade': 17, 'Vin': 6}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Asejet 07 May 2014 Roshar World Spren 2.88 Topic, {'Roshar': 1, 'Spren': 1, 'Radiant': 1, 'Herald': 1}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Asejet 07 May 2014 Roshar Character Szeth 1.79 {'Szeth': 11}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s shawnhargreaves 05 May 2014 Roshar Character Renarin 14.12 Location, {'Jasnah': 2, 'Shallan': 2, 'Radiant': 2, 'Stormlight': 3, 'Renarin': 4, 'Kaladin': 3, 'Future': 2, 'Sel': 2}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Smye 05 May 2014 Cosmere Realmatic Worldhopping 2.91 {'Worldhopping': 11}
Plantilla:17s Hello. My name is Joe 05 May 2014 Roshar World Essence 7.33 {'Herald': 9, 'Essence': 14, 'Numerology': 9}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Maffu17 05 May 2014 Roshar World Oathgate 4.26 {'Oathgate': 12}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Eri 04 May 2014 Roshar Realmatic Stormlight 2.71 Topic, Location, {'Nightblood': 6, 'Stormlight': 6}
Plantilla:17s makromag 03 May 2014 Roshar Character Shallan 6.73 {'Shallan': 22}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Maffu17 03 May 2014 Roshar World Urithiru 0.54 {'Urithiru': 10}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Moogle 02 May 2014 Roshar World Glyph 13.51 {'Glyph': 14}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Valen 02 May 2014 Roshar Realmatic Surge 3.26 {'Surge': 13}
Plantilla:17s WitSpren 02 May 2014 Roshar World Voidbringer 6.86 Topic, {'Highstorm': 1, 'Everstorm': 1, 'Voidbringer': 1}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Wicklander 01 May 2014 Roshar Realmatic Windrunner 2.26 {'Windrunner': 11}
Plantilla:17s Wicklander 01 May 2014 Roshar Character Kaladin 7.51 {'Kaladin': 14}
Plantilla:17s EMTrevor 30 April 2014 Nalthis Realmatic Lifeless 7.67 {'Lifeless': 18, 'Essence': 14}
Plantilla:17s ArrrGent 30 April 2014 Roshar Realmatic Radiant 5.80 {'Radiant': 10}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Confused 29 April 2014 Roshar Realmatic Truthwatcher 13.67 {'Truthwatcher': 12, 'Renarin': 5}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s ddleg 29 April 2014 Roshar World Spren 2.12 {'Spren': 2}
Plantilla:17s anthonydraco 29 April 2014 Roshar World Words of Radiance 6.92 Topic, {'Words of Radiance': 1, 'Shallan': 1, 'Way of Kings': 1}
Plantilla:17s anthonydraco 29 April 2014 Roshar World Way of Kings 8.96 Topic, {'Syl': 3, 'Spren': 7, 'Way of Kings': 7}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Rubix 28 April 2014 Roshar Character Syl 0.98 {'Syl': 11}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s EMTrevor 28 April 2014 Roshar Character Szeth 14.27 {'Szeth': 24}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Zenith 28 April 2014 Roshar World Oathgate 12.93 {'Oathgate': 18}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Moogle 28 April 2014 Roshar Character Taln 11.95 {'Mistborn': 10, 'Kandra': 7, 'Taln': 19}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s RadiantNights 26 April 2014 Roshar World Larkin 1.74 {'Larkin': 12, 'Stormlight': 4}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s FourthDahn 26 April 2014 Roshar Character Darkness 1.77 {'Darkness': 12, 'Everstorm': 11}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s ice4 26 April 2014 Roshar Realmatic Radiant 2.61 {'Radiant': 10}
Plantilla:17s Citizen 25 April 2014 Roshar Character Moash 4.80 {'Moash': 14}
Plantilla:17s Matrim Bloody Cauthon 25 April 2014 Roshar Character Lopen 7.47 {'Lopen': 14}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Seonookim 25 April 2014 Roshar Character Eshonai 3.92 {'Eshonai': 17}
Plantilla:17s Moogle 25 April 2014 Roshar Character Taravangian 7.12 {'Taravangian': 13}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Moogle 24 April 2014 Roshar Character Taravangian 21.66 Location, {'Eshonai': 2, 'Desolation': 2, 'Spren': 2, 'Shallan': 3, 'Hoid': 4, 'Radiant': 2, 'Dalinar': 2, 'Honor': 2, 'Taravangian': 5, 'Windrunner': 2, 'Sel': 2}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Confused 24 April 2014 Scadrial Character Vin 19.07 {'Vin': 21}
Plantilla:17s Arin 24 April 2014 Roshar World Voidbringer 8.22 {'Voidbringer': 18}
Plantilla:17s Zerovirus 24 April 2014 Cosmere World Champion 6.88 {'Champion': 20, 'Odium': 16}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s P4thf1nd3r 24 April 2014 Roshar World Origin 2.43 {'Origin': 11}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s wickedpissah 23 April 2014 Roshar World Urithiru 9.60 Topic, {'Urithiru': 12, 'Oathgate': 12}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s bdoble97 23 April 2014 Roshar Character Dalinar 1.28 Topic, {'Bondsmith': 11, 'Dalinar': 11}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Gyth 23 April 2014 Roshar World Oathpact 4.00 {'Oathpact': 13}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s blackmagic3 23 April 2014 Roshar Character Taravangian 0.86 Topic, {'Jasnah': 11, 'Taravangian': 11}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s EMTrevor 23 April 2014 Roshar World Whitespine 12.68 {'Whitespine': 18}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Aleksiel 23 April 2014 Roshar Character Shallan 2.58 {'Shallan': 16}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s don_karma_II 22 April 2014 Roshar Character Sadeas 3.77 {'Sadeas': 12}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Patrick Star 22 April 2014 Nalthis Character Nightblood 4.47 {'Nightblood': 19}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s lookingglass 22 April 2014 Roshar World Spren 3.79 {'Spren': 19}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s lookingglass 22 April 2014 Roshar Character Renarin 3.45 {'Dalinar': 1, 'Renarin': 2}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Moogle 22 April 2014 Scadrial Realmatic Aluminium 14.40 {'Aluminium': 14}
Plantilla:17s maxal 21 April 2014 Roshar Character Shallan 7.66 {'Shallan': 20}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Moogle 21 April 2014 Roshar Character Vin 17.41 Category, Topic, {'Roshar': 1, 'Chull': 1, 'Vin': 1, 'Nazh': 1}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Maffu17 21 April 2014 Roshar Character Kaladin 1.92 Category, Topic, {'Chasmfiend': 1, 'Kaladin': 1}
Plantilla:17s fievelgoespostal 20 April 2014 Roshar World Herald 5.52 {'Herald': 2, 'Taln': 1, 'Shinovar': 1}
Plantilla:17s shawnhargreaves 19 April 2014 Roshar Character Mraize 7.04 {'Mraize': 16, 'Hoid': 13}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s RadiantNights 19 April 2014 Roshar Realmatic Fabrial 1.80 {'Fabrial': 13, 'Awakening': 11}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Adam Stormblessed 19 April 2014 Nalthis Character Speculation 2.44 {'Nightblood': 9, 'Speculation': 10, 'Vasher': 6}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s WitSpren 18 April 2014 Roshar Character Spren 10.00 Topic, Location, {'Soulcast': 1, 'Adolin': 1, 'Spren': 2, 'Shallan': 2, 'Ghostblood': 1, 'Radiant': 1, 'Renarin': 2, 'Sel': 1}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Seonookim 18 April 2014 Roshar Character Gavilar 4.14 {'Gavilar': 20}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Maffu17 18 April 2014 Cosmere Realmatic Savant 20.46 Topic, {'Savant': 1, 'Future': 1, 'Computer': 1}
Plantilla:17s Confused 18 April 2014 Roshar Realmatic Lightweaving 5.47 {'Lightweaving': 14}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s The Ja 17 April 2014 Roshar Character Moash 3.80 {'Moash': 12}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Darkness 17 April 2014 Nalthis Character Nightblood 10.37 Location, {'Roshar': 13, 'Nightblood': 24, 'Shard': 14, 'Szeth': 8}
Plantilla:17s GeoMancer 17 April 2014 Cosmere Character Hoid 7.49 {'Hoid': 11}
Plantilla:17s bdoble97 17 April 2014 Roshar Character Dalinar 6.06 {'Dalinar': 15}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s WitSpren 17 April 2014 Roshar World Voidbringer 10.97 {'Stormfather': 1, 'Future': 1, 'Voidbringer': 3, 'Vin': 1, 'Shard': 1, 'Oathgate': 1}
Plantilla:17s shawnhargreaves 16 April 2014 Roshar Character Odium 6.43 Category, Location, {'Odium': 13, 'Splinter': 12}
Plantilla:17s Vasteel 16 April 2014 Roshar Character Sadeas 5.71 {'Sadeas': 12}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s The Ja 16 April 2014 Cosmere Realmatic Champion 3.77 {'Champion': 15, 'Honor': 14, 'Mistborn': 10}
Plantilla:17s bdoble97 16 April 2014 Roshar Character Dalinar 5.60 {'Dalinar': 13}
Plantilla:17s Moash 15 April 2014 Roshar Realmatic Stormlight 6.52 {'Stormlight': 11}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Moogle 15 April 2014 Roshar Character Szeth 17.78 {'Stormlight': 7, 'Kaladin': 5, 'Szeth': 12}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Sasukerinnegan 15 April 2014 Roshar Character Gavilar 9.82 {'Gavilar': 23}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s thejopen27 14 April 2014 Roshar Realmatic Stormlight 0.72 {'Stormlight': 1}
Plantilla:17s potato 14 April 2014 Roshar World Herald 5.58 {'Herald': 14, 'Dawncities': 10}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s jag519 14 April 2014 Cosmere Realmatic Healing 3.26 {'Healing': 10}
Plantilla:17s Darkness 14 April 2014 Roshar World Words of Radiance 7.55 {'Words of Radiance': 7}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Mailliw73 14 April 2014 Nalthis Character Vasher 2.51 Topic, Location, {'Ym': 1, 'Hoid': 3, 'Vasher': 3}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s potato 13 April 2014 Roshar World Roshar 2.28 {'Roshar': 10}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s snote 13 April 2014 Roshar Character Odium 1.56 {'Odium': 11, 'Ryshadium': 10}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Wrath 13 April 2014 Sel Realmatic Forgery 11.57 {'Forgery': 10, 'Radiant': 9}
Plantilla:17s Eri 13 April 2014 Roshar World Words of Radiance 7.05 Category, Topic, {'Words of Radiance': 6, 'Stormlight': 6}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s WitSpren 12 April 2014 Roshar Character Shallan 0.72 {'Shallan': 10}
Plantilla:17s bdoble97 12 April 2014 Roshar Character Szeth 5.12 Topic, {'Adolin': 2, 'Vin': 1, 'Szeth': 2}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Confused 11 April 2014 Roshar World Roshar 2.86 {'Roshar': 12}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Hello. My name is Joe 11 April 2014 Sel World Worldhopping 2.79 Category, Topic, Location, {'Darkness': 0, 'Dawncities': 0, 'Hemalurgy': 0, 'Memory': 0, 'Allomancy': 0, 'Lightweaving': 0, 'Elhokar': 0, 'Royal Locks': 0, 'Colour': 0, 'Spiritweb': 0, 'Worldhopping': 0, 'Shalash': 0, 'Jezrien': 0, 'Taln': 0, 'Feruchemy': 0, 'Taravangian': 0, 'Ars Arcanum': 0, 'Aluminium': 0, 'Forgery': 0, 'Numerology': 0, 'Shard': 0}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s bdoble97 10 April 2014 Roshar World Parshendi 3.11 {'Parshendi': 11}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s EMTrevor 10 April 2014 Nalthis Realmatic Breath 4.32 {'Breath': 7}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s traceria 10 April 2014 Roshar Character Adolin 16.22 {'Adolin': 10}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s bdoble97 10 April 2014 Roshar Character Adolin 3.79 {'Adolin': 11}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s freezedragon 10 April 2014 Roshar World Spren 1.70 {'Spren': 11}
Plantilla:17s don_karma_II 10 April 2014 Roshar World Herald 7.79 Topic, Location, {'Tranquiline Hall': 1, 'Herald': 2, 'Future': 1, 'Dalinar': 2, 'Sel': 1}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Dain 10 April 2014 Roshar Character Adolin 1.31 {'Adolin': 10}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Xanas-the 18th Shard 09 April 2014 Roshar World Parshendi 2.29 Topic, {'Forms': 1, 'Cultivation': 1, 'Parshendi': 1, 'Nightwatcher': 1, 'Gavilar': 1, 'Command': 1}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s andheiswitty 09 April 2014 Cosmere Realmatic Realm 3.54 Topic, {'Gnat': 1, 'Realm': 1, 'Hoid': 1, 'Origin': 1}
Plantilla:17s EddyRed 09 April 2014 Roshar Character Taravangian 4.83 {'Taravangian': 1}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s kaellok 07 April 2014 Roshar World Ketek 10.13 {'Ketek': 8}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Ketek 07 April 2014 Cosmere Realmatic Worldhopping 2.70 {'Worldhopping': 10}
Plantilla:17s ninch 07 April 2014 Scadrial Character Taln 4.64 Topic, Location, {'Spook': 17, 'Taln': 17}
Plantilla:17s Samurai 06 April 2014 Roshar Realmatic Lashing 6.72 {'Roshar': 1, 'Lashing': 2, 'Dalinar': 1, 'Shard': 1, 'Kaladin': 1}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s WitSpren 06 April 2014 Roshar World Ideal 4.22 {'Ideal': 11}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Maffu17 05 April 2014 Roshar Character Sadeas 1.74 {'Sadeas': 11}
Plantilla:17s Maffu17 04 April 2014 Scadrial Character Vin 8.48 {'Future': 2, 'Dalinar': 2, 'Vin': 5, 'Kaladin': 2}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s WitSpren 04 April 2014 Roshar World Spren 2.06 Topic, {'Spren': 10, 'Shallan': 10}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s WitSpren 04 April 2014 Roshar World Spren 3.60 Category, Topic, {'Elhokar': 11, 'Spren': 11}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Kessler 03 April 2014 Roshar Character Szeth 3.26 Location, {'Sel': 5, 'Szeth': 13}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Confused 03 April 2014 Roshar Character Jasnah 1.50 {'Jasnah': 11}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Lightflame 03 April 2014 Roshar World Roshar 18.57 {'Roshar': 13}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s andheiswitty 03 April 2014 Roshar Character Szeth 2.31 Topic, {'Kaladin': 11, 'Szeth': 11}
Plantilla:17s Raevun 02 April 2014 Roshar World Spren 5.68 {'Sliver': 11, 'Spren': 12}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s LloydSev 02 April 2014 Sel World Worldhopping 1.74 Category, Topic, Location, {'Darkness': 0, 'Dawncities': 0, 'Hemalurgy': 0, 'Memory': 0, 'Allomancy': 0, 'Lightweaving': 0, 'Elhokar': 0, 'Royal Locks': 0, 'Colour': 0, 'Spiritweb': 0, 'Worldhopping': 0, 'Shalash': 0, 'Jezrien': 0, 'Taln': 0, 'Feruchemy': 0, 'Taravangian': 0, 'Ars Arcanum': 0, 'Aluminium': 0, 'Forgery': 0, 'Numerology': 0, 'Shard': 0}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Confused 02 April 2014 Roshar World Spren 9.55 {'Spren': 19}
Plantilla:17s Confused 02 April 2014 Roshar World Words of Radiance 6.27 Topic, Location, {'Ideal': 1, 'Music': 1, 'Lightweaving': 1, 'Spren': 1, 'Words of Radiance': 1, 'Shallan': 1, 'Vin': 1, 'Ending': 1, 'Sel': 1}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Lightflame 01 April 2014 Cosmere Character Hoid 15.51 Location, {'Splinter': 1, 'Hoid': 3, 'Stormlight': 1, 'Sel': 2}
Plantilla:17s Exthalion 01 April 2014 Roshar Character Vin 6.56 Topic, {'Ideal': 1, 'Jasnah': 1, 'Syl': 1, 'Shallan': 2, 'Vin': 2, 'Kaladin': 1}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s rhaiynebow 01 April 2014 Nalthis Character Nightblood 19.80 {'Nightblood': 20, 'Szeth': 7}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s ArrrGent 01 April 2014 Roshar World Words of Radiance 2.03 {'Words of Radiance': 10}
Plantilla:17s beagel 01 April 2014 Roshar Character Kaladin 8.58 {'Lashing': 3, 'Stormlight': 2, 'Kaladin': 4, 'Szeth': 2}
Plantilla:17s Adolin_Dustbringer 31 March 2014 Roshar Realmatic Radiant 6.73 {'Eshonai': 11, 'Colour': 4, 'Radiant': 12}
Plantilla:17s agentprimus 31 March 2014 Roshar Character Mraize 5.53 {'Mraize': 12}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Locke Lamora 31 March 2014 Roshar Character Jasnah 11.86 {'Jasnah': 17}
Plantilla:17s Alka 31 March 2014 Roshar World Ketek 5.88 {'Honor': 5, 'Ketek': 11, 'Stormlight': 5}
Plantilla:17s FudgeHeart 31 March 2014 Roshar Character Kaladin 6.39 {'Syl': 7, 'Kaladin': 17}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s End of Disc One 31 March 2014 Roshar World Way of Kings 3.14 Category, Topic, {'Shallan': 1, 'Way of Kings': 1}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Edgedancer 31 March 2014 Roshar World Death Rattle 2.24 {'Death Rattle': 17}
Plantilla:17s Ati 30 March 2014 Roshar Character Gavilar 7.96 {'Jasnah': 7, 'Gavilar': 14}
Plantilla:17s RadiantNights 30 March 2014 Sel World Sel 5.27 Topic, {'Ending': 1, 'Sel': 1}
Plantilla:17s Spark 30 March 2014 Roshar Character Sebarial 5.02 {'Highprince': 7, 'Sebarial': 17}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Chlehrma 29 March 2014 Roshar Character Dalinar 1.20 {'Dalinar': 10}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Rhyzoor 29 March 2014 Cosmere Realmatic Adonalsium 1.24 {'Adonalsium': 12}
Plantilla:17s mons456 29 March 2014 Roshar World Desolation 9.28 {'Desolation': 24}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Armless writer 28 March 2014 Cosmere Realmatic Identity 4.36 {'Identity': 1}
Plantilla:17s Turkatron 28 March 2014 Roshar World Oathgate 5.41 Category, {'Tranquiline Hall': 1, 'Memory': 2, 'Fabrial': 1, 'Words of Radiance': 1, 'Shallan': 1, 'Stormlight': 1, 'Shard': 2, 'Kaladin': 1, 'Ardent': 1, 'Oathgate': 3}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s EddyRed 28 March 2014 Roshar Character Odium 2.14 Location, {'Odium': 11}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Observer 28 March 2014 Roshar Character Odium 20.98 {'Honor': 5, 'Roshar': 4, 'Stormfather': 5, 'Odium': 8, 'Shard': 4}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s EMTrevor 28 March 2014 Sel World Worldhopping 1.06 Category, Topic, Location, {'Darkness': 0, 'Dawncities': 0, 'Hemalurgy': 0, 'Memory': 0, 'Allomancy': 0, 'Lightweaving': 0, 'Elhokar': 0, 'Royal Locks': 0, 'Colour': 0, 'Spiritweb': 0, 'Worldhopping': 0, 'Shalash': 0, 'Jezrien': 0, 'Taln': 0, 'Feruchemy': 0, 'Taravangian': 0, 'Ars Arcanum': 0, 'Aluminium': 0, 'Forgery': 0, 'Numerology': 0, 'Shard': 0}
Plantilla:17s kari-no-sugata 28 March 2014 Roshar Character Shallan 4.98 {'Shallan': 4}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Dihatimus 28 March 2014 Sel World Worldhopping 0.92 Category, Topic, Location, {'Darkness': 0, 'Dawncities': 0, 'Hemalurgy': 0, 'Memory': 0, 'Allomancy': 0, 'Lightweaving': 0, 'Elhokar': 0, 'Royal Locks': 0, 'Colour': 0, 'Spiritweb': 0, 'Worldhopping': 0, 'Shalash': 0, 'Jezrien': 0, 'Taln': 0, 'Feruchemy': 0, 'Taravangian': 0, 'Ars Arcanum': 0, 'Aluminium': 0, 'Forgery': 0, 'Numerology': 0, 'Shard': 0}
Plantilla:17s Zola 28 March 2014 Roshar Character Kaladin 6.99 {'Spren': 2, 'Kaladin': 4}
Plantilla:17s EMTrevor 28 March 2014 Roshar World Herald 5.01 Topic, Location, {'Gavilar': 1, 'Herald': 3, 'Vin': 1, 'Ardent': 3, 'Sel': 2}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Githraine 28 March 2014 Roshar Character Stormfather 3.26 {'Stormfather': 12, 'Honor': 11}
Plantilla:17s Lightflame 28 March 2014 Roshar Character Gavilar 6.66 {'Eshonai': 1, 'Jasnah': 1, 'Elhokar': 1, 'Sadeas': 1, 'Gavilar': 2, 'Liss': 1, 'Dalinar': 1, 'Navani': 1, 'Szeth': 1}
Plantilla:17s CrystalBodies 28 March 2014 Roshar Character Szeth 8.79 {'Investiture': 6, 'Szeth': 18}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Wolf Brother 27 March 2014 Roshar Character Kaladin 4.24 {'Future': 10, 'Kaladin': 15}
Plantilla:17s Adamantame 27 March 2014 Cosmere Realmatic Honor 9.04 {'Vasher': 8, 'Honor': 11, 'Hoid': 4, 'Shard': 10}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Darkeye 27 March 2014 Roshar World Shattered Plain 3.87 {'Shattered Plain': 10}
Plantilla:17s Darkeye 27 March 2014 Cosmere Realmatic Splinter 6.68 {'Splinter': 11}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Le_Horneater 27 March 2014 Roshar Character Kaladin 2.12 {'Kaladin': 11}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Seloun 26 March 2014 Roshar Character Shallan 17.64 {'Shallan': 20}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s agentprimus 26 March 2014 Roshar Character Taln 1.02 {'Taln': 2, 'Way of Kings': 1, 'Szeth': 1}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Observer 26 March 2014 Roshar Character Rayse 24.49 Location, {'Rayse': 7, 'Letter': 4, 'Sel': 3}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Elena 26 March 2014 Roshar Character Liss 18.96 Location, {'Jasnah': 3, 'Liss': 7, 'Sel': 4}
Plantilla:17s RadiantNights 26 March 2014 Roshar World Spren 7.56 {'Spren': 11, 'Radiant': 5}
Plantilla:17s fyodor 26 March 2014 Roshar Realmatic Skybreaker 5.34 {'Darkness': 5, 'Skybreaker': 13}
Plantilla:17s kirron 25 March 2014 Roshar Realmatic Radiant 5.28 {'Radiant': 19}
Plantilla:17s EmanEmal 25 March 2014 Roshar Character Kaladin 9.21 {'Kaladin': 8}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Tranquil 25 March 2014 Roshar Character Taln 1.34 {'Taln': 11}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s DoctorWh0m 25 March 2014 Roshar Character Vivenna 1.65 Category, Topic, Location, {'Roshar': 7, 'Vivenna': 7}
Plantilla:17s FlatLine 24 March 2014 Roshar Realmatic Stormlight 9.19 {'Stormlight': 11}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s V'rish Makik 24 March 2014 Roshar Character Jasnah 2.26 {'Jasnah': 12}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s BaarZel 24 March 2014 Roshar Character Darkness 4.33 {'Darkness': 12, 'Herald': 6}
Plantilla:17s Observer 24 March 2014 Roshar World Soulcast 5.79 Category, Topic, {'Soulcast': 2, 'Parshendi': 2, 'Jasnah': 1, 'Shallan': 1, 'Alethi': 1, 'Navani': 1, 'Essence': 1}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Eerongal 24 March 2014 Roshar Character Kaladin 0.58 {'Kaladin': 1}
Plantilla:17s TierFour 24 March 2014 Roshar Character Dalinar 6.20 Location, {'Navani': 1, 'Physic': 1, 'Dalinar': 2, 'Sel': 1}
Plantilla:17s Maresia 23 March 2014 Roshar World Stormlight 7.43 Topic, {'Roshar': 1, 'Rysn': 1, 'Spren': 2, 'Greatshell': 1, 'Chasmfiend': 1, 'Chull': 1, 'Stormlight': 2}
Plantilla:17s Xcarthan12 23 March 2014 Threnody Character Nazh 5.69 Location, {'Words of Radiance': 12, 'Nazh': 13}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s GreyPilgrim 23 March 2014 Roshar Character Words of Radiance 12.13 Topic, {'Ym': 1, 'Jasnah': 1, 'Book of Endless Pages': 2, 'Spren': 1, 'Lift': 1, 'Words of Radiance': 2, 'Radiant': 2, 'Nahel': 1, 'Dalinar': 1, 'History': 1, 'Shallan': 2, 'Focus': 1, 'Renarin': 1, 'Kaladin': 2, 'Szeth': 1}
Plantilla:17s Elena 23 March 2014 Roshar Character Renarin 8.79 Location, {'Ym': 1, 'Renarin': 2, 'Sel': 1}
Plantilla:17s farmboy777 23 March 2014 Cosmere Realmatic Shard 5.61 {'Vin': 4, 'Shard': 12}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Mathologist 23 March 2014 Roshar Realmatic Highstorm 2.68 {'Highstorm': 13}
Plantilla:17s Rybal 22 March 2014 Scadrial Character Vin 8.22 {'Jasnah': 2, 'Vin': 4}
Plantilla:17s tipbruley 22 March 2014 Roshar Character Stormfather 8.22 {'Stormfather': 13, 'Honor': 5}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s WeiryWriter 22 March 2014 Roshar World Whitespine 3.28 Category, Topic, Location, {'Whitespine': 11, 'Shard': 11}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Gyth 22 March 2014 Roshar Realmatic Radiant 3.32 {'Radiant': 11, 'Surge': 8}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Gyth 22 March 2014 Roshar Realmatic Stormlight 3.42 {'Chasmfiend': 6, 'Stormlight': 7}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Truthless 22 March 2014 Roshar Character Hoid 3.57 Topic, Location, {'Hoid': 11, 'Dalinar': 11}
Plantilla:17s Douglas7886 22 March 2014 Roshar World Herald 5.32 {'Herald': 14, 'Origin': 10}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Samuel 21 March 2014 Cosmere Realmatic Splinter 1.50 {'Splinter': 10}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Kyzkle 21 March 2014 Sel World Worldhopping 0.74 Category, Topic, Location, {'Darkness': 0, 'Dawncities': 0, 'Hemalurgy': 0, 'Memory': 0, 'Allomancy': 0, 'Lightweaving': 0, 'Elhokar': 0, 'Royal Locks': 0, 'Colour': 0, 'Spiritweb': 0, 'Worldhopping': 0, 'Shalash': 0, 'Jezrien': 0, 'Taln': 0, 'Feruchemy': 0, 'Taravangian': 0, 'Ars Arcanum': 0, 'Aluminium': 0, 'Forgery': 0, 'Numerology': 0, 'Shard': 0}
Plantilla:17s Zinnwalder 21 March 2014 Roshar Realmatic Soulcast 4.77 {'Soulcast': 4}
Plantilla:17s Arondell 21 March 2014 Roshar Character Dalinar 5.87 {'Shattered Plain': 1, 'Stormfather': 1, 'Shallan': 1, 'Radiant': 1, 'Urithiru': 1, 'Dalinar': 2, 'Kaladin': 1, 'Oathgate': 1}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s sadavidas 21 March 2014 Roshar Character Darkness 17.95 {'Darkness': 15, 'Desolation': 6}
Plantilla:17s masaru 21 March 2014 Roshar Realmatic Lightweaving 5.87 {'Lightweaving': 12, 'Herald': 10}
Plantilla:17s Kobold King 21 March 2014 Roshar Character Jasnah 9.23 Location, {'Jasnah': 18, 'Words of Radiance': 6, 'Scadrial': 7}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s speedburst 20 March 2014 Roshar Character Sadeas 1.02 {'Sadeas': 11}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s tipbruley 20 March 2014 Roshar Realmatic Honor 11.25 {'Honor': 16}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Radiant_thoughts 20 March 2014 Roshar World Spren 1.30 {'Spren': 10}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Luminesce 20 March 2014 Cosmere World Letter 14.75 Category, {'Letter': 5, 'Words of Radiance': 2}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Radiant_thoughts 20 March 2014 Roshar Character Szeth 3.80 {'Szeth': 12}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Stalagmite 20 March 2014 Roshar Character Szeth 3.26 {'Szeth': 12}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s shadewolf 20 March 2014 Roshar Character Shallan 12.28 Topic, {'Shallan': 4, 'Amaram': 2, 'Urithiru': 3, 'Vin': 2, 'Renarin': 2, 'Kaladin': 4, 'Szeth': 2}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Radiant_thoughts 20 March 2014 Roshar Character Stormfather 2.90 Topic, {'Adolin': 1, 'Stormfather': 1, 'Jezrien': 1, 'Dalinar': 1, 'Renarin': 1}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Radiant_thoughts 20 March 2014 Roshar Character Stormfather 3.10 Topic, {'Adolin': 1, 'Stormfather': 1, 'Jezrien': 1, 'Dalinar': 1, 'Renarin': 1}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s ArrrGent 20 March 2014 Roshar Character Taln 15.84 {'Identity': 10, 'Taln': 14}
Plantilla:17s Grimm 20 March 2014 Roshar Character Gavilar 5.69 {'Bondsmith': 11, 'Gavilar': 12}
Plantilla:17s Isomere 20 March 2014 Roshar Realmatic Lightweaving 8.94 {'Lightweaving': 21, 'Vin': 20}
Plantilla:17s RadiantNights 19 March 2014 Roshar World Herald 7.74 {'Herald': 12}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s hoser 19 March 2014 Roshar World Chasmfiend 15.82 {'Chasmfiend': 19}
Plantilla:17s Radiant_thoughts 19 March 2014 Roshar Realmatic Stormlight 4.62 {'Stormlight': 10}
Plantilla:17s tanuki 19 March 2014 Roshar Realmatic Radiant 7.45 {'Radiant': 7}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Magnanimous Taz 19 March 2014 Roshar Character Szeth 3.93 {'Speculation': 10, 'Szeth': 11}
Plantilla:17s nightwatcher 18 March 2014 Roshar Character Words of Radiance 4.99 Topic, {'Shallan': 1, 'Eshonai': 1, 'Parshendi': 1, 'Words of Radiance': 1, 'Kaladin': 1, 'Szeth': 1}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s agentprimus 18 March 2014 Roshar Character Szeth 0.86 {'Words of Radiance': 10, 'Szeth': 11}
Plantilla:17s theofficetroll 18 March 2014 Roshar Character Szeth 6.87 Topic, {'Roshar': 2, 'Fabrial': 1, 'Nightblood': 1, 'Odium': 3, 'Braize': 1, 'Herald': 1, 'Szeth': 3}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Windrunning 18 March 2014 Cosmere Realmatic Letter 2.93 {'Letter': 17, 'Sazed': 7, 'Hoid': 6}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Luke.spence 18 March 2014 Roshar Character Odium 15.16 Topic, {'Desolation': 4, 'Odium': 4}
Plantilla:17s WitSpren 18 March 2014 Roshar World Spren 5.86 {'Spren': 17}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Delightful 18 March 2014 Roshar Character Lopen 1.68 {'Lopen': 11}
Plantilla:17s Confused 17 March 2014 Roshar Character Shallan 9.03 Topic, {'Adolin': 1, 'Roshar': 1, 'Jasnah': 2, 'Gavilar': 1, 'Shallan': 2, 'Physic': 2, 'History': 1, 'Vin': 1}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Sirscott13 17 March 2014 Nalthis Realmatic Heightening 1.86 {'Heightening': 12}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Kurkistan 17 March 2014 Cosmere Character Hoid 11.43 {'Hoid': 22}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s estus 17 March 2014 Cosmere Realmatic Worldhopping 1.78 {'Hoid': 8, 'Worldhopping': 11}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Lateralus 17 March 2014 Roshar Character Kaladin 12.41 {'Adolin': 2, 'Kaladin': 5}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s taliefer 17 March 2014 Roshar Character Kaladin 2.70 {'Kaladin': 12}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Crysanja 17 March 2014 Roshar Character Shallan 4.36 {'Shallan': 4}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s kraefzke 17 March 2014 Cosmere World Herald 3.26 {'Shattering': 10, 'Herald': 13, 'Shard': 11}
Plantilla:17s WitSpren 17 March 2014 Roshar Character Shallan 4.58 {'Shallan': 17}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Stormfather 16 March 2014 Sel World Worldhopping 1.40 Category, Topic, Location, {'Darkness': 0, 'Dawncities': 0, 'Hemalurgy': 0, 'Memory': 0, 'Allomancy': 0, 'Lightweaving': 0, 'Elhokar': 0, 'Royal Locks': 0, 'Colour': 0, 'Spiritweb': 0, 'Worldhopping': 0, 'Shalash': 0, 'Jezrien': 0, 'Taln': 0, 'Feruchemy': 0, 'Taravangian': 0, 'Ars Arcanum': 0, 'Aluminium': 0, 'Forgery': 0, 'Numerology': 0, 'Shard': 0}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s WEZ313 16 March 2014 Roshar Character Hoid 4.36 {'Shallan': 6, 'Hoid': 7, 'Dalinar': 6, 'Kaladin': 6}
Plantilla:17s sonNeturo 16 March 2014 Roshar Character Jezrien 6.05 {'Jezrien': 12, 'Kaladin': 11}
Plantilla:17s Confused 15 March 2014 Roshar Character Stormfather 7.40 Category, {'Cultivation': 1, 'Memory': 1, 'Nightwatcher': 1, 'Lightweaving': 1, 'Stormfather': 2, 'Spren': 1, 'Shallan': 1, 'Dalinar': 1, 'Shard': 1}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Rlain 15 March 2014 Roshar Character Shallan 2.50 {'Shallan': 12}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Bean 15 March 2014 Cosmere Character Hoid 10.33 {'Hoid': 13}
Plantilla:17s Malevericas 14 March 2014 Sel World Sel 6.90 {'Stormlight': 1, 'Sel': 3}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Lateralus 14 March 2014 Roshar Character Adolin 3.61 {'Adolin': 9, 'Kaladin': 3}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Lizzardborn 14 March 2014 Roshar Character Shallan 3.22 {'Shallan': 1}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s sonNeturo 14 March 2014 Cosmere Character Hoid 1.72 {'Hoid': 11}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Maresia 14 March 2014 Sel World Worldhopping 2.35 Category, Topic, Location, {'Darkness': 0, 'Dawncities': 0, 'Hemalurgy': 0, 'Memory': 0, 'Allomancy': 0, 'Lightweaving': 0, 'Elhokar': 0, 'Royal Locks': 0, 'Colour': 0, 'Spiritweb': 0, 'Worldhopping': 0, 'Shalash': 0, 'Jezrien': 0, 'Taln': 0, 'Feruchemy': 0, 'Taravangian': 0, 'Ars Arcanum': 0, 'Aluminium': 0, 'Forgery': 0, 'Numerology': 0, 'Shard': 0}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s infamousstorm 14 March 2014 Roshar Realmatic Shard 2.88 Topic, Location, {'Radiant': 1, 'Shard': 1}
Plantilla:17s Trevalion 14 March 2014 Roshar World Urithiru 6.15 {'Urithiru': 13, 'Vin': 11}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Sigzil 14 March 2014 Roshar Character Shallan 1.66 {'Shallan': 11}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s stratix 14 March 2014 Roshar Realmatic Stormlight 3.64 Topic, Location, {'Nightblood': 12, 'Stormlight': 12}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s cem 14 March 2014 Cosmere Realmatic Memory 13.72 {'Memory': 12}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s gofunkiertti 14 March 2014 Roshar Character Rysn 15.76 {'Rysn': 17}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s rhaiynebow 14 March 2014 Cosmere World Ending 17.57 {'Spiritual': 4, 'Ending': 11}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s ranstang94 14 March 2014 Sel World Sel 1.18 {'Sel': 1}
Plantilla:17s Lightflame 14 March 2014 Roshar World Herald 9.12 {'Herald': 15}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s rhaiynebow 14 March 2014 Roshar Character Kaladin 10.25 Topic, {'Kaladin': 4, 'Ardent': 4}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Adam Stormblessed 14 March 2014 Roshar Realmatic Honor 3.02 {'Honor': 15}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s 11thorderknight 14 March 2014 Roshar Realmatic Surge 4.49 {'Radiant': 1, 'Surge': 3, 'Essence': 1}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s GCBL 14 March 2014 Sel World Worldhopping 1.92 Category, Topic, Location, {'Darkness': 0, 'Dawncities': 0, 'Hemalurgy': 0, 'Memory': 0, 'Allomancy': 0, 'Lightweaving': 0, 'Elhokar': 0, 'Royal Locks': 0, 'Colour': 0, 'Spiritweb': 0, 'Worldhopping': 0, 'Shalash': 0, 'Jezrien': 0, 'Taln': 0, 'Feruchemy': 0, 'Taravangian': 0, 'Ars Arcanum': 0, 'Aluminium': 0, 'Forgery': 0, 'Numerology': 0, 'Shard': 0}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Shardfan13 14 March 2014 Cosmere Character Hoid 4.06 {'Hoid': 11}
Plantilla:17s taveren 14 March 2014 Roshar Character Dalinar 5.26 {'Dalinar': 11}
Plantilla:17s xbauks 14 March 2014 Cosmere World Adonalsium 5.16 {'Adonalsium': 14, 'Parshendi': 13}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s CobaltShard 13 March 2014 Cosmere Realmatic Shard 9.57 {'Shard': 13}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Rew 13 March 2014 Nalthis Character Vasher 12.71 Location, {'Roshar': 6, 'Origin': 5, 'Vasher': 13}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s sariahsue 13 March 2014 Roshar World Words of Radiance 3.85 Topic, {'Elhokar': 1, 'Words of Radiance': 1, 'Way of Kings': 1, 'Ending': 1, 'Kaladin': 1, 'Ferring': 1}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Macen 13 March 2014 Roshar Character Shallan 3.88 {'Shallan': 11}
Plantilla:17s krill 13 March 2014 Roshar Realmatic Stormlight 5.62 {'Stormlight': 12}
Plantilla:17s Leuthie 13 March 2014 Roshar Character Taravangian 8.33 {'Taravangian': 10}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s grinachu 13 March 2014 Roshar World Words of Radiance 1.16 Category, {'Shallan': 1, 'Jasnah': 1, 'Words of Radiance': 2}
Plantilla:17s DocHoliday 13 March 2014 Cosmere Character Hoid 4.97 {'Hoid': 18}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Lightflame 13 March 2014 Roshar World Words of Radiance 4.01 {'Spren': 4, 'Words of Radiance': 11}
Plantilla:17s sonNeturo 13 March 2014 Roshar World Herald 9.13 {'Herald': 13}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Radiant Storm 13 March 2014 Roshar World Voidbringer 2.09 {'Voidbringer': 10}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s shinintendo 13 March 2014 Sel World Worldhopping 2.13 Category, Topic, Location, {'Darkness': 0, 'Dawncities': 0, 'Hemalurgy': 0, 'Memory': 0, 'Allomancy': 0, 'Lightweaving': 0, 'Elhokar': 0, 'Royal Locks': 0, 'Colour': 0, 'Spiritweb': 0, 'Worldhopping': 0, 'Shalash': 0, 'Jezrien': 0, 'Taln': 0, 'Feruchemy': 0, 'Taravangian': 0, 'Ars Arcanum': 0, 'Aluminium': 0, 'Forgery': 0, 'Numerology': 0, 'Shard': 0}
Plantilla:17s arcmourn 12 March 2014 Roshar Character Kaladin 7.13 {'Shallan': 7, 'Shard': 3, 'Kaladin': 9}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Bloodfalcon 12 March 2014 Roshar Realmatic Ruin 4.22 Category, {'Darkness': 4, 'Ruin': 6, 'Fabrial': 2, 'Szeth': 2}
Plantilla:17s Bloodfalcon 12 March 2014 Roshar Character Kaladin 5.41 {'Kaladin': 5}
Plantilla:17s Awesomeness Summoned 12 March 2014 Roshar Realmatic Lightweaving 6.22 {'Ideal': 1, 'Willshaper': 2, 'Stoneward': 1, 'Lightweaving': 3, 'Edgedancer': 2, 'Bondsmith': 1, 'Shallan': 1, 'Truthwatcher': 2, 'Surge': 1, 'Windrunner': 1, 'Skybreaker': 1, 'Elsecaller': 2}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s wolverinehokie 12 March 2014 Roshar Character Ym 1.38 Topic, {'Ym': 11, 'Symbol': 11, 'Elhokar': 11}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s kari-no-sugata 12 March 2014 Cosmere Character Hoid 12.01 {'Shallan': 19, 'Hoid': 20}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s DragonReborn 12 March 2014 Sel World Sel 2.28 {'Words of Radiance': 10, 'Sel': 11}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s grinachu 12 March 2014 Roshar Character Desolation 1.86 Topic, {'Nohadon': 1, 'Desolation': 2, 'Recreance': 1, 'Taln': 1, 'Dalinar': 2}
Plantilla:17s Ryshadium 12 March 2014 Roshar Character Jasnah 6.29 {'Jasnah': 4}
Plantilla:17s lopenscousin 12 March 2014 Roshar Character Adolin 6.23 {'Adolin': 17}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Lift 12 March 2014 Roshar World Thunderclast 2.42 {'Thunderclast': 8, 'Voidbringer': 7}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Moogle 12 March 2014 Roshar Realmatic Cultivation 12.71 {'Cultivation': 22, 'Splinter': 19}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Arook 12 March 2014 Roshar World Herald 13.70 {'Stoneward': 1, 'Honor': 1, 'Stone Shaman': 1, 'Words of Radiance': 1, 'Radiant': 1, 'Herald': 3, 'Taln': 1, 'Shinovar': 1, 'Culture': 1}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s ArrrGent 12 March 2014 Roshar World Radiant 15.90 {'Radiant': 4, 'Physic': 2}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s 11thorderknight 12 March 2014 Roshar Character Taln 4.40 {'Taln': 13}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s 11thorderknight 12 March 2014 Roshar Character Jasnah 13.20 {'Jasnah': 15, 'Stormlight': 5}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Asha'man Logain 12 March 2014 Roshar Character Shallan 3.58 Topic, {'Shallan': 10, 'Origin': 10}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Lightflame 12 March 2014 Roshar World Stance 4.07 Topic, {'Stance': 1, 'Spren': 1, 'Shard': 1}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Bloodfalcon 12 March 2014 Roshar World Words of Radiance 3.45 Location, {'Words of Radiance': 3, 'Stormlight': 1, 'Sel': 1}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Delightful 12 March 2014 Roshar Character Shallan 1.96 {'Shallan': 10}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s eveorjoy 12 March 2014 Roshar Character Kaladin 3.26 {'Stormlight': 11, 'Kaladin': 13}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s LostRadiant 12 March 2014 Roshar World Origin 3.24 {'Origin': 11}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Konn 12 March 2014 Roshar Realmatic Stormlight 2.83 {'Stormlight': 17}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s israel8491 12 March 2014 Roshar Character Eshonai 1.20 {'Eshonai': 12}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s trev1972 12 March 2014 Roshar Realmatic Soulcast 2.84 {'Soulcast': 12}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Alka 12 March 2014 Roshar Character Syl 1.56 Topic, {'Syl': 1, 'Shallan': 1, 'Oathgate': 1}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s arcmourn 12 March 2014 Roshar Character Adolin 0.98 {'Adolin': 7}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Chlehrma 12 March 2014 Roshar Character Shallan 0.72 {'Shallan': 16}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Seloun 12 March 2014 Roshar Character Shallan 12.80 {'Shallan': 13}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s kraefzke 11 March 2014 Roshar Character Darkness 2.74 {'Darkness': 12}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s synobal 11 March 2014 Roshar Character Dalinar 1.10 {'Dalinar': 11}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s PudgyNinja 11 March 2014 Roshar Character Sadeas 2.99 {'Sadeas': 18}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s arcmourn 11 March 2014 Scadrial Realmatic Iron 1.26 {'Iron': 1}
Plantilla:17s Rlain 11 March 2014 Nalthis Realmatic Breath 7.48 {'Breath': 12, 'Words of Radiance': 7, 'Hoid': 6}
Plantilla:17s bluefoxicy 11 March 2014 Roshar World Herald 6.01 {'Herald': 11}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Cheese Ninja 11 March 2014 Roshar World Words of Radiance 12.60 {'Words of Radiance': 11}
Plantilla:17s PudgyNinja 11 March 2014 Roshar Character Recreance 8.00 {'Adolin': 8, 'Recreance': 10, 'Dalinar': 4}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s bruhsam 11 March 2014 Roshar Realmatic Lashing 2.24 {'Lashing': 10}
Plantilla:17s Moogle 11 March 2014 Roshar Character Adolin 6.55 {'Adolin': 12}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s RShara 11 March 2014 Roshar Character Shallan 18.09 {'Shallan': 17, 'Nazh': 6}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s fyodor 11 March 2014 Roshar World Spren 3.58 {'Spren': 16, 'Vin': 10, 'Shard': 10}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s synobal 11 March 2014 Roshar Character Adolin 1.62 {'Adolin': 11}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s synobal 11 March 2014 Roshar World Skybreaker 1.80 Category, Topic, {'Roshar': 1, 'Amaram': 1, 'Skybreaker': 1}
Plantilla:17s lordofsoup 11 March 2014 Roshar World Stone Shaman 7.69 {'Stone Shaman': 13}
Plantilla:17s Lightflame 11 March 2014 Roshar Character Szeth 6.93 {'Shinovar': 6, 'Szeth': 10}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s bluefoxicy 11 March 2014 Roshar World Sel 10.00 Location, {'Honor': 2, 'Syl': 1, 'Spren': 1, 'Lift': 1, 'Vin': 1, 'Sel': 3}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s grinachu 11 March 2014 Roshar World Stones Unhallowed 2.81 {'Stones Unhallowed': 10}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Cayden 11 March 2014 Roshar World Spren 4.30 {'Spren': 14, 'Voidbind': 10}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Moogle 11 March 2014 Roshar Character Taravangian 9.89 {'Taravangian': 12}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s The Rooster 11 March 2014 Cosmere Character Hoid 3.01 {'Ghostblood': 6, 'Hoid': 17}
Plantilla:17s marianmi 11 March 2014 Roshar World Parshendi 7.16 {'Parshendi': 13}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Alka 11 March 2014 Roshar World Spren 2.36 {'Spren': 14}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s ricardochigbata 11 March 2014 Roshar World Ghostblood 1.44 {'Ghostblood': 10}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Bramble Thorn 11 March 2014 Roshar Realmatic Old Magic 12.58 {'Old Magic': 10}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s mrincredible 11 March 2014 Roshar World Shard 3.12 {'Thunderclast': 1, 'Parshendi': 1, 'Herald': 1, 'Chasmfiend': 1, 'Shard': 2}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s bluefoxicy 10 March 2014 Roshar World Spren 10.35 Location, {'Spren': 7, 'Sel': 6}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Andrew C 10 March 2014 Roshar Character Odium 4.42 {'Recreance': 2, 'Syl': 1, 'Almighty': 1, 'Odium': 3, 'Herald': 1, 'Ardent': 1}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s bluefoxicy 10 March 2014 Roshar World Roshar 1.20 Topic, Location, {'Roshar': 1, 'Nalthis': 1, 'Damnation': 1}
Plantilla:17s Walker 10 March 2014 Roshar Character Taravangian 5.20 {'Taravangian': 13}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s AyeJay 10 March 2014 Roshar Character Shallan 4.45 Topic, {'Shallan': 6, 'Kaladin': 6}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Sir Read-a-Lot 10 March 2014 Roshar World Recreance 14.88 {'Recreance': 13}
Plantilla:17s paperhouse 10 March 2014 Cosmere Realmatic Ars Arcanum 8.23 {'Ars Arcanum': 17}
Plantilla:17s PudgyNinja 10 March 2014 Roshar Character Kaladin 4.84 {'Spren': 2, 'Dalinar': 2, 'Kaladin': 4}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Crysanja 10 March 2014 Roshar Character Shallan 0.60 {'Shallan': 1}
Plantilla:17s realmatist 10 March 2014 Cosmere Realmatic Shard 8.94 Topic, {'Rayse': 5, 'Letter': 4, 'Hoid': 4, '17th Shard': 4, 'Shard': 5}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Serendipity 10 March 2014 Roshar World Spren 13.60 {'Breath': 10, 'Spren': 24}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Kyzkle 10 March 2014 Roshar Character Mraize 4.43 Location, {'Mraize': 17, 'Cosmere': 6, 'Worldhopping': 6}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Falconite 10 March 2014 Roshar Character Szeth 10.11 {'Soulcast': 1, 'Jasnah': 1, 'Lashing': 2, 'Radiant': 2, 'Dalinar': 2, 'Origin': 1, 'Windrunner': 2, 'Stormlight': 2, 'Kaladin': 2, 'Szeth': 3}
Plantilla:17s gofunkiertti 10 March 2014 Sel Realmatic Sel 6.17 {'Copper': 2, 'Stormlight': 2, 'Sel': 3}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s fyodor 10 March 2014 Roshar Realmatic Stormlight 4.28 {'Stormlight': 12}
Plantilla:17s grinachu 10 March 2014 Roshar World Herald 5.77 {'Herald': 14}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Lateralus 10 March 2014 Roshar Character Kaladin 0.92 {'Kaladin': 1}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Necromancer 10 March 2014 Roshar Character Szeth 1.92 {'Honor': 7, 'Szeth': 13}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Jaconis 10 March 2014 Roshar World Ryshadium 10.11 {'Ryshadium': 18}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s harry31j97 10 March 2014 Roshar Character Syl 3.45 Topic, {'Adolin': 1, 'Syl': 1, 'Lift': 1, 'Mistborn': 1, 'Snapping': 1, 'Misting': 1, 'Renarin': 1, 'Kaladin': 1}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s cybera 10 March 2014 Roshar Character Szeth 3.14 {'Szeth': 12}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s JStevenson 10 March 2014 Roshar Character Taln 3.14 {'Taln': 11, 'Dalinar': 4}
Plantilla:17s wolverinehokie 09 March 2014 Roshar World Parshmen 5.06 {'Parshmen': 15}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s eveorjoy 09 March 2014 Roshar Realmatic Radiant 1.76 Topic, {'Radiant': 1, 'Amaram': 1, 'Gold': 1}
Plantilla:17s Nero Vance 09 March 2014 Roshar Character Kaladin 8.53 {'Adolin': 3, 'Moash': 2, 'Kaladin': 4}
Plantilla:17s chuchuoftime 09 March 2014 Nalthis Character Vasher 5.06 Topic, Location, Location, {'Roshar': 1, 'Breath': 1, 'Spren': 1, 'Nightblood': 1, 'Colour': 1, 'Snapping': 1, 'Worldhopping': 1, 'Vin': 1, 'Vasher': 2, 'Sel': 2}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Adam Stormblessed 09 March 2014 Roshar Character Taln 0.72 {'Taln': 11}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Gamma Fiend 09 March 2014 Nalthis Realmatic Breath 3.16 {'Breath': 16, 'Stormlight': 14}
Plantilla:17s Vizier 09 March 2014 Roshar Realmatic Cultivation 5.27 {'Cultivation': 13}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Edonidd 09 March 2014 Roshar World Stormlight 11.97 Topic, Location, Location, {'Cosmere': 12, 'Stormlight': 12}
Plantilla:17s Link 09 March 2014 Roshar World Origin 5.73 {'Words of Radiance': 6, 'Origin': 10, 'Stormlight': 6}
Plantilla:17s Fifth 09 March 2014 Roshar Realmatic Radiant 6.44 {'Willshaper': 1, 'Edgedancer': 1, 'Healing': 1, 'Radiant': 3, 'Nahel': 1, 'Speculation': 1, 'Vin': 1, 'Kaladin': 1, 'Future': 1}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s RShara 08 March 2014 Cosmere Character Shard 20.06 {'Shard': 10, 'Hoid': 4}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s taxilian 08 March 2014 Roshar Character Gavilar 3.03 {'Gavilar': 11}
Plantilla:17s Natans 08 March 2014 Roshar World Radiant 4.51 {'Political': 12, 'Radiant': 13}
Plantilla:17s Ness 08 March 2014 Cosmere Realmatic Shard 7.86 {'Ym': 1, 'Spren': 1, 'Investiture': 1, 'Ryshadium': 1, '17th Shard': 1, 'Shard': 2}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Necromancer 08 March 2014 Roshar Character Kaladin 2.82 {'Kaladin': 13, 'Szeth': 5}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Trickonometry 08 March 2014 Roshar Character Vin 23.54 {'Radiant': 10, 'Surge': 12, 'Vin': 16}
Plantilla:17s Oathbringer 08 March 2014 Cosmere Character Hoid 5.45 {'Words of Radiance': 6, 'Hoid': 17, 'Ars Arcanum': 7, 'Breath': 8, 'Awakening': 8}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Trickonometry 08 March 2014 Roshar Character Syl 11.60 Topic, Location, {'Forms': 2, 'Syl': 4, 'Nightblood': 4, 'Future': 2}
Plantilla:17s ArthurB 08 March 2014 Roshar Character Odium 7.19 Location, {'Odium': 15, 'Sliver': 13, 'Speculation': 11}
Plantilla:17s Galavantes 08 March 2014 Scadrial Character Vin 4.54 Category, Topic, Location, Location, {'Roshar': 1, 'Vin': 1}
Plantilla:17s Josiah Bills 08 March 2014 Roshar Realmatic Windrunner 9.14 {'Windrunner': 12, 'Kaladin': 4}
Plantilla:17s ranstang94 08 March 2014 Cosmere Character Hoid 4.67 {'Hoid': 12}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s grinachu 08 March 2014 Roshar Realmatic Cultivation 4.17 {'Cultivation': 11}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Fifth 08 March 2014 Roshar Realmatic Surge 12.24 {'Ym': 1, 'Radiant': 1, 'Surge': 2}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Frank_Neutral 08 March 2014 Sel World Worldhopping 3.67 Category, Topic, Location, {'Darkness': 0, 'Dawncities': 0, 'Hemalurgy': 0, 'Memory': 0, 'Allomancy': 0, 'Lightweaving': 0, 'Elhokar': 0, 'Royal Locks': 0, 'Colour': 0, 'Spiritweb': 0, 'Worldhopping': 0, 'Shalash': 0, 'Jezrien': 0, 'Taln': 0, 'Feruchemy': 0, 'Taravangian': 0, 'Ars Arcanum': 0, 'Aluminium': 0, 'Forgery': 0, 'Numerology': 0, 'Shard': 0}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Morsk 08 March 2014 Roshar Character Shallan 12.87 {'Navani': 3, 'Shallan': 9}
Plantilla:17s Cayden 07 March 2014 Roshar Character Shallan 7.69 {'Shallan': 12}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Seloun 07 March 2014 Scadrial Realmatic Iron 20.78 {'Iron': 11, 'Kaladin': 4}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Barzai 07 March 2014 Roshar World Thrill 10.64 {'Parshendi': 7, 'Thrill': 17}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Darkeye 07 March 2014 Roshar World Herald 2.44 {'Herald': 13}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s cris34b 07 March 2014 Roshar Character Cultivation 19.09 Location, {'Cultivation': 6, 'Lopen': 2, 'Spren': 3, 'Hoid': 4, 'Alethi': 2, 'Sel': 2, 'Kaladin': 2}
Plantilla:17s Aminar 07 March 2014 Roshar World Spren 4.73 {'Spren': 4}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s shinintendo 07 March 2014 Roshar World Parshendi 13.17 {'Parshendi': 14}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Trickonometry 07 March 2014 Cosmere Realmatic Shard 1.64 Topic, {'17th Shard': 1, 'Shard': 1}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Fifth 07 March 2014 Roshar Realmatic Surge 2.27 Topic, {'Radiant': 10, 'Surge': 10}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Quazar87 07 March 2014 Cosmere Character Hoid 1.79 {'Hoid': 11}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Turkatron 07 March 2014 Roshar Character Lopen 4.34 {'Lopen': 12}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s TheOneKEA 06 March 2014 Cosmere Realmatic Letter 2.28 {'Letter': 11}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Gancho 06 March 2014 Roshar Realmatic Squire 0.88 Topic, {'Squire': 1, 'Radiant': 1}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s IllNsickly 06 March 2014 Scadrial World Words of Radiance 3.16 Category, Topic, Location, {'Words of Radiance': 1, 'Miles': 1}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Birdman 06 March 2014 Roshar Character Kaladin 1.24 {'Kaladin': 12}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Blackwood 06 March 2014 Roshar Character Szeth 9.71 {'Darkness': 1, 'Spren': 1, 'Physic': 1, 'Spiritual': 1, 'Szeth': 3}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s JcStoneDog 06 March 2014 Roshar World Parshmen 4.18 {'Parshmen': 4, 'Voidbringer': 2}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Dawnshard 06 March 2014 Roshar Character Lift 2.97 {'Lift': 11}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s PallonianFire 06 March 2014 Cosmere Character Hoid 1.50 {'Cosmere': 10, 'Hoid': 12}
Plantilla:17s Alvron 06 March 2014 Roshar Character Kaladin 5.81 {'Kaladin': 11}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Gaussian 06 March 2014 Roshar Character Shallan 0.78 {'Shallan': 10}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s DiamondMind 06 March 2014 Roshar Character Syl 1.74 {'Syl': 11}
Plantilla:17s Falcon777 06 March 2014 Roshar Character Mraize 4.98 {'Darkness': 1, 'Mraize': 3, 'Shallan': 1, 'Vin': 1}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Tarontos 06 March 2014 Roshar World Spren 3.25 {'Spren': 20}
Plantilla:17s Pinpoint 06 March 2014 Cosmere Character Hoid 8.12 {'Hoid': 11}
Plantilla:17s Maximus 06 March 2014 Roshar Character Gavilar 6.61 {'Darkness': 1, 'Mraize': 1, 'Memory': 1, 'Roshar': 2, 'Galladon': 1, 'Demoux': 1, 'Jasnah': 2, 'Gavilar': 3, 'Ghostblood': 2, 'Amaram': 2, 'Hoid': 2, 'Radiant': 1, 'Honor': 2, 'Taravangian': 2, '17th Shard': 1, 'Skybreaker': 1, 'Vin': 1, 'Shard': 1}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Jess 06 March 2014 Roshar Character Taln 3.91 {'Taln': 13}
Plantilla:17s Moogle 06 March 2014 Roshar World Death Rattle 6.78 {'Death Rattle': 11}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Joar_nessosin 06 March 2014 Sel World Worldhopping 0.78 Category, Topic, Location, {'Darkness': 0, 'Dawncities': 0, 'Hemalurgy': 0, 'Memory': 0, 'Allomancy': 0, 'Lightweaving': 0, 'Elhokar': 0, 'Royal Locks': 0, 'Colour': 0, 'Spiritweb': 0, 'Worldhopping': 0, 'Shalash': 0, 'Jezrien': 0, 'Taln': 0, 'Feruchemy': 0, 'Taravangian': 0, 'Ars Arcanum': 0, 'Aluminium': 0, 'Forgery': 0, 'Numerology': 0, 'Shard': 0}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s ericth 06 March 2014 Scadrial Character Shard 3.24 Topic, Location, {'Rayse': 3, 'Sazed': 3, 'Odium': 1, 'Numerology': 1, 'Vin': 1, 'Shard': 3}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Luke.spence 06 March 2014 Roshar World Urithiru 3.60 {'Urithiru': 12}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Cromptj 06 March 2014 Roshar Character Lashing 2.26 Topic, {'Darkness': 1, 'Lashing': 1, 'Jezrien': 1, 'Kaladin': 1}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Gaz 06 March 2014 Nalthis Character Nightblood 2.71 {'Nightblood': 11}
Plantilla:17s TheKraken 06 March 2014 Roshar World Stormlight 4.71 Category, {'Economy': 10, 'Stormlight': 11}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s JcStoneDog 06 March 2014 Roshar Character Kaladin 3.67 {'Kaladin': 10}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s falconwolf91 06 March 2014 Roshar Realmatic Radiant 1.10 {'Radiant': 1}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s dsplaisted 06 March 2014 Roshar Character Shallan 15.11 {'Shallan': 15}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s RShara 05 March 2014 Roshar Character Jasnah 3.67 {'Jasnah': 17, 'Shadesmar': 7}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s taveren 05 March 2014 Roshar Realmatic Squire 4.41 {'Squire': 11}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Kurkistan 05 March 2014 Cosmere Realmatic Shard 24.67 {'Shard': 13, 'Bondsmith': 5, 'Spren': 6}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Vortaan 05 March 2014 Roshar World Spren 4.41 {'Spren': 9, 'Radiant': 7}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s BloodShard 05 March 2014 Roshar Character Szeth 2.02 {'Returned': 7, 'Szeth': 18}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Azul 05 March 2014 Roshar World Whitespine 56.21 Topic, {'Forms': 1, 'Fabrial': 1, 'Alethi': 1, 'Whitespine': 1, 'Chasmfiend': 1, 'Chull': 1}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Gagylpus 05 March 2014 Roshar Character Darkness 3.53 {'Darkness': 12}
Plantilla:17s marianmi 05 March 2014 Roshar World Spren 4.99 {'Spren': 11, 'Hoid': 4}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Moogle 05 March 2014 Roshar Realmatic Surge 9.96 {'Surge': 13}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Harakeke 05 March 2014 Sel World Worldhopping 2.08 Category, Topic, Location, {'Darkness': 0, 'Dawncities': 0, 'Hemalurgy': 0, 'Memory': 0, 'Allomancy': 0, 'Lightweaving': 0, 'Elhokar': 0, 'Royal Locks': 0, 'Colour': 0, 'Spiritweb': 0, 'Worldhopping': 0, 'Shalash': 0, 'Jezrien': 0, 'Taln': 0, 'Feruchemy': 0, 'Taravangian': 0, 'Ars Arcanum': 0, 'Aluminium': 0, 'Forgery': 0, 'Numerology': 0, 'Shard': 0}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s JcStoneDog 05 March 2014 Roshar Character Shallan 3.10 {'Shallan': 11}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s lordofsoup 05 March 2014 Roshar World Roshar 3.41 Category, Location, Location, {'Roshar': 2, 'Cosmere': 1, 'Nightblood': 1, 'Odium': 1, 'Worldhopping': 1, 'Vin': 1, 'Focus': 1}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s flinn 05 March 2014 Scadrial Character Vin 2.04 {'Vin': 11}
Plantilla:17s shdwfeather 05 March 2014 Nalthis Character Nightblood 8.53 Location, Location, {'Breath': 2, 'Roshar': 1, 'FTL': 1, 'Nightblood': 3, 'Hoid': 2, 'Colour': 1, 'Worldhopping': 1, 'Vasher': 2, 'Sel': 1, 'Szeth': 1}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Tortellini 05 March 2014 Roshar Realmatic Shard 12.45 Location, {'Syl': 3, 'Radiant': 4, 'Shard': 5, 'Kaladin': 2, 'Sel': 2}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Moogle 05 March 2014 Roshar Character Taln 27.55 {'Taln': 16, 'Dalinar': 6}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Gaz 05 March 2014 Roshar World Bridge Four 3.21 {'Bridge Four': 10}
Plantilla:17s Moogle 05 March 2014 Roshar Character Shalash 7.92 Topic, {'Shallan': 3, 'Colour': 2, 'Savant': 2, 'Herald': 2, 'Shalash': 4, 'Stormlight': 2, 'Kaladin': 4}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Blackwood 05 March 2014 Roshar Realmatic Honor 4.12 {'Honor': 10, 'Spren': 4, 'Syl': 4}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Kurkistan 05 March 2014 Cosmere Character Hoid 14.53 {'Ghostblood': 8, 'Hoid': 18}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Moogle 05 March 2014 Roshar Realmatic Stormlight 15.41 {'Stormlight': 16}
Plantilla:17s learhpa 05 March 2014 Roshar Character Gavilar 8.32 {'Gavilar': 8}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s TwistedMisting 05 March 2014 Sel World Worldhopping 2.91 Category, Topic, Location, {'Darkness': 0, 'Dawncities': 0, 'Hemalurgy': 0, 'Memory': 0, 'Allomancy': 0, 'Lightweaving': 0, 'Elhokar': 0, 'Royal Locks': 0, 'Colour': 0, 'Spiritweb': 0, 'Worldhopping': 0, 'Shalash': 0, 'Jezrien': 0, 'Taln': 0, 'Feruchemy': 0, 'Taravangian': 0, 'Ars Arcanum': 0, 'Aluminium': 0, 'Forgery': 0, 'Numerology': 0, 'Shard': 0}
Plantilla:17s Moogle 05 March 2014 Roshar World Unmade 8.20 {'Gemstone': 2, 'Highstorm': 3, 'Gavilar': 3, 'Everstorm': 3, 'Unmade': 4, 'Stormlight': 2}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s b4dave 05 March 2014 Roshar Character Shallan 2.00 {'Shallan': 12}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Diagram 05 March 2014 Roshar Character Shallan 3.54 Topic, {'Adolin': 1, 'Lopen': 1, 'Syl': 1, 'Shallan': 2, 'Hoid': 1, 'Vin': 1, 'Kaladin': 2}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s zandi 05 March 2014 Roshar Character Kaladin 0.88 {'Kaladin': 11}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Moogle 05 March 2014 Roshar Character Eshonai 20.08 Category, {'Eshonai': 10, 'Unmade': 4}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Moogle 05 March 2014 Nalthis Realmatic Breath 3.53 {'Breath': 11}
Plantilla:17s Moogle 05 March 2014 Roshar Realmatic Words of Radiance 7.00 Topic, {'Music': 1, 'Memory': 1, 'Atium': 1, 'Lightweaving': 2, 'Spren': 1, 'Words of Radiance': 2, 'Surge': 1, 'Windrunner': 1, 'Skybreaker': 2, 'Shallan': 1, 'Stormlight': 1, 'Vin': 1, 'Kaladin': 1}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Lady Radagu 04 March 2014 Cosmere Character Hoid 11.89 {'Hoid': 18}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s b4dave 04 March 2014 Nalthis Character Nightblood 2.80 {'Nightblood': 12}
Plantilla:17s DragonReborn 04 March 2014 Sel World Sel 5.84 {'Sel': 1}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Aaradel 04 March 2014 Roshar World Roshar 3.04 {'Roshar': 11}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s RShara 04 March 2014 Roshar World Parshendi 2.02 Topic, {'Parshendi': 1, 'Ghostblood': 1, 'Dalinar': 1, 'History': 1}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Swimmingly 04 March 2014 Roshar Character Szeth 2.56 {'Szeth': 12}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Havoc 04 March 2014 Cosmere World Cosmere 27.19 {'Cosmere': 12}
Plantilla:17s SarahfromVA 04 March 2014 Roshar World Words of Radiance 8.41 {'Words of Radiance': 6}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Dalinar 04 March 2014 Sel World Worldhopping 2.14 Category, Topic, Location, {'Darkness': 0, 'Dawncities': 0, 'Hemalurgy': 0, 'Memory': 0, 'Allomancy': 0, 'Lightweaving': 0, 'Elhokar': 0, 'Royal Locks': 0, 'Colour': 0, 'Spiritweb': 0, 'Worldhopping': 0, 'Shalash': 0, 'Jezrien': 0, 'Taln': 0, 'Feruchemy': 0, 'Taravangian': 0, 'Ars Arcanum': 0, 'Aluminium': 0, 'Forgery': 0, 'Numerology': 0, 'Shard': 0}
Plantilla:17s valgerth 04 March 2014 Cosmere Character Hoid 6.97 {'Hoid': 13}
Plantilla:17s Crysanja 04 March 2014 Roshar Character Renarin 8.49 {'Renarin': 10}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s ADIMORTIS 04 March 2014 Scadrial Character Vin 2.04 {'Vin': 1}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Pinpoint 04 March 2014 Roshar Character Hoid 10.30 Location, {'Cosmere': 1, 'Bondsmith': 1, 'Spren': 2, 'Shallan': 1, 'Hoid': 3, 'Speculation': 1, 'Dalinar': 2, 'Returned': 1, 'Stormlight': 1, 'Shard': 1, 'Kaladin': 1}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s AhoyMatey 04 March 2014 Cosmere World Letter 17.42 {'Letter': 14, 'Numerology': 13}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Tarion 04 March 2014 Roshar Realmatic Radiant 27.81 {'Radiant': 13, 'Surge': 5, 'Truthwatcher': 5}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Pattern 04 March 2014 Cosmere Character Letter 13.14 {'Letter': 13, 'Hoid': 11}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Satsuoni 04 March 2014 Roshar World Shard 10.46 Topic, Location, {'Alethi': 1, 'Numerology': 1, 'Shard': 1}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s ddleg 04 March 2014 Roshar World Words of Radiance 0.64 {'Words of Radiance': 1}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Dawnshard 03 March 2014 Roshar World Words of Radiance 9.70 {'Words of Radiance': 7}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Confused 03 March 2014 Roshar Character Shallan 11.52 {'Shallan': 17}
Plantilla:17s Trickonometry 03 March 2014 Sel Character Vin 8.51 Category, Topic, Location, {'Intent': 1, 'Vin': 1, 'Sel': 1}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Green Hoodie Mistborn 03 March 2014 Roshar World Words of Radiance 1.20 {'Words of Radiance': 7}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s WitSpren 03 March 2014 Sel World Worldhopping 0.74 Category, Topic, Location, {'Darkness': 0, 'Dawncities': 0, 'Hemalurgy': 0, 'Memory': 0, 'Allomancy': 0, 'Lightweaving': 0, 'Elhokar': 0, 'Royal Locks': 0, 'Colour': 0, 'Spiritweb': 0, 'Worldhopping': 0, 'Shalash': 0, 'Jezrien': 0, 'Taln': 0, 'Feruchemy': 0, 'Taravangian': 0, 'Ars Arcanum': 0, 'Aluminium': 0, 'Forgery': 0, 'Numerology': 0, 'Shard': 0}
Plantilla:17s Shash 03 March 2014 Roshar World Words of Radiance 4.95 {'Words of Radiance': 3, 'Stormlight': 1, 'Vin': 1}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s ddleg 03 March 2014 Cosmere Realmatic Shard 2.31 {'Shard': 1}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Travis1984 03 March 2014 Sel World Worldhopping 1.74 Category, Topic, Location, {'Darkness': 0, 'Dawncities': 0, 'Hemalurgy': 0, 'Memory': 0, 'Allomancy': 0, 'Lightweaving': 0, 'Elhokar': 0, 'Royal Locks': 0, 'Colour': 0, 'Spiritweb': 0, 'Worldhopping': 0, 'Shalash': 0, 'Jezrien': 0, 'Taln': 0, 'Feruchemy': 0, 'Taravangian': 0, 'Ars Arcanum': 0, 'Aluminium': 0, 'Forgery': 0, 'Numerology': 0, 'Shard': 0}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s The Rooster 03 March 2014 Sel Realmatic Forgery 1.78 {'Words of Radiance': 6, 'Forgery': 11}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s The Rooster 03 March 2014 Roshar World Desolation 2.47 {'Desolation': 1}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Sh3phrd 03 March 2014 Scadrial Character Vin 3.80 {'Vin': 11}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s laeelin 02 March 2014 Sel World Sel 4.49 {'Sel': 1}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s DragonReborn 02 March 2014 Sel World Worldhopping 2.59 Category, Topic, Location, {'Darkness': 0, 'Dawncities': 0, 'Hemalurgy': 0, 'Memory': 0, 'Allomancy': 0, 'Lightweaving': 0, 'Elhokar': 0, 'Royal Locks': 0, 'Colour': 0, 'Spiritweb': 0, 'Worldhopping': 0, 'Shalash': 0, 'Jezrien': 0, 'Taln': 0, 'Feruchemy': 0, 'Taravangian': 0, 'Ars Arcanum': 0, 'Aluminium': 0, 'Forgery': 0, 'Numerology': 0, 'Shard': 0}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Numuhukumakiakiaialunamor 02 March 2014 Sel World Worldhopping 3.27 Category, Topic, Location, {'Darkness': 0, 'Dawncities': 0, 'Hemalurgy': 0, 'Memory': 0, 'Allomancy': 0, 'Lightweaving': 0, 'Elhokar': 0, 'Royal Locks': 0, 'Colour': 0, 'Spiritweb': 0, 'Worldhopping': 0, 'Shalash': 0, 'Jezrien': 0, 'Taln': 0, 'Feruchemy': 0, 'Taravangian': 0, 'Ars Arcanum': 0, 'Aluminium': 0, 'Forgery': 0, 'Numerology': 0, 'Shard': 0}
Plantilla:17s Shardlet 02 March 2014 Sel World Worldhopping 5.74 Category, Topic, Location, {'Darkness': 0, 'Dawncities': 0, 'Hemalurgy': 0, 'Memory': 0, 'Allomancy': 0, 'Lightweaving': 0, 'Elhokar': 0, 'Royal Locks': 0, 'Colour': 0, 'Spiritweb': 0, 'Worldhopping': 0, 'Shalash': 0, 'Jezrien': 0, 'Taln': 0, 'Feruchemy': 0, 'Taravangian': 0, 'Ars Arcanum': 0, 'Aluminium': 0, 'Forgery': 0, 'Numerology': 0, 'Shard': 0}
Plantilla:17s Stroniax 02 March 2014 Roshar Character Shallan 5.73 {'Iron': 1, 'Jasnah': 1, 'Shallan': 2, 'Highprince': 1}
Plantilla:17s garlick 02 March 2014 Roshar World Herald 5.03 {'Herald': 7}
Plantilla:17s Stroniax 01 March 2014 Roshar Character Shallan 4.82 Topic, {'Shallan': 8, 'Kaladin': 8}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Zenith 28 February 2014 Roshar World Words of Radiance 3.38 {'Words of Radiance': 11}
Plantilla:17s Sasukerinnegan 28 February 2014 Roshar World Herald 5.41 {'Roshar': 1, 'Returned': 1, 'Almighty': 1, 'Herald': 2}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Stormcage Cotto 28 February 2014 Roshar World Words of Radiance 0.64 {'Words of Radiance': 1}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Blackwood 28 February 2014 Roshar World Sel 10.58 Topic, Location, {'Darkness': 1, 'Parshendi': 2, 'Culture': 2, 'Honor': 1, 'Spren': 1, 'Radiant': 1, 'Alethi': 1, 'Feruchemy': 1, 'Kaladin': 2, 'Sel': 2, 'Szeth': 1}
Plantilla:17s The Rooster 28 February 2014 Roshar Realmatic Stormlight 7.34 {'Stormlight': 12}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Satsuoni 28 February 2014 Cosmere Realmatic Shard 2.98 {'Shard': 16}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s bombadilio 28 February 2014 Sel World Worldhopping 2.49 Category, Topic, Location, {'Darkness': 0, 'Dawncities': 0, 'Hemalurgy': 0, 'Memory': 0, 'Allomancy': 0, 'Lightweaving': 0, 'Elhokar': 0, 'Royal Locks': 0, 'Colour': 0, 'Spiritweb': 0, 'Worldhopping': 0, 'Shalash': 0, 'Jezrien': 0, 'Taln': 0, 'Feruchemy': 0, 'Taravangian': 0, 'Ars Arcanum': 0, 'Aluminium': 0, 'Forgery': 0, 'Numerology': 0, 'Shard': 0}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Serendipity 27 February 2014 Roshar Character Shallan 3.65 {'Lightweaving': 6, 'Shallan': 17, 'Vin': 6}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Galavantes 27 February 2014 Sel Realmatic Dor 3.85 {'Dor': 2}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s 2dark 27 February 2014 Sel World Worldhopping 2.29 Category, Topic, Location, {'Darkness': 0, 'Dawncities': 0, 'Hemalurgy': 0, 'Memory': 0, 'Allomancy': 0, 'Lightweaving': 0, 'Elhokar': 0, 'Royal Locks': 0, 'Colour': 0, 'Spiritweb': 0, 'Worldhopping': 0, 'Shalash': 0, 'Jezrien': 0, 'Taln': 0, 'Feruchemy': 0, 'Taravangian': 0, 'Ars Arcanum': 0, 'Aluminium': 0, 'Forgery': 0, 'Numerology': 0, 'Shard': 0}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s The Rooster 27 February 2014 Sel World Worldhopping 3.42 Category, Topic, Location, {'Darkness': 0, 'Dawncities': 0, 'Hemalurgy': 0, 'Memory': 0, 'Allomancy': 0, 'Lightweaving': 0, 'Elhokar': 0, 'Royal Locks': 0, 'Colour': 0, 'Spiritweb': 0, 'Worldhopping': 0, 'Shalash': 0, 'Jezrien': 0, 'Taln': 0, 'Feruchemy': 0, 'Taravangian': 0, 'Ars Arcanum': 0, 'Aluminium': 0, 'Forgery': 0, 'Numerology': 0, 'Shard': 0}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s don_karma_II 27 February 2014 Sel World Worldhopping 1.82 Category, Topic, Location, {'Darkness': 0, 'Dawncities': 0, 'Hemalurgy': 0, 'Memory': 0, 'Allomancy': 0, 'Lightweaving': 0, 'Elhokar': 0, 'Royal Locks': 0, 'Colour': 0, 'Spiritweb': 0, 'Worldhopping': 0, 'Shalash': 0, 'Jezrien': 0, 'Taln': 0, 'Feruchemy': 0, 'Taravangian': 0, 'Ars Arcanum': 0, 'Aluminium': 0, 'Forgery': 0, 'Numerology': 0, 'Shard': 0}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s ddleg 26 February 2014 Roshar Character Kaladin 0.52 Topic, {'Jasnah': 10, 'Kaladin': 10}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s ArrrGent 26 February 2014 Roshar World Glyph 22.10 {'Roshar': 2, 'Kaladin': 2, 'Nazh': 2, 'Glyph': 4}
Plantilla:17s Benjibooboo 25 February 2014 Roshar World Parshendi 9.24 {'Parshendi': 4, 'Odium': 2, 'Everstorm': 2, 'Origin': 3}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s WitSpren 25 February 2014 Roshar Character Ym 4.48 {'Ym': 13, 'Radiant': 10}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Benjibooboo 25 February 2014 Roshar World Herald 3.08 {'Herald': 11}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s ReaderAt2046 25 February 2014 Roshar World Parshman 3.80 {'Parshmen': 6, 'Parshman': 10}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Chaos 25 February 2014 Roshar World Words of Radiance 2.23 {'Words of Radiance': 16}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s End of Disc One 25 February 2014 Sel World Worldhopping 1.22 Category, Topic, Location, {'Darkness': 0, 'Dawncities': 0, 'Hemalurgy': 0, 'Memory': 0, 'Allomancy': 0, 'Lightweaving': 0, 'Elhokar': 0, 'Royal Locks': 0, 'Colour': 0, 'Spiritweb': 0, 'Worldhopping': 0, 'Shalash': 0, 'Jezrien': 0, 'Taln': 0, 'Feruchemy': 0, 'Taravangian': 0, 'Ars Arcanum': 0, 'Aluminium': 0, 'Forgery': 0, 'Numerology': 0, 'Shard': 0}
Plantilla:17s FireArcadia 25 February 2014 Roshar Character Darkness 6.52 {'Darkness': 18}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s bartbug 24 February 2014 Roshar World Words of Radiance 9.73 Location, {'Cosmere': 17, 'Words of Radiance': 18, 'Mistborn': 9, 'Elantris': 7}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s ddleg 24 February 2014 Roshar Character Kaladin 0.56 {'Kaladin': 11}
Plantilla:17s Wanderer 24 February 2014 Sel World Worldhopping 6.35 Category, Topic, Location, {'Darkness': 0, 'Dawncities': 0, 'Hemalurgy': 0, 'Memory': 0, 'Allomancy': 0, 'Lightweaving': 0, 'Elhokar': 0, 'Royal Locks': 0, 'Colour': 0, 'Spiritweb': 0, 'Worldhopping': 0, 'Shalash': 0, 'Jezrien': 0, 'Taln': 0, 'Feruchemy': 0, 'Taravangian': 0, 'Ars Arcanum': 0, 'Aluminium': 0, 'Forgery': 0, 'Numerology': 0, 'Shard': 0}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Oxus 24 February 2014 Sel World Worldhopping 2.12 Category, Topic, Location, {'Darkness': 0, 'Dawncities': 0, 'Hemalurgy': 0, 'Memory': 0, 'Allomancy': 0, 'Lightweaving': 0, 'Elhokar': 0, 'Royal Locks': 0, 'Colour': 0, 'Spiritweb': 0, 'Worldhopping': 0, 'Shalash': 0, 'Jezrien': 0, 'Taln': 0, 'Feruchemy': 0, 'Taravangian': 0, 'Ars Arcanum': 0, 'Aluminium': 0, 'Forgery': 0, 'Numerology': 0, 'Shard': 0}
Plantilla:17s Cayden 24 February 2014 Roshar Realmatic Highstorm 8.71 {'Highstorm': 11}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Humph 23 February 2014 Roshar Character Renarin 15.09 {'Desolation': 3, 'Physic': 3, 'Dalinar': 3, 'Vin': 3, 'Renarin': 7}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Yalb 23 February 2014 Roshar World Thrill 1.78 {'Thrill': 13}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s shinintendo 23 February 2014 Roshar World Voidbringer 12.58 {'Voidbringer': 17}
Plantilla:17s Dovie Andi Se Tovya Sagain 22 February 2014 Roshar World Origin 4.61 {'Spren': 5, 'Origin': 10}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Meg 22 February 2014 Sel World Worldhopping 1.44 Category, Topic, Location, {'Darkness': 0, 'Dawncities': 0, 'Hemalurgy': 0, 'Memory': 0, 'Allomancy': 0, 'Lightweaving': 0, 'Elhokar': 0, 'Royal Locks': 0, 'Colour': 0, 'Spiritweb': 0, 'Worldhopping': 0, 'Shalash': 0, 'Jezrien': 0, 'Taln': 0, 'Feruchemy': 0, 'Taravangian': 0, 'Ars Arcanum': 0, 'Aluminium': 0, 'Forgery': 0, 'Numerology': 0, 'Shard': 0}
Plantilla:17s WitSpren 22 February 2014 Roshar Character Dalinar 5.88 {'Dalinar': 10}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Pinpoint 21 February 2014 Roshar World Speculation 2.08 Category, Topic, {'Speculation': 10, 'Dalinar': 10}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s WitSpren 21 February 2014 Roshar Character Larkin 1.06 {'Darkness': 6, 'Larkin': 10, 'Lift': 6}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s WEZ313 21 February 2014 Roshar Character Amaram 2.45 {'Amaram': 17, 'Kaladin': 7}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s eveorjoy 20 February 2014 Roshar World Words of Radiance 2.60 {'Words of Radiance': 7}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Atastor 20 February 2014 Roshar Character Ym 1.06 {'Ym': 1}
Plantilla:17s WitSpren 19 February 2014 Roshar Realmatic Soulcast 6.84 Location, {'Soulcast': 3, 'Forgery': 1, 'Vin': 1, 'Sel': 1}
Plantilla:17s WitSpren 19 February 2014 Roshar Character Odium 5.72 Location, {'Odium': 15}
Plantilla:17s Blackwood 18 February 2014 Roshar Character Sadeas 6.65 {'Sadeas': 14}
Plantilla:17s b4dave 18 February 2014 Roshar World Fabrial 4.68 {'Fabrial': 12, 'Recreance': 10}
Plantilla:17s Blackwood 17 February 2014 Cosmere Realmatic Memory 6.65 {'Memory': 13}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Havoc 16 February 2014 Roshar World Speculation 11.21 {'Jah Keved': 4, 'Speculation': 10, 'Szeth': 4}
Plantilla:17s DiamondMind 16 February 2014 Roshar World Voidbringer 5.98 {'Voidbringer': 17}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Humph 15 February 2014 Sel World Worldhopping 2.37 Category, Topic, Location, {'Darkness': 0, 'Dawncities': 0, 'Hemalurgy': 0, 'Memory': 0, 'Allomancy': 0, 'Lightweaving': 0, 'Elhokar': 0, 'Royal Locks': 0, 'Colour': 0, 'Spiritweb': 0, 'Worldhopping': 0, 'Shalash': 0, 'Jezrien': 0, 'Taln': 0, 'Feruchemy': 0, 'Taravangian': 0, 'Ars Arcanum': 0, 'Aluminium': 0, 'Forgery': 0, 'Numerology': 0, 'Shard': 0}
Plantilla:17s Humph 15 February 2014 Roshar World Herald 5.57 {'Herald': 15}
Plantilla:17s Peet 14 February 2014 Roshar Realmatic Stormlight 8.68 Topic, Location, {'Breath': 19, 'Stormlight': 19}
Plantilla:17s The Rooster 14 February 2014 Roshar Realmatic Stormlight 6.26 {'Stormlight': 11, 'Glyph': 7}
Plantilla:17s Link Von Kelsier Harvey 13 February 2014 Roshar World Words of Radiance 6.15 {'Words of Radiance': 1}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Chid 12 February 2014 Roshar Character Lift 0.88 {'Lift': 17, 'Words of Radiance': 6, 'Bendalloy': 11, 'Feruchemy': 7}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Swimmingly 12 February 2014 Roshar World Words of Radiance 0.04 {'Words of Radiance': 10}
Plantilla:17s priceless 12 February 2014 Roshar Realmatic Soulcast 6.41 {'Soulcast': 21}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s uerobert 12 February 2014 Sel World Worldhopping 2.70 Category, Topic, Location, {'Darkness': 0, 'Dawncities': 0, 'Hemalurgy': 0, 'Memory': 0, 'Allomancy': 0, 'Lightweaving': 0, 'Elhokar': 0, 'Royal Locks': 0, 'Colour': 0, 'Spiritweb': 0, 'Worldhopping': 0, 'Shalash': 0, 'Jezrien': 0, 'Taln': 0, 'Feruchemy': 0, 'Taravangian': 0, 'Ars Arcanum': 0, 'Aluminium': 0, 'Forgery': 0, 'Numerology': 0, 'Shard': 0}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Blackwood 12 February 2014 Roshar World Purelake 9.96 {'Thunderclast': 7, 'Purelake': 16}
Plantilla:17s a smart guy 12 February 2014 Roshar World Words of Radiance 7.09 {'Words of Radiance': 7}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s ArrrGent 12 February 2014 Sel World Sel 9.65 {'Breath': 1, 'Words of Radiance': 1, 'Sel': 3}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Sasukerinnegan 12 February 2014 Roshar Character Renarin 16.92 {'Renarin': 23}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s kobain 11 February 2014 Roshar Character Renarin 0.58 {'Renarin': 1}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Blackwood 10 February 2014 Roshar Character Gavilar 4.49 {'Gavilar': 10}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Xanas-the 18th Shard 10 February 2014 Roshar World Ketek 4.40 {'Darkness': 4, 'Ketek': 10}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Atastor 10 February 2014 Roshar Character Shallan 12.81 Location, {'Shallan': 5, 'Sel': 2}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s nelkins 09 February 2014 Roshar Realmatic Soulcast 4.42 {'Soulcast': 11}
Plantilla:17s Dawnshard 09 February 2014 Roshar World Words of Radiance 4.50 {'Words of Radiance': 19}
Plantilla:17s The Rooster 07 February 2014 Roshar World Sel 6.60 Topic, Location, {'Soulcast': 1, 'Roshar': 2, 'Alethkar': 1, 'Jasnah': 1, 'Cognitive': 1, 'Essence': 1, 'Damnation': 1, 'Sel': 2}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Havon 06 February 2014 Roshar Realmatic Windrunner 1.12 {'Windrunner': 10}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Colateralwar 06 February 2014 Roshar World Ideal 1.94 Category, {'Ideal': 12, 'Radiant': 11}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s macros 05 February 2014 Scadrial Character Vin 1.62 Category, Topic, Location, {'Surge': 1, 'Vin': 1}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s cris34b 05 February 2014 Roshar World Parshendi 3.56 {'Parshendi': 7}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s DragonReborn 05 February 2014 Roshar World Words of Radiance 2.06 {'Words of Radiance': 11}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s GreyPilgrim 05 February 2014 Roshar World Words of Radiance 2.50 {'Words of Radiance': 16}
Plantilla:17s The Count 05 February 2014 Roshar World Parshendi 8.41 {'Parshmen': 7, 'Parshendi': 10}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s eloiv 04 February 2014 Roshar Character Amaram 9.77 {'Amaram': 14}
Plantilla:17s Chlehrma 04 February 2014 Roshar Character Dalinar 6.03 {'Dalinar': 20, 'Shard': 12}
Plantilla:17s Serendipity 04 February 2014 Roshar World Words of Radiance 4.52 Category, Topic, {'Words of Radiance': 6, 'Stormlight': 6}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Benjibooboo 03 February 2014 Roshar Character Shallan 4.07 {'Shallan': 12}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s eveorjoy 02 February 2014 Roshar World Words of Radiance 0.58 {'Words of Radiance': 10}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s skaa 02 February 2014 Roshar World Speculation 9.59 {'Lashing': 6, 'Speculation': 16}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Lorna 02 February 2014 Roshar World Spren 1.52 Category, Topic, {'Spren': 11, 'Sadeas': 11}
Plantilla:17s Benjibooboo 01 February 2014 Roshar Character Radiant 6.78 Topic, {'Radiant': 3, 'Dalinar': 1, 'Kaladin': 3}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s rbnguevara 01 February 2014 Cosmere Realmatic Shard 10.95 {'Shard': 23}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s ddleg 01 February 2014 Roshar World Parshendi 0.74 {'Parshendi': 1}
Plantilla:17s vikorr 01 February 2014 Roshar World Spren 7.75 Category, Topic, Location, {'Realm': 3, 'Spren': 4, 'Cognitive': 3, 'Kaladin': 4, 'Sel': 2}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s eloiv 01 February 2014 Cosmere Realmatic Shard 9.77 {'Shard': 15}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Delightful 01 February 2014 Roshar Character Rysn 19.59 {'Rysn': 16}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Travis1984 31 January 2014 Roshar World Ideal 1.12 {'Ideal': 11}
Plantilla:17s OriginsSpren 31 January 2014 Roshar Realmatic Cultivation 5.87 {'Cultivation': 12}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s ChocolateRob 31 January 2014 Roshar Realmatic Steel 10.71 Topic, {'Fabrial': 1, 'Jasnah': 1, 'Honor': 1, 'Radiant': 1, 'Steel': 1, 'Kaladin': 1}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Shardlight 31 January 2014 Roshar World Spren 2.70 {'Spren': 11}
Plantilla:17s Ness 30 January 2014 Roshar Character Renarin 6.12 {'Renarin': 11}
Plantilla:17s ProfessorMLyon 30 January 2014 Roshar Realmatic Radiant 7.25 {'Radiant': 19, 'Future': 12}
Plantilla:17s JesseQ 30 January 2014 Roshar World Recreance 7.93 {'Roshar': 2, 'Recreance': 5, 'Spren': 4, 'Oathpact': 2}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s ddleg 30 January 2014 Roshar Realmatic Bondsmith 0.42 {'Bondsmith': 11}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Chlehrma 30 January 2014 Roshar World Spren 0.97 Category, Topic, {'Adolin': 6, 'Spren': 6, 'Shard': 6}
Plantilla:17s Outis 30 January 2014 Roshar Realmatic Surge 9.15 {'Surge': 12}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Shardbearer 30 January 2014 Sel World Worldhopping 3.14 Category, Topic, Location, {'Darkness': 0, 'Dawncities': 0, 'Hemalurgy': 0, 'Memory': 0, 'Allomancy': 0, 'Lightweaving': 0, 'Elhokar': 0, 'Royal Locks': 0, 'Colour': 0, 'Spiritweb': 0, 'Worldhopping': 0, 'Shalash': 0, 'Jezrien': 0, 'Taln': 0, 'Feruchemy': 0, 'Taravangian': 0, 'Ars Arcanum': 0, 'Aluminium': 0, 'Forgery': 0, 'Numerology': 0, 'Shard': 0}
Plantilla:17s kobain 30 January 2014 Roshar World Words of Radiance 5.94 {'Words of Radiance': 2, 'Way of Kings': 1, 'Stormlight': 1}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s ddleg 29 January 2014 Roshar World Spren 2.77 {'Spren': 12, 'Radiant': 10}
Plantilla:17s el_warko 29 January 2014 Roshar World Desolation 6.51 {'Parshendi': 4, 'Desolation': 12}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Kadrok 29 January 2014 Roshar World Parshmen 0.98 {'Parshmen': 12}
Plantilla:17s Pinpoint 29 January 2014 Roshar World Parshman 5.30 Topic, {'Forms': 1, 'Eshonai': 1, 'Parshendi': 1, 'Emotion': 1, 'Parshman': 1}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Outis 29 January 2014 Roshar World Spren 1.92 {'Spren': 11}
Plantilla:17s Kaladin Kal 29 January 2014 Roshar Character Shallan 9.23 {'Shallan': 16}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Voidus 29 January 2014 Scadrial Character Vin 3.72 Topic, Location, {'Vin': 1, 'Szeth': 1}
Plantilla:17s eveorjoy 28 January 2014 Roshar Character Kaladin 6.65 Category, {'Adonalsium': 1, 'Words of Radiance': 1, 'Amaram': 1, 'Speculation': 1, 'Way of Kings': 1, '17th Shard': 1, 'Stormlight': 1, 'Shard': 1, 'Kaladin': 2, 'Szeth': 1}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Morsk 28 January 2014 Roshar World Herald 2.91 {'Herald': 11}
Plantilla:17s WhiskeyJackDaniels 28 January 2014 Roshar World Herald 6.02 {'Herald': 14}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Mysty 28 January 2014 Sel World Worldhopping 2.26 Category, Topic, Location, {'Darkness': 0, 'Dawncities': 0, 'Hemalurgy': 0, 'Memory': 0, 'Allomancy': 0, 'Lightweaving': 0, 'Elhokar': 0, 'Royal Locks': 0, 'Colour': 0, 'Spiritweb': 0, 'Worldhopping': 0, 'Shalash': 0, 'Jezrien': 0, 'Taln': 0, 'Feruchemy': 0, 'Taravangian': 0, 'Ars Arcanum': 0, 'Aluminium': 0, 'Forgery': 0, 'Numerology': 0, 'Shard': 0}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Darkarma 28 January 2014 Roshar Character Shallan 3.26 {'Parshendi': 7, 'Shallan': 17}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Colby Jack 28 January 2014 Roshar Character Adolin 10.40 Location, {'Adolin': 5, 'Sel': 2}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Chlehrma 28 January 2014 Roshar Character Kaladin 10.02 {'Spren': 6, 'Kaladin': 13}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Scrutiny 28 January 2014 Roshar Character Szeth 3.68 {'Szeth': 7}
Plantilla:17s Atastor 28 January 2014 Roshar World Words of Radiance 6.09 {'Words of Radiance': 10}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s The Rooster 28 January 2014 Roshar Realmatic Future 9.89 {'Future': 11, 'Dalinar': 7, 'Stormlight': 6}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s End of Disc One 27 January 2014 Sel World Worldhopping 2.30 Category, Topic, Location, {'Darkness': 0, 'Dawncities': 0, 'Hemalurgy': 0, 'Memory': 0, 'Allomancy': 0, 'Lightweaving': 0, 'Elhokar': 0, 'Royal Locks': 0, 'Colour': 0, 'Spiritweb': 0, 'Worldhopping': 0, 'Shalash': 0, 'Jezrien': 0, 'Taln': 0, 'Feruchemy': 0, 'Taravangian': 0, 'Ars Arcanum': 0, 'Aluminium': 0, 'Forgery': 0, 'Numerology': 0, 'Shard': 0}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s RadiantNights 27 January 2014 Roshar Character Spren 3.07 Topic, {'Spren': 1, 'Jasnah': 1, 'Elhokar': 1, 'Lift': 1, 'Shallan': 1, 'Radiant': 1, 'Herald': 1, 'Dalinar': 1, 'Kaladin': 1}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s WeiryWriter 27 January 2014 Roshar World Spren 12.34 Category, {'Realm': 1, 'Honor': 1, 'Spren': 3, 'Jasnah': 1, 'Syl': 1, 'Letter': 2, 'Words of Radiance': 1, 'Physic': 1, 'Way of Kings': 1, 'Shallan': 2, 'Kaladin': 2}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Travis1984 26 January 2014 Roshar Character Elhokar 2.04 {'Elhokar': 11}
Plantilla:17s Meg 25 January 2014 Roshar World Lanceryn 6.49 {'Lanceryn': 13}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Purelake 25 January 2014 Roshar World Spren 1.80 {'Syl': 1, 'Spren': 2, 'Surge': 1, 'Urithiru': 1}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Pinpoint 24 January 2014 Roshar World Parshendi 3.19 Topic, Location, {'Parshendi': 2, 'Desolation': 1, 'Odium': 2, 'Vin': 1, 'Sel': 1}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s ragingdomer 24 January 2014 Roshar Character Shallan 3.66 {'Shallan': 11}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Shardlet 23 January 2014 Roshar World Parshendi 10.52 {'Parshendi': 13}
Plantilla:17s The Rooster 23 January 2014 Roshar Character Szeth 7.56 {'Truthless': 1, 'Shinovar': 1, 'Kaladin': 1, 'Szeth': 2}
Plantilla:17s The Count 22 January 2014 Roshar Character Jasnah 6.73 {'Jasnah': 19}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s The Rooster 22 January 2014 Roshar Character Amaram 1.76 {'Amaram': 18}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Cromptj 21 January 2014 Roshar World Spren 2.48 {'Spren': 17}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Moogle 21 January 2014 Roshar Character Shallan 16.02 Category, {'Jasnah': 2, 'Spren': 2, 'Shallan': 5, 'Ghostblood': 2, 'Speculation': 2, 'Ferring': 2}
Plantilla:17s Arook 21 January 2014 Roshar World Roshar 6.21 Topic, {'Roshar': 2, 'Shash': 1, 'Navani': 1, 'Stormfather': 1, 'Everstorm': 2, 'Way of Kings': 1}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Moogle 21 January 2014 Roshar Character Odium 16.83 Location, {'Moon': 5, 'Odium': 12}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Connor the Shardholder 21 January 2014 Sel World Worldhopping 1.24 Category, Topic, Location, {'Darkness': 0, 'Dawncities': 0, 'Hemalurgy': 0, 'Memory': 0, 'Allomancy': 0, 'Lightweaving': 0, 'Elhokar': 0, 'Royal Locks': 0, 'Colour': 0, 'Spiritweb': 0, 'Worldhopping': 0, 'Shalash': 0, 'Jezrien': 0, 'Taln': 0, 'Feruchemy': 0, 'Taravangian': 0, 'Ars Arcanum': 0, 'Aluminium': 0, 'Forgery': 0, 'Numerology': 0, 'Shard': 0}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s kobain 21 January 2014 Roshar World Words of Radiance 2.19 {'Words of Radiance': 10}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s kobain 21 January 2014 Scadrial Character Vin 2.25 {'Vin': 1}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Bloodfalcon 21 January 2014 Roshar World Spren 11.62 Category, {'Syl': 6, 'Spren': 16}
Plantilla:17s Jaconis 21 January 2014 Roshar World Stormlight 7.79 Location, {'Speculation': 10, 'Stormlight': 13, 'Sel': 10}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Dawnshard 21 January 2014 Cosmere Realmatic Shard 1.88 {'Shard': 12}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Swimmingly 19 January 2014 Roshar World Herald 1.24 {'Herald': 10}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Arook 18 January 2014 Roshar Character Gavilar 2.37 {'Gavilar': 11}
Plantilla:17s Crysanja 17 January 2014 Roshar World Spren 5.86 {'Spren': 17}
Plantilla:17s Awesomeness Summoned 17 January 2014 Roshar Character Darkness 6.99 {'Darkness': 17, 'Larkin': 7}
Plantilla:17s Bloodfalcon 17 January 2014 Roshar Character Taravangian 5.72 {'Spren': 4, 'Shallan': 3, 'Taravangian': 7, 'Mr. T': 5}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Colateralwar 16 January 2014 Roshar Character Taravangian 3.12 Topic, {'Amaram': 1, 'Taravangian': 1, 'Numerology': 1}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Swimmingly 16 January 2014 Roshar World Spren 4.12 {'Spren': 11}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s WhiskeyJackDaniels 16 January 2014 Roshar World Herald 4.14 {'Herald': 14}
Plantilla:17s flowers 15 January 2014 Roshar World Shard 4.50 Topic, Location, {'Speculation': 10, 'Shard': 12, 'Kaladin': 12}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s The Count 15 January 2014 Roshar Realmatic Radiant 2.16 {'Radiant': 17}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s the_archduke 14 January 2014 Roshar Character Odium 2.20 {'Odium': 2, 'Glyph': 1}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Bloodfalcon 14 January 2014 Roshar World Herald 9.58 {'Realm': 1, 'Mistborn': 1, 'Herald': 2, 'Everstorm': 1, 'Future': 1, 'Oathpact': 1, 'Dalinar': 1, 'Technology': 1}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s The Rooster 14 January 2014 Sel World Worldhopping 3.55 Category, Topic, Location, {'Darkness': 0, 'Dawncities': 0, 'Hemalurgy': 0, 'Memory': 0, 'Allomancy': 0, 'Lightweaving': 0, 'Elhokar': 0, 'Royal Locks': 0, 'Colour': 0, 'Spiritweb': 0, 'Worldhopping': 0, 'Shalash': 0, 'Jezrien': 0, 'Taln': 0, 'Feruchemy': 0, 'Taravangian': 0, 'Ars Arcanum': 0, 'Aluminium': 0, 'Forgery': 0, 'Numerology': 0, 'Shard': 0}
Plantilla:17s Bloodfalcon 13 January 2014 Roshar World Herald 9.45 {'Herald': 10}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Colateralwar 10 January 2014 Cosmere Character Champion 3.70 {'Champion': 13, 'Odium': 12}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Colateralwar 10 January 2014 Roshar World Words of Radiance 2.85 {'Words of Radiance': 11}
Plantilla:17s ccstat 10 January 2014 Sel World Worldhopping 5.01 Category, Topic, Location, {'Darkness': 0, 'Dawncities': 0, 'Hemalurgy': 0, 'Memory': 0, 'Allomancy': 0, 'Lightweaving': 0, 'Elhokar': 0, 'Royal Locks': 0, 'Colour': 0, 'Spiritweb': 0, 'Worldhopping': 0, 'Shalash': 0, 'Jezrien': 0, 'Taln': 0, 'Feruchemy': 0, 'Taravangian': 0, 'Ars Arcanum': 0, 'Aluminium': 0, 'Forgery': 0, 'Numerology': 0, 'Shard': 0}
Plantilla:17s Moogle 10 January 2014 Roshar Realmatic Stormlight 4.64 {'Stormlight': 13}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Andy50 08 January 2014 Roshar World Words of Radiance 2.05 {'Words of Radiance': 10}
Plantilla:17s Cromptj 08 January 2014 Roshar Character Navani 5.28 {'Navani': 11}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Natans 08 January 2014 Sel World Worldhopping 1.67 Category, Topic, Location, {'Darkness': 0, 'Dawncities': 0, 'Hemalurgy': 0, 'Memory': 0, 'Allomancy': 0, 'Lightweaving': 0, 'Elhokar': 0, 'Royal Locks': 0, 'Colour': 0, 'Spiritweb': 0, 'Worldhopping': 0, 'Shalash': 0, 'Jezrien': 0, 'Taln': 0, 'Feruchemy': 0, 'Taravangian': 0, 'Ars Arcanum': 0, 'Aluminium': 0, 'Forgery': 0, 'Numerology': 0, 'Shard': 0}
Plantilla:17s ArrrGent 08 January 2014 Roshar World Bridge Four 5.90 {'Bridge Four': 1}
Plantilla:17s Looter 08 January 2014 Roshar World Stormlight 6.53 Category, Topic, {'Origin': 1, 'Stormlight': 1}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Pinpoint 03 January 2014 Roshar Realmatic Words of Radiance 3.71 Topic, {'Words of Radiance': 1, 'Letter': 1, 'Shallan': 1, 'Stormlight': 1}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s ReaderAt2046 01 January 2014 Roshar Realmatic Stormlight 2.71 {'Edgedancer': 1, 'Stormlight': 2}
Plantilla:17s The Rooster 31 December 2013 Roshar World Words of Radiance 6.24 {'Words of Radiance': 16}
Plantilla:17s The Rooster 30 December 2013 Roshar Realmatic Voidbind 6.76 Category, Topic, {'Voidbind': 1, 'Shallan': 1, 'Almighty': 1, 'Stormlight': 1, 'Kaladin': 1}
Plantilla:17s Cayden 28 December 2013 Roshar World Speculation 9.41 {'Speculation': 11, 'Dalinar': 8}
Plantilla:17s Chlehrma 25 December 2013 Roshar World Purelake 5.58 {'Fabrial': 1, 'Desolation': 1, 'Rysn': 1, 'Purelake': 2}
Plantilla:17s Bigtones 25 December 2013 Sel World Worldhopping 5.00 Category, Topic, Location, {'Darkness': 0, 'Dawncities': 0, 'Hemalurgy': 0, 'Memory': 0, 'Allomancy': 0, 'Lightweaving': 0, 'Elhokar': 0, 'Royal Locks': 0, 'Colour': 0, 'Spiritweb': 0, 'Worldhopping': 0, 'Shalash': 0, 'Jezrien': 0, 'Taln': 0, 'Feruchemy': 0, 'Taravangian': 0, 'Ars Arcanum': 0, 'Aluminium': 0, 'Forgery': 0, 'Numerology': 0, 'Shard': 0}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Chlehrma 22 December 2013 Roshar Realmatic Stormlight 1.04 {'Stormlight': 1}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s el_warko 19 December 2013 Roshar Character Moash 3.38 {'Moash': 8}
Plantilla:17s EmagSamurai 18 December 2013 Roshar World Herald 7.52 {'Herald': 4}
Plantilla:17s Haelbarde 17 December 2013 Roshar Character Eshonai 8.61 {'Eshonai': 18}
Plantilla:17s lookingglass 17 December 2013 Roshar Character Dalinar 5.49 {'Dalinar': 12}
Plantilla:17s Chlehrma 16 December 2013 Roshar Character Elhokar 6.18 {'Honor': 10, 'Elhokar': 13}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Chlehrma 16 December 2013 Roshar Realmatic Regrowth 2.40 {'Regrowth': 17, 'Shard': 12}
Plantilla:17s Haelbarde 13 December 2013 Roshar Character Ym 8.72 Category, {'Adonalsium': 9, 'Ym': 17, 'Words of Radiance': 6}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Shardbearer 13 December 2013 Roshar Character Vin 15.89 Topic, {'Breath': 1, 'Shallan': 1, 'Dalinar': 1, 'Vin': 1, 'Ending': 1, 'Kaladin': 1}
Plantilla:17s Rybal 12 December 2013 Sel World Worldhopping 4.76 Category, Topic, Location, {'Darkness': 0, 'Dawncities': 0, 'Hemalurgy': 0, 'Memory': 0, 'Allomancy': 0, 'Lightweaving': 0, 'Elhokar': 0, 'Royal Locks': 0, 'Colour': 0, 'Spiritweb': 0, 'Worldhopping': 0, 'Shalash': 0, 'Jezrien': 0, 'Taln': 0, 'Feruchemy': 0, 'Taravangian': 0, 'Ars Arcanum': 0, 'Aluminium': 0, 'Forgery': 0, 'Numerology': 0, 'Shard': 0}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s blackbird 11 December 2013 Roshar Character Lift 2.97 {'Lift': 12}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s LegalBondsmith 11 December 2013 Roshar World Ideal 4.49 {'Ideal': 11, 'Edgedancer': 10}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Moogle 10 December 2013 Roshar Character Taravangian 19.54 {'Taravangian': 18}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Walker 10 December 2013 Roshar Character Lift 1.94 {'Lift': 12}
Plantilla:17s Rade 08 December 2013 Roshar World Shattered Plain 6.99 {'Shattered Plain': 13, 'Urithiru': 11}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Bramble Thorn 06 December 2013 Cosmere Realmatic Investiture 13.62 {'Investiture': 20, 'Stormlight': 17, 'Preservation': 8}
Plantilla:17s ADIMORTIS 06 December 2013 Sel World Worldhopping 5.98 Category, Topic, Location, {'Darkness': 0, 'Dawncities': 0, 'Hemalurgy': 0, 'Memory': 0, 'Allomancy': 0, 'Lightweaving': 0, 'Elhokar': 0, 'Royal Locks': 0, 'Colour': 0, 'Spiritweb': 0, 'Worldhopping': 0, 'Shalash': 0, 'Jezrien': 0, 'Taln': 0, 'Feruchemy': 0, 'Taravangian': 0, 'Ars Arcanum': 0, 'Aluminium': 0, 'Forgery': 0, 'Numerology': 0, 'Shard': 0}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s gruntle 05 December 2013 Roshar World Words of Radiance 2.22 {'Words of Radiance': 11}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Outis 03 December 2013 Roshar World Herald 2.58 Topic, {'Herald': 11, 'Axies': 11}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Outis 02 December 2013 Roshar Realmatic Surge 0.60 {'Surge': 20}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Pinpoint 01 December 2013 Roshar World Larkin 14.95 {'Larkin': 19}
Plantilla:17s Outis 01 December 2013 Roshar World Roshar 4.56 {'Roshar': 11}
Plantilla:17s Swimmingly 01 December 2013 Roshar World Voidbringer 5.93 {'Forms': 12, 'Spren': 5, 'Voidbringer': 15}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Natans 21 November 2013 Roshar World Words of Radiance 29.91 Location, {'Ym': 1, 'Lift': 1, 'Words of Radiance': 3, 'Way of Kings': 1, 'Sel': 1}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Shardlet 07 November 2013 Scadrial Realmatic Steel 2.37 {'Steel': 10}
Plantilla:17s Alaxel 05 November 2013 Roshar Character Taln 8.70 {'Herald': 7, 'Speculation': 10, 'Taln': 16}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Maximus 05 November 2013 Roshar World Roshar 2.72 {'Roshar': 11}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Kurkistan 02 November 2013 Roshar Character Shallan 11.06 {'Shallan': 7}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s The Rooster 31 October 2013 Roshar World Origin 11.08 {'Roshar': 5, 'Eshonai': 6, 'Parshendi': 3, 'Origin': 7}
Plantilla:17s bookspren 30 October 2013 Roshar Character Szeth 4.63 Topic, {'Darkness': 11, 'Szeth': 11}
Plantilla:17s Blindillusions 30 October 2013 Roshar World Voidbringer 6.96 {'Parshendi': 8, 'Words of Radiance': 6, 'Voidbringer': 9}
Plantilla:17s Connor the Shardholder 28 October 2013 Roshar Realmatic Regrowth 5.04 {'Regrowth': 14}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s marianmi 27 October 2013 Roshar Realmatic Stormlight 3.50 {'Stormlight': 13}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Meg 25 October 2013 Roshar Character Jezrien 14.29 {'Herald': 7, 'Jezrien': 13}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Sasukerinnegan 23 October 2013 Roshar World Herald 4.12 {'Herald': 18}
Plantilla:17s Darkarma 23 October 2013 Roshar Character Lift 4.62 {'Allomancy': 11, 'Lift': 14}
Plantilla:17s Bloodfalcon 23 October 2013 Roshar World Words of Radiance 8.83 Topic, Location, {'Words of Radiance': 7, 'Shard': 7}
Plantilla:17s Sasukerinnegan 22 October 2013 Roshar World Way of Kings 7.90 {'Way of Kings': 12}
Plantilla:17s Stormfather 22 October 2013 Roshar Character Szeth 5.79 Location, {'Jah Keved': 1, 'Vin': 1, 'Sel': 1, 'Szeth': 2}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s ArrrGent 22 October 2013 Roshar World Spren 10.24 {'Spren': 18}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Mailliw73 22 October 2013 Roshar Character Lift 4.28 {'Lift': 18}
Plantilla:17s Mailliw73 22 October 2013 Roshar Character Lift 4.60 {'Spren': 3, 'Lift': 6}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s ADIMORTIS 17 October 2013 Roshar Realmatic Stormlight 3.18 {'Stormlight': 11}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s The Count 16 October 2013 Roshar Realmatic Surge 3.31 {'Surge': 8}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s cem 15 October 2013 Roshar Realmatic Radiant 13.81 {'Radiant': 7, 'Nahel': 3}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s The Count 06 October 2013 Roshar World Herald 11.14 {'Herald': 21}
Plantilla:17s firstRainbowRose 04 October 2013 Scadrial Realmatic Steel 5.60 {'Steel': 11}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Looter 01 October 2013 Roshar World Purelake 10.40 {'Purelake': 11}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s FireArcadia 22 September 2013 Roshar World Words of Radiance 3.88 {'Words of Radiance': 10}
Plantilla:17s Gloom 19 September 2013 Roshar World Chasmfiend 8.40 {'Shattered Plain': 6, 'Chasmfiend': 10}
Plantilla:17s Miyabi 09 September 2013 Roshar World Urithiru 6.94 {'Urithiru': 13}
Plantilla:17s jefftucker0525 06 September 2013 Roshar Realmatic Shard 5.74 Topic, Location, {'Dawnshard': 13, 'Shard': 13}
Plantilla:17s Natans 08 August 2013 Roshar World Shard 8.69 Category, Topic, {'Thunderclast': 1, 'Parshendi': 3, 'Fabrial': 1, 'Dalinar': 1, 'Desolation': 1, 'Surge': 2, 'Voidbringer': 1, 'Shard': 3, 'Kaladin': 2}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Refero 30 July 2013 Roshar World Words of Radiance 2.90 {'Words of Radiance': 17, 'Stormlight': 6}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s otomo 29 July 2013 Roshar World Words of Radiance 1.84 {'Words of Radiance': 10}
Plantilla:17s eojsmada 24 July 2013 Sel World Elantris 6.51 {'Elantris': 2}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s FireArcadia 16 July 2013 Roshar Character Amaram 15.66 {'Amaram': 13, 'Dalinar': 11}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Cartith 10 July 2013 Roshar World Parshendi 3.04 Category, {'Forms': 11, 'Parshendi': 12}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s kraefzke 21 June 2013 Roshar Character Shallan 9.95 {'Shallan': 11}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Youngy 17 June 2013 Roshar World Words of Radiance 1.40 {'Words of Radiance': 11}
Plantilla:17s Kurkistan 14 June 2013 Roshar World Words of Radiance 5.75 Topic, {'Words of Radiance': 1, 'Stormlight': 1, 'Ending': 1}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Shardbearer 19 May 2013 Roshar Realmatic Soulcast 2.20 {'Soulcast': 12, 'Parshendi': 11}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Paydirt 16 May 2013 Roshar Character Spren 3.71 Topic, {'Soulcast': 1, 'Elhokar': 1, 'Jasnah': 1, 'Spren': 1, 'Shallan': 1}
Plantilla:17s PhilV 25 April 2013 Roshar Realmatic Windrunner 6.28 Topic, {'Roshar': 1, 'Surge': 1, 'Shadesmar': 1, 'Windrunner': 1, 'Numerology': 1}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Arran 07 March 2013 Roshar World Words of Radiance 14.08 Location, {'Parshendi': 4, 'Words of Radiance': 11, 'Radiant': 4, 'Kaladin': 5, 'Sel': 5}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Yemeth 04 March 2013 Roshar World Words of Radiance 2.66 Topic, {'Words of Radiance': 1, 'Computer': 1}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s ADIMORTIS 28 February 2013 Roshar Realmatic Stormlight 2.72 {'Stormlight': 11}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Galavantes 21 February 2013 Roshar Realmatic Stormlight 2.34 {'Stormlight': 11}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Green Fire 16 February 2013 Roshar Character Rysn 11.12 {'Rysn': 11, 'Stormlight': 10}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s Voidus 29 January 2013 Roshar Realmatic Stormlight 2.46 {'Stormlight': 11}
Plantilla:TheoryTag Plantilla:17s LessThanGeorge 28 January 2013 Roshar Character Stormlight 11.13 Topic, {'Rysn': 3, 'Intent': 1, 'Speculation': 1, 'Stormlight': 3, 'Vin': 1, 'Axies': 2}
Plantilla:17s 11thorderknight 03 December 2012 Roshar World Parshendi 6.06 {'Parshendi': 5, 'Gavilar': 2, 'Szeth': 2}
Plantilla:17s KamKam 27 October 2012 Roshar Realmatic Way of Kings 5.76 Category, Topic, {'Honor': 1, 'Spren': 1, 'Kelsier': 1, 'Steel': 1, 'Way of Kings': 1, 'Amaram': 1, 'Mistborn': 1, 'Dalinar': 1, 'Stormlight': 1, 'Inquisitor': 1, 'Kaladin': 1}