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(creation of user page)
(Added the Ten Voids theory)
Hi! I'm skaa. I intend to use my Coppermind user page as a repository of my theories that are far too unsubstantiated to post on the forums. This page's history tab should allow me to prove that I came up with a theory before a certain date.
==The Ten Voids==
This is based on my theory about the [http://www.17thshard.com/forum/topic/6113-theory-the-attributes-and-the-surges/|Attributes and the Surges]. I posit that the imbalance of the Attribute pairs cause the creation of a Void. Because of how nature abhors a vacuum (or in this case, how Roshar abhors Voids), there will be a natural pressure to remove the imbalance and return to equilibrium, and this fact can be seen in the effects of Voidbinding.
===Boundary without Openness -> ''Isolation''===
When you create a closed boundary around something, you isolate it. Isolation Voidbringers can form a large, isolated region in the atmosphere. Given enough time and enough Voidbinding, the difference between the isolated region and its surroundings in terms of atmospheric pressure and electric potential can create an "illuminating storm" of rain and lightning, a thunderstorm or highstorm.
''“Above silence, the illuminating storms—dying storms— illuminate the silence above.”''
===Law without Truth -> ''Coercion''===
When you coerce someone to behave in a certain way, he won't see your authority as truthful, and he'll gravitate to his former behavior as soon as the opportunity arises. Coercion Voidbringers are similar to Soulcasters in that they can transform objects, except the transformation is never permanent because the target will gravitate back to what it believes is its true form. This allows a Coercion Voidbringer to, for example, transform himself into smoke to avoid an attack, and then revert back to his original form moments later, completely unharmed.
''“They changed, even as we fought them. Like shadows they were, that can transform as the flame dances. Never underestimate them because of what you first see.”''
===Motion without Direction -> ''?''===
===Affinity without Trust -> ''?''===
===Improvement without Contentment -> ''Abscission''===
When you are not content with something, the only improvement possible is by cutting it away. Some plants benefit from this process called abscission when it happens naturally or pruning when it is done artificially, and it can even lead to improvements in growth. By removing a specific part of the target's Spiritweb, an Abscission Voidbringer allows Investiture to seep into and grow from the void that was left, with various effects depending on what part was removed.
''"She gives curses in exchange for granting small desires. Always one curse and one desire."''
===Openness without Boundary -> ''Consumption''===
When something is eaten, its boundaries (both physical and cognitive) are destroyed. Its whole self is laid bare to and is absorbed by the one eating it. A Consumer Voidbringer can absorb others into himself, digesting them and obtaining their Cognitive Identities, allowing him to know his victims completely. Perhaps he can even disguise himself as one of his victims.
''“Yelignar, called Blightwind, was one that could speak like a man, though often his voice was accompanied by the wails of those he consumed.”''
===Truth without Law -> ''Chaos?''===
===Direction without Motion -> ''Cessation?''===
===Trust without Affinity -> ''?''===
===Contentment without Improvement -> ''Stagnation?''===