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Because of how nature abhors a vacuum (or in this case, how Roshar abhors Voids), there will be a natural pressure to remove the imbalance and return to a state of equilibrium. Each act of Voidbinding ends with a return of equilibrium, often in a violent fashion, in a way that somehow emulates the Surge that was imbalanced by the Void. Therefore, Voidbinding can be seen as a corruption of the Surges.
===Boundary without OpennessDesire: ''Isolation''===
[[File: Pressure_Void-glyph.svg|thumb|right|100px|Isolation]]
When you create a closed boundary around somethingyourself, desiring nothing from the outside, you isolate ityourself from the world.
Isolation Voidbringers can form a large, isolated region in the atmosphere. Given enough time and enough amount of Voidbinding, the difference between the isolated region and its surroundings in terms of atmospheric pressure and electric potential can create an "illuminating storm" of rain and lightning, a thunderstorm or highstorm.
They can also probably use Isolation to create electricity without having to form a thundercloud.
{{quote|1=''Above silence, the illuminating storms—dying storms— illuminate the silence above.''|2=the death rattle of an illiterate, dying Herdazian}}
{{quote|1=''They changed, even as we fought them. Like shadows they were, that can transform as the flame dances. Never underestimate them because of what you first see.''|2=Talatin, Order of Stonewards|3=The Poem of the Seventh Morning}}
===MotionChoice without Direction: ''Randomness? Chance?''===
[[File: Division_Void-glyph.svg|thumb|center|100px]]
I believe the Nightwatcher, whether she is Cultivation or some other creature or spren, is using the Void of Abscission to perform the Old Magic.
===OpennessDesire without Boundary: ''Consumption''===
[[File: Illumination_Void-glyph.svg|thumb|right|100px|Consumption]]
When something is eaten, its boundaries (both physical and cognitive) are destroyed. Its whole self is laid bare to and absorbed by the one eating it.
[[File: Transformation_Void-glyph.svg|thumb|center|100px]]
===Direction without MotionChoice: ''FateDivination''===
[[File: Transportation_Void-glyph.svg|thumb|right|100px|Fate]]
Your fate is the direction you are destined to go in the future. If you telldivine someone his eventualthe fate even before events leading upthat towill itoccur canno bematter setwhat intoyou motiondo, you are basically making a prophecy.
Divination Voidbringers have the ability to see the future.
Fate Voidbringers have a certain control of the future that allows them to, for example, dictate how their opponents will die. The universe will then set events into motion to fulfill that prophecy. This is like an evil version of Chromium Feruchemy.
{{quote|1=''The priests began to claim visions and prophecies, though such things had been denounced by the Heralds themselves. Voidbinding is a dark and evil thing, and the soul of it was to try to divine the future.''|2=Kadash, Ardent}}