Diferencia entre revisiones de «Usuario:Lyht/worldhoppers»

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* Mraize is from Roshar. (See the note below about being Thaylenah) Probably one of the ones referred to in [http://theoryland.com/intvmain.php?i=1068#11 This quote], but if so we should be able to find him in other books.
* Ranking mnember of the GhostBloods.
* Possibly a member of stormlight because his babsk is a member.
* Items in the room
** Giant uncut Gemhearts, not infused with stormlight
* Note from WW: -According to Peter, Mraize is from Thaylenah, does Shallan just never mention his eyebrows or is he not ethnically Thaylen?
* Dont know what he looks like but he is Thaylen. (WoP: And I wasn't being sarcastic or joking when I said I thought it was obvious from the text that Mraize was a Thaylen from Thaylenah. [http://www.17thshard.com/forum/topic/20500-orem-library-signing-on-december-6/?p=204236 Peter talks about Signing])
* Has an Avian that grants unknown ability. [https://wob.coppermind.net/events/171-oathbringer-release-party/#e8176]. This has big consequences. How did he get one? I was not aware that there was a way to get to first of sun other than spaceflight, and that has not happened yet.
* Abilities:
** No known abilities