
De La Coppermind
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Hey there ;)

I'm Meg, Mistress of Bedlam. I mostly add references or quotes because of my lacking of English. Please feel free to rectify any (linguistic) quirks in my writings.



reminder for 17s refs: i.e.: ref|17s|3099|text=Brandon called the truthspren cryptics ->>>> text= !!

reminder for wok database: i.e. ref|?|697|14|Just because he fell doesn't mean he's dead. (interview no 697 entry 14)

What I have in mind to do
  • Damnation and The Tranquiline Halls
  • Shattered Plains
  • Skar (extend and refs)
  • Elokhar (extend/rework and refs)
  • Nohadon (e/r and refs)
  • Leyten, Moash, Ham (e and refs)
  • Lemex (e and refs if needed)
  • Chasmfiends
  • Honorspren
  • Unclaimed Hills -> silver kingdoms teil von Alethela