Diferencia entre revisiones de «Usuario:Lyht/stormlight»

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== A short history of [[Roshar#History|Roshar]] ==
* In the beginning:
** Roshar, [[Braize]] and [[Ashyn]] created by Adonalsium. Humans created and put on Ashyn (do I know that for sure? Stormfather calls people sons of Honor like he created humans?). Parhsendi created and put on Roshar. Siah Aimians, and Dysain Aimians?
** Adonalsium shattering. Cultivation and Honor settled in the Roshar system.
* Humans ruined Ashyn (possibly by motivation from Odium?) possibly with Dawnshards, and had to move. They went to Roshar. Given Shinovar by the Parshendi.
* Odium follows?
* The Expulsion:
* Possibly in a conflict cultivated by Odium, Humans invade greater Roshar.
** Humans ruined Ashyn (possibly by motivation from Odium?) possibly with Dawnshards, and had to move. TheyMany went to Roshar. Given ShinovarWelcomed by theParshendi Parshendias refugees, given Shinovar.
* Parshendi given Voidform by Odium, Fuzed created by Odium. Also unmade?
** Odium follows?
* Haralds created by Honor, Oathpact created
** Fuzed and Heralds sent to Braize when they die
* The Desolations:
** Heralds tortured, and when one breaks they are all sent back?
** Possibly in a conflict cultivated by Odium, Humans want more and invade greater Roshar.
*** In some writeups it sounds like all it takes is for one of the Heralds to agree to let the fuzed back. So they try and hide on Braize as long as they can. But eventually, they are captured by the Fuzed. They tortured until one of them relents.
** Parshendi given Voidform by Odium, FuzedFused created by Odium. Also unmade?
* After a few desolations, the spren of Roshar create Knights Radiant
** Haralds created by Honor, Oathpact created
* After many desolations, the Heralds all agree to not return to Braize. Taln is the only one that died and was sent back.
*** Fused and Heralds sent to Braize when they die, locked there by the oath that Heralds won't let the Fused leave. At the end of a Desolation, the Heralds go back to Braize willingly to keep the Fused there.
* Heralds disband
*** Heralds hide from and/or fight the Fused. Eventual caught and tortured. If even one breaks and agrees to let a single Fused leave, the floodgates are open for all. The Heralds also can go back to Roshar.
* Parshendi don't have Fuzed or voidlight.
** After a few desolations, the spren of Roshar create Knights Radiant
* Knights Radiant still fight the Parshendi
* Somewhere in here Honor is killed (takes centuries)
* The Aharietiam (The Last Desolation)
* 2k years
** After many desolations, the Heralds are broken and all agree to not return to Braize. Taln is the only one that died and was sent back automatically.
* The unmade [[Ba-Ado-Mishram]] brings voidlight and voidform back to Parshendi, through Connection.
** Heralds disband
* The Knights trap Ba-Ado-Mishram in a perfect gemstone, which also lobotomized the Parshendi. They are now parshmen, similar but less than even Dullform.
* The Knights lose the Sibling?
* The False Desolation
* The knights lose access to Urithiru, or abandon it.
** Parshendi don't have FuzedFused or voidlight.
* They also learn they were the invaders, and voidbringers, bringing Odium to Roshar
** Knights Radiant still fight the Parshendi
* They are afraid they will destroy Roshar like they did Ashyn.
** The unmade [[Ba-Ado-Mishram]] brings voidlight and voidform back to Parshendi, through Connection.
* Because of all this, they decide to give up their spren-bonds, even though it will kill the spren (sorta). (I have to assume the spren agree?) Day of Recreance. (I have thought that maybe the sibling was the current bonded, and so does here)
** 2k years
** Somewhere in here Honor is killed (takes centuries to die)
** The Knights trap Ba-Ado-Mishram in a perfect gemstone, which also lobotomized the Parshendi. They are now parshmen, similar but less than even Dullform.
* The Recreance
** The fighting with the Parshendi is over, the Knights have no purpose
** Disagreements start among Orders.
** The Knights lose the Sibling, perhaps the current Bondsmith breaks their oaths. No other Bondsmith spren is bonded, so the Knights have no Bondsmith.
** The Knights abandon Urithiru
** They also learn they were the invaders, and voidbringers, bringing Odium to Roshar
*** They are afraid they will destroy Roshar like they did Ashyn.
*** Honor, who is dying and not all there, tells them they will, rather than helping them be better like he has in times past.
*** Plus, they realize they lobotomized an entire species.
** Because of all this, they decide to give up their spren-bonds, even though it will kill the spren (sorta). (I have to assume the spren agree?) Day of Recreance. (I have thought that maybe the sibling was the current bonded, and so does here)
* 2.5k years
** Misc events, but peace in comparison to the Desolations.
* Events of books.
** The
* The True Desolation, the Everstorm
== magic ==