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(Created page with "'''Religions on Scadrial''' ::'We have record of five hundred and '''sixty-three''',' Sazed said. 'Though that includes sects of the same religions. In a more strict count, t...")
In the category Religion are some mentioned:
:[[Church of the Survivor]]
::([[Pathism]] (AoL))
:[[Terris Prophecies]]
There are more than those religions mentioned in MB 1 - 3. This page is for gathering them.
;Chapter 10
:[[Trelagism]] -> Vin
:was the fifth religion, Sazed told Vin
:: “Five hundred and '''sixty two''',” Sazed said. “Or, at least, that is the number of belief systems I know. There are, likely and unfortunately, others that have passed from this world without leaving traces for my people to collect.”
;Chapter 10
:[[Jaism]] -> Kelsier
;Chapter 11
:[[Cazzi]] -> Vin
;Chapter 29
:[[Astalsi]] -> Vin
;Chapter 29
:[[Bennet]] -> Kelsier
::In HoA they are called [[Bennett]]
;Chapter 29
:[[Valla]](n) -> Kelsier
;Chapter 4
;Chapter 48
:[[Larstaism]] (from the people of Larsta)
;Chapter 50
:[[Dadradah]] -> Clubs
;Chapter 4
;Chapter 10
::(Mare believed)
;Chapter 46
;Chapter 82
::a religion that worshipped animals
